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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter


oh wow. so then what is he referring to?

Nah, that lift was fake news. The real lift happened only at the exact moment he tweeted. He had to invent the prime the pump term first for it to happen, then agree to let China use the term, and they accepted American imports of beef again for that honour.


Another one for the articles of impeachment.

Pretty sure this is obstruction of justice / witness intimidation.



oh wow. so then what is he referring to?

Maybe it came in the full effect today, but he had nothing to do with it.

As Trump said himself on Twitter after meeting Jinping in the White House Mar-Al-Lago, he got nothing out of him.


Nah, that lift was fake news. The real lift happened only at the exact moment he tweeted. He had to invent the prime the pump term first for it to happen, then agree to let China use the term, and they accepted American imports of beef again for that honour.

i see, so he put something in to get something out.

Smart. Pretty sure it must be accurate since that is how pumps work.



oh wow. so then what is he referring to?

When bans get lifted its not like flipping a switch to start again (especially for food). They would have to agree and discuss the implementing of new testing proceedures etc. Once the ban was lifted there was always going to be a extended time period for actual exports to resume again.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
We need to stop talking about Trump' s base. I'm sure every shitty leader had a base of support till the bitter and.

Everyone has turned into a cable news pundit it seems.


Trump Steaks are making a comeback!


I'm honestly still trying to digest and wrap my head around this reality.

Things that would have a President stoned out of office are now completely normal.

What the fuck is going on, what the fuck happened to checks and balances?

The GOP gained almost all of the power, chose to do party over country, and their mindless sheep followers are told that everything is fine.


Please let there be tapes.

Please let there be tapes.

Please let there be "tapes."

Does this dope not know that the final nail in Nixon's coffin was that he had been recording himself and accidentally recorded incriminating evidence?


Felium Defensor
All of this still feels like a shitty made up TV show. Just insane we are witnessing this in real life. Wonder what's on the next episode.
What did Clapper specifically say and when was this said? Is this something he said during the Yates hearing?

Clapper and Sally Yates spoke before a Senate subcommittee about Russia earlier in the week. To my understanding Clapper said he hadn't seen evidence of collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians at a certain time but he wasn't privy to the investigation anyway. Trump, hearing what he wants to hear, translated that to "No evidence exists."
FBI agents putting Comey as their profile pic is very telling and makes me feel optimistic. Trump will not last through the end of the year I don't think.
follow up


Jesus, it doesn't even matter anymore. Trump's behavior and actions during this whole fiasco prove how unfit for office he is. It's not going to stop, because he's a narcissistic liar. He can't help it.

The Comey firing should have him on the fast track to impeachment. The longer the Republicans let this stretch out to preserve their power, the more damage he does because of their inaction, the worst the pain is going to be for them at the end of it. History will not be kind.


When bans get lifted its not like flipping a switch to start again (especially for food). They would have to agree and discuss the implementing of new testing proceedures etc. Once the ban was lifted there was always going to be a extended time period for actual exports to resume again.

So is this essentially something that started under the previous president?


Yup. Trump keeps finding new ways to make a mockery of the role. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he took a literal shit on the original constitution during a press conference sometime in the next few weeks.
Republicans would somehow find a way to applaud that action as well.
Remember when people objected to having a woman in the oval office because she'd be too emotional?

Remember when:

- She was the greater of two evils?
- Had a foundation engaged in pay to play politics?
- Was a puppet of special interests?
- Was too physically weak to do the job?
- Had a husband who was an abuser of women?


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
"He will be nothing like he was on the campaign. He will act presidential in office!"

I am still reeling at people arguing this to my face during the campaign...


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Please let there be tapes.

Please let there be tapes.

Please let there be "tapes."

Does this dope not know that the final nail in Nixon's coffin was that he had been recording himself and accidentally recorded incriminating evidence?

"I know Nixon. Great man, tremendous man. I hope we can sit down and have a real nice conversation. I know Nixon does a lot of tremendous work, bigly."


I still think he was either naive or malicious sending that letter on 11/8 to Jason Chaffetz. Anybody who was paying even a little bit of attention would know that Chaffetz was gonna make that letter public immediately upon receipt.

He also probably should've been fired, but once he revealed the Trump Russia investigation he should've been untouchable.

Well we know (is this confirmed?) that he wanted to release to the public that they were investigating Trump's campaign to ties with Russia at the same time, but Obama told him not to. So I'm having a feeling there's a lot more going on with this than meets the eye. Maybe we won't know for 30+ years but I think it'd be safe to say that he wasn't quite partisan about it. It could very well be that he was pushed into a corner and either made the wrong move or made the only move he could.
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