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Clinton has pneumonia

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The more I think about it, this is the classic problem people have with Clinton, and where the trust issues come from.

The usual quote is "the cover-up is worse than the crime". In Clinton's case I'd argue: the weirdness and secrecy is worse than the boring truth.

The boring truth is Clinton has pneumonia. Lots of humans get pneumonia, if anything it humanizes her. She has pneumonia, she'll get over it.

But instead she covers it up, tries to power-through, and then finally is forced to admit it only when it becomes a crisis.

I think Hillary especially has learned to be overly secretive, knowing absolutely everything that can be used against her, eventually will. But that means the public expects her to hide things, only to admit them when/if they elevate to a crisis, and that's not good.

Look, I have no insight into Clinton's head here, but my best guess would be she was trying to tough it out until Sunday afternoon, just long enough to attend the 9/11 Memorial, and then rest and possibly release the information that she wouldn't travel to CA. Even if she had a legitimate doctor's diagnosis, her opponents would still rush to play politics with Clinton snubbing the brave men and women who lost their lives that day.

"I don't care if she has a cold or a flu or whatever. You go and you honor the fallen. It's just like when she didn't care when four brave souls in Benghazi etc etc etc".

That's what she was trying to avoid. It didn't work out.
Look, I have no insight into Clinton's head here, but my best guess would be she was trying to tough it out until Sunday afternoon, just long enough to attend the 9/11 Memorial, and then rest and possibly release the information that she wouldn't travel to CA. Even if she had a legitimate doctor's diagnosis, her opponents would still rush to play politics with Clinton snubbing the brave men and women who lost their lives that day.

"I don't care if she has a cold or a flu or whatever. You go and you honor the fallen. It's just like when she didn't care when four brave souls in Benghazi etc etc etc".

That's what she was trying to avoid. It didn't work out.
And if she had revealed she had pneumonia and was still going anyway, you'd see a lot of "I don't see how it honors the fallen to go around spreading whatever serious infectious illness she has to women and children. Is she that desperate as to put lives at risk for her own image?"


And if she had revealed she had pneumonia and was still going anyway, you'd see a lot of "I don't see how it honors the fallen to go around spreading whatever serious infectious illness she has to women and children. Is she that desperate as to put lives at risk for her own image?"

You're both so right it hurts. There's no winning for her.


I think that with the timing, she thought that disclosing her illness would be a bad idea. Timing in this case being the sudden focus the alt right took on her health. Yes, in hindsight, it would have been better to get ahead of it.

Also with 9/11 coming up she didn't want the focus to be on her health.


Look, I have no insight into Clinton's head here, but my best guess would be she was trying to tough it out until Sunday afternoon, just long enough to attend the 9/11 Memorial, and then rest and possibly release the information that she wouldn't travel to CA. Even if she had a legitimate doctor's diagnosis, her opponents would still rush to play politics with Clinton snubbing the brave men and women who lost their lives that day.

"I don't care if she has a cold or a flu or whatever. You go and you honor the fallen. It's just like when she didn't care when four brave souls in Benghazi etc etc etc".

That's what she was trying to avoid. It didn't work out.

My thoughts as well.

One positive: her brush with pneumonia should now put anyone who was barely paying attention to the election on high alert.
And if she had revealed she had pneumonia and was still going anyway, you'd see a lot of "I don't see how it honors the fallen to go around spreading whatever serious infectious illness she has to women and children. Is she that desperate as to put lives at risk for her own image?"

It's one of those no-win situations. So I can see how she would want to attend and hopefully remain quiet about her pneumonia diagnosis, and then wait until later Sunday or Monday to announce along with her plans to sit out the west coast trip.

lord quas


WASHINGTON—Expressing regret over its reckless decision to infect the Democratic presidential nominee, the virus causing Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia was reportedly terrified Monday after remembering what the Clintons were capable of. “Oh shit, what the hell was I thinking—you don’t get on the wrong side of these people,” said the infectious agent, which became increasingly worried while recalling just how far the Clintons were willing to go to get what they wanted, as well as what often happened to those who dared to cross the powerful politicians. “Everybody knows you never mess with the Clintons. These people won’t hesitate to absolutely crush you, and they have the money and connections to do it. I knew I should’ve just stayed clear. I’m so fucked.” At press time, the horrified virus was reportedly planning to avoid the Clintons’ wrath by taking its own life.
Nothing's being argued, just insinuated.

The alt-right has been claiming for months that Clinton has Parkinson's/Alzheimers/brain damage without any evidence. Just a few clips of video when she (clearly intentionally) moved her body in a surprised or exaggerated motion.

Now that she's been caught on camera actually fainting and has been actually diagnosed with pneumonia they're rushing to get their "we were right all along"s in, when no, they weren't.

Now, BESIDE all of that alt-right mess, some are blaming Hillary for not having known she was going to collapse at a public event despite being diagnosed with "walking pneumonia", which has been described as a type of pneumonia in which sufferers are still able to carry on with their daily routine to a degree. But "she should have known better".

I wasn't talking about that, I was mostly referring to the argument going on about convention bumps and whatnot. I really couldn't follow what the argument was about there.
Her campaign made the right gamble, trying to get through 9/11 ceremonies and then deal with it. The alternative had zero chance of a positive outcome, powering through at least had a small margin. Without the dramatic footage of her clearly in bad shape, she would have been called lying, or weak and disrespecting the fallen. No one would have believed the pneumonia claims, hell some people still don't. However, if she made it through, at least she cleared the 9/11 hurdle. If this was Trump, everyone would be lauding him for his toughness and sacrifice, that he put the honor of the fallen ahead of his well being. But since Clinton is a woman, it is nothing but weakness and smoke and mirrors. Walking pneumonia is fucked because it gives you moments of a false sense of well being, and then literally drops you with fainting and/or dizziness.
I wasn't talking about that, I was mostly referring to the argument going on about convention bumps and whatnot. I really couldn't follow what the argument was about there.

Oh, nevermind then. I now see posts before that this thread took a turn into general campaign polling discussion.


A real issue is that this was hidden because of the ruckus Trump has been making about her health. The fact that the Clinton campaign felt it necessary to respond and react to the absolute insanity he spews isn't comforting. She needs to keep herself above his silly bullshit and rely on the fact that enough of us know he is a turd. She let him dictate how this played out and now looks worse because of it.


A real issue is that this was hidden because of the ruckus Trump has been making about her health. The fact that the Clinton campaign felt it necessary to respond and react to the absolute insanity he spews isn't comforting. She needs to keep herself above his silly bullshit and rely on the fact that enough of us know he is a turd. She let him dictate how this played out and now looks worse because of it.

Tough tightrope to walk.

Guess it depends on how her campaign feels this is effecting polls.


Nothing's being argued, just insinuated.

The alt-right has been claiming for months that Clinton has Parkinson's/Alzheimers/brain damage without any evidence. Just a few clips of video when she (clearly intentionally) moved her body in a surprised or exaggerated motion.

Now that she's been caught on camera actually fainting and has been actually diagnosed with pneumonia they're rushing to get their "we were right all along"s in, when no, they weren't.

Now, BESIDE all of that alt-right mess, some are blaming Hillary for not having known she was going to collapse at a public event despite being diagnosed with "walking pneumonia", which has been described as a type of pneumonia in which sufferers are still able to carry on with their daily routine to a degree. But "she should have known better".
Can someone link me where she was diagnosed with walking pneumonia? The doctors statement read that the diagnosis was "pneumonia."

Did I miss a statement?


These videos Chris Hayes is tweeting out of crazy trump people really is making me sick.

This stuff is dangerous and I really really despise the fact that the GOP allowed this to become mainstream. The party brewed this for how many decades and now here we are.

Just watched the Gaycation episode on Ukraine, and its like white nationalism is taking hold everywhere and it's really freaking me out.


Look, I have no insight into Clinton's head here, but my best guess would be she was trying to tough it out until Sunday afternoon, just long enough to attend the 9/11 Memorial, and then rest and possibly release the information that she wouldn't travel to CA. Even if she had a legitimate doctor's diagnosis, her opponents would still rush to play politics with Clinton snubbing the brave men and women who lost their lives that day.

"I don't care if she has a cold or a flu or whatever. You go and you honor the fallen. It's just like when she didn't care when four brave souls in Benghazi etc etc etc".

That's what she was trying to avoid. It didn't work out.
I think that's the most likely scenario and I agree. She made a gamble and it didn't work out.

To be honest though, I'm not sure she would have released news about her pneumonia (ever) unless forced.
I think that's the most likely scenario and I agree. She made a gamble and it didn't work out.

To be honest though, I'm not sure she would have released news about her pneumonia (ever) unless forced.

Because it's like announcing you havea strong flu.

Obama doesn't hold a press conference when he gets sick.

It's ridiculous to expect her to have wanted to or intended to announce pneumonia. It's a temporary illness, a more severe flu. Shit happens, you get better
Can someone link me where she was diagnosed with walking pneumonia? The doctors statement read that the diagnosis was "pneumonia."

Did I miss a statement?

Well, yes, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. But her pneumonia was described as "walking pneumonia" because she wasn't already at a state where she was completely bedridden. Hence, she was able to make it to the memorial, and while she had a fainting spell, she was evidently back on her feet looking reasonably well just an hour later.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Lol at Brian Fallon on CNN trying to spin Hillary's bad decision to press on campaigning as if it's some sort of honorable act. What a joke. What she did was dumb and now she has to take days off anyway!

I disagree. Had she not have gone to the 9/11 memorial, it would have been way worse. You would have people at the same time calling her unamerican and wondering weather she is actually sick AND people at the same time wondering if she is hiding behind some worse medical condition.
Speculation from a single opinion piece. Got it.

So there was no diagnosis of mycoplasma?

It's unclear.


Clinton's spokesman said on CNN today that the presidential candidate is "not contagious." This would indicate she probably does not have certain kinds of viral pneumonia. But without further information it is still unclear what kind of pneumonia Clinton has contracted.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Everything is fucked up


Sorry if I am seeming abrasive. I'm just getting frustrated with the amount of filler commentary. I'm just looking for the facts. I'm gonna put the Internet down for a bit.

I appreciate the links.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
You can tell the people saying she has parkinsons never knew someone with it.

My grandfather, even with his condition very controlled with great medicine, still has unsteady hands. Even when he was put under for surgery, they had issues because he would spasm sometimes. He's had it for a few years now.

Also he used to fall, A LOT. His balance was completely broken. He fell and broke his hip and now he uses a wheelchair to get around.

You can't just hide it! It's not just a matter of smoke and mirrors. Watching Hillary's every move for years now, eventually someone would notice her hands shaking uncontrollably, she'd be falling more, her memory and focus would be "off."

I already posted this, but my father has Parkinsons (somewhat early stages) and his hands are perfectly steady. It mostly just affects his ability to walk (and causes pain in his legs).


Hmm. Trump demanding an apology for deplorables comment, calling Hillary unfit to lead. This is lead on CNN.com. I hope she doubles down and points out very specifically why.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Hmm. Trump demanding an apology for deplorables comment, calling Hillary unfit to lead. This is lead on CNN.com. I hope she doubles down and points out very specifically why.

Didn't she already apologize for that? Or just say she regrets it or something?
I wonder how long she'll take to rest.

Also, Who came up with term "alt-right?"

Is it a self prescribed name or a pejorative created by the opposing party?


Can’t stump the diablos
I wonder how long she'll take to rest.

Also, Who came up with term "alt-right?"

Is it a self prescribed name or a pejorative created by the opposing party?

It was coined by the Democrats.

EDIT: hmm looks like it was the libertarians?
The first mention I find is:
Gottfried, Paul (December 1, 2008). "The Decline and Rise of the Alternative Right". Taki's Magazine.
I disagree. Had she not have gone to the 9/11 memorial, it would have been way worse. You would have people at the same time calling her unamerican and wondering weather she is actually sick AND people at the same time wondering if she is hiding behind some worse medical condition.
I think if they would have announced ahead of time that her schedule would be truncated due to pneumonia (which has happened now), no one would have cared if she'd left after a sedate half hour of her being there.


I find it ironic that on 9/11, the conversation around both candidates is about Trump clearing/not clearing rubble, and the timeline and announcement of Clinton's illness.

It's the most important political office in the world, and people don't give a fuck about foreign policy, security, the economy, people are talking about gossip.


Didn't she already apologize for that? Or just say she regrets it or something?

Trump, you fucking called all Mexicans rapists,


No one needs to apologize to your base for anything

It's a perfect move by Trump to get the focus back on the racists and hateful people that make up his staff and a good portion of his supporters. Good job, Trump! By demanding an apology from a woman who is recovering from pneumonia, the media has nothing to do but ask you why haven't you apologized for the garbage you've said. And if we are all lucky, they'll start taking a closer look at who you associate with and who are some of your biggest fans. Perhaps we can start with Steven Bannon. Nice move, Trump!!


I wonder how long she'll take to rest.

Also, Who came up with term "alt-right?"

Is it a self prescribed name or a pejorative created by the opposing party?

All it means is that they are right-wing but outside the rigidly policed orthodoxy of movement conservative that has dominated the national GOP for decades. Movement conservatives took it upon themselves to try to marginalize other currents of right-wing thought for decades (eg, Buckley going after the John Birch Society back in the day). "Alt right" refers to the current iterations (note the plural) of alternative right-wing ideologies cropping up in the present day without fitting into the GOP or the Libertarian Party. Often implicit in the term's usage is the particular popularity of a given strain of thought online.


Speaking of the alt-right, someone actually called me a 'beta libcuck' today. On a forum, of course, because I think most normal people would find that term hysterical.

I've reached the big league, boys and girls.


I find it ironic that on 9/11, the conversation around both candidates is about Trump clearing/not clearing rubble, and the timeline and announcement of Clinton's illness.

It's the most important political office in the world, and people don't give a fuck about foreign policy, security, the economy, people are talking about gossip.

Yeah. People will find out what the candidates stand for when they're actually elected.


Hi! My name's Beta Libcuck. Would you be interested in hating all white people while simultaneously fucking my wife, whom I've failed to train properly?


Hi! My name's Beta Libcuck. Would you be interested in hating all white people while simultaneously fucking my wife, whom I've failed to train properly?

I honestly laughed out loud when I read it. It sounds so ridiculous, it's impossible not to.
Trump, you fucking called all Mexicans rapists,


No one needs to apologize to your base for anything

I mean not to get into schematics here but he called the illegal immigrants from Mexico rapists. He didn't even say all of those were rapists but a portion of them.
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