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Casual marijuana use causes brain abnormalities in the young: study

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I don't smoke but I can say this study feels a little biased on its conclusions. Results don't sound super definitive.

You are correct. Correlation does not equal causation.

But who cares, this type of study serves only a 24hr news cycle purpose: to say something much different from the actual content of the study in order to invoke knee jerk reactions likening marijuana use to the days of reefer madness. The actual substance of the research will come out at a later date, but no one will care, as the headline producing "result" has already taken root in the population that only read the title.


I'm always pretty motivated to come home after a day of work and smoke a joint while playing videogames or watching a movie/series.


I'm still waiting to see a single legitimate reason for why marijuana should remain illegal.

Nothing in the OP article presents anything close to a justification for keeping marijuana possession/use a criminal act.
Can't have the plebs getting happy and high now, that would be terrible.


It's worth pointing out that this doesn't necessarily indicate the degree of "badness." I think a lot of people take "it's kind of bad for you" to mean "it's terrible and anyone who does this will fail at life."

Twinkies are also clearly bad for you, but no doctor is going to suggest that a few twinkies every year are fatal or indicative of poor health without anything else considered.


good thing that nicotine and alcohol are not bad for you, they cant be because they are legal

oh and dont smoke weed, vapourise it.


I'm a weirdo who doesn't smoke and thinks weed smells like hot garbage but cigarette smoke makes me super nostalgic because my parents smoked around me all the time when I was younger. I hate that I feel this way but it is what it is.

Not a fan of most cigarettes but the ones that smell sweet are really great, and I'm not sure why I appreciate that smell so much, it's weird.
Marijuana fucking smells like ass. Always got annoyed by how holier-than-thou potheads were compared to smokers in terms of smell. Both are offensive as hell.


Interesting. Would like to see this studied further. That pot is dangerous for teens is something I have always heard but regular use for adults I thought was safe. As far as using any substance is safe.
Never smoked pot anyway and really no plans for it. But I still think it should be legal for adults.
Not a fan of most cigarettes but the ones that smell sweet are really great, and I'm not sure why I appreciate that smell so much, it's weird.

Rollies are awful though. Tried one once, now the smell genuinely makes me heave. I have an addictive personality, so the fact smoking is repulsive to me is probably a good thing.


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Research as the one in the OP is exactly why cannabis needs to be a controlled rather than a banned substance.


I smoked for about 12 - 13 years every day, from dawn to dusk.

Shit fucked me up, nothing too major (E did far more damage) but I certainly am not the same guy that I once was.

3 years off and some things have lessened (paranoia for example).

My own fault for abusing and not using but weed is harmful, not the totally benign substance some sections play it up to be.


I'm not, my rule is housework and cooking diner first, then clean up before it's smoking time.

Wish I could've stayed disciplined, but over the years it went out the door. Not blaming the green entirely, there are probably a heap of other factors that led to it (plus I think I had undiagnosed mild depression for some time) but it feels like its much easier now that I've eased off it. I don't feel like I've lost anything though, mentally I'm sharp as a tack, and my memory is a steel trap, but motivation definitely suffered at least in my case.


do...do you also like the smell of skunks?

do... do you know that the majority of strains smell nothing like skunks?

This study is nothing surprising to me, I've been hearing that various things (pot included) can have effects on the developing brain.

Also lol at the stereotypes flying around in this thread.


Wish I could've stayed disciplined, but over the years it went out the door. Not blaming the green entirely, there are probably a heap of other factors that led to it (plus I think I had undiagnosed mild depression for some time) but it feels like its much easier now that I've eased off it. I don't feel like I've lost anything though, mentally I'm sharp as a tack, and my memory is a steel trap, but motivation definitely suffered at least in my case.

It feels a lot better to smoke when everything is done than to smoke when you’re sitting in a mess.

When I smoke while there’s tons of things that need to be done I feel nervous, so it’s become pretty easy to not do that anymore.


It feels a lot better to smoke when everything is done than to smoke when you’re sitting in a mess.

When I smoke while there’s tons of things that need to be done I feel nervous, so it’s become pretty easy to not do that anymore.

Sometimes when I smoke I can't help but want to do things, particularly like cleaning around the house :p
Anyone with stoner friends already knew this. It's really not so harmless as many make it seem.


Most likely your "stoner" friends are just lazy and people you would never even consider "stoners" smoke weed and you don't even know it. But don't let confirmation bias ruin your chance to look smug.
I have a feeling he touched a nerve here, amirite?

... aren't stoners supposed to be chill?

It's more to do with simple reading comprehension of a study and the constant rhetoric to make anyone who's ever smoked weed to be labelled as lazy and a detriment to society.

But again, don't let that let you miss the point of my response entirely.

Fake Edit: I do not smoke weed, I work in the criminal justice field; and spending a reasonable amount of time actually approaching the societal "battle" against marijuana from an objective stance would show that much of the negatively skewed studies are funded from: Pro "war on drugs" supporters, or are titled in such a way that create an emotional response in favor of criminalization without the support of any causation whatsoever.

I won't deny that the use of marijuana should be prohibited from minors under the age of 18, but to try and postulate that the casual use of marijuana(which could be argued that in this study is more than casual) is any more dangerous than prescription drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol (aka pretty much every mind altering substance legally allowed in the US currently) is simply ludicrous.


"The dose makes the poison" was already posted?

Smoking some weed is not going to fuck up your brain, but you don't want to be a person who has fun only when he smokes a joint. We should live a full life, if you only care about smoking weed you have issues.

Next sunday is 20/4, can't wait to celebrate. :)
I'm not sure about other casual smokers, but it makes me motivated. Cleaning and working out after taking a hit or two is especially fun.

And it depends on the quality and type as to how it will smell. The kind I have smells like an awesome forest.
I'm getting the feeling a lot of the people weighing in about the smell are talking about two different things.

The plant itself smells lovely, like pine with a drop of honey. The smoke though smells like skunk stank.
Of course, drugs won't be good on a developing person. You're still developing late into your teens.

It's honestly one of the best smells ever. Maybe you need to smoke some to appreciate it.

I think that's just your body playing tolerance tricks on you, because it smells horrible. So does cigarettes and booze on a person.


I was a lazy fuck before I started smoking, now I'm still a lazy fuck, so I don't really know.

The problem with weed is it affects everyone so extremely different.

I know people who get major panic attacks from a few puffs and I know a guy who smokes 3 grams a day, yet works 60 hours a week, goes to the gym at least 3 times a week and has massive muscles. He drives a fancy BMW and always has a beautiful woman on his arm, he is also the nicest guy ever. He's been smoking pretty much every day for 10 years now, started when he was 14.

Do people measure their weed usage by the joint?

Sometimes, but it is certainly extremely stupid for studies and the like. I saw a lot of one joint is as bad as bla bla... in news papers and so on

What the fuck is one joint though? Is it a pure weed joint? Is it mixed with tobacco (99% of joints in my country)? What kind of weed is it? Is it chronic or shwag? How much is it? etc.

Some people mix with something else and only use 0.3 gram for a joint and some smoke a huge pure blunt with 2 grams.
I'm getting the feeling a lot of the people weighing in about the smell are talking about two different things.

The plant itself smells lovely, like pine with a drop of honey. The smoke though smells like skunk stank.

I'm talking about the latter, certainly. The plant smells minty, like a greenhouse sorta. The smoke does not.


It's honestly one of the best smells ever. Maybe you need to smoke some to appreciate it.

in my first and second year of uni I was around a lot of regular pot smokers, and while i don't smoke, if you had asked me then i would have said it smells nice. fast forward a year and a half after being in a relatively pot-free environment since then, when one of my housemates had a massive blow-out on it recently, the smell made me feel ill. It really is a case of being used to it, or a positive feedback loop of the smell and getting high (I got 2nd hand high many times in those 2 years)


So another study is released, another thread is made and people will discuss. In another week everyone will forget about it. Maybe changes in these parts of the brain is a good thing, is the world an ideal place as is?
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