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Burger King New Zealand introduces new Breakfast Stack sandwich for limited time

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What world am I in where people are disgusted at the thought of ketchup in a sausage or bacon sandwich. It's almost a requirement.


Deep into his 30th decade
My impression is people in the UK eat bacon sandwiches with ketchup or brown sauce, while this is definitely not normal for Americans.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
How come NZ has Burger King and we got stuck with Hungry Jacks instead?

I bothered to look this up once. Now I've forgotten.

something about a copyright that was registered in australia only I think.


Who the hell wouldn't put tomato or brown sauce on a breakfast bap? Bacon, sausage and egg with ketchup, so fucking nice. Folks need to try an English fry up with ketchup to really understand.


Who the hell wouldn't put tomato or brown sauce on a breakfast bap? Bacon, sausage and egg with ketchup, so fucking nice. Folks need to try an English fry up with ketchup to really understand.

America is a country that doesn't even butter their bread. They'll never learn.


That thing looks so good I'm disappointed it's likely never gonna be here in Canada.

I'd go out right now to get it if I could and that's like a 30 minute walk. lol

America is a country that doesn't even butter their bread. They'll never learn.

Wait, what? You serious?


Nasty ass shit.

Last time I had an english muffin sandwich from BK they didn't even toast the muffin... It was just plain from the wrapper. I couldn't get through two bites of it because it tasted so bad.

America is a country that doesn't even butter their bread. They'll never learn.

Pretty sure a lot of the bread here is loaded down with butter.


Deep into his 30th decade
Who the hell wouldn't put tomato or brown sauce on a breakfast bap? Bacon, sausage and egg with ketchup, so fucking nice. Folks need to try an English fry up with ketchup to really understand.

You think americans have never tried those things with ketchup? Everyone has. When they were 5. And then moved on.


You think americans have never tried those things with ketchup? Everyone has. When they were 5. And then moved on.

What has age got to do with anything? You could just say you don't like it instead of trying to make a shitty dig at people.


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I wouldn't have believed it either but there was a pretty heated and very comprehensive thread on here about Americans not buttering their bread.

I'd like to see said thread, because as an American, buttered bread is basically a requirement for me and everyone I know.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
You poor souls have never heard of based SPK?

Salt Pepper Ketchup. The Holy Trinity of breakfast sandwich dressing.

A quality, proper bacon egg and cheese sandwich doesn't need that nonsense to shine. If anything they detract from it by overpowering the natural flavor balance of the three main ingredients.

Also what part of the world is it common to refer to ketchup as "tomato sauce"? Where I'm from, "tomato sauce" refers to pasta sauces, generally marinara.


Deep into his 30th decade
What has age got to do with anything? You could just say you don't like it instead of trying to make a shitty dig at people.


No digs, just facts. Kids put ketchup on their breakfast meats in America, adults do not. If you want to take that as a dig, that's on you.


No digs, just facts. Kids put ketchup on their breakfast meats in America, adults do not. If you want to take that as a dig, that's on you.

As soon as my son turned 6 he stopped putting Ketchup on his breakfast meats. *kanyeshrug*


No digs, just facts. Kids put ketchup on their breakfast meats in America, adults do not. If you want to take that as a dig, that's on you.

Nice slide out of that one! Well, anyone can put whatever they want on their meals over here and I don't judge them for it :)

Sounds like you guys are missing out if anything though, what is life without a full English.


more, more, put more pls!


Ketchup and sausage...nope. Not a good combo at all. Make it a hot sauce and I'm down with it, otherwise nope.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Ketchup is bitter not sweat ?

Not sure what kind of ketchup you get, but the standard stuff


is definitely loaded with sugar/corn syrup.

Whats with the ketchup hate?

I feel like there's this longstanding feud that I've been largely unaware of.

Lots of folks are pretty snobby about it (the whole "eww only kids like ketchup" shit) for whatever reason. I like ketchup on plenty of things, but not breakfast meats.

Davey Cakes

I actually like ketchup on bacon and eggs. Don't eat it very often though. I usually opt for other toppings or condiments.


Ketchup with breakfast is very common here in the UK, but only among people who, I presume, have never tried the god of condiments: HP Sauce.




Ketchup? Fuck that.

Ketchup, bacon and sausage sounds nasty as fuck.

Ketchup on a breakfast item? Sounds utterly disgusting.

Agree ketchup is weird. If this were between two bagel halves would some of you still have it with ketchup?

looks and sounds disgusting.

Take the frickin' ketchup off there and it would probably be good tasting.

Still reeling from how disgusting this all is.

Ketchup on a sandwich with eggs?

I think I'm gonna puke.

Have you actually tried it?

Tomato Sauce with Sausage and Eggs is godly... the mcdonalds breakfast in australia serves it without sauce and its so damn dry. I always ask for sauce and squeeze it on myself.

All this sandwich needs is a hash brown inside and it'd be perfect. (though i could do with less meat and less muffin)
You'd better believe I don't put ketchup on a fucking hotdog.

Mustard only. Maybe some diced onions if I'm feeling up to it.

Hmmmmmm alright, so its not just a breakfast thing....

I just googled hotdogs from around the world and this looks like a good base list - lets count how many have ketchup on them just to see:


I count about 10 that have ketchup

So I think if culturaly you put ketchup on your hotdog, it might not be too far a stretch to also assume you add it to its breakfast counter part


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Hmmmmmm alright, so its not just a breakfast thing....

I just googled hotdogs from around the world and this looks like a good base list - lets count how many have ketchup on them just to see:


I count about 10 that have ketchup

So I think if culturaly you put ketchup on your hotdog, it might not be too far a stretch to also assume you add it to its breakfast counter part

The columbia needs to thrown in the trash, because its clearly fallen on the floor


Hmmmmmm alright, so its not just a breakfast thing....

I just googled hotdogs from around the world and this looks like a good base list - lets count how many have ketchup on them just to see:


I count about 10 that have ketchup

So I think if culturaly you put ketchup on your hotdog, it might not be too far a stretch to also assume you add it to its breakfast counter part

How does all countries have one example of a hot dog then USA has like 15 000?
Nah, I wouldn't say it's an American thing, I grew up non American and we!ve been putting ketchup on breakfast sandwiches since forever.

Lol, I'd say the maple syrup drenching is more Canadian
As a Canadian, I'm sick of the damn maple syrup stereotype. We barely eat it... only on pancakes

I've also never seen a beaver, or a moose, or a mountie
The columbia needs to thrown in the trash, because its clearly fallen on the floor

lol, I was going to say it needs to be in the trash because it has pineapple in it, now if you want to talk about blasphemies, thats a pretty big one in my book

How does all countries have one example of a hot dog then USA has like 15 000?

No, Idea I think Americans enjoy their hot dogs more - the only other country I can think of that comes close to having different variations would be Germany but even then its more along the lines of different hotdog meats as opposed to different styles like in the USA.

There is a fierce pro-ketchup/anti-ketchup war on GAF. Especially when you bring in folks from MLB-GAF or NFL-GAF.

Condiments are serious business.

As a Canadian, I'm sick of the damn maple syrup stereotype. We barely eat it... only on pancakes

I've also never seen a beaver, or a moose, or a mountie

Hahaha, well anecdotal evidence and all but I actually run into maple flavored sausages quite a bit hold on let me see if I can google search a familiar brand

edit: here you go, schneiders is a popular brand in most Canadian supermarkets and I see these quite often



I just googled hotdogs from around the world and this looks like a good base list - lets count how many have ketchup on them just to see:


You didn't end up at the GAF thread that referenced that image? Aww man. ;P
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