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Charalanazard: Starfield Direct: Did They Lie?


Guy wore a watch on each hand like a boss
Perhaps, the chick I mentioned above with CFS was 16 in high school (I was also 16 way back then and in high school) but she was newr vegan/vegie and had iron issues. CFS is a rough cookie though. I did IT work for a leading Aussie doctor back then and it was only really being diagnosed in the 90s down under.
Hmm. I had an iron deficiency at one point, wasn't able to donate blood/plasma because of it. Used to get fatigued around middle-to-late afternoon for no reason and just figured it was normal. Increasing my beef intake solved that issue.

I wouldn't be surprised if iron deficiency and CFS-like diseases were more prevalent than we think especially now with food inflation and the popularity of plant-based garbage. It may be getting masked by caffeine and energy-drink consumption. Ehh, think I'm maybe starting to sway into paranoia now.


Gold Member
I don't think they blatantly lied, but they certainly showed the game in the best light they could and minimized or hid the areas they thought might get some negative reaction. Statements like "you can go there" are technically true even if you don't like the actual way that you get there. Would be tough to prove in a court of law that they lied or even intentionally misled, but you can certainly see where they spun things in a certain direction. And I'm saying this as a person who is enjoying the game.


No real lies they just left room for the expectations to run wild.
Still loving the game and still the only game I’ve played since the early access release. Can’t wait to see my yearly Steam graph, want to see with how much it broke my days played in a row record.


Writes a lot, says very little
Well....first, 96% of this thread has nothing to do with Starfield lol

Second...no. I don't believe they lied about Starfield. Anyone looking to turn this into a whole CP2077 situation will be disappointed lol

Nothing in the walkthrough is lying about any of the elements of the game. It is, as they have described it to be. Being about 20 or so hours in, I don't see anything from that walkthrough, that I feel is missing or was mislead about or lied about etc.

I simply didn't see enough to make a claim of lies. We just don't have some long list of claims or something

Walkthrough shows

Factions, that exist as you can join them
Space battles, that exist
Ship building, you can do that
Base building, you can build whole ass towns lol
Zero G
Planet conditions
Space Pirates (like stealing ships)
Boarding ships and space stations

and many more.

I don't see much if any claim of any feature that isn't in the final game or something.
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