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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread

I'm enjoying it so far. There seems to be a tonne of stuff to unlock but i'm slightly disappointed by the customisation options, there doesn't seem to be enough for me.


Getting killed from behind a LOT recently. The spawn system really is terrible.

Which COD do you feel had the best spawns? I think mine was maybe the first Black Ops (after they fixed it). You could easily tell when spawns flipped and you rarely spawned right in someone's face. COD4 allowed you to get behind the enemy spawn and wreck house, but people probably don't prefer that either.


Anyone with the Wii U version, are the gamepad controls any good? I've been playing Zombie U and the controls are really 'light' even after messing with the sensitivity - I was just wondering if it was Zombie U that has weird controls or the gamepad itself.

ZombiU's controls are like that on purpose I believe. It's not a shooter but has shooting elements so it won't control like one. The sensitivity of the gamepad controls for CoD are fine.


Do the guns and perks and whatnot I unlock in squads mode carry over to regular multiplayer mode? And at what point do I start getting xp or whatever from my bots offline? This mode is kinda confusing on how it works.
To clarify what Chojin said; none of that applies if you're playing offline. You have to play the online squads mode for any of it to work.

I have to play offline often too and it pisses me off. Is it really that much work to cache any earned XP while offline and uploading your cached profile when you sign back in? Really?

I like it too, but the awkward one hit kill now goes to the guard dog that jumps onto you and you immediately die.
I once jumped down from a balcony, waiting for the dog to turn around so I could kill it in midair and then kill the owner. I jumped, started firing and got killed the instant I was within range of the dog, even though it had its back turned when I jumped. Fuck that bullshit.


ZombiU's controls are like that on purpose I believe. It's not a shooter but has shooting elements so it won't control like one. The sensitivity of the gamepad controls for CoD are fine.

Awesome, that's good to hear. Can't wait to pop this in my Wii U tonight.


To clarify what Chojin said; none of that applies if you're playing offline. You have to play the online squads mode for any of it to work.

I have to play offline often too and it pisses me off. Is it really that much work to cache any earned XP while offline and uploading your cached profile when you sign back in? Really?

I once jumped down from a balcony, waiting for the dog to turn around so I could kill it in midair and then kill the owner. I jumped, started firing and got killed the instant I was within range of the dog, even though it had its back turned when I jumped. Fuck that bullshit.

I had a dog literally bite me through a wall. That was fun watching on kill cam.


To clarify what Chojin said; none of that applies if you're playing offline. You have to play the online squads mode for any of it to work.

I have to play offline often too and it pisses me off. Is it really that much work to cache any earned XP while offline and uploading your cached profile when you sign back in? Really?

Ahh, I interpreted "offline" meaning away from your console. Yeah you'll have a separate set of squads for local and I'm assuming system link play.

I think there's way too much room for abuse if you could move your local play shenanigans over to online mulltiplayer. Or at least, that may be IW's thinking.

I had a dog literally bite me through a wall. That was fun watching on kill cam.

My brother got stabbed through a wall last night. I wish they kept the recordings of games like they had in Blops2. There's so many bullshit deaths that I would love to upload to my youtube.

Edit: Because not everyone of us is getting an xbone or ps4 :( ::rollseyes::


After a second night of getting used to these ridiculous maps, I found it a lot more enjoyable. I think blitz is by far the best mode because it focuses people into a small area of the map. I think DOM needs some fixing because it's just a big mess with the B flag and the way the spawns work.

I think with the spawn adjustments, the game will feel a lot better. Unlocks are excruciatingly painful. I'm basically focusing on one weapon type per soldier class, otherwise I am wasting tons of points on attachments and guns I can't use since I only have 3 classes available (20-30 points to unlock an extra spot? Jesus..)


I was trying out the squads online part last night but the soldiers I wasn't personally playing as weren't leveling up. Is that working as intended?

I thought the whole point was to level up (at a slower pace) all of your squad?

I did spend the 3 squad points to unlock all 6 soldiers too.


I'd make a GAF clan but the ghosts iOS app won't let me. Says "not authorized" which may be due to the fact I started another clan before finding out my friends didn't get ghosts.

My handle is unoillnino on PSN. We only have 2 members so far. I'm happy to invite any and all of you that want to join. Otherwise, if somebody makes a GAF USA clan, I'll drop mine and join with my buddy.


I was trying out the squads online part last night but the soldiers I wasn't personally playing as weren't leveling up. Is that working as intended?

I thought the whole point was to level up (at a slower pace) all of your squad?

I did spend the 3 squad points to unlock all 6 soldiers too.

I need to test it more. It's possible they only level up as you play them. Which would be dumb. I have 4 people unlocked and and haven't played one of them. I'll see if that fourth got promoted when I get home. There's a cap on how my xp they can receive in squad modes though, but a possible 1,500 xp multiplied by five matches should at least rank up a level 1 :p

When playing with the squads yourself using squad assault or other modes I think the active toon is the one that receives the xp.
- the spawns are a fucking joke on some maps. Why do COD games always launch with this problem? Does it really take that much testing to notice people are spawning way too close to one another? I know you decided to make some of these maps way too big, but please don't decide that means you should spawn people 50 feet apart on a regular basis.

- if the dedicated severs are running, they seem kinda worthless. Lag feels about the same as always. Usually OK, and occasionally infuriating.
Not feeling the maps. Way too big for 6v6.
Every area has too many entry points. In previous games, after a death, I usually could tell what my mistake was, in Ghosts lots of deaths feel random, because I wasn't able to check all those different doors in the room fast enough and got shot from behind.
What's worse I don't feel like I've outsmarted/outflanked enemies when I get the kill. Most of the times it's "oh, that guy totally spawned near me and ran in the opposite direction, guess I'll shoot him in the back."


That's fucked up. -_-

Hopefully Treyarch keeps it in next game.

I hope they do, Treyarch seems to be more "passionate" about what they do, that is one thing I'll totally admit about Ghosts. I can get the criticisms about this game, then again holy tired franchise, batman :p Even if its IW in name only, you still think we'd get a bit more oomph.


Biggest gripe is the maps. Way too big for my tastes. And too cluttered and complex. I play CoD and have played CoD for years for the fast paced action. I feel like I'm running more than I'm shooting in Ghosts. Second most annoying thing is the spawn system. How do you have big ass maps and you manage to spawn in my fucking pocket?

And don't get me started on the terrible killstreaks. Shit, I dig gun on gun gameplay but at least make the killstreaks fun. Isn't that one of the things that a lot of players enjoy going for? The Gryphon seems like the only one worth getting.


Game runs okay on PC, not as good as it should but good enough on max. Looks quite nice too. Gameplay wise its a blast, alot of laggy 1 hit kills and bad spawns but when it works its awesome, maps are all good so far.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
No theater mode most likely because of build in recording in next gen systems.

Has IW commented on the spawns at all?

Ground war in next gen systems should with the big maps.
I'm actually enjoying this more than any version since BLOPS 1, although I really, really miss Theater mode and CTF mode. Blitz is like CTF but way fucking dumber.


No theater mode most likely because of build in recording in next gen systems.

Has IW commented on the spawns at all?

Ground war in next gen systems should with the big maps.

That was my thinking too. It's still bullshit because Theatermode is more than just recording your footage. You could manipulate to pretty much any angle possible which was damn amazing.


Not feeling the maps. Way too big for 6v6.
Every area has too many entry points. In previous games, after a death, I usually could tell what my mistake was, in Ghosts lots of deaths feel random, because I wasn't able to check all those different doors in the room fast enough and got shot from behind.
What's worse I don't feel like I've outsmarted/outflanked enemies when I get the kill. Most of the times it's "oh, that guy totally spawned near me and ran in the opposite direction, guess I'll shoot him in the back."

This. Simple map layouts worked best. A building with like 7 different entry points is just silly. It seems I die more from getting side busted rather than actual head on gunfights.

And is it my tv or are the colors muddy as shit? Players are blending in like crazy for me. It was like that for MW3 too. Players were a lot easier to distinguish on CoD 4 and MW2. Maybe my eyes are getting worse. They just tried to do too much with these maps.


IIRC, I don't think I ever used the theater mode after the first Black Ops. I just don't think its that useful TBH.

It makes more sense in a game like Halo. Or hell, even Battlefield.


I got stuck in geometry four times last night. Combine that with the pop in graphics, the several occasions of clipping my vision into the ground when laying down on a flag (see under the world, losing vision of the area), and a dog biting me through a wall, and I can't help but feel that Infinity Ward has lost their dedication to details.

Never mind the fact that the maps and spawn points are terrible.
Guys don't let the map size trick you,
equip an SMG with the range barrel and run around the outside of the map.
despite the map size the majority of the kills are actually close range, from them spawning around you or them doing the same.

I went from doing about a 1.10 with an AR to doing about 3.0 using the CBJ-MS smg.

And is it my tv or are the colors muddy as shit? Players are blending in like crazy for me. It was like that for MW3 too. Players were a lot easier to distinguish on CoD 4 and MW2. Maybe my eyes are getting worse. They just tried to do too much with these maps.
Character camo is doing its job.
in COD4 you had a faction that wore solid black and red headgear on desert maps, and another wearing mostly black on green maps.

MW2 the Rangers blended in like crazy on Terminal while brown and red camo Spetsnaz stuck out really badly.
Guys don't let the map size trick you,
equip an SMG with the range barrel and run around the outside of the map.
despite the map size the majority of the kills are actually close range, from them spawning around you or them doing the same.

I went from doing about a 1.10 with an AR to doing about 3.0 using the CBJ-MS smg.

Damn, I need to try this out. I've had trouble aiming fast enough with ARs for some reason (even using the perk that increases speed).
Not feeling the maps. Way too big for 6v6.
Every area has too many entry points. In previous games, after a death, I usually could tell what my mistake was, in Ghosts lots of deaths feel random, because I wasn't able to check all those different doors in the room fast enough and got shot from behind.
What's worse I don't feel like I've outsmarted/outflanked enemies when I get the kill. Most of the times it's "oh, that guy totally spawned near me and ran in the opposite direction, guess I'll shoot him in the back."

This is quite accurate. For some reason with MW3 Infinity Ward started this trend in their map design, and it's in full effect once again with Ghosts. They seem to think the more entry ways and nooks and crannies the better.

I did eventually come to enjoy many maps in MW3, but I think I've enjoyed the maps in other COD more, including BLOPS 2.
Serious non-troll question. As someone who has Black Ops II but not Ghosts, why would I want to pay 60$ for Ghost? It seems to have more bugs/stuttering, no FOV and the biggest of them all it's back to peer to peer instead of dedicated servers. Why would I go to bullshit lag compensation/host migration/host advantage when there's already a perfectly capable CoD with actual servers out there?


Serious non-troll question. As someone who has Black Ops II but not Ghosts, why would I want to pay 60$ for Ghost? It seems to have more bugs/stuttering, no FOV and the biggest of them all it's back to peer to peer instead of dedicated servers. Why would I go to bullshit lag compensation/host migration/host advantage when there's already a perfectly capable CoD with actual servers out there?

I wouldn't. Lol. Only reason I keep purchasing these games is to play with friends and family. It's CoD. You'll still get the typical problems you'd expect from the series.

If I had the chance, I'd still play CoD4 and MW2 to this day. But with the low player count, hacks and my friends moving on to new installments every year, I feel the need to bite the bullet and do the same.


As said in the other thread it's sometimes not the player in front of you that kills you but the person in the next building that saw you run in and has line of sight on you via the window. I've had kills taken from because of that (shots hitting my target from a weird direction) and even been killed that way. Surprising to see in the kill cam as well when you recognize the location the shot came from. Normal playstyles don't always work due to the map size and how far you can see from any given point.

Speaking of which I think this is going to be a major issue going forward with systems that have more power. Be it Wii U, PS4 and Xbox 1. Maps can and will be bigger because they can be. You'll be able to see and as result shoot farther because draw distances won't be an issue. More detail be possible and that means being able to see through or shoot through more things. PIcture quality will be better so it will be easier to spot players and not allow them to blend into the area. As for the current maps the number of entry points makes sense given the context compared to BO2 where landscapes were intact for the most part. Seems like developers have to actually hold back when it comes to designing maps and purposefully limit their scope and scale.

Some maps are better then others of course so it isn't all bad and you quickly know I think where you have to be really careful on a map after you get killed a few times or took advantage and killed others in a certain location.


Serious non-troll question. As someone who has Black Ops II but not Ghosts, why would I want to pay 60$ for Ghost? It seems to have more bugs/stuttering, no FOV and the biggest of them all it's back to peer to peer instead of dedicated servers. Why would I go to bullshit lag compensation/host migration/host advantage when there's already a perfectly capable CoD with actual servers out there?

I played BO2 on the PS3 and bought Ghosts for the Wii U today, soley for a FPS experience on the Wii U with the addition of off tv play.


Not feeling the maps. Way too big for 6v6.
Every area has too many entry points. In previous games, after a death, I usually could tell what my mistake was, in Ghosts lots of deaths feel random, because I wasn't able to check all those different doors in the room fast enough and got shot from behind.
What's worse I don't feel like I've outsmarted/outflanked enemies when I get the kill. Most of the times it's "oh, that guy totally spawned near me and ran in the opposite direction, guess I'll shoot him in the back."

This has been said by almost everyone which is really worrying. It felt like this quite a bit in the recent CoD's and it sounds like it has only got worse.

They need to make less frantic crazy maps, where you can't be ambushed at every side and with a bit of map knowledge, you can estimate the direction the enemy will come from.
Damn, I need to try this out. I've had trouble aiming fast enough with ARs for some reason (even using the perk that increases speed).
some maps are still alot of trouble with spawns, like destroyed Strikezone.
But even just playing in the cqc mentality helps. Even Stonehaven can be fun to run in gun if you stick to the outer covered areas.
For some reason with MW3 Infinity Ward started this trend in their map design, and it's in full effect once again with Ghosts.
There was a map in MW3, Downturn. I hated its random design (and it was almost always downvoted in prematch lobbies). 80% of Ghost maps feels like that.


I've ran into some issues with my concussion grenades not affecting people when they clearly should have. It also seems like grenades don't have much of a damage radius.


Do they implement jamming into the marksman rifles? I swear I'm tapping the hell out of R but my M14 can't keep up and as a result, I lose gunfights. I know I can pull the trigger pretty fast because my FAL on MW2 seemed damn near automatic at times.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have either Black Ops 2 nor Ghosts, and I was planning to get Ghosts until I read a lot of the complaints about its MP. However, these complaints always happen when a new COD game comes out. I want to get one or the other during Black Friday, which would you guys recommend? I had thought Ghosts was getting dedicated servers on 360 which would have put it way above Black Ops 2, but that's not the case so I'm somewhat indifferent between the two right now.
There was a map in MW3, Downturn. I hated its random design (and it was almost always downvoted in prematch lobbies). 80% of Ghost maps feels like that.

Man I just so don't agree with you guys.
I hated every single MW3 map besides maybe Seatown, and Carrier was the only map I liked in BO2.

I enjoy every map here so far besides Tremor & destroyed Strikezone.

I've ran into some issues with my concussion grenades not affecting people when they clearly should have. It also seems like grenades don't have much of a damage radius.
nope grenades are shit now, low damage with no radius.


all of my deaths are from behind. the only time i got a good kd is when i camped in all the games definatley punishes rushing.


Do they implement jamming into the marksman rifles? I swear I'm tapping the hell out of R but my M14 can't keep up and as a result, I lose gunfights. I know I can pull the trigger pretty fast because my FAL on MW2 seemed damn near automatic at times.

Blops 2 had FAL jamming but that was Treyarch so I'm not too sure.
surprised to hear that the maps being too large is a negative, as I feel the smaller, tight knit maps of BLOPS2 created a game that was far too SMG and run and gun heavy.

I would think a return to longer sight lines would add more variety and aiming skill to the game?


Gold Member
Do they implement jamming into the marksman rifles? I swear I'm tapping the hell out of R but my M14 can't keep up and as a result, I lose gunfights. I know I can pull the trigger pretty fast because my FAL on MW2 seemed damn near automatic at times.

I think since MW3 the rate of fire has been limited (thanks to rapid fire modded controller cheats)

So yeah you can tap it as fast as you want but the gun won't fire faster than the max rate of fire.
I don't have either Black Ops 2 nor Ghosts, and I was planning to get Ghosts until I read a lot of the complaints about its MP. However, these complaints always happen when a new COD game comes out. I want to get one or the other during Black Friday, which would you guys recommend? I had thought Ghosts was getting dedicated servers on 360 which would have put it way above Black Ops 2, but that's not the case so I'm somewhat indifferent between the two right now.

Blops 2
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