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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread


I spawned right between two guys having a shoot out.

Yep, happened to me once last night. On another occasion I (no joke) spawned right in the middle of a prone camper's marksman rifle acog scope. It was comical. On the killcam he was motionless the whole time and I SAW myself spawn. He barely had to move to take me out. I couldn't even make it 1/2 step.

I spawned in front of an enemy attack dog last night. I wish i was joking.

Had that happen a few times too. I love how my guard dogs die immediately, yet other people keep them around half the match through several deaths. I always get picked off from far away, then the stupid dog mindless charges right at the enemy that killed me. So they calmly just keep backing off and backing off and pumping bullets into the dog. Dead.

All that said; I'm still liking this more than BO2, easily. The poor hit detection in BO2 just isn't made up for by the other things I prefer about BO2.
4GB MP fix was found so I can finally play.

Enjoying it so far, but like people say, spawns are kinda cruddy and seeing anybody is hard as hell because of color palette.


I found that it was hard to see people in MP so I turned off all visual bling like shadows, depth of field, and terrain detail. It helps a lot. Doesn't keep the MP from being disappointing though.


any news about a patch? because this game needs it. lol.

MP can be annoying or fun. Depend of how lucky you are with respawn


I got the game just yesterday and I have a few questions:

1. Can you play Safeguard with AI partners? I could have sworn I saw this being the case on IGN's PS4 videos.

2. Can you play Squads if you have only one character unlocked? How does that work exactly?

3. Can you permanently unlock things like perks, etc. like you could with MW3 and BOII?

I thought I knew everything about this game, but then when I actually jump into the MP, I find out things are pretty different than I anticipated.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
And.... I just ran into my first hacker. Guy was wallhacking as blatantly as possible, when I asked him to at least try and hide it he told me it was a hacked Steam account so why bother hiding it. Black Ops 2 was hack free for over a month, Ghosts didn't even last a week.


The ghosts app is irritating. Refreshing says I'm not in the clan one minute then am in the next.

Impressions so far:

- Enjoying the game quite a bit. I like that the weapon emphasis is on ARs. Remington and Honey Badger are my go to weapons.
- Maps are overall good to me. Strikezone and Octane are my favorites so far.
- Fix the respawns though. I hate the guy I just killed spawning behind me and dropping me.

More to come.


Whenever I see people voting for Siege

I feel like I'm playing a "get shot in the back" simulator
Yeah, the spawn system is terrible and people like to hide in corners.

My experience so far has pretty much been:

Spawn, die. Spawn, die. Spawn, run around a bit, get killed from behind. Spawn, see someone run by, start chasing them, get killed from behind. Spawn, run around a corner, get knifed by someone you shot half a dozen times.

I'm not terrible at FPS games and I've always done well in COD, but my K/D is probably around 0.5 right now. I've either just started doing something terribly wrong that I haven't done before, or the game's a little broken. I also think it's punishing me for not disabling graphics settings.
I think so far my fave weapon is the Chain SAW. It is amazing. I never thought I'd love a LMG with no real ADS so much. It fucking mows down people. Its probably my favorite gun in CoD history. Aside from that I'm really digging Veper. Also I have to say the only outright bad gun I've used so far is the off hand 3 round burst machine pistol. Its garbage. The starting pistol destroys it in every way.
Extinction is too damn fun.

Been playing with my friend. So far, we've escaped 3 times.

We also decided to use some relics. I used the "pistols only" relic and he used that one as well as "no class" relic. Surprisingly, we got into a room with 2 other random people and did great. I was the only one who escaped though, lol.

Medic is the best class IMO.

Sentry Guns are the best thing you can use. Upgrading it fully gives you 2 sentry guns. Imagine all 4 players doing this...

So far, we've only done 4 guns...but still, even with those...what a lifesaver!


Junior Member
I fought all temptation to buy this all week. I decided to rent it out of the Redbox tonight and played it with my brother-in-law. The multiplayer really isn't good. The maps are too big and boring. I can't say I enjoyed a single map and we played the majority of them. Extinction made us yawn too. I haven't touched the single player, which I will before I return it tomorrow, but I'm keeping my expectations low.

The game was fairly ugly looking on the PS3 also. I was shocked.


Spawn, die. Spawn, die. Spawn, run around a bit, get killed from behind. Spawn, see someone run by, start chasing them, get killed from behind. Spawn, run around a corner, get knifed by someone you shot half a dozen times.

This sums up my experience pretty well. Don't even get me started on the insta deaths that happen from time to time. It's like I have no time to pull the triggers before I die. Not sure what the deal is there, but it's frustrating. It's like they see me for a second before I see them. Whatever.

I'll have a few matches here and there where I'm just kicking ass, but sometimes it feels like I'm in this endless loop of spawning and then dying shortly thereafter.


Honey Badger is sooooo good.

I love this gun. I'm enjoying the MP, the maps are fucking confusing as hell. The gunplay is pretty great, and I like that I can kill people pretty quickly. I hope they get dedis up quickly, look forward to playing more of this on PS4.

Do my unlocks on PS3 carry over?
Lmfao I've decided to hang up my AR/SMGs for the USR +Thermal + Chrome. Wins every time unless you get the drop on someone or they have terrible aim. I must have gotten 5 double kills with it last night.

It's getting bad though. About 2 dom games I played last night had 2/3rds of the players in the game running snipers. It's fun for now but I think this can start to suck quick.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Siege is in my top 3, I love controlling B.


Any idea when dedies are coming online for this game? I think a lot of my issues will hopefully be resolved at that point. IE, one person having a incredible advantage in the game.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Any idea when dedies are coming online for this game? I think a lot of my issues will hopefully be resolved at that point. IE, one person having a incredible advantage in the game.

I doubt we'll get dedicated servers until the new consoles launch.


Any idea when dedies are coming online for this game? I think a lot of my issues will hopefully be resolved at that point. IE, one person having a incredible advantage in the game.

don't get your hopes up, in the interview with EG, he said they can not afford to cover the world with dedicated aervers so they are running a hybrid system, if you are near to one then you are in luck, but they are live now

Mark Rubin: From a player's perspective we're trying to figure out what the best situation is for you. One thing I talked about was this hybrid system, which is a mix of listen servers and dedicated servers. Let's say I am in this point here, and there's a dedicated server not far, because we've seeded them throughout the world, basically buying them and putting them in, and then Microsoft has its cloud, which is also all around the world. So we put these servers all around the world so people who are near can be near. But if you're not, or if you're in a situation where you live a little farther, sometimes there's a listen server right near you that's actually going to be a better experience than going to the dedicated. So, if that's the case, you'll hook into the listen server.

It's impossible to cover the whole entire world with servers. We would be talking billions of dollars a year. It's funny, we looked at dedicated servers back on COD 4. And at the time we could only run four instances on one computer. Do the math of how many users we have, it would have been billions of dollars of computers, and we'd have to spread them out across the world. It was just financially not possible.


I spawned in front of an enemy attack dog last night. I wish i was joking.

It's more annoying knowing how big these maps are that they can't get spawns right.

Something like this, but flipped happened other day, I called in a Guard Dog, and an enemy turned the corner firing and my Guard Dog spawned literally right behind him and killed him within a second, saving my ass. It was so funny.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but am I the only one with major stuttering and rubber-banding issues online? (I'm on PS3) I can't get a single lobby without these issues. I'll empty half a clip into the guy but the killcam would show I haven't even shot a bullet. Game is absolutely unplayable right now.
don't get your hopes up, in the interview with EG, he said they can not afford to cover the world with dedicated aervers so they are running a hybrid system, if you are near to one then you are in luck, but they are live now

Oh god, I wonder if this is the reason why sometimes I can go from crushing to having a terrible match the next. The polarity in match quality can be staggering sometimes.


Sorry if this has been asked before, but am I the only one with major stuttering and rubber-banding issues online? (I'm on PS3) I can't get a single lobby without these issues. I'll empty half a clip into the guy but the killcam would show I haven't even shot a bullet. Game is absolutely unplayable right now.

Running flawlessly for me, 120/15mb connection and im playing on the digital download from psn.


Sorry if this has been asked before, but am I the only one with major stuttering and rubber-banding issues online? (I'm on PS3) I can't get a single lobby without these issues. I'll empty half a clip into the guy but the killcam would show I haven't even shot a bullet. Game is absolutely unplayable right now.
Essentially the same on PC for me right now. Maybe it's a matter of where you're located in the world with respect to these supposed "dedicated servers," and you're begin given the "listen server treatment" (AKA P2P POS MFCKER).


I don't get how BLOP2 was so good online but this is just two steps back.

I can always fall back on GO and hopefully KZ. Just feel like I got my money taken for free.


don't get your hopes up, in the interview with EG, he said they can not afford to cover the world with dedicated aervers so they are running a hybrid system, if you are near to one then you are in luck, but they are live now

Ok, great info thanks. That makes a whole lot of sense as far as costs go. Wonder if Titanfall and Halo 5 on the Bone are going to use the same method or will they just be pure dedicated.


That's b/c you will be on a Dedicated, be good if you could share your location

North-East of England.

Does getting into servers when the countdown is on 54 seconds confirmation of a dedicated server? Im always in at least 20-30 seconds before anyone else, 100% of the time.


North-East of England.

Does getting into servers when the countdown is on 54 seconds confirmation of a dedicated server? Im always in at least 20-30 seconds before anyone else, 100% of the time.

When that's happened to me I always assumed I was host.


North-East of England.

Does getting into servers when the countdown is on 54 seconds confirmation of a dedicated server? Im always in at least 20-30 seconds before anyone else, 100% of the time.
No clue. Could just mean you're host on P2P, which would explain which it seems to be running so well on your end. Have you gotten a lot of kills when you seem so fast the other guy can't react?


No clue. Could just mean you're host on P2P, which would explain which it seems to be running so well on your end. Have you gotten a lot of kills when you seem so fast the other guy can't react?

Yep, that's happened to me. I pretty much knew I was host at that point.

Felt sorry for everyone else in the game but fuck it, I've been on the receiving end more then a few times...It felt good lol. You are basically god when you're host too, the enemies bullets don't register that quick when they shoot you.


North-East of England.

Does getting into servers when the countdown is on 54 seconds confirmation of a dedicated server? Im always in at least 20-30 seconds before anyone else, 100% of the time.

LMAO of course Stoke!

NO chance you are on dedicated, I am on the East of England, the east side of our country is almost always ignored by everything, let alone dedicated servers, there will be some in London and I expect that is about it


Yep, that's happened to me. I pretty much knew I was host at that point.

Felt sorry for everyone else in the game but fuck it, I've been on the receiving end more then a few times...It felt good lol. You are basically god when you're host too, the enemies bullets don't register that quick when they shoot you.

Yes, it does feel good, lol.


No clue. Could just mean you're host on P2P, which would explain which it seems to be running so well on your end. Have you gotten a lot of kills when you seem so fast the other guy can't react?

I did have my suspicions but my performance is so up and down that im not sure, one game i'll go 20 and 1, the next i'll go 12 and 13.

On blops2 if I was host I felt untouchable, not so much on this.


Something like this, but flipped happened other day, I called in a Guard Dog, and an enemy turned the corner firing and my Guard Dog spawned literally right behind him and killed him within a second, saving my ass. It was so funny.

I watched a guy spawn on Tremor once (playing Cranked). I happened to be walking toward an open doorway (or maybe it was a windowless window frame). I shot him; he died. His teammate spawned right where he died. I shot him; he died. Waited a few seconds for someone else to spawn in, then ran past the spawn point. A second later, I get shot in the back by someone who just spawned in.


I just really started to notice some of the shit netcode problems that others talked about earlier in the thread. How the game only registers the last few hits on you when you are getting shot at (killcam is good at demonstrating this). It is the most annoying thing in the world. Those first three hits being detected would help inform me to run away or find cover. Instead I'm just dying instantly. I want my refund Activision.
Just booted the game up since last night, XBL update. Anybody know whats included?

Also, does anyone here know the community manager twitter for infinity ward? I used to follow them to keep track of balancing and updates.

EDIT: Found it. Search n Destroy is being added to the playlist on the 15th guys.



The patch improved my performances. Not a big deal, because I'm still not able to max the graphics and during Intermission menus are the usual stuttering hell, but at least I had no more crashes, the game is playable and I can even use nVidia Shadowplay:


How the fuck do you level an entire map?

Some guy just nuked the place and it all turned to shit, how does that happen?


Complete a field op and you get a random care package. It might have the KEM strike inside. (I think)

Yeah I just looked it up, it's either a 25 kill streak reward or for completing a field order.

Which means that this isn't going to help my obsession with competing field ops...
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