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Clinton has pneumonia

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While Reddit and the like are doing backflips to praise Trump for his "get well" message, they all seem to be forgetting that the Trump campaign and Breitbart are now one and the same. It's easy for them to put flowery words in one mouth while simultaneously spewing forth the usual vitriol from the other. That's exactly and transparently what they're doing at the moment, and nobody seems to care.

More importantly, it shows that there is someone at the helm who knows what the hell they're doing.

Old Donald would have been all over Twitter after yesterday. New Donald was nowhere to be found the whole day, and is instead letting the media run with it themselves (which they are). He also took the moral high road today. Clearly he's taking advice from someone who knows how to actually run a campaign.
I think it's more than that. Younger voters are inherently distrustful of the process, and feel that their vote normally doesn't matter as it's just contributing to a corrupt system. Sanders was the perfect candidate for them, and now that he's not here they'll simply vote third party to spite the whole process.

How else do you explain nearly a quarter of Sander's supporters picking a candidate who doesn't align with his principles nearly as much as Clinton does?

But when you ask it in the form of a 2-way race, nearly all of them switch to choosing Clinton.

I'm sure many of those younger cynics will still end up voting third party, but you will also have many that will chose Clinton as they start facing the reality that it's a binary choice.

Plus, it's not like younger voters are known for usually showing up to vote. I very much doubt that apathy among some of the younger voters has the possibility putting any notable damper in Hillary's numbers on Election Day.
Primary cause of death for people who have Parkinson's is Pneumonia. Throat muscles can't coordinate when swallowing and saliva goes down the wrong way. This causes coughing fits.

Rather long video with a MD speculating HRC has Parkinson's for between 5-10 years. Hopefully for 10 years as that means a slower progression. Watch and make up your own mind.

10 Points Proving Hillary's Parkinson's Disease:

Incidents tied to Symptoms of Parkinson's

Reminds me of the speculation about that small box on Bush's back during the debate with Kerry. There's nuts on all sides.


More importantly, it shows that there is someone at the helm who knows what the hell they're doing.

Old Donald would have been all over Twitter after yesterday. New Donald was nowhere to be found the whole day, and is instead letting the media run with it themselves (which they are). He also took the moral high road today. Clearly he's taking advice from someone who knows how to actually run a campaign.

Trump hasn't said too much stupid shit as of late.

Him taking the gloves off was shutting up.


But when you ask it in the form of a 2-way race, nearly all of them switch to choosing Clinton.

I'm sure many of those younger cynics will still end up voting third party, but you will also have many that will chose Clinton as they start facing the reality that it's a binary choice.

Well, that remains to be seen. Up to this point, that hasn't been the case. And they know that voting third party is throwing their vote away, but apparently they're more than willing to do that to send a message.

Of course, this has historically changed as the season moves forward. It usually would have happened already, going by historical polling data. At least as far as I understand it.

Trump hasn't said too much stupid shit as of late.

Him taking the gloves off was shutting up.

And lo and behold, he's had his best 3 week period of his entire campaign. Imagine that.


41 > 38
More importantly, it shows that there is someone at the helm who knows what the hell they're doing.

Old Donald would have been all over Twitter after yesterday. New Donald was nowhere to be found the whole day, and is instead letting the media run with it themselves (which they are). He also took the moral high road today. Clearly he's taking advice from someone who knows how to actually run a campaign.

He actually had a pretty perfect response on CNBC today. The host asked him if he was feeling vindicated (or something) with regards to the health stories, and he said something along the lines of "I don't feel vindicated, no, I feel sad. I just hope she gets better soon." It's like the ultimate backhanded concern troll line possible. You're right, Old Donald would have been all over the place with "Sick Hillary" shit. He's getting... good advice now.
Trump's "get well" was a joke, anyway. It's as coded with messages for his followers as anything he's said.

"I hope she gets well soon," Trump said. "I don't know what's going on. I'm like you, I just see what I see. The coughing fit was a week ago, so I assume that was pneumonia also. I would have think it would have been so something's going on but I just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail, and we'll be seeing her at the debate.”

"It was interesting because they say pneumonia on Friday but she was coughing very, very badly a week ago and even before that, if you remember. This wasn't the first time, so it's very interesting to see what is going on."

"You guys see what's going on, right? I'm not gonna say it, but she's obviously deathly ill and pneumonia is not the only thing going wrong with her!"
CNN just said others in her circle were/are also sick.. 1 serious. A doctor on CNN said that she would still be infectious 1-2 days after treatment.. Which apparently started Friday.


Trump's "get well" was a joke, anyway. It's as coded with messages for his followers as anything he's said.

"You guys see what's going on, right? I'm not gonna say it, but she's obviously deathly ill and pneumonia is not the only thing going wrong with her!"

That's some pretty obvious coding! But it's Trump. He thinks "Nuance" is just another ethnicity to bar from the country.


No Scrubs
Trump's "get well" was a joke, anyway. It's as coded with messages for his followers as anything he's said.

"You guys see what's going on, right? I'm not gonna say it, but she's obviously deathly ill and pneumonia is not the only thing going wrong with her!"

It's "Doesn't she look tired" all over again.

CNN just said others in her circle were/are also sick.. 1 serious. A doctor on CNN said that she would still be infectious 1-2 days after treatment.. Which apparently started Friday.

Apparently she was the most recently diagnosed, so odds are she wasn't going around and infecting her staff.


CNN just said others in her circle were/are also sick.. 1 serious. A doctor on CNN said that she would still be infectious 1-2 days after treatment.. Which apparently started Friday.

Well, looks like this story will get extra legs now.

Just more good news from the Clinton camp. Luckily, it looks like Trump's polling surge has halted.
Well, looks like this story will get extra legs now.

Just more good news from the Clinton camp. Luckily, it looks like Trump's polling surge has halted.
Silver lining if you're a Clinton supporter: if others also have the same illness, it'll strengthen Clintons claim its pneumonia and not something more serious.
Trump's "get well" was a joke, anyway. It's as coded with messages for his followers as anything he's said.

"You guys see what's going on, right? I'm not gonna say it, but she's obviously deathly ill and pneumonia is not the only thing going wrong with her!"

I think you're seeing what you want to see.
Medical-Gaf how bad is pneumonia especially for someone of Hilary's age?

Depends on a million factors but given what little context we have, it shouldn't be too bad probably.

If she was immunosupressed, acquired it from a hospital, the other people who got it were suffering badly, or was a lot more sick than she appears then you can start to worry.

Frankly we don't know enough but from my 1.1 years of med school (obviously i know everything now) it isn't the stereotypical fatal pneumonia case.


It's better for her to come out ahead of this anyway, dispels any lingering controversy there would have otherwise been.

Although, you'd never know that by looking at the headlines of most major media publications. Shit, even NBC is in on the game: 'There's still a lot we don't know- 9 unanswered questions about Hillary Clinton's Health scare'.

It's like people forgot that sensationalist headlines get eyes or something.
Yeah she totally came out ahead of this before anything happened that would feed into the conspiracy.


Medical-Gaf how bad is pneumonia especially for someone of Hilary's age?

Well, tough to answer.

She's not your average 70 year old, so she should recover much faster than your typical elderly patient with pneumonia.

Also depends on what type of pneumonia it is. If it's walking pneumonia, it's most likely bacterial, and is easier to treat.

Of course you can never know, but if I were a betting man I'd say that she'll be on her feet and back in action by the end of the week. She really needs to rest for a few days, though.


Medical-Gaf how bad is pneumonia especially for someone of Hilary's age?

Pneumonia is no joke.

Hillary looks to be an active, healthy woman though, so i'm guessing she'll be on some high-dose antibiotics and she'll recover in a week or two. She has to take it easy though.
Well, that remains to be seen. Up to this point, that hasn't been the case. And they know that voting third party is throwing their vote away, but apparently they're more than willing to do that to send a message.

Of course, this has historically changed as the season moves forward. It usually would have happened already, going by historical polling data. At least as far as I understand it.

Read this, particularly the part where they mention that Johnson's polling numbers are starting to fade:

It's starting later due to the low favorability of both Hillary and Trump, but we are already starting to see signs that just like what usually happens earlier on in other election cycles, third party support is now just starting to dip.

And it's obviously for the same reasons that it would dip in other elections: More and more people facing the reality that this is binary choice.

And as we already know, Clinton gets a lot more support when people are asked about it as a 2-way race.
OH! look WHO it is! Right on time!

This is actually a rather belated entrance for me. I'm glad diablo and mimic have been holding the fort down as the voices of reason during my absence.

Honestly, withdrawing from a debate for "health reasons" would probably be a bigger blow than the video from yesterday. Even if she's still under the weather a bit, she'll be there.

Collapsing on stage live on national TV would potentially be a death blow to her campaign though. Nixon lost to Kennedy because he was sweaty, Obama almost blew it against Romney because of a stutter.
There will be huge consequences of she does. Trump is ready to go according to his tweets earlier today.

This is actually a rather belated entrance for me. I'm glad diablo and mimic have been holding the fort down as the voices of reason during my absence.

Collapsing on stage live on national TV would potentially be a death blow to her campaign though. Nixon lost to Kennedy because he was sweaty, Obama almost blew it against Romney because of a stutter.

Sorry to disappoint you two, but there is no reason to believe she won't be ready by then.

I know you were both desperately hoping to not have to witness the fact that Hillary is the only candidate that knows what she is talking about, but that's what will happen on the 26th.


Honestly, withdrawing from a debate for "health reasons" would probably be a bigger blow than the video from yesterday. Even if she's still under the weather a bit, she'll be there.
What if she coughs for 5 minutes? That won't look good either.

I'm sure the Clinton campaign is quite nervous about that first debate at this point.


41 > 38
Collapsing on stage live on national TV would potentially be a death blow to her campaign though. Nixon lost to Kennedy because he was sweaty, Obama almost blew it against Romney because of a stutter.

Absolutely. But if she's at the point where there's a serious risk of her collapsing on stage two weeks from now, then she probably doesn't have much of a chance to win the election either way.

What if she coughs for 5 minutes? That won't look good either.

I'm sure the Clinton campaign is quite nervous about that first debate at this point.

Don't get me wrong, all would be bad. But "sorry she can't come because of her health" is the final absolute nail in that coffin.
A bunch of Bernie or Busters on my Facebook are posting that "Emergency DNC Meeting" "News". They're in celebration mode lol. It just blows my mind how people can't do a simple fact-check.
Well, tough to answer.

She's not your average 70 year old, so she should recover much faster than your typical elderly patient with pneumonia.

Also depends on what type of pneumonia it is. If it's walking pneumonia, it's most likely bacterial, and is easier to treat.

Of course you can never know, but if I were a betting man I'd say that she'll be on her feet and back in action by the end of the week. She really needs to rest for a few days, though.
She can probably get some dope ass Illuminati-exclusive antibiotics yeah?

Now I'm convinced I'm getting pneumonia. I bet diablos is pissed that I'm in a public place even though I'm sneezing a lot.


Collapsing on stage live on national TV would potentially be a death blow to her campaign though. Nixon lost to Kennedy because he was sweaty, Obama almost blew it against Romney because of a stutter.


Common Sense said:
Why are people freaking out so much about mycoplasma pneumonia, aka walking pneumonia, aka atypical pneumonia? It's a simple treatment of 5 days of antibiotics at this point -> a "Z pack." Chill the fuck out people.

A lingering cough is possible, though, but not some crazy 5 minute fit, especially after treatment.
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