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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter

Jesus, it doesn't even matter anymore. Trump's behavior and actions during this whole fiasco prove how unfit for office he is. It's not going to stop, because he's a narcissistic liar. He can't help it.

The Comey firing should have him on the fast track to impeachment. The longer the Republicans let this stretch out to preserve their power, the more damage he does because of their inaction, the worst the pain is going to be for them at the end of it. History will not be kind.
Short term maybe, long term nah. People have short memories and will be back on the republican train before long.


Is there no other protocol in place that can be used to hold the president accountable for blatantly illegal abuse of power?
Could the president shoot somebody in broad daylight and walk if congress didn't call for impeachment?

He can still be arrested and charged with crimes (if he shot someone or whatever). Any criminal charges would not automatically remove him from office.


Is there no other protocol in place that can be used to the president accountable for blatantly illegal abuse of power?
Could the president shoot somebody in broad daylight and walk if congress didn't call for impeachment?

If he is charged with a crime, Congress would have no choice but to impeach. You can't really have a President trying to run the country from a jail cell.
What if Trump is implying that he has tapes here??? Just saying... It's all how you read it..

That must be why he let Russians into the Oval Office.



Is there no other protocol in place that can be used to hold the president accountable for blatantly illegal abuse of power?
Could the president shoot somebody in broad daylight and walk if congress didn't call for impeachment?

25th Amendment, Article 4 can be used if you can prove Trump is unable to serve. Pence and the majority of his cabinet have to invoke and go along with it. It's a longshot, but possible.

Him and his sons have repeatedly bragged about their financial ties to Russia. I think Junior even said they don't need anyone else.

Of course US banks won't touch him anyway.


"There's nothing there if you leave out the stuff that is there."

What a week.

And that was written by his own fucking lawyer!

10 bucks he called up his firm and asked them to say that... And to cover their assess, they added 'with few exceptions'.


I'm so glad he still has Twitter account. He's such a dumb motherfucker, Jesus.

If/when he's eventually brought to an impeachment trial, the hearings will be hilarious.


Right its alternative facts all over again.

Hey I dont have Russia as an income source BUT I do have loans and investments I pay back to Russians!

They are not coming from Russian sources however some sources clearly not Russian do however own Russian banks!


Unconfirmed Member
Trump lawyer, yesterday:


You don't think this one is notable?

It's rarely notable and I wish they'd use a different headline to grab someone's attention while reserving "breaking news" for quality stuff. This one about the lawyer saying nothing in his tax returns shows connections doesn't qualify for me.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
"Jack the Ripper interacted with thousands of Londoners and didn't murder a single one. With few exceptions."
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