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Casual marijuana use causes brain abnormalities in the young: study

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The researchers found changes to the volume, shape and density of those brain regions. But more studies are needed to determine how those changes may have long-term consequences and whether they can be fixed with abstinence, Beiter said.

"Our hypothesis from this early work is that these changes may be an early sign of what later becomes amotivation, where people aren't focused on their goals," he said.

The study, which was funded in part by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy


so.. people who were living a couple hundred years ago were never really reaching their full brain potential!?!?!
My friend injected marijuana once and now he's gay. Fucking outsourcing in this country with the god damn taxes pollution up my asshole you fuck.


I see nothing in that link about sample sizes, whether they were using other drugs casually etc..

Trying to find an article I read about the VERY high percentage of all biomedical research which gets overturned within a decade.
You read a PR blurb then get upset when all the controls for the experiments are not mentioned? Haha.


Who are they to call the brain after smoking pot abnormal? Maybe that's what the brain is supposed too look like when it is truly normal. Maybe all the other brains are abnormal, ever think about that? So it changes the volume, shape and density of the brain? oh yeah? So I guess that must means that exercise and a low-carb diet must be bad too, because it changes the density, volume and shape of fat in people's bodies. Right doctors?

Lol I am sorry your basic biology education failed you so badly.
Shit smells like a skunk and a heap of raw sewage had a child, and the child went on to die and rot in the sun for 5 days; what would ever compel someone to smoke it is beyond me. Furthermore, the article does pose some valid points, I know people that smoke it, and at the very least I can say they've become addicted to it.


Shit smells like a skunk and a heap of raw sewage had a child, and the child went on to die and rot in the sun for 5 days; what would ever compel someone to smoke it is beyond me. Furthermore, how most of the people i know who have used it act, I have no trouble believing the article.

because most people are smoking it for taste or smell. lol
Shit smells like a skunk and a heap of raw sewage had a child, and the child went on to die and rot in the sun for 5 days; what would ever compel someone to smoke it is beyond me. Furthermore, how most of the people i know who have used it act, I have no trouble believing the article.

Considering your vantage point, the people you knew who used it are less likely to be a representative sample.


Let's be honest, I don't know if it's study is correct but you'd never get most stoners to believe it anyway.


no doubt in my mind this is true. I think it gets completely under rated as to it's negative effects. Yes, you might not do the stupid shit people do on alcohol, but you also might be wasting away while you sit around smoking weed and playing video games.
because most people are smoking it for taste or smell. lol

I know that people smoke it for fun and not for it's taste or smell, but at least from my perspective it makes me want to vomit when I smell it.

(also I didn't realize the context of the article, so my original comment about the people I know now seems much more harsh than it was intended -_-')
Let's be honest, I don't know if it's study is correct but you'd ever get stoners to believe it anyway.

Considering that endocannabinoids are often associated with a kind of 'bliss' state and a kind of reward mechanism, I definitely think there's truth to it. I haven't had any in three years though and have no real desire to go back, so I'm not sure if I count or not.


I'm sure.

I'm not anti marijuana, but I always find it funny when studies like come out and you have people post anecdotal evidence about their experience, like it's scientific.

Just own your habit and stop rationalizing that it has no bad side effects. It comes with territory with all drugs.

Exactly. I don't understand how anyone can think that a substance that affects the way your brain behaves would not have some long term side effect.
I've stopped smoking weed as of about two years ago so if it's one thing I can say, you don't need a drug habit to be unproductive.

Honestly I would have never described myself as 'productive' at any point in my life, as a kid I was a wishy-washy escapist, growing up I faced mood and anxiety problems where self-medicating with that was benign enough that I'd consider it a valid coping mechanism for me at that time in my life. It may have influenced my degree of motivation, but if so it also helped clarify some of my values about life and made me more in tune with some of my feelings about things. I wouldn't recommend it to others, but it's all kind of a wash.
I don't see 1-7 joints a week as casual use but I guess that's all relative anyway. I'd call that regular use. Casual would be like...once a month or so, maybe? If that?

Foghorn Leghorn

Unconfirmed Member
Really? REALLY?
People are doubting a study that suggests pot use saps people of motivation and makes them less focused on their goals?

That doesn't ring true at all? Your friends who smoke pot daily-to-weekly are mostly motivated young go-getters? You watch comedies about pot, most of which are produced by pot users, and sit stone-faced at all the jokes about pot-using characters that are lazy and unambitious and think "Where do they come up with this stereotype? That's preposterous!"

HA! That's most of the long term pot smokers I've ever known.
I swear that after ripping gravity bongs many times during high school my brain changed. I don't smoke anymore but I still feel like something is off.

This might just be paranoia, but I do feel that my brain would be very different if I never used the stuff.

That being said, if a buddy were to ask me to smoke, Id probably say yes.
Really? REALLY?
People are doubting a study that suggests pot use saps people of motivation and makes them less focused on their goals?

That doesn't ring true at all? Your friends who smoke pot daily-to-weekly are mostly motivated young go-getters? You watch comedies about pot, most of which are produced by pot users, and sit stone-faced at all the jokes about pot-using characters that are lazy and unambitious and think "Where do they come up with this stereotype? That's preposterous!"
That's just because they were lazy in the first place. Marijuana motivates people to get jobs though since marijuana isn't free
That's just because they were lazy in the first place. Marijuana motivates people to get jobs though since marijuana isn't free
I don't know if I buy that.

I've seen people who were on a pretty decent track in life with a bit of a lazy attitude go full blown lazy and unmotivated when they decided to increase their pot habits.
Then a again, this is all anecdotal.


Shocking news.

Best to avoid any and all drugs until you're well into your 20s, if at all. They're an unhealthy, expensive time-sink.

Don't get up, anyone. I've got my express ticket to Squaresville right here.


Unless I'm missing something, from reading the article, they've found a correlation but not clear causation, so the title is misleading.

Not that it's all that surprising that weed (or alcohol, or caffeine) affects the developing brain negatively. Substances are substances.

I also think it's preposterous that they consider 7 joints a week "casual" usage. Once a day is a the heaviest I ever got...never realized that still qualified me as a lowly casual. What about people that smoke once a month or so? "Sub-Casual"?


I'm still waiting to see a single legitimate reason for why marijuana should remain illegal.

Nothing in the OP article presents anything close to a justification for keeping marijuana possession/use a criminal act.


I'm still waiting to see a single legitimate reason for why marijuana should remain illegal.

Nothing in the OP article presents anything close to a justification for keeping marijuana possession/use a criminal act.

Not sure that was the point of the study, nor anything anyone's really saying here? Like, I feel ya, bur this is orthogonal to that?


You know, I'd normally poke holes in a study like this, but as someone who recently quit its become apparent my motivation was basically non-existent. I'm finding it much easier to get motivated and stay focused on things, I'm not sleeping as much and I'm getting a hell of a lot more done around the house when not at work. It's only taken a couple of weeks too, kinda wishing I did this a while ago. Moderation is key kids.
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