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CNN: In angry letter, Page discloses 'brief interactions' with Russian official


Washington (CNN)Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page told Senate investigators that he had "brief interactions" several years ago with a Russian official he said was a "junior attaché," even though US officials had suspected the official of spying on behalf of the Kremlin.

Page pointedly declined to provide details of more meetings with Russians, saying doing so would result in "hundreds of hours" of work and that the Obama administration already had records of his Russian contacts because of its surveillance of his activities.

In an angry nine-page letter, Page attacked the Senate intelligence committee's "bitter" investigation, suggesting it was a "show trial" into potential collusion between associates of President Donald Trump and Russians during the elections. Page said the committee's request for detailed information about his recent contacts with Russians is "preposterous" and "illogical," and is " based on "lies from corrupt politicians."

But he does acknowledge meeting in 2013 with Victor Podobnyy, whom he called a "junior attaché" to Russia at the United Nations, even though US officials believe he is a spy. He said he only had "brief interactions" with Podobnyy and did not expand on what they discussed.

http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/08/polit...ian-official 0155PMVODtopLink&linkId=37336499


This guy just keeps digging his own grave.

If I was his lawyer, I would have dropped him as a client a long time ago.


This guy just keeps digging his own grave.

If I was his lawyer, I would have dropped him as a client a long time ago.

He probably doesn't have one. You can tell he is guilty just by his body language. And his constant smirking he does.

Doesn't look like a person telling the truth to me.
At some point, I was a liiiiiittle worried that Carter Page was being TOO available and transparent for someone who was guilty.

That concern disappeared quickly the more and more he opened his mouth.
It's lucky Page has the good fortune of being in the United States. Cos if he was in Russia he would of been buried deep beneath the frozen Siberian tundra. Many weeks ago.


Looking for meaning in GAF
"I'd give you more details to show that I'm not a traitor, but I'm too lazy lol"

Yes, this defense will definitely hold up.
The most anyone is going to find on Trump/Russia is that Manafort and Flynn did some shady influence peddling like most DC assholes. If there was evidence supporting the wild conspiracy (Putin and Trump conspired to leak DNC emails to crush Clinton, and Putin has blackmail on Trump), we'd have seen it by now. The January intelligence report was pathetic, exaggerating the influence and conspiratorial intent of the RT television channel beyond belief.
The most anyone is going to find on Trump/Russia is that Manafort and Flynn did some shady influence peddling like most DC assholes. If there was evidence supporting the wild conspiracy (Putin and Trump conspired to leak DNC emails to crush Clinton, and Putin has blackmail on Trump), we'd have seen it by now. The January intelligence report was pathetic, exaggerating the influence and conspiratorial intent of the RT television channel beyond belief.

You post this garbage in a thread about page basically being caught working for Russian spies?

Also FYI the FBI has used the Steele dossier to get warrants on Trump people.
Oh good, his refusal to cooperate should mean that now they form a bipartisan select committee or appoint a special counsel with subpoena power.


Nine angry pages! The CNN article has a link to a pdf of the letter:
To put in context how outrageous your groundless comprehensive data requests would be, consider the case study of General Flynn. Frustrated in the wake of her failed attempt to circumvent the long-delayed introduction of effective immigration policies in the United States, de facto anarchist Sally Yates instead turned her attention to destroying the career of a distinguished American. Although I have never met General Flynn, his recent experiences make clear that any minor variation between his memory of a conversation during a vacation on the beaches of the Dominican Republic vs. the in-depth transcript kept by the deep state is framing him for severe personal damage. Comparing that one relatively recent conversation by General Flynn to the two years of records and recollections you're instead asking me for helps illustrate how illogical your proposition is.
I skimmed it, but there's a lot of this.

2:30 eastern I think

Yup. 2:30 pm EDT



The most anyone is going to find on Trump/Russia is that Manafort and Flynn did some shady influence peddling like most DC assholes. If there was evidence supporting the wild conspiracy (Putin and Trump conspired to leak DNC emails to crush Clinton, and Putin has blackmail on Trump), we'd have seen it by now. The January intelligence report was pathetic, exaggerating the influence and conspiratorial intent of the RT television channel beyond belief.
A concerted effort to tamper in Western democracies to elect volatile allies of Putin is not speculation. The unclassified intelligence report confirms it, and that's what all 25 pages were about. It's also public knowledge that it happened with Brexit, and it's largely assumed to be what was attempted in France.

That report is not going to declassify ongoing investigation material regarding communication or collaboration between Trump and Putin until that investigation is completed.
You post this garbage in a thread about page basically being caught working for Russian spies?

Also FYI the FBI has used the Steele dossier to get warrants on Trump people.

The FBI can get a FISA warrant on anyone it wants. The Steele dossier has always been a joke, which is why only Buzzfeed would publish it despite major outlets sitting on it for months.

Here's what happened with Carter Page. Hopefully we can agree on the headline:

Russian Spy Met Trump Adviser Carter Page and Thought He Was an ‘Idiot’



Oh good, his refusal to cooperate should me that now they form a bipartisan select committee or appoint a special counsel with subpoena power.
Too busy trying to kill Americans with health problems at home and foreigners abroad to tackle distractions like this.


Oh good, his refusal to cooperate should me that now they form a bipartisan select committee or appoint a special counsel with subpoena power.

You mean... The right thing to do?

In a Republican controlled Senate? Nope.

The FBI can get a FISA warrant on anyone it wants. The Steele dossier has always been a joke, which is why only Buzzfeed would publish it despite major outlets sitting on it for months.

Really. A 'joke' that has had multiple parts verified to this point, and literally not one word of it being proven untrue.

Speaking of jokes, you're slowly becoming a joke character here.


Things like "junior attaché," etc are often used as covers for spies. It's not like they go around saying "Top spy for FSB". Often diplomatic positions are used as cover.
The most anyone is going to find on Trump/Russia is that Manafort and Flynn did some shady influence peddling like most DC assholes. If there was evidence supporting the wild conspiracy (Putin and Trump conspired to leak DNC emails to crush Clinton, and Putin has blackmail on Trump), we'd have seen it by now. The January intelligence report was pathetic, exaggerating the influence and conspiratorial intent of the RT television channel beyond belief.

Remember that time Trump publicly asked Russians to hack Clinton, and then Clinton got hacked by Russians? Well, that was pure coincidence and I'm tired of people grasping at straws to connect to two!


If you want to hear where I'm coming from on the liberal Russia conspiracy, listen to this interview with FAIR.org media critic Adam Johnson starting at 17:45:


Yes... A liberal conspiracy that the FBI has been investigating for almost a year already.

And you said nothing to refute my point- None of the Steele dossier has been proven untrue to this point, and apparently it was taken seriously enough to be included in an intelligence briefing. Maybe it's time to look in the mirror?
The most anyone is going to find on Trump/Russia is that Manafort and Flynn did some shady influence peddling like most DC assholes. If there was evidence supporting the wild conspiracy (Putin and Trump conspired to leak DNC emails to crush Clinton, and Putin has blackmail on Trump), we'd have seen it by now. The January intelligence report was pathetic, exaggerating the influence and conspiratorial intent of the RT television channel beyond belief.

You don't know how ongoing investigations work, do you?

Carter Page said:
Frustrated in the wake of her failed attempt to circumvent the long-delayed introduction of effective immigration policies in the United States, de facto anarchist Sally Yates instead turned her attention to destroying the career of a distinguished American.

You don't know what an anarchist is, do you?


Looking for meaning in GAF
It's probably better to ignore this guy's attempts to derail the thread and go back to talkigna bout the topic at hand.


"de facto anarchist Sally Yates"


Especially cute since Bannon is the closest thing to a true anarchist in high level government in recent memory.
Why do people keep quoting Sugarhigh? He's either a Russian troll or the living incarnation of the Horseshoe Theory. Either way, not worth engaging with. Just stick him on ignore.

OT: Carter Page has to be the dumbest man alive. I was listening to speculation this weekend that he was just a bullshit artist trying to make himself look like a bigger deal than he is, but if so, I can't imagine he'd still be defending himself like this. He'd just admit that he's not actually that important and skedaddale. The only way his current behavior makes sense is if he's desperate to avoid prosecution and knows that telling the Senate what he's done would incriminate him.
If there was any doubt that Carter Page is a total shitheel:

"The urgency of getting to the bottom of the abysmal human rights record of those actions taken by the Clinton/Obama regime during the 2016 election is an immediate national priority. Finally moving beyond the dark cloud of the civil rights abuses which occurred last year might help encourage capable leaders and essential allies such as Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to again feel safe in visiting the United States."
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