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Colin Moriarty of Kinda Funny: source says "most developers are not happy with PS4.5"


Isn't this just the same as the New 3DS/3DS, the DS and DSi situation? You'd think developers already got used to this scenario with Nintendo.

This seems different though since Sony is supposedly mandating two versions for every PS4 game.

And judging from the all the DSi and n3DS games that take advantage of the extra power, sounds like they figured it out to avoid the hassle.


Are they forced to make Neo versions of the game? I thought it was optional

From what we know games releasing in the "September" window will need to have a Neo Mode patch made and games launching from October onwards must have a Neo Mode. Neo Mode must provide performance equal to or better than Normal Mode (where I assume the "equal to" is for things running already at 1080p60fps where you can't get better).


this is not gonna end well, first off, almost 40m consoles and 90% of users disagree with this model, and now developers are not happy with it...

the best of luck Sony...

Youve talked to all 40 million? I never got a call from u.... nobody ever calls me.... sigh
I'm no tech expert but how radically different is the Neo's hardware that devs are going to have to devote a significant amount of resources to making a Neo version? From what I can see, everything is the same with a slight bump in clockspeed or bandwidth. It's not like they need to do anything radically different or extra for the Neo.

People are acting like it's a completely different architecture and devs need to make the same game twice from the ground up. To me it looks more like, enabling some stuff for Neo and disabling others for PS4. And it's not even a matter of scaling up for Neo. Games are built on PCs and scaled down for PS4. They just need to scale it down less for Neo mode.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my expectation is that if a game runs at a variable 30fps with vsync off on PS4, they'll be able to get it to run at a locked 30fps with vsync on for Neo mode. The difference will be there but it won't be significant. Just my two cents.

This is also what I thought. I hope someone can weigh in on this. I don't understand the fallout.


Sorry if this has been asked before but... couldn't devs just not make a "Neo" optimization setting and just have the game run at normal PS4 settings across both versions?

The rumor is that Sony will require devs to make a "Neo" mode of any future PS4 games that runs "better". What that entails remains to be seen.

This seems obvious to me. It's more work that probably won't lead to significantly more sales for developers.

Pretty much. Developers gain almost nothing from developing for the Neo if the "base" PS4 co-exists. It's just extra work. This is why the requirement from Sony's end makes sense.


Felium Defensor
I wish I was BFF with "most" devs and we'd just trade PMs all day and they'd tell me about their feelings regarding unannounced HW and games. We'd also setup chill sessions at local parks where we'd get high as hell and talk about video game ideas and concepts.

IF you are a video game dev and that sounds good to you, feel free to PM. Must be local, DDF & 420 friendly.


I struggle to think of a reliable source that could be in touch with enough developers to be able to state that "most" are unhappy.

Maybe not "most," but "many" would be a possibility, given that the PS4.5 was a hot topic of discussion among developers during GDC a few weeks ago.


Poor devs I guess? But I want to know, how hard is it exactly to make those two modes? Is it really that hard or are they just too lazy to optimize on two versions?
I just want to understand Sony's motivation behind this. Why risk upsetting the current PS4 user-base and devs when everything is going so well for them as we enter mid-cycle?

They most likely already realized that PS4 doesn't have its predecessors legs when it comes to long-term sales. The classic PL model is outdated (just look at any other entertainment hardware) Unless they come up with a significant new gimmick (like Kinect or Move) consoles will peak within the first 2-3 years.

The fact that Sony doesn't rely on PSVR (alone) to generate further PS4 sales momentum actually says a lot.


It's going to have the same problem the New 3DS does, which is nobody wants to bother developing for it, when there's already a userbase on the original machine.

Going from the latest leak though Sony aren't going to be sanctioning fully exclusive content. The N3DS still benefits from making some 3DS titles run better. Expect that here.


Well they'll have to get used to it. Ms is only doing the same.

Uh, the "get used to it" attitude is what resulted in PS3 and also how Nintendo eventually started their downfall (when other options opened up and developers were sick of Nintendo's attitude of you'll deal with it cause what else are you going to do).

Consoles can't survive without developer support. It's not good to just tell them to f* off. In fact Sony had learned that lesson and that's one reason PS4 was getting such good support (where as MS was doing the deal with it attitude towards developers).


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah i can sympathize. I like the idea of a PS4.5 but this isnt going to be too much fun for developers who already have to maintain three different versions of their games.
So basically, your speculation is right and those who have gotten this info from industry sources are wrong or naive. Gotcha'.
You're missing the part where I said there are two options and either of them are bad. Even if they don't have any exclusives then devs are forced to put in more time for small returns, ps4 og owners are left feeling cheated and the ps neo owners and devs don't get to play/make games that warrant a gen upgrade. It's shit whichever way it ends up working out.


Then why do devs make PC games? That has to be multitudes worse then... Am I wrong here?

Devs have to ensure that a game runs well at the target specification on a console, which requires significant optimization. Ignoring that though, there's a built audience of 100m PC gamers which means more copies sold. PSNeo has no audience to sell to other than people trading in their PS4s for the Neo, which doesn't exactly mean much for software sales.
Devs complain about having to make the same game for two different graphical skus for no extra money or marketshare.

They were never gone. They were just making some seriously good decisions for a hot minute.

And then VR.

And then PS4K.


Mesoian, please tell us what the year 2019 is like. You're clearly from the future.


Time is limited and publishers have expectations of timelines. If devs have to spend extra time working for a half-step console, they have less time to work on the content of the game. When resources are stretched thinner, the quality of games suffer. They have every reason to be upset.

That is a publisher and project management issue, not a Sony/MS/Nintendo one.


is there any reason why sony is taking this route? just seems like an unnecessary move not welcomed by a substantial number of consumers, and according to this report devs too

is it motivated by VR or something?

That or for whatever reason they are "scared" of being the weaker console compared to the NX and/or whatever Xbox might have in hinted at. A bit odd considering past history of stronger consoles not being the best selling ones.
Exactly what i was thinking. It's more work for devs which mean more delay..
Or even less optimized PS4 games at release as developer focus gets split across base and NEO versions, x2 for each console platform that goes this route.

I could be jazzed about this kind of hardware power bump mid-cycle if games released in better states. But for many of the heavy hitters you're better off waiting for a patch or two before jumping in, if the game even gets patched.
Curious, since you work at a studio! How do you guys plan to deal with the added cert-time and cost--or is Sony not requiring it? I imagine unless there are some deals in place it's really going to break non-partner indies' banks.

My biggest concern isn't really with the performance differences (people will figure out how to do it quickly and easily), but with the fact that developing and launching on the PS4/Neo could very well prove cost and time prohibitive.

I can't really discuss much, but people aren't really running around going crazy thinking of it.

I think cost for indies will be roughly the same. PS4 is definitely more accessible for indies than PS3 was despite being a lot more powerful. Obviously if you want to make it look fancier on a PS4k you have to put some work in it, but the amount of work depends on what you want to do and they can always simply allow 4k/60FPS + AA, turn on some effects and call it a day.
Devs complain about having to make the same game for two different graphical skus for no extra money or marketshare.

They were never gone. They were just making some seriously good decisions for a hot minute.

And then VR.

And then PS4K.

How is VR a bad decision?


Wait so what does that mean and which developers are these?

Hopefully none of them are developers that make versions of their games for PC because then this just sounds ridiculous.


It'll be extra work any way you slice it. The devs will do what the publisher tells them regardless so no matter what. If this thing is a success you can expect others to follow suit.
But if publishers and developers didn't ask for this, why the hell is PSNeo even a thing?

It's the only thing that makes sense for its existance.
Makes sense.

Devs won't get additional sales from Neo-optimized games, as no Neo owner is gonna go "I wasn't interested in the game until a Neo-optimized profile was announced! Day 1!" Similarly, if a game DOESN'T have one, Neo owners wouldn't go "this is a deal breaker!"

So for devs it's extra work for really no pay-off.

Are they forced to make Neo versions of the game? I thought it was optional

It has to run on a Neo. I doubt Sony would make them optimize for it, though.


How is VR a bad decision?

It's early yet, and maybe things will be different come October, but if Sony is the only one making actual gaming experiences for VR, I don't see such a heavy bet paying off for them. Even with the occulus and the Vive being on store shelves (or as close as possible to them with these delays) we still don't have any real gaming related software for any VR system that's worth talking about beyond, "yes, that's a game that would probably be better played outside of VR".

We're still in such an experimental stage and Sony is better HARD that everyone and their parents is going to want a headset, and their own VR contributions are games that are probably just as good without VR.

Plus I don't think people are considering the hidden costs for PSVR yet. 95% of people are going to have to buy that 600 dollar bundle because they didn't want to buy into move controllers or cameras when the PS3 and PS4 were new.

Yatta yatta yatta, RISK. But that's risk sony's taking head on, which is fine.

The only real risk on the NEO end of things seems to be on the developer's end.

Mesoian, please tell us what the year 2019 is like. You're clearly from the future.

Man are you gonna wish you were back in 2016. I would give anything to be in those weeks just before e3 before I knew everything that was going to happen. It was so exciting, so free of peril.



this is not gonna end well, first off, almost 40m consoles and 90% of users disagree with this model, and now developers are not happy with it...

the best of luck Sony...

Did you leave a voicemail or return number? I don't think you counted me towards your tally.
That is a publisher and project management issue, not a Sony/MS/Nintendo one.
It is a Sony issue since pissing off devs lead to less exclusives, worse ports and other general fuckery. It's kinda important to have developers happy with your system so they, ya know, develop.
You're missing the part where I said there are two options and either of them are bad. Even if they don't have any exclusives then devs are forced to put in more time for small returns, ps4 og owners are left feeling cheated and the ps neo owners and devs don't get to play/make games that warrant a gen upgrade. It's shit whichever way it ends up working out.

It's not a generational upgrade and it's not going to be marketed as such.

I think most current PS4 owners aren't going to feel cheated. They'll continue to purchase FIFA, Call of Duty, and Madden on their vanilla consoles and be just fine.

It is a Sony issue since pissing off devs lead to less exclusives, worse ports and other general fuckerym

None of what you said here is going to happen.


Devs complain about having to make the same game for two different graphical skus for no extra money or marketshare.

They were never gone. They were just making some seriously good decisions for a hot minute.

And then VR.

And then PS4K.


Jesus Christ the hyperbole in these threads lol
Is it really that much work? I am seriously asking because I know nothing about game development. I just figure that if PC games can have a variety of settings to mess with this would just be a matter of a developing setting up a preset selection depending on the system performance.
Gamer focused
Developer inspired

I think developers will eventually get along with it, at the end it benefits to them when game consoles have no longer generations.


Really seems like a useless statement - most developers = most developers his source knows? Programmers? Designers? Producers?

The amount of work required to get something running on a faster version of the same platform is greatly exaggerated. It's vertical scaling, not porting to a different kind of architecture. From the sound of it, there isn't even a requirement to render natively at 4k, so render as high as performance allows and upscale from there.
It's not a generational upgrade and it's not going to be marketed as such.

I think most current PS4 owners aren't going to feel cheated. They'll continue to purchase FIFA, Call of Duty, and Madden on their vanilla consoles and be just fine.

None of what you said is going to happen.
That subtle condescension though.

And okay,if it isn't marketed as a generational upgrade but it's priced like one.... ????


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