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Chinese women risk prison to read and write gay 'Sherlock' fan fiction

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The new season of Sherlock premiered in China mere hours after the show aired Britain. And it did so to much fanfare. "The gay-citement has finally returned. PS: Thank you, Prime Minister Cameron, for visiting China," a fan is quoted as saying in a BBC piece on the season premiere.

"Gay-citement" is a euphemism for the imagined/desired sexual tension and love between Holmes and Watson, known in China as Curly Fu and Peanut, the Chinese pronunciation of their names (Curly is a reference to Cumberbatch's hair, Fu = Holmes Foreign Policy reported).

Imagining a world where Curly Fu and Peanut engage in buggery isn't strictly a Chinese thing (the show even had a coy reference to this in its season premiere) — Sherlock is just one of the many shows that's been the subject of "slashing", a type of fan fiction where authors turn the main heartthrobs of the show gay.

What makes China slightly different is that this slashing is happening in a country with a history rife with gay discrimination and against slashing — people have been in thrown in jail for distributing the slash fiction.

Apparently, the homosexual love between Curly Fu, Peanut, and other male characters on the show like Mycroft and Moriarty is worth bring thrown in prison for. If you look at MTSlash, a Chinese fan-fic site, Sherlock is by far one of the most popular subjects, with over 4,900 entries — almost double the second most popular show, Supernatural. Suits, for some inexplicable reason, also has a devoted slash following.


The people who read this often refer to themselves as "Fu Nv" originating from the term "Fujoshi", which literally means "rotten women." "The term has become popular in China in recent years. Young women fantasize about beautiful men being in love and proudly label themselves "Fu Nv". It has also extended from just men in manga and anime to real-life male performers in TV drama and movies," Sina explains.

The Fu Nv would probably be something like the One Directioners who gobble up "Zarry" (Zayn + Harry) or "Ziam" (Zayn+ Liam) fan fiction. As Amanda Hess wrote for Tomorrow, some of this is a push against the contrived and now all to formulaic romance stuff that we've been shoving at teenage girls since the dawn of boy bands and Chistian Grey, which are, when you boil it down, idyllic love stories written by middle age men and women about people half their age, aimed at teens and young adults. (Draw whatever kind of parallels to the Chinese government and censorship you want.)


The power of Cumberbatch or as the Chinese call him "Curly Fu"


I mean, yeah. It's not like shipping and fanfiction is something that's inherently restricted by location or culture.

Sucks they have to risk their social freedoms for it though.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Women and their yaoi, slash fiction, etc..... I'll never get it.


The second most popular show for fanfic is Supernatural? It's so ridiculous and perfect.

Please don't link me to Supernatural GAF. I'll leave this feeling cute instead of creepy.
The second most popular show for fanfic is Supernatural? It's so ridiculous and perfect.

Please don't link me to Supernatural GAF. I'll leave this feeling cute instead of creepy.

AO3 has Supernatural and Sherlock constantly fighting for top spot for 'how many fics there are'.

I think FF.net's top spot belongs to Glee :/

So this is what Fiction does in between watching those shows.



Reading it yeah, I am rarely writing it :p
I often feel a little bit of pride when I see someone post a slash fanfiction in Russian.

Fight the system!

Is that...you photoshopped with Cumberbatch in your avatar? lol

That's pretty ridiculous that you can get thrown in jail for something so stupid though...I mean do they censor all media that portrays homosexuality or just amateur stuff?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You should see my slash fiction involving the mods of GAF. (Swoons)
Is that...you photoshopped with Cumberbatch in your avatar? lol

That's pretty ridiculous that you can get thrown in jail for something so stupid though...I mean do they censor all media that portrays homosexuality or just amateur stuff?

It's a joke :p

And yeah, the fact that people can be thrown in jail over slash fanfiction is awful and it makes me kinda proud that they are fighting against it and doing it anyway. And apparently it's just homosexual stuff yeah.


Suits too? Is nothing sacred?!

Two good-looking men spending most of their time in each other's company? That's like Kryptonite for many fangirls all around the world.

......which is why I never understand the phenomenon of shipping this version of Sherlock and Watson.
Two good-looking men spending most of their time in each other's company? That's like Kryptonite for fangirls all around the world.


Come on dudes, you like your lesbian porn. Why is it so shocking that women like to write/read about two hot men getting it on?


People thrown in jail over fan fiction?

What on earth?
Porn in generally is banned in China (though you can obviously still get it), the article they linked said they jailed a woman who ran a for profit porn site who had fan-fiction section.
I don't think posting slash fiction on tumblr or having GAF in your browser history is something that can get you in trouble.


Is gay fiction written by the opposite sex ever any good? I have always assumed it was filled with what strait people think gay people act like and that is almost always stereotypes


Is gay fiction written by the opposite sex ever any good? I have always assumed it was filled with what strait people think gay people act like and that is almost always stereotypes

There are some good ones but there are also those who think that there's such thing as
self-lubricating anus
. Not to mention the "magical dicking that heals all" cliche often pervades such fanfictions.
This could lead to an endless stream of Sherlock gifs, but I'll just high five you for now.

I only have one high five gif :(

This one fits though.


I thoroughly enjoyed the smoldering bromance in X-Men First Class



It's hard to resist some good smoldering eyesex.

Is gay fiction written by the opposite sex ever any good? I have always assumed it was filled with what strait people think gay people act like and that is almost always stereotypes

Most slash is written by straight women, and falls in the same 95% shit 5% gold that most fanfiction does. You just have to hunt for the well written ones.


These two are not dating although judging from the storyline, they probably should. Tommy would have been a better, more convincing love interest for Oliver than Laurel:




Come on dudes, you like your lesbian porn. Why is it so shocking that women like to write/read about two hot men getting it on?

I suppose there's a difference in people's heads between "watching porn of it" and "creating porn of it (based off of something that isn't porn)".
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