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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Have some of you guys even tried reading Mein Kampf? Give it a shot! It will totally make the Nazis make sense!


It's interesting how Nazis and the KKK are being victimized by some.

Radical domestic terrorists and recruiters are just people with opposing views. It's not like they are asking for an ethnic cleansing or mobilizing people in mass to share their oppressive and destructive views that turn into oppressive and destructive actions. /s

The fact that Colin is more about defending these people instead of calling out their hateful bullshit that could get people killed tells me all I need to know.
The fact that Colin is more about defending these people instead of calling out their hateful bullshit that could get people killed tells me all I need to know.

To be fair, he has called them out...but I still don't agree with the fact you have to put up with their BS in the name of free speech, and clearly misses the fact that minorities don't have the luxury to be able to put up with it, nor should they. That's one opinion where I think he's way off the ball in regards to the equivalencies of the far left and far right. Like I said on the previous page, I definitely disagree with him on the Milo thing, he does argue that people have the right to not give him a platform, but people also have the right to say what they want. I don't really agree, considering there just has to be a line drawn, because saying hurtful things can empower people to do and say further racist, xenophobic and bigoted things. I think it's naive to think that some of what the far right can be reasoned with. I think it's even more naive and silly to think they're just as bad as the far left. It comes across a tone deaf, and even if you're from a conservative background, I think being socially liberally should at least make you open up more towards the plight of minorities.

Colin Moriarty is that guy who read Ayn Rand in college and thinks he's figured it all out.

I wouldn't really say that. Even if I disagree with a lot of his politics, he's definitely well versed in the field and he's said time on time again it's been his passion from a very young age.

The drama in his twitter feed these last 2 days is just ...

It's really silly, and I'm trying to find two sides to this, but if you're been harassing someone for like 4 years with a chip on your shoulder, ripping into him...one day you should expect some blow back from Colin. It's not right that some people have taken it to far, and tbf Greg and Colin both said not to do that to some of their community members, but I don't really sympathize with Bob playing the victim card after crapping on someone constantly and then not expect a response. People have to stand up for themselves.
I disagree with a lot of what he says, and I even replied to him in the other thread criticizing his viewpoints about the false equivalencies of the left, echoing some of what has been said here. However at the same time, I think a lot of misinformation has been wildly spread here, with tweets taken out of context, or framing Colin to be some alt-right Lunatic. I can also take 6 tweets he's posted in the past week, and frame him as a far left liberal. It just depends which one of his tweets you select from. .
Which tweets have been taken out of context? Dude responded to me about only the Bannon stuff and all he gives me is a bullshit spiel about how Bannon might not agree with everything Brietbart publishes because hey, Colin and and his boss at IGN disagreed sometimes! So that's the same for every publsiher.


Flat out not what he said. Over the broader context of the conversation he said you have a right to challenge and engage them. But attacking them physically is not OK, because where does that end?
You can try and challenge a nazi with reasoning and logic all day and night, it won't stop them from twisting the knives into the backs of people they think shouldn't exist because of their racial background.

The problem with these types of discussions is that the rhetoric of the Nazis and the KKK IS violence. I think the difference between violence performed out of self-defense and violence instigated by verifiably evil views is an important distinction to make. Is punching a Nazi technically the same action as being punched by a Nazi? Yes, and in that sense you could say they are equally violent acts. But I would strongly disagree that they are morally equivalent, and I would also say that by allowing Nazis to dominate so much of the conversation on race in modern society, we allow their views to occupy the same space as viewpoints that aren't objectively immoral and harmful to large swaths of people. And by allowing this to be our ONLY avenue of dissention, we enable these people to spread facism through our society essentially unchallenged.

Much more intelligent people than you, I, or anyone else on this board have torn through every aspect of the Nazi doctrine and have layed out why it is supremely harmful to the human race as a whole. And yet, Nazi facism is on the rise in western society. So simply being wrong and being politely informed as such isn't enough of a reason for people to realize they ARE wrong. It's an overly idealistic (and naive) view of human psychology to say that you can change anyone's mind with a polite discourse or even an appeal to emotion. These people are NOT ignorant, and they aren't simply misinformed. They know what they are doing, and letting them go with a verbal slap on their wrist and sending them on their way is exactly what they want.
Which tweets have been taken out of context? Dude responded to me about only the Bannon stuff and all he gives me is a bullshit spiel about how Bannon might not agree with everything Brietbart publishes because hey, he and and his boss at IGN disagreed sometimes!

I'm not going to call a specific poster out, (because some of his tweets at face value are inflammatory and right out brash) but some of his tweets, specifically his replies, were taken out of context as being passive aggressive insults about him being raised right, or defending Bannon, or Milo, which he expanded upon his morning show about that not being his point (because he disagrees with what they say for starters).

Look, I don't blame people for doing that -- he's not helping his case by posting silly short inflammatory sentences on Twitter, but I'd also like to add that it doesn't say the full picture (which isn't necessarily people's fault for taking that way). But you can't then frame these tweets as being some alt-right Lunatic, when you can take plenty of other tweets out of context and frame him as some far left liberal. It's selective, and all I was trying to say, you have to balance it out, because I mean there's some people in this thread thinking he's already voted for Trump, which is not true (because of the same tweets being circulated/quoted). Again, let me emphasize, this isn't necessarily peoples' fault per se, but all I was trying to do is add balance (not to the arguments because I flat out disagree, but to his variety of opinions not necessarily being 'far right').


Not even once have I seen the Free Speech defence force actually defend something worth defending. It's literally always "people have the right to tell you they'd prefer if you were dead or had no rights", but never a real cause that needs to be defended. Most of all, how can Americans be so freaking myopic? Do you really think Germany and Japan don't have freedom of speech just because there are hate speech laws? Do you think such countries would be better in any way if they started defending ideas like ethnic cleansing?

Conservative Americans are too much.


No not at all. I disagree with his politics a lot, but up until like the past couple of years I actually respected Colin. He always spoke his mind and that something I can respect.

But recently he needs to be quiet in telling me a black man and others about how they should feel and deal with people that want us cleansed from the Earth or hate is for our skin color.

He refusing to get out of his own bubble.

It's funny how he and others are telling us to have this convo now. Was he telling middle America to sit down and talk with people who voted for Obama? Was he demonizing them for their hateful and racist protests?

Now Colin feels he's a voice for people in this industry too ashamed to share their views? The same people that work side by side with people that are deeply impacted by the dumb shit Trump has done? Give me a damn break.

Well, I think he is still speaking his mind but now he often speaks about stuff you don't like. I'm not sure what he said that offended you that much but I think he shouldn't be quiet about anything. If he were, you probably wouldn't have liked him in the first place.


I'm not going to call a specific poster out, (because some of his tweets at face value are inflammatory and right out brash) but some of his tweets, specifically his replies, were taken out of context as being passive aggressive insults about him being raised right, or defending Bannon, or Milo, which he expanded upon his morning show about that not being his point (because he disagrees with what they say for starters).

Look, I don't blame people for doing that -- he's not helping his case by posting silly short inflammatory sentences on Twitter, but I'd also like to add that it doesn't say the full picture (which isn't necessarily people's fault for taking that way). But you can't then frame these tweets as being some alt-right Lunatic, when you can take plenty of other tweets out of context and frame him as some far left liberal. It's selective, and all I was trying to say, you have to balance it out, because I mean there's some people in this thread thinking he's already voted for Trump, which is not true (because of the same tweets being circulated/quoted). Again, let me emphasize, this isn't necessarily peoples' fault per se, but all I was trying to do is add balance (not to the arguments because I flat out disagree, but to his variety of opinions not necessarily being 'far right').

Im pretty sure you're talking about me, tell me how I took it out of context and how he framed it? because reading all those tweets was pretty damning and condescending as fuck.
The fact that Colin is more about defending these people instead of calling out their hateful bullshit that could get people killed tells me all I need to know.

I don't understand why Colin is making a video towards the Milos of the world. The bigots.

Why isn't Colin reaching out but instead telling others what to do it? Leading by example would show me that this "reach out and engage" was a suggestion in good faith and not a moderate White playbook move.

Whenever people make suggestions to others saying "reach out to bigots" you normally get a 30 second soundbite of them shunning the actions and words of bigots but minutes of content telling you what the Left is doing wrong.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Well, I think he is still speaking his mind but now he often speaks about stuff you don't like. I'm not sure what he said that offended you that much but I think he shouldn't be quiet about anything. If he were, you probably wouldn't have liked him in the first place.

Are you really unsure about what offends minorities about a white guy telling them how they should act, especially around racists and bigots? I think its clear as a cloudless summer day to me.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Colin sure has said some crazy things, IMO this is by far the worst though:

Writer, IGN TV

This is undoubtedly going to irritate many IGN TV readers (and even my own editors), but here it is anyway: The Simpsons has never been a good show - ever - and comparing it to something that actually makes people laugh, like Family Guy, seems a little odd to me. Family Guy is one of the finest cartoons to ever air. The Simpsons isn't. I'd trade in the entire catalog of The Simpsons just to get my hands on the 89 episodes of the UK's DangerMouse... but that goes without saying. Hearing that damn theme song, "The Simpsonnnnnns"... it makes me scurry for the remote every single time. I won't lie.



I don't think people despise him (too strong a term) and I think most people in the thread agree with most of the video.

But the 2046 stuff seems like he's policing how people should stand up to the rise of facism in modern America which doesn't sit well when many of Colin's comments seem quick to frame the left in a negative light compared to the far right.

I'm not sure how you could come to the conclusion that he was policing anybody? He made some well reasoned arguments. It really is bad for their business to exclude a lot of people for their believes but he also said that it's the devs right to hold this position and I totally agree. I don't think he put the left in a negative light....he just pointed out that excluding people for their believes is bad. Isn't that something the left usually really cares about? Not excluding people for their believes? I don't get it.
Not even once have I seen the Free Speech defence force actually defend something worth defending. It's literally always "people have the right to tell you they'd prefer if you were dead or had no rights", but never a real cause that needs to be defended. Most of all, how can Americans be so freaking myopic? Do you really think Germany and Japan don't have freedom of speech just because there are hate speech laws? Do you think such countries would be better in any way if they started defending ideas like ethnic cleansing?

Conservative Americans are too much.

Proponents of free speech sometimes come across as a bit insane because it seems they think free speech isn't regulated in America.

Like they took the words free speech a bit too literally without actually looking at the laws and rules in place.

I'm not sure how you could come to the conclusion that he was policing anybody? He made some well reasoned arguments. It really is bad for their business to exclude a lot of people for their believes but he also said that it's the devs right to hold this position and I totally agree. I don't think he put the left in a negative light....he just pointed out that excluding people for their believes is bad. Isn't that something the left usually really cares about? Not excluding people for their believes? I don't get it.

No, you really don't. If you think someone being told not to buy a game is the level of exclusion the left typically fights against, you haven't been paying much attention to politics. Excluding someone from buying at your store and telling someone to not buy something are two different things.


They should have never agreed to allow Milo to come to that school knowing his agenda and how he was going to target their kids.

Sorry, Colin but can't let the influence of guys like that spread to a bigger stage and normalizing and giving them a microphone will do that.


Just saw this on Facebook and I feel like it's kind of relevant here:



The saddest thing is that a lot of young white dudes will listen to Colin and think that he's absolutely right that those pesky minorities are whining too much and should shut up instead. And also that making money is much more important than minority rights and that 'government is a bad thing'.

These same young white dudes will then later on become Republicans, gamergaters or alt-righters, unless they are exposed to and listen to minorities. And the amount of energy we have to spend on teaching and guide these people...*sigh*


Are you really unsure about what offends minorities about a white guy telling them how they should act, especially around racists and bigots? I think its clear as a cloudless summer day to me.

So it's about the whole "punching Nazis"-thing? What exactly did he say to minorities? I'm sorry I just discovered Colin a few days ago through this thread so I'm not an expert on everything he said.


The saddest thing is that a lot of young white dudes will listen to Colin and think that he's absolutely right that those pesky minorities are whining too much and should shut up instead. And also that making money is much more important than minority rights and that 'government is a bad thing'.

These same young white dudes will then later on become Republicans, gamergaters or alt-righters, unless they are exposed to and listen to minorities.

Well said


So I listened to his morning show for a bit.

- Puffs himself up about attacking people on twitter.
- Likes to talk about himself alot, ALOT!
- Condescending and defensive to any criticisms ( What happened to listening to alternative opinions?)
- Raises hypothetical unrealistic situations in regards to dealing with Alt Right people to defend his arguments.
- keeps harping on physical violence against alt right people when it was a single incident, that was related to an outside group not related to the student protesters
- Now defends trump saying it's not a muslim ban when everything he's said or done has all been anti muslim and specifically targets muslims
- Criticizes the parliament decision to keep Trump from speaking. Even though it was majority voted and based on not allowing Racism and Sexism a platform.

This dude cannot take any critiscism in any form, his ego has been inflated by the title of his show.


If Colin is so much against violence in principle, where was he to defend Black Lives Matter? Where was he when Trayvon Martin or Tamir Rice were gunned down? Where was he after the Quebec terrorist attack? Where was he after the US invaded Yemen and killed 12 civilians, including women and children?

Funny that he's only there to be against violence when it's used to suppress nazis from recruiting and harming students.


So I listened to his morning show for a bit.

- Puffs himself up about attacking people on twitter.
- Likes to talk about himself alot, ALOT!
- Condescending and defensive to any criticisms ( What happened to listening to alternative opinions?)
- Raises hypothetical unrealistic situations in regards to dealing with Alt Right people to defend his arguments.
- keeps harping on physical violence against alt right people when it was a single incident, that was related to an outside group not related to the student protesters
- Now defends trump saying it's not a muslim ban when everything he's said or done has all been anti muslim and specifically targets muslims
- Criticizes the parliament decision to keep Trump from speaking. Even though it was majority voted and based on not allowing Racism and Sexism a platform.

This dude cannot take any critiscism in any form, his ego has been inflated by the title of his show.
It seems like his ego has been ridiculous for at least his whole adult life.


No, you really don't. If you think someone being told not to buy a game is the level of exclusion the left typically fights against, you haven't been paying much attention to politics. Excluding someone from buying at your store and telling someone to not buy something are two different things.

Of course it's not the same thing. But I think it's stupid either way and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Colin thinks.
I apologize for jumping in this thread late, watching only the video and not reading much of the thread, but I as a Kinda Funny fan I really need to be demanding:

.... will listen to Colin and think that he's absolutely right that those pesky minorities are whining too much and should shut up instead.

And also that making money is much more important than minority rights....

I need to see some receipts here that Colin said anything remotely like the above quotes, this is a pretty hefty accusation and would change my opinions on Kinda Funny dramatically.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Some people just have bad taste, sadly.

Its kind of funny but this is one of the things that really turned me off of him. I was like,"Really?"

That is the most Colin Moriarty take ever.

This explains everything.

It's the whole 'family guy actually makes people laugh' bit that I find most amusing. As if nobody has ever found the Simpsons funny or something.

I genuinely don't mean to pile on to Colin but couldn't help myself here.


If Colin is so much against violence in principle, where was he to defend Black Lives Matter? Where was he when Trayvon Martin or Tamir Rice were gunned down? Where was he after the Quebec terrorist attack? Where was he after the US invaded Yemen and killed 12 civilians, including women and children?

Funny that he's only there to be against violence when it's used to suppress nazis from recruiting and harming students.

Exactly where you'd expect someone who defends white supremacists to be.
Its kind of funny but this is one of the things that really turned me off of him. I was like,"Really?"
Colin is just a hardcore contrarian. Seriously, sometimes he will argue a point only because everyone else is against it. He can't help himself. He also has a huge persecution complex about being conservative in the industry, which has caused him to react poorly to criticism in a knee-jerk manner and double down on everything he says rather than admit he is wrong or take some time for introspection. He cannot take criticism, and that aspect of his personality has gotten progressively worse over the last two years.
If Colin is so much against violence in principle, where was he to defend Black Lives Matter? Where was he when Trayvon Martin or Tamir Rice were gunned down? Where was he after the Quebec terrorist attack? Where was he after the US invaded Yemen and killed 12 civilians, including women and children?

Funny that he's only there to be against violence when it's used to suppress nazis from recruiting and harming students.

This is the part that I disagree with the most. If he only had the same level of criticism for the right's speech that he often has to the lefts speech, then maybe, I'd agree. But I can't agree with the false equivalency between the left and right card. I know he criticises the right, and he spokes out during Baltimore, but the fact in recent weeks he's made such a big deal about the left and tries to equalise it to the right is a damn shame IMO.

Im pretty sure you're talking about me, tell me how I took it out of context and how he framed it? because reading all those tweets was pretty damning and condescending as fuck.

I'm going to PM you once I get on a PC (as typing on mobile invites autocorrect lol...)


The saddest thing is that a lot of young white dudes will listen to Colin and think that he's absolutely right that those pesky minorities are whining too much and should shut up instead. And also that making money is much more important than minority rights and that 'government is a bad thing'.

These same young white dudes will then later on become Republicans, gamergaters or alt-righters, unless they are exposed to and listen to minorities. And the amount of energy we have to spend on teaching and guide these people...*sigh*

Yeah, only white dudes. Of course it's impossible for a minority to be a Libertarian, Republican or generally a Conservative.


Yeah, only white dudes. Of course it's impossible for a minority to be a Libertarian, Republican or generally a Conservative.

In America all three of those groups are dominated by people with overtly racist beliefs. So it's not impossible, just unlikely.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Yeah, only white dudes. Of course it's impossible for a minority to be a Libertarian, Republican or generally a Conservative.

As someone who used to be a libertarian in my younger more foolish days. Meetings and members were white as a paper plate full of rice with a glass of milk in the middle of a blizzard. I'm sure there are minority members out there but they are not a large or significant part of the group what-so-ever.

if Im wrong im wrong and I'll admit it. But so far I've seen nothing that says contrary. Nothing out of context.

Just post it here.

You're not entirely wrong, and it wasn't just referring to your post, like I said I don't blame people for taking the impression from his feed (and to be fair, I misread your original post and out of context perhaps wasn't the best word), but I also wanted to clarify a few other things other than in the PM.


You're not entirely wrong, and it wasn't just referring to your post, like I said I don't blame people for taking the impression from his alt right feed (and to be fair, I misread your original post and out of context perhaps wasn't the best word), but I also wanted to clarify a few other things other than in the PM.

Just clarify them here. I dont like using PMs to continue a public discussion.
That Adolf Hitler is so articulate and intelligent.
I mean he got to the highest political position in Germany, he has to be pretty smart. I'm totally not saying he is but...

Don't worry tho Jews and minirities, the Sun will dawn tommorrow and everything will be alllll right.



Most of the IGN people have huge egos, that's why I stopped following the site completely.

IGN literally hypes up and distributes "tickets" to their fucking studio tours lol. That alone tells you what you need to know about IGN.

I wouldnt be surprised if the studio tour included autograph opportunities.
Just clarify them here. I dont like using PMs to continue a public discussion.

Basically I thought you had the impression from the original post from his tweets that he was an alt-right personality, and I partly misread, you said it looked like it was (which is fair enough), but I was just saying that depending on which tweets you select from his timeline, you can also argue the opposite as he was also criticising trump and his administration a lot this week too (also the stuff about being raised right was more of a direct response to someone ripping into him personally and calling him out).

However I'd like to clarify by no means was I agreeing with his tweets or opinions as I very much hold the opposite, especially as a minority, the naivety in some his remarks are silly to the say the least.


So I listened to his morning show for a bit.

- Puffs himself up about attacking people on twitter.
- Likes to talk about himself alot, ALOT!
- Condescending and defensive to any criticisms ( What happened to listening to alternative opinions?)
- Raises hypothetical unrealistic situations in regards to dealing with Alt Right people to defend his arguments.
- keeps harping on physical violence against alt right people when it was a single incident, that was related to an outside group not related to the student protesters
- Now defends trump saying it's not a muslim ban when everything he's said or done has all been anti muslim and specifically targets muslims
- Criticizes the parliament decision to keep Trump from speaking. Even though it was majority voted and based on not allowing Racism and Sexism a platform.

This dude cannot take any critiscism in any form, his ego has been inflated by the title of his show.

I've unsubscribed from this podcast, I just can't stand someone who has no idea of basic things and continues to talk like he knows it all and has it all figured out.


Basically I thought you had the impression from the original post from his tweets that he was an alt-right personality, and I partly misread, you said it looked like it was (which is fair enough), but I was just saying that depending on which tweets you select from his timeline, you can also argue the opposite as he was also criticising trump and his administration a lot this week too (also the stuff about being raised right was more of a direct response to someone ripping into him personally and calling him out).

However I'd like to clarify by no means was I agreeing with his tweets or opinions as I very much hold the opposite, especially as a minority, the naivety in some his remarks are silly to the say the least.

The selective tweets things I admit can be misconstrued, but to be fair his personality and overall tone deafness is highlight in all of them.

You dont have to be a liberal, left, or moderate to criticize Trump however, and disagree with his actions since Im pretty sure they're despised by all people that arent intimately aligned with trump himself.

I guess I misread the raised right tweet however, although i dont understand why he has such an intense hate for this bob mackey guy, but he got pretty heated over it. But listening to morning show, was weird to the say the least...the entire show was him taking praise, talking about how he's been victimized by people on twitter and talking shit about him, and then randomly talking about politics when it wasnt even part of the discussion.
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