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Canadian city at odds over trick-or-treating age limit



A city in Canada has banned anyone older than 16 from trick-or-treating, but its deputy mayor doesn't think the rule goes far enough.

The city of Bathurst, New Brunswick, passed a bylaw this month that would fine anyone older than 16 up to $200 if they are caught trick-or-treating. The new law also makes it illegal to trick-or-treat past 8 p.m.

Some Bathurst officials feel the new law is a classic case of government overreach but Deputy Mayor Lee Stever reportedly wanted to impose further restrictions on candy hunters.

According to CBC, Stever wanted to cap the trick-or-treating age limit at 14 years old and the cutoff time at 7 p.m.

Bathurst City Councillor Kim Chamberlain told CBC she was against the bylaw from the start and tried to get it voted down but was unsuccessful. She said she thinks the age limit could make tall kids uncomfortable taking part in trick-or-treating.

"My cousin's son is 5 feet 4 inches tall and 15 years old. What are we going to do, go up to him and ask him 'How old are you' and 'Show me your ID?' That doesn't make sense," Chamberlain said.

Another Bathurst government official called the Halloween bylaw "kooky."


What do you think Gaf?

I can understand older kids taking their younger siblings. I could see taller kids being given a hard time. What should the cut off be?


How about as long as you are dressed up you get candy. I'd rather see a 17 year old dressed up that a 13 year old with no costume at all.


I mean, the last time I went trick or treating was when I was like 13. But an age limit is fucking silly.


As a tall kid in Toronto, I always had my age questioned when I used to go trick or treating when I was surrounded by my friends who were a good 10 inches shorter than me.

It sucked ass having to prove you were in grade 5 and was a big drag on the whole experience.
Yeah this really doesn't seem like something you need a law for.

Think someone is too old to trick or treat? Don't give them candy.


Why does trick or treating even still exist?

The rules are silly though, it’s amazing that there are even enough 16 year olds and older trick or treating to make this a problem.
they can go fuckthemselves, halloween may have been a time after 16 where i got wasted af, but to those 16 and up who want to have with their siblings or friends and what not should be allowed to do so
Goddamn, just give kids some candy. Poor kids. Tall kids. Kids that don't live in your neighborhood. Kids older than 16. If you are struggling for money, team up with a friend. Or just turn your light off.


Gonna weigh in here because I'm from this stupid city.

It's full of buttheads.

edit; WAIT I'M NOT A BUTTHEAD oh god damn i played myself


Why a law? Just do what everyone does, give them a disapproving "What do you think you're doing at your age" look.


I trick or treated until grade 13 with my friends. Some people would say "aren't you a little old?" and we would just reply "nobody is too old for free candy".

University students in town would also go around trick or beering.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love giving out candy. I don't care how old you are, but at least make a little effort to have a costume. And how can you cut it off at 7pm? In my area, there's a lot of parents who aren't even home from work by then. I turn off the light at 9.
I imagine the point isn’t older kids trick-or-treating (ie “just don’t give them candy”), it’s older kids going and messing around in neighborhoods during Halloween

We get that around our neighborhood in New York


I imagine the point isn’t older kids trick-or-treating (ie “just don’t give them candy”), it’s older kids going and messing around in neighborhoods during Halloween

We get that around our neighborhood in New York

^Actually I remember grocery stores not selling eggs Halloween night to kids.
The best part of Trick or Treating is going to the neighborhoods that really get into it and still try to scare you while you walk from house to house. That is ruined if you make it illegal to go after dark. What is the point of this really?


if you trick or treat over the age of 10, you need to learn to grow up

Why is 10 the age to stop trick or treating? So an 11 year old shouldn't be able to go and dress up with their younger siblings and get candy together?

This has got to be the dumbest fucking thing I've heard of. Why do they care? How many people over the age of 15 could possibly doing this that it has become an actual problem?

After reading the article first thing that popped into my head was the Harrison Ford who gives a fuck gif.


Looks like it was a bylaw passed in 2005, where the age limit was 14. Now it's 16 and an hour later.


Changes that roll back a controversial Halloween bylaw that banned trick-or-treating for older teenagers and set a curfew on the pursuit of sugary loot don't go far enough, says the deputy mayor of a northern New Brunswick community.

"I wanted to demolish it altogether but I got outvoted," Kim Chamberlain said in an interview Tuesday of the Bathurst city bylaw that made it illegal for teens over the age of 14 to parade door-to-door dressed as ghosts and goblins, and set a 7 p.m. cutoff.

"At least we were able to make some modifications."

The new rules — expected to pass third reading in early October — now forbid anyone older than 16 from trick-or-treating and relaxes the curfew to 8 p.m.
Some Bathurst residents have sticks up their butt.


I imagine the point isn’t older kids trick-or-treating (ie “just don’t give them candy”), it’s older kids going and messing around in neighborhoods during Halloween

We get that around our neighborhood in New York
As if you need Trick or Treating for teenagers to mess around the neighborhood on Halloween.
People only started trick or treating about 100 years ago. And it's not a religious holiday. It might fall out of favor someday.

It kinda was a religious holiday (All Hallows Eve), but the religious portion of it lost all meaning a long time ago.

Edit: You still see the religious aspect of it in other culture's celebrations, like Day of the Dead.
LOL (wife staring at me)

I went to University in Quebec City with a guy from Bathurst.

Once we went to a strip club and the dumb ass who is like 5 foot tall and was clean shaven didn't bother to bring any id. (Legal age is 18 and he was like 23) I don't think they would have let him trick or treat back home. LOL


We have Trunk-or-Treating in our neighborhood. All the parents back their cars into spots at out large community park and the little kids go from trunk to trunk. It's like a cul-de-sac cookout meets kids party. There is food, music, and a firepit. It's pretty fun for the kids.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I trick or treated until grade 13 with my friends. Some people would say "aren't you a little old?" and we would just reply "nobody is too old for free candy".

University students in town would also go around trick or beering.

What's a grade 13? Lol
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