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Clinton has pneumonia

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yeah I don't believe they are actually "the Left" at all. They are "independents" I guess you would say, people that don't like labels that can swing either way but tend to lean Right. The real Sander's supporters like myself have long since moved on and are backing Clinton.
What are you basing this belief off of?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Trump campaign going back to "basketgate" instead of health. Someone needs to ask Trump about his ridiculous sick note.
That would maximize helping Democrats.
I would argue many independents are more progressive on policy and structure change than Democrats.

If you paid attention to the other threads you would realize I understand why we have a 2 party system but that I'm all for restructuring at least one of the parties. The nation needs both parties to break down and rebuild around serving the American people instead of the corruption.

And we already went over the fact that the only way we would get such a thing to happen is if the current GOP ceases to be competitive, which would require the democrats to start dominating in elections more often.

And again, realistically speaking, the only voting option that helps progressivism is voting for the Democrats so that they have more leeway to lean more left.


What are you basing this belief off of?

What belief? Go read that reddit. It's a fact. These people aren't real Sander's supporters and never were. They completely stand for the opposite of what Sanders does, actual progressive change that is impossible if Trump becomes president.

The Bernie or Busters on gaf have been some of if not the loudest defenders of Trump here along with the so called" independents".

I'm pretty sure if you asked Bernie himself or any leader in the party they would tell you that anybody not voting Hillary isn't really on the left with a Trump presidency on the line.
What belief? Go read that reddit. It's a fact. These people aren't real Sander's supporters and never were. They completely stand for the opposite of what Sanders does, actual progressive change that is impossible if Trump becomes president.

The Bernie or Busters on gaf have been some of if not the loudest defenders of Trump here along with the so called" independents".

I'm pretty sure if you asked Bernie himself or any leader in the party they would tell you that anybody not voting Hillary isn't really on the left with a Trump presidency on the line.

All of this.


Why is it always anime avatars

Somehow my oldest is a total weeb, and I kinda encouraged it by getting Attack on Titan for us to watch together and it may be a coincidence, or it might be subliminal messages or something, but I got about half way through and started to believe that huge walls might be beneficial to humanity, and a newfound tolerance for improbable hair.


That would maximize helping Democrats.
I would argue many independents are more progressive on policy and structure change than Democrats.

If you paid attention to the other threads you would realize I understand why we have a 2 party system but that I'm all for restructuring at least one of the parties. The nation needs both parties to break down and rebuild around serving the American people instead of the corruption.

You can argue all you want. The Republican party in charge will never lead to progressive changes in policy. I mean ignoring reality is nice, but people that live in the real world where there are actual consequences on their lives don't have that luxury. Want to be gay and married. Can't vote Republican? Want to be Muslim and live in this country without prejudice? Can't vote Republican. Want healthcare as a basic human right? Can't vote Republican. The list goes on and on.

Basically, it's nice to want things.
Primary cause of death for people who have Parkinson's is Pneumonia. Throat muscles can't coordinate when swallowing and saliva goes down the wrong way. This causes coughing fits.

Rather long video with a MD speculating HRC has Parkinson's for between 5-10 years. Hopefully for 10 years as that means a slower progression. Watch and make up your own mind.

10 Points Proving Hillary's Parkinson's Disease:

Incidents tied to Symptoms of Parkinson's

I love that being a Hillary truther is what finally got you banned.


What belief? Go read that reddit. It's a fact. These people aren't real Sander's supporters and never were. They completely stand for the opposite of what Sanders does, actual progressive change that is impossible if Trump becomes president.

The Bernie or Busters on gaf have been some of if not the loudest defenders of Trump here along with the so called" independents".

I'm pretty sure if you asked Bernie himself or any leader in the party they would tell you that anybody not voting Hillary isn't really on the left with a Trump presidency on the line.
My impression was it was a mixed bag of crazy people that you describe, as well as some actual left leaning people. Your assertion that all the "real" Sanders supporters have moved on based on Reddit, Bernie saying something (you're pretty sure), and some neogaf posters isn't what I'd call fact.
My impression was it was a mixed bag of crazy people that you describe, as well as some actual left leaning people. Your assertion that all the "real" Sanders supporters have moved on based on Reddit, Bernie saying something (you're pretty sure), and some neogaf posters isn't what I'd call fact.
Actually, it's based on polling.


listen to the mad man
Why is it always anime avatars

1) 4chan is founded by moot as an image board style site to discuss anime.
2) years later, the zero moderation approach leads to /pol/ being a mostly white nationalist forum
3) exposure to ideas within a community that accepts them moves the Overton window and makes people mistakenly believe their ideas are normal within the broader community ("I don't know anyone who voted for Nixon"). This is especially true for people with limited social support outside their immediate community (this is true across the political spectrum--people with few social attachments have a worse ability to make evaluations of social phenomena outside their groups)
4) Trump launches his campaign positioning himself as a candidate of white backlash, leveraging his existing large Twitter following to make Twitter the centrepiece of his campaign
5) many Channers are already on Twitter; those who aren't quickly join to support Trump and spread memes previously limited to /pol/
6) Rick Wilson notices this and makes his famous teenagers in their parents basement masturbating to anime comment; this becomes a point of pride among the intended targets of the comment.


listen to the mad man
My impression was it was a mixed bag of crazy people that you describe, as well as some actual left leaning people. Your assertion that all the "real" Sanders supporters have moved on based on Reddit, Bernie saying something (you're pretty sure), and some neogaf posters isn't what I'd call fact.

Recent polling suggests 92% of Bernie supporters report an intention to vote for Hillary in the two-party race (about comparable to previous intra-party defection rates). In the four-party race, roughly 22% report supporting Johnson or Stein. This is probably a little higher than usual both due to Johnson's surprisingly high polling numbers. But given the age slew of Bernie versus Hillary supporters, possibly not that odd.


My impression was it was a mixed bag of crazy people that you describe, as well as some actual left leaning people. Your assertion that all the "real" Sanders supporters have moved on based on Reddit, Bernie saying something (you're pretty sure), and some neogaf posters isn't what I'd call fact.

Edit: Nevermind. I feel like we are going off topic here, this is supposed to be about Hillary anyway.
Recent polling suggests 92% of Bernie supporters report an intention to vote for Hillary in the two-party race (about comparable to previous intra-party defection rates). In the four-party race, roughly 22% report supporting Johnson or Stein. This is probably a little higher than usual both due to Johnson's surprisingly high polling numbers. But given the age slew of Bernie versus Hillary supporters, possibly not that odd.

Plus we all know that as the election gets closer, more and more people stop lying to themselves about the idea of voting third party.

Also during the peak of Hillary's lead, as many as 12% of GOP voters were openly telling pollsters that they were going to vote for Hillary and only just under 80% were openly saying they will vote for Trump.

If we assume (for easy math purposes) that 50% of democrats were backing Hillary (and that all of that half still back her) and the other half was backing Bernie, we get (100%+77%)/2 which equals 88.5% for percentage of democrats currently backing Hillary in the 4 way race. So even at its worst, Hillary has a much more unified party than Trump.


Get well soon. I have a couple of friend in the 30s who got it and man they were miserable as fuck. I can't imagine how she feels.


Recent polling suggests 92% of Bernie supporters report an intention to vote for Hillary in the two-party race (about comparable to previous intra-party defection rates). In the four-party race, roughly 22% report supporting Johnson or Stein. This is probably a little higher than usual both due to Johnson's surprisingly high polling numbers. But given the age slew of Bernie versus Hillary supporters, possibly not that odd.
Yeah, that sounds about right, but I'm referring to the small minority who have stayed with Bernie because they're crazy people. That was my nitpicky ass point, that they're around mingling with the others who are latched to Bernie, despite polling, Reddit, neogaf.

Anyway, I'm done. Sorry.


listen to the mad man
Plus we all know that as the election gets closer, more and more people stop lying to themselves about the idea of voting third party.

In general, yes.

But Johnson's polling has endured longer than it typically does. Doesn't mean it won't decline going forward but provisionally a lot of people in the polling community have stopped insisting quite so strongly that his numbers are clearly illusory. I suspect he'll do better than any Post-1993 third party but worse than his high polls.

(there's also the possibility of persistent miscalibration of likely voter screens--I haven't looked at the LV/RV split for Johnson supporters. Could be something fun happeninng there.)
Lol at Brian Fallon on CNN trying to spin Hillary's bad decision to press on campaigning as if it's some sort of honorable act. What a joke. What she did was dumb and now she has to take days off anyway!
In general, yes.

But Johnson's polling has endured longer than it typically does. Doesn't mean it won't decline going forward but provisionally a lot of people in the polling community have stopped insisting quite so strongly that his numbers are clearly illusory. I suspect he'll do better than any Post-1993 third party but worse than his high polls.

(there's also the possibility of persistent miscalibration of likely voter screens--I haven't looked at the LV/RV split for Johnson supporters. Could be something fun happeninng there.)

Well wouldn't Johnson be getting a lot of his support from people that are picking him because they are unenthusiastic about either candidate? Sounds like the ingredients for low turnout for libertarian ticket supporters.

I agree that Johnson is definitely going to do a lot better than in previous elections, but even looking at this campaign season's trend for Johnson, his numbers indicate that he's going to start losing support a little, it just peaked later than usual because of the low favorables for both major party candidates.


Lol at Brian Fallon on CNN trying to spin Hillary's bad decision to press on campaigning as if it's some sort of honorable act. What a joke. What she did was dumb and now she has to take days off anyway!

Workaholics try to press on through illness all the time. It's both admirable and dumb.
Lol at Brian Fallon on CNN trying to spin Hillary's bad decision to press on campaigning as if it's some sort of honorable act. What a joke. What she did was dumb and now she has to take days off anyway!

Well, that was the 9/11 commemoration, she'd have caught a ton of flak if she didn't attend it. You'd have heard about HRC not respecting the victims or hiding sympathy to the terrorists all the way to election day. She was right to at least make the attempt, and in 10 days only truthers will still think her being sick is a lasting thing.
It isn't admirable when doing so exposes others to your infectious pneumonia.

Let's not act like the campaign staff didn't know they were at risk of getting infected too.

If anything, you just showed that Hillary AND a lot of her campaign staff are selfless enough to put themselves at risk just to help their fanbase get more excited.


In general, yes.

But Johnson's polling has endured longer than it typically does. Doesn't mean it won't decline going forward but provisionally a lot of people in the polling community have stopped insisting quite so strongly that his numbers are clearly illusory. I suspect he'll do better than any Post-1993 third party but worse than his high polls.

(there's also the possibility of persistent miscalibration of likely voter screens--I haven't looked at the LV/RV split for Johnson supporters. Could be something fun happeninng there.)

I think it hinges on whether or not he makes it to the debate stage. If he does, I could see those numbers at least holding, if not improving (assuming his debate performance is great, which is also a big assumption); if he doesn't, I imagine those numbers are going to tumble in the last month or so.

It isn't admirable when doing so exposes others to your infectious pneumonia.

Weren't you set straight on this point last night, or are you hoping that nobody reading this page remembers that?


Workaholics try to press on through illness all the time. It's both admirable and dumb.
Those are basically my thoughts. Not that she should have done it, it was silly, but there is something I appreciate about her plowing through it on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 until she fainted. Moxie.


It isn't admirable when doing so exposes others to your infectious pneumonia.

Please, stop exposing us to your contagious stupidity. Please. It requires prolonged close contact. Perhaps her staffers and inner circle will start dropping dead, however, after which you can gleefully post an I told you so.


Well wouldn't Johnson be getting a lot of his support from people that are picking him because they are unenthusiastic about either candidate? Sounds like the ingredients for low turnout for libertarian ticket supporters.

I agree that Johnson is definitely going to do a lot better than in previous elections, but even looking at this campaign season's trend for Johnson, his numbers indicate that he's going to start losing support a little, it just peaked later than usual because of the low favorables for both major party candidates.

I think it's more than that. Younger voters are inherently distrustful of the process, and feel that their vote normally doesn't matter as it's just contributing to a corrupt system. Sanders was the perfect candidate for them, and now that he's not here they'll simply vote third party to spite the whole process.

How else do you explain nearly a quarter of Sander's supporters picking a candidate who doesn't align with his principles nearly as much as Clinton does?
I do love how Gaf's Trump supporters cling to these Hillary threads like it's their only hope. Would be nice if they cared as much about the deplorable things their candidate has said over the past year, but Hillary coughing is pretty important too I guess.
While Reddit and the like are doing backflips to praise Trump for his "get well" message, they all seem to be forgetting that the Trump campaign and Breitbart are now one and the same. It's easy for them to put flowery words in one mouth while simultaneously spewing forth the usual vitriol from the other. That's exactly and transparently what they're doing at the moment, and nobody seems to care.
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