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CNN: In angry letter, Page discloses 'brief interactions' with Russian official


If Mr page wasn't a collosal traitor I'd almost feel sorry for him. He's clearly over his head. Oh well keep diggin'...


If Mr page wasn't a collosal traitor I'd almost feel sorry for him. He's clearly over his head. Oh well keep diggin'...

Carter and Flynn's guilt is almost a certainty at this point.

We just have to wait and see how high it actually goes.


If Mr page wasn't a collosal traitor I'd almost feel sorry for him. He's clearly over his head. Oh well keep diggin'...

Can't that be said for damn near everyone in the administration? They are obviously guilty and hilariously bad at covering it up. It is only the stonewalling of the GOP that keeps this from being blown wide open
Why do people keep quoting Sugarhigh? He's either a Russian troll or the living incarnation of the Horseshoe Theory. Either way, not worth engaging with. Just stick him on ignore.

Like it or not, many serious journalists continue to question the reporting on this Russia narrative.

Here's Matt Taibbi:

What if reality does turn out to be a massive connect-the-dots image of St. Basil's Cathedral sitting atop the White House? (This was suddenly legitimate British conspiracist Louise Mensch's construction in The New York Times last week.) What if all the Glenn Beck-style far-out charts with the circles and arrows somehow all make sense?

This is one of the tricks that keeps every good conspiracy theory going. Nobody wants to be the one claiming the emperor has no clothes the day His Highness walks out naked. And this Russia thing has spun out of control into just such an exercise of conspiratorial mass hysteria.


Here's Jeremy Scahill w/ Seymour Hersh:

The declassified version of the report, which was released January 7 and dominated the news for days, charged that Putin “ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election” and “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.” According to the report, the NSA was said to have had a lower confidence level than James Clapper and the CIA about the conclusion that Russia intended to influence the election. Hersh characterized the report as full of assertions and thin on evidence.





He probably doesn't have one. You can tell he is guilty just by his body language. And his constant smirking he does.

Doesn't look like a person telling the truth to me.

Either that or hes purposely being vague to make it seem like hes more guilty than he is to trap the media into looking like fools. Thats the impression i get. Its almost like hes trying to give off the impression that hes guilty
Either that or hes purposely being vague to make it seem like hes more guilty than he is to trap the media into looking like fools. Thats the impression i get. Its almost like hes trying to give off the impression that hes guilty

Lol, yeah, the Trump administration is filled with 7th dimension chess players we should never forget


Can't that be said for damn near everyone in the administration? They are obviously guilty and hilariously bad at covering it up. It is only the stonewalling of the GOP that keeps this from being blown wide open

I feel like there's something special about Page, an almost childlike naivety. There's an interview floating around with an old college or military buddy of his that describes his general mental state in those terms. Sorry can't find it atm.


I feel like there's something special about Page, an almost childlike naivety. There's an interview floating around with an old college or military buddy of his that describes his general mental state in those terms. Sorry can't find it atm.

Like attracts like


Lol, yeah, the Trump administration is filled with 7th dimension chess players we should never forget

Im the last person who would ever say Trump plays 3d chess, but we already know he was sending out fake trial balloon info to the press to make them look dumb if they reported on it and to make him look better when it wasnt that bad. Hardly 3d chess. Pretty much checkers. Im really just trying to wrap my head around how someone can go so far out of their way to look so guilty
It's funny. Whenever there is a minor scandal in sports, let's say a player is accused of cheating, pundits always say if you're innocent scream it from a mountaintop. That though resonates with me. I feel like if I were accused of something I didn't do I would make sure everyone knew it.

Apparently Carter didn't get the memo that it only works if you are actually innocent, because his decrying of the investigation just makes me more confident he is guilty.


The whole rant is embarrassing and ludicrous but why is he White Knighting for Duterte, seemingly out of the blue? Hell, why is Trump? Who sees a leader murdering thousands of their own people and then decides to ally with them and publicly praise them?


For you.
The FBI can get a FISA warrant on anyone it wants. The Steele dossier has always been a joke, which is why only Buzzfeed would publish it despite major outlets sitting on it for months.

Here's what happened with Carter Page. Hopefully we can agree on the headline:


ah yes " a joke" with multiple already verified facts and collected by a respected ex-inteliggence officer, what a joke indeed.
Like it or not, many serious journalists continue to question the reporting on this Russia narrative.

Here's Matt Taibbi:


Here's Jeremy Scahill w/ Seymour Hersh:


So an article saying that Mench is crazy (she is) and an Intercept piece citing Hersh (who is also crazy). Cool.

Im the last person who would ever say Trump plays 3d chess, but we already know he was sending out fake trial balloon info to the press to make them look dumb if they reported on it and to make him look better when it wasnt that bad. Hardly 3d chess. Pretty much checkers. Im really just trying to wrap my head around how someone can go so far out of their way to look so guilty

Uh, we do? Since when has this been known? A lot of people speculated this was happening, but this was never a confirmed thing and most of the supposed fake information that Trump floated out ended up being true such as the rollback of LGBT rights and the religious freedom EO. All of the fake info that Trump pulls out sure as hell isn't floated, it's stuff he trumpets personally like the Obama wiretapping and election rigging stuff.

And the answer to why he's doing this is probably just as simple as the fact that he knows he's caught, and he's just floundering under the pressure.


"I've never talked to any Russians."

"Ok, maybe just once, but that was an isolated incident that had nothing to do with anything."

"I may have gotten a few phone calls from them, but they were meaningless."

"Well, this one time, a few times, we met for lunch."

"I had a Russian agent who lived in the apartment next to me, and I saw him every day, but we never talked."

This quote is the one that makes me laugh the most:

Although I have never met General Flynn, his recent experiences make clear that any minor variation between his memory of a conversation during a vacation on the beaches of the Dominican Republic vs. the in-depth transcript kept by the deep state is framing him for severe personal damage.

Why are so many people so desperate to tie themselves to that sinking ship? The guy has been disgraced and we've heard Republicans saying it looks like he broke the law... and yet so many embroiled in this can't help but trip over themselves to defend him.


"I've never talked to any Russians."

"Ok, maybe just once, but that was an isolated incident that had nothing to do with anything."

"I may have gotten a few phone calls from them, but they were meaningless."

"Well, this one time, a few times, we met for lunch."

"I had a Russian agent who lived in the apartment next to me, and I saw him every day, but we never talked."


Arrested dev is a documentary.
This quote is the one that makes me laugh the most:

Why are so many people so desperate to tie themselves to that sinking ship? The guy has been disgraced and we've heard Republicans saying it looks like he broke the law... and yet so many embroiled in this can't help but trip over themselves to defend him.

If I were to guess, there's probably a feeling that if Flynn goes down, it's going to be indication that there's targets on all of them and they could all go down, because almost all the people involved in this so far seem to more or less be involved in the same way from the information we currently have. It tells me, too, there was a lot more coordination to all of this behind the Trump administration.


If I were to guess, there's probably a feeling that if Flynn goes down, it's going to be indication that there's targets on all of them and they could all go down, because almost all the people involved in this so far seem to more or less be involved in the same way from the information we currently have. It tells me, too, there was a lot more coordination to all of this behind the Trump administration.

It's still mostly intuition, but it really feels like the whole Rep party knew, at least seniors like McConnell, Pence etc
Holy shit...these people are comic-book-level villains at this point.

This interview is awful. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, watch the bit between 3:30-5:30 was just terrible how badly he was lying. You could just see the pain in his eyes as he tried to lie his way through the entire interview knowing no one would buy it.

The highlight of it is when he clarifies 'when I said I was in meetings. I meant in a Russian context which could also means rallies.' paraphrasing a little.


If Mr page wasn't a collosal traitor I'd almost feel sorry for him. He's clearly over his head. Oh well keep diggin'...

Flynn certainly seems kinda deer-in-the-headlights and might make you feel a little sorry for him, Page is taking this probably how i would. He knows he's going down but is determined to be as unpleasant as possible as he slides into the breach.

This interview is awful. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, watch the bit between 3:30-5:30 was just terrible how badly he was lying. You could just see the pain in his eyes as he tried to lie his way through the entire interview knowing no one would buy it.

The highlight of it is when he clarifies 'when I said I was in meetings. I meant in a Russian context which could also means rallies.' paraphrasing a little.

Wow, I hadn't seen that before. Pitiful. This dude is guilty as fuck.
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