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Chinese women risk prison to read and write gay 'Sherlock' fan fiction

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Welp! Top of the page. /shame


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
okay google image searching sherlock eyesex brings up way more images than I expected

how deep does this rabbit hole go

and should I quit while I'm ahead
JFC, he's supposed to be driving!!

On that note, I don't know what I'll do when this film comes out:



I want there to be just like, one show that teases with the eyesex for seasons and then bam, the two guys actually get together. Wouldn't that be incredible?

It'll never happen :(


I want a tag give me a tag
Watch out.

The women are here.

I just got onto tumblr recently oh mighty Fiction.

still trying to work out how to use it.. as i'd only ever used it for Animal Crossing before. But i'm struggling. What are some good sherlock tumblrs to follow? i just search the word sherlock.. but i struggle to find the decent ones.
I just got onto tumblr recently oh mighty Fiction.

still trying to work out how to use it.. as i'd only ever used it for Animal Crossing before. But i'm struggling. What are some good sherlock tumblrs to follow? i just search the word sherlock.. but i struggle to find the decent ones.

I am actually rather new to tumblr myself.

(People forget that fandom has existed since way before tumblr was a thing)

Just search the Sherlock tag, find some posts you like and check out blogs. That's what I do!


I want a tag give me a tag
I am actually rather new to tumblr myself.

(People forget that fandom has existed since way before tumblr was a thing)

Just search the Sherlock tag, find some posts you like and check out blogs. That's what I do!

ah thank you! yes i think i just need to actually spend some time sorting through the riff raff.

soon I will have the greatest sherlock/doctor who / kpop feed known to man.

okay google image searching sherlock eyesex brings up way more images than I expected

how deep does this rabbit hole go

and should I quit while I'm ahead

we need something to discuss next time you rock up to a meet up. it can be this.
ah thank you! yes i think i just need to actually spend some time sorting through the riff raff.

soon I will have the greatest sherlock/doctor who / kpop feed known to man.

The best way I've found to find stuff is the saved search function. Search '#sherlock' and then save it. Then click on it, and it brings up all those posts with that keyword in a dashboard type feed instead of the weird 'bunch of posts jammed together and you have to click on them to actually view them' type thing the search does.


Who forces you to read it? Do you spend your days restrained to a chair while someone else scrolls slash fiction on a screen before your eyes, living a life that's a constant repeat of that scene in A Clockwork Orange?

...i just responded to a joke post didn't I...


I got a slasher/shipper friend.

They delight in showing me things.

Horrible horrible things.

Imagine an extremely pervy Fiction who's into slash all the time and you get the description of my friend.


Can someone who speaks Mandarin actually explain or write out Fu Nv? I have no idea what the "Nv" would even be.

"Nv" is the hanyu pinyin for 女, meaning female.

The correct Fu Nv is 妇女 (woman), so they changed the Fu into other Fu (meaning spoilt/decay) and it's a new word of 腐女. Chinese wiki says the word is taken from Japanese word "fujoshi".
Nah, it don't work that way. The show would be way less popular with the fan community if they were actually gay, for one.

Like when it imploded because of real depictions of gay men. Wait a minute.

Considering how many shows actually HAVE that, well...Glee has a pretty huge fan following, and is the most fic'd thing on ff.net. So did the one HBO show back in the day. Tons of fic.

Not sure what you are trying to say, but I too agree more media should have real gay relationships.
Nah, just make one or both of them black. That scares off the slashers real quick.
That explains why I don't see Tumblr .gifs of Keith and David from Six Feet Under. :(
Considering how many shows actually HAVE that, well...Glee has a pretty huge fan following, and is the most fic'd thing on ff.net. So did the one HBO show back in the day. Tons of fic.

Not sure what you are trying to say, but I too agree more media should have real gay relationships.
Ignore me, I just have an axe to grind with same sex shippers. :\



Jesus, he's giving it to him HARD.

Funny this thread popped up. I binge-watched Sherlock this weekend, and I was just thinking that there had to bit TONS of slash fanfiction in this fandom. I mean, it's so easy...

John: You don't have a girlfriend, then?
Sherlock: Girlfriend? No. Not really my area.
John: Oh, right. Do you have a...boyfriend? Which is fine, by the way.
Sherlock: I know it's fine. *stares*
John: ...So you've got a boyfriend then.
Sherlock: No.
John: Right. Ok. You're unattached. Just like me. Fine. Good.
Sherlock: John, erm, I think you should know that I consider myself married to my work, and while I'm flattered by your interest, I'm really not looking for any-
John: No. I'm not asking. No. I'm just saying, It's all fine.
Sherlock: Good. Thank you.

Yeah, there's got to be some gooooooood shit out there.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Is this the official yaoi thread yet?
That explains why I don't see Tumblr .gifs of Keith and David from Six Feet Under. :(

Ignore me, I just have an axe to grind with same sex shippers. :\

I know at lot of em can be assholes, run into it myself :/

The 'Ew, het!' people are annoying as shit. Fandom usually just amuses me, sometimes it pisses me off.


Subete no aware
Well there are some bad fanfic writers out there, even Chinese ones!

I... think that's the word for "woman" but it's pronounced more like "nu"? My hanyu pinyin is balls so I don't really know the correct spelling :(


Oh huh, I thought it was as such. I wonder why it's a v instead of a u though. Weird.

"Nv" is the hanyu pinyin for 女, meaning female.

The correct Fu Nv is 妇女 (woman), so they changed the Fu into other Fu (meaning spoilt/decay) and it's a new word of 腐女. Chinese wiki says the word is taken from Japanese word "fujoshi".

Thanks guys. icarus explained it to me - that in pinyin, lazy people who can't use a "ü" end up using a "v" instead. So in fact, it's Fu Nü (let's leave the tone numbers out entirely lol)... which makes more sense.

Because, really, I had no idea how to make a "vee" sound in Mandarin. lol
I wish that China weren't so conservative.

It's amazing, China is still mislabel and misunderstood as being "Communist" today. But almost every modern Communist today is a social justice radical who speaks very seriously against kyriarchy. And cishet privilege.


May I have a cookie?
It's a joke :p

And yeah, the fact that people can be thrown in jail over slash fanfiction is awful and it makes me kinda proud that they are fighting against it and doing it anyway. And apparently it's just homosexual stuff yeah.

So I had to come in this thread just to see your replies. Didn't even realise that was your picture photoshopped into the avatar.

Gotta say, you two make a handsome couple!
I still take pride that to this day I've never had to come across the dark side of the Supernatural fandom.

My innocence is intact.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I find it interesting how there's a large tendency to use pre-existing characters for slash, but in lesbian porn character actresses are a novelty.


Know several guys who enjoy reading slash fanfic, not sure if they are straight or gay though.

There are straight guys who enjoy slashfics.
I was introduced to slash fanfics by a friend ages ago. She was shipping slash herself and recommended me some choise reading (also fanart) because I was a fan of many of the shows and books she was and she wanted to see my reaction. Not surprisingly I enjoyed it.

The reason I find myself reading slashfic is basically this:

Apparently he introduced Benedict to fandom, and showed him some super explicit fanart and they had a giggle over it.

It's crazy 'take the premise, turn it around and just go with it' -type of fun.
There are straight guys who enjoy slashfics.
I was introduced to slash fanfics by a friend ages ago. She was shipping slash herself and recommended me some choise reading (also fanart) because I was a fan of many of the shows and books she was and she wanted to see my reaction. Not surprisingly I enjoyed it.

The reason I find myself reading slashfic is basically this:

It's crazy 'take the premise, turn it around and just go with it' -type of fun.

There is some amazing stuff out there if you know where to find it. I am happy to know that my assumption that there are straight guys that enjoy it too was correct. :)

And yeah, fandom in general to me is just fun. Even the crazy stuff. Sometimes especially the crazy stuff.
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