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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate |OT|


Ahaha, wow. Minor upgrade spoilers:

This game literally has the Spider Ball tracks from Metroid Prime in it. I kept seeing these things and thinking, "Huh, those look a lot like Spider Ball tracks." Then I got an upgrade that said it would let me attach my whip to magnetic rail systems. And if you're not aware, those are the exact words Metroid Prime uses to describe its Spider Ball tracks.

It's definitely not unintentional, but kind of a weird thing to reference.

Anyway, I think I'm most of the way through the game now. I'm at 7:18 with 80%. I kinda plowed through it, I guess. I should probably have beaten it 100% by 9 hours at the latest.

I think it's a really good game. It's basically 2D God of War with sprinkles of Classicvania and Metroidvania here and there. I think it establishes a great framework for a new style of 2D Castlevania games, and I'd love to see it expanded and improved upon in a sequel.

I also gotta say, this game makes excellent use of the 3D. There are some scenes that really give you a good feel for how big the castle is, more than any previous game. Though this is the first game I haven't been able to play at max 3D. I had to turn the slider down to about halfway.

My biggest complaint is how liberal the checkpoints are. The game itself isn't easy; like I said earlier, enemies do a lot of damage even on the normal difficulty, and it can be easy for them to pile on top of you and kick your ass if you let them. But if you die, it just drops you right back before the battle or possibly even partway through the boss. There's no sense of tension because there's not really any penalty for dying.

I think I'd have preferred if they'd used the save room system from the Metroidvanias. Fighting your way through a tough area, getting low on health, and barely making it to the next save room was always pretty exciting and intense.

It's disappointing to see so much negativity directed at this game. I think if a lot of people could let go of their preconceptions about what a Castlevania game should be, they'd find a pretty good action game. Just like how when people let go of their preconceptions about what Castlevania should be, they were able to find an excellent game Symphony of the Night.


Its like if I buy this Konami will think I dont want more IGAvania, but if I don't buy this Konami wont make more portable castlevania:( What the f man.


This info for anybody here love God of war or 2d game.

-Missing old special magic from old castelvania.

That is too bad. I want to support Castlevania though. Perhaps I will buy the Collector's Edition of the Lord of Shadows 2 instead.
Collin is so bitter it's hilarious. He's getting a lot of nasty comments from different boards, and also been called out by Mercurysteam by saying he didn't even review the game.

So sad. The one I feel bad most for though is Jeremy Parish, being thrown to the wolves as well.

It seems like Collin had to run to "Daddy" to justify his 4.7

Mercurysteam complaining at reviews now? Oh wow how low that dev has sunken. Hopefully this is their last handheld Castlevania.


Mercurysteam complaining at reviews now? Oh wow how low that dev has sunken. Hopefully this is their last handheld Castlevania.

Supposedly we'll be done with them after LoS2. I hope Konami would get a service a decent team to take over but it's unlikely considering their complete ineptitude at getting anyone remotely competent to work on Silent Hill.


Finally played all the way through the demo and liked it. Definitely gonna pick this up when it hits around $15. Judging by how quickly people are finishing the game, it doesn't seem like it's worth the full price.


never left the stone age
Playing the demo, is the framerate better in the actual game or the same? Because it's horrible. Game itself isn't that bad though, enemies do drop pretty fast if you avoid using the shitty area attack. It's faster to take them on one-on-one than to damage all of them at once.


Playing the demo, is the framerate better in the actual game or the same? Because it's horrible. Game itself isn't that bad though, enemies do drop pretty fast if you avoid using the shitty area attack. It's faster to take them on one-on-one than to damage all of them at once.

Actual game is pretty smooth. Some minor slowdown if you attack multiple enemies, but nothing too bad. The difference between the game and the demo is very noticeable.


never left the stone age
Actual game is pretty smooth. Some minor slowdown if you attack multiple enemies, but nothing too bad. The difference between the game and the demo is very noticeable.

Great, that was my main concern, now to see if I can purchase it for cheap (Saw it for some 35 euros already at some places)


The demo is from a significantly old build, that's why the quality varies from the final version, so while the framerate dips in certain scenarios, it is not as noticeable or troubling as it is in the demo version.


never left the stone age
The demo is from a significantly old build, that's why the quality varies from the final version, so while the framerate dips in certain scenarios, it is not as noticeable or troubling as it is in the demo version.

The demo feels like one big framerate dip :p. The only time it ran at 30 from what I can tell was the intro where it's zoomed in on Trevor, it's all downhill from there.
Does the full game allow you to skip cutscenes? Or is it one of those dumb decisions where you can only do it in NG+? D:

Uh, OOE's actual dev team was under 20 people.

How does that dev count compare to previous efforts? Given that OOE is probably the best Metroid inspired Castlevania yet.


Does the full game allow you to skip cutscenes? Or is it one of those dumb decisions where you can only do it in NG+? D:

Not that I can tell. If you press Start during cutscenes, you get a little (/) symbol.

But they're fairly uncommon and tend to be pretty short anyway, so it's not really that big a deal.


never left the stone age
Not that I can tell. If you press Start during cutscenes, you get a little (/) symbol.

But they're fairly uncommon and tend to be pretty short anyway, so it's not really that big a deal.

That sucks, they might not be long but the tiny "Here's a new monster!!!!" cutscenes annoy me greatly. At least it's a very minor issue.


Still interested in getting this at some point.

Harping on a game because it's doing something different than its predecessors (and letting this influence the score), is probably the line of reasoning I despise the most these days - and I love the franchise.


Mercurysteam complaining at reviews now? Oh wow how low that dev has sunken. Hopefully this is their last handheld Castlevania.
More like a shot against the review, not exactly a complaint ("IGN MoF review, or the fine art of reviewing a game without saying a single word about it... Please, read it"). And it's a totally justified shot. Moriarty's review mainly consists of rose-tinted fanboy ramblings about older Castlevania games.


not tag worthy
handholding and possible unskippable cutscenes, while not a deal breaker for me are highly annoying and break up the flow of game play.

I am still planning on getting the game.

re:r was good in the sense where you could skip cutscenese. it rarely held your hand and while loading was a long wait it would mask it with characters conversing with each other. yeah the frame drops sucked but ohh well.


handholding and possible unskippable cutscenes, while not a deal breaker for me are highly annoying and break up the flow of game play.

re:r was good in the sense where you could skip cutscenese. it rarely held your hand and while loading was a long wait it would mask it with characters conversing with each other. yeah the frame drops sucked but ohh well.

There's not really much in the way of handholding. Outside of one instance featured in the demo, the game generally leaves it up to the player to figure out enemy attack patterns and dodge accordingly. And while there aren't many puzzles in the game, the ones that are there just drop you in and expect you to figure it out. There's the option to get hints, but it comes at the cost of gaining less experience for solving the puzzle.


Before I get to far into this game I want to know if Im already doing something wrong?

Withint the first 45 mins of playing I have noticed areas with red pulsating objects or ledges (seems to be where something would connect) but I am unable to get to these objects. I also found a few parts where it says you might want to take notes (but I cant figure out how!) I have been passing these sections up and just plowing through but I feel im missing some stuff.

I have the whip and hammer so far. Is this the proper way to progress or did I miss something along the way and will have to backtrack a lot or just miss out?

Should IO start over?

PS Good game so far! It's God of War Side Scroller with Old school Metroid mixed in.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Boss Fights were awesome.

Gonna replay the game real soon for this reason. This game really needed a boss rush mode.


Before I get to far into this game I want to know if Im already doing something wrong?

Withint the first 45 mins of playing I have noticed areas with red pulsating objects or ledges (seems to be where something would connect) but I am unable to get to these objects. I also found a few parts where it says you might want to take notes (but I cant figure out how!) I have been passing these sections up and just plowing through but I feel im missing some stuff.

I have the whip and hammer so far. Is this the proper way to progress or did I miss something along the way and will have to backtrack a lot or just miss out?

Should IO start over?

PS Good game so far! It's God of War Side Scroller with Old school Metroid mixed in.

You'll get an upgrade later that will let you come back and reach those areas. And that's just kind of a general rule of thumb: if you can't reach something, you probably just don't have the right upgrades yet.

To take notes, go to the map screen (tap the bottom center icon of the touch screen), then touch the icon in the top left that should say 50 and drag it to where you want to put it. Then it'll let you type something, which you can see again by tapping on the icon. To get rid of an icon, drag it back to the top left corner.

Boss Fights were awesome.

Gonna replay the game real soon for this reason. This game really needed a boss rush mode.

I think it really could've used some sort of challenge mode. Boss rush, beat these enemies without taking damage, beat these enemies within the time limit. Maybe some silly ones like you have infinite subweapons but that's all you can use.


Mercurysteam complaining at reviews now? Oh wow how low that dev has sunken. Hopefully this is their last handheld Castlevania.

Are you being sarcastic? Complaining at one review that they may have a legitimate claim against? Almost everybody in this thread who has played it so far has said that they're enjoying it.
Are you being sarcastic? Complaining at one review that they may have a legitimate claim against? Almost everybody in this thread who has played it so far has said that they're enjoying it.

Yeah, I felt like they were just. I see it all the time. A creator of something should be allowed to call out criticism that they don't find to be fair. There's no "sinking low" here, it was a shitty review.


You'll get an upgrade later that will let you come back and reach those areas. And that's just kind of a general rule of thumb: if you can't reach something, you probably just don't have the right upgrades yet.

To take notes, go to the map screen (tap the bottom center icon of the touch screen), then touch the icon in the top left that should say 50 and drag it to where you want to put it. Then it'll let you type something, which you can see again by tapping on the icon. To get rid of an icon, drag it back to the top left corner.

I think it really could've used some sort of challenge mode. Boss rush, beat these enemies without taking damage, beat these enemies within the time limit. Maybe some silly ones like you have infinite subweapons but that's all you can use.
I spoiled myself last night and watched a boss fight. It was totally awesome. The intro and exit cutscenes for the boss were badass too.

I ordered the game yesterday, so I'm excited to play this for myself. There's a lot of different opinions from the reviews, but so far only one consistent complaint bothers me a lot, and that's the abundance of checkpoints. I want there to be a sense of tension. I really agree with KevinCow that they should've done a save room system.

Anyone who has the game, if you've tried hard mode, what are the differences between that and normal diff.?

PS: How is the original Lords of Shadow game, guys? Worth playing? Any unfortunate design choices in that (bad QTEs, bad save system, etc.)?

Edit: Holy crap, I'm a member of NeoGAF now! After 10 months of being here, I'm a member!


PS: How is the original Lords of Shadow game, guys? Worth playing? Any unfortunate design choices in that (bad QTEs, bad save system, etc.)?
The original LoS is probably in the top 5 action games of the generation and it's better than MoF apparently is. If you like MoF you should play LoS ASAP :)

And actually there are less QTE's than in MoF, I can remember like 3 or 4 on the top of my head. Save system is autosave. Very generous like MoF.
PS: How is the original Lords of Shadow game, guys? Worth playing? Any unfortunate design choices in that (bad QTEs, bad save system, etc.)?

Lords of Shadow on 360 was awesome, imo. It has issues (stupidly complex/annoying puzzles slow the game down at the end), but it was great fun. It also had periodic framerate issues like the 3DS game.
I spoiled myself last night and watched a boss fight. It was totally awesome. The intro and exit cutscenes for the boss were badass too.

I ordered the game yesterday, so I'm excited to play this for myself. There's a lot of different opinions from the reviews, but so far only one consistent complaint bothers me a lot, and that's the abundance of checkpoints. I want there to be a sense of tension. I really agree with KevinCow that they should've done a save room system.

Anyone who has the game, if you've tried hard mode, what are the differences between that and normal diff.?

PS: How is the original Lords of Shadow game, guys? Worth playing? Any unfortunate design choices in that (bad QTEs, bad save system, etc.)?

Edit: Holy crap, I'm a member of NeoGAF now! After 10 months of being here, I'm a member!

Congrats man! Welcome aboard! As for hard mode. Not tried yet. Still working my way through. On Act II. Also you NEED to play Lords of Shadows.It's so cheap now! :D Biggest issue is not feeling like Castlevania till about halfway and also some quick time like events.
Are the first few chapters of Lords of Shadow kinda slow and not indicative of the experience as a whole? I actually bought it when it first came out in 2010, but I shelved it after those first few chapters. Just wasn't impressed. That Colossus-like boss was super frustrating.
I didn't get the impression that anything I was doing in the game was optional. A lot of what I'm referring to is progression-based.

I think he means that they're skippable in terms that you can just opt to get the solution handed to you rather than try to actually solve them yourself.


Are the first few chapters of Lords of Shadow kinda slow and not indicative of the experience as a whole? I actually bought it when it first came out in 2010, but I shelved it after those first few chapters. Just wasn't impressed. That Colossus-like boss was super frustrating.

Hell no haha the real game begins after the first Lord. It goes all up from there until the oh so great climax.


Out of all things I'm most interested in this game, is how the story builds up to LoS2 and how it changes the formula compared to LoS.


I was thinking about this game because I've never really played a castlevania game, but from all of the reviews and impressions I'll probably skip it. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread though.

How do you actually become a member rather than just a junior member?


How do you actually become a member rather than just a junior member?

With post count and time

I was thinking about this game because I've never really played a castlevania game, but from all of the reviews and impressions I'll probably skip it. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread though.
Play the demo if you must, people here are liking it so far :)
I was thinking about this game because I've never really played a castlevania game, but from all of the reviews and impressions I'll probably skip it. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread though.

Unless you have no internet access, there's no reason to not download the demo and try it for yourself.
I've been enjoying what I played from this game. I got up to Act 2 when the game crashed on me last night. Don't know if anyone else has experienced this yet. I hope it doesn't happen more as I go further into the game. Still wish I had an Iga game, but I am enjoying this game for what it is.
Looks like Collin (IGN) found a champion to help him trash the game.


I do think Parish is a better reviewer, but in the video he says Castlevania always had great level design for platforming. I mean, seriously? The Igavanias were always pretty weak in that regard.

I like how they start the video claiming "we're the biggest Castlevania fans, so we must be right". Anyway, didn't think the complaints in the video were very sound to be honest.

Wow! They really don't like it, I think this is a bit unfair to be that way towards this game as different groups have different takes on how they want to portray the source material. If you don't like it fine state your point and review it based on the quality and not how it doesn't meet you specific tastes. I should have my copy by tomorrow and will be jumping right into it. Glad so many others are enjoying it.


Just started act 3 and am super impressed. So far I am enjoying it more than LoS proper and it is right up there with Order of Ecclesia. I am going to try and whip through the rest of this and give some much more detailed impressions.


and straight to the middle on the ending.

It goes like this: Bad >(after chapter 3) Great >(latest chapters) Good >(DLC) WTF!?
Heh, yeah about the DLC. Just watch the youtube walkthrough of those to see that part. Not necessary, but it shows exactly what happens to Gabriel.
Wow! They really don't like it, I think this is a bit unfair to be that way towards this game as different groups have different takes on how they want to portray the source material. If you don't like it fine state your point and review it based on the quality and not how it doesn't meet you specific tastes. I should have my copy by tomorrow and will be jumping right into it. Glad so many others are enjoying it.

It's a childish stance to take, especially since he can reach out to more people. This is him trolling his opinion louder to try and silence fans of the game mocking him for his ridiculous stance and past fanboy articles.
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