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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump

if this guy is so terrible, and I mean it seems like he is, why does this he get a big dedicated thread every time he says or releases something. there's a million people with a dumb opinions and a speakerphone on the internet.
Well, most of the time the thread is rooted in some kind of half-decent insight on something non-political. It's just that someone always likes to pull up a tweet from Colin that illustrates he's a POS. And then Kinda Funny fans are at the ready to defend Colin's "bravery" (though not as prevelant on GAF as the KF videos).

I defend Colin occasionally, but the recent swell of stupid things he's been saying has left me unable to lift my shield. I'm crossing my fingers he comes around soon.
If he had empathy he might be able to see past his position of privelage and understand why some people might find it difficult to try and come together with individuals who believe them to be subhuman.

I disagree here. I think at this point, it's not even about empathy or privileges. It's about being blind or not being blind. Whenever you are white, black, asian, arabian, latino, indian or any ethnicity. Whenever you're hetero, homo or bi. If you're American, you must see that there's an incompetent clown in the white house who's driving your country right into the wall he's building.

More importantly, it's about defending the undefendable. The "talk, reason with nazis" is dumb as shit at this point. Why would you try to reason someone who believes in the opposite of reasonning ? Now what, they truly believe they'll have a change of heart ? We're talking about people mocking and taunting the death of children just because of their skin color. What appealing argument can you bring to smug arrogant assh*les.

At this point, you have the sympathisers and the opposants. And to me, the people talking about reasoning these people are sympathisers. And funnily, it kinda shows when you dig a little bit in their different speeches and their personality.
Right, freedom of speech. "I disagree with you but I'll fight to death so that you can freely express your ideas about white supremacy or killing people of different color or orientations ! "

Seriously, I will never understand USA's view on freedom of speech. You don't protect freedom by having unlimited freedom. Otherwise big ones will have the freedom to shit on the small ones. You protect freedom by making sure one's freedom doesnt get in the way of another one's freedom.

I think it's very telling when people, usually on the right, make general claims about "free speech" being restricted without going into what specific speech they are concerned about. It's because if they complained about legitimate conservative principles being restricted as speech, they would get laughed out of the room. They are really talking about views that justifiably upset people, like finding gay lifestyles immoral, or beleiving Muslim refugees are less valuable than Christian ones. Basically, it seems to me to be code for: I'm too frightened of people yelling at me to express my shitty and rightfully offensive opinions! Poor me!

And this guy mocks rape victims for wanting a heads up about depictions of rape in college course materials. A big fuck you is the most pleasant exchange of ideas he warrants. More concerned with being "civil" than correct, exactly the type of behavior he complains about.
I think it's very telling when people, usually on the right, make general claims about "free speech" being restricted without going into what specific speech they are concerned about. It's because if they complained about legitimate conservative principles being restricted as speech, they would get laughed out of the room. They are really talking about views that justifiably upset people, like finding gay lifestyles immoral, or beleiving Muslim refugees are less valuable than Christian ones. Basically, it seems to me to be code for: I'm too frightened of people yelling at me to express my shitty and rightfully offensive opinions! Poor me!

And this guy mocks rape victims for wanting a heads up about depictions of rape in college course materials. A big fuck you is the most pleasant exchange of ideas he warrants. More concerned with being "civil" than correct, exactly the type of behavior he complains about.
I agree with most of this, but you're pretty explicitly treading on him in that last paragraph despite him politely asking you not to. Perhaps we can discuss whether or not we should show sympathy for rape victims in a more civilized manner #notaxation?
I agree with most of this, but you're pretty explicitly treading on him in that last paragraph despite him politely asking you not to. Perhaps we can discuss whether or not we should show sympathy for rape victims in a more civilized manner #notaxation?

It's so damn frustrating. Colin is obviously intelligent enough to stop for a second and consider both sides of an argument. The fact that he could mock rape victims and PTSD sufferers without even considering the other side of the argument really makes me wonder about what news sites he hangs out on. I mean, what world does someone live in where a note next to assigned reading on a syllabus, or a quick conversation at he beginning of class to warn students, is an issue worth discussing on a national level? He complains about trigger warnings for rape victims, but feels victimized by a developer saying fuck you don't buy my game?? Does this person even have an ounce of self-awareness???
It's so damn frustrating. Colin is obviously intelligent enough to stop for a second and consider both sides of an argument. The fact that he could mock rape victims and PTSD sufferers without even considering the other side of the argument really makes me wonder about what news sites he hangs out on. I mean, what world does someone live in where a note next to assigned reading on a syllabus, or a quick conversation at he beginning of class to warn students, is an issue worth discussing on a national level? He complains about trigger warnings for rape victims, but feels victimized by a developer saying fuck you don't buy my game?? Does this person even have an ounce of self-awareness???
I know I'm harping on this, but have you seen his Twitter avatar?

The only other thing I can think of is that he realizes loons will pay him money if he says looney things so he focuses on that stuff (Milo has a book deal now). But that still makes him a monster, just a more cynical one.


Uhhh, at the end Colin says that if/when he plays 2064, in the back of his head, he knows the creator of the game doesn't want people like him [conservatives] playing it at all [right after confirming that he didn't vote for Trump]. But the tweet wasn't about conservatism as a whole, and his follow up questions/responses confirms Conn doesn't inherently have a problem with conservatism. The tweet was about people who voted for Trump or support his fascist regime, so I'm not sure how I should take that when Colin says it applies to him.

So, how exactly is that 2064 dev tweet excluding him from playing lol?
Came to comment on this. That's some dishonest, antagonising rhetoric right there in your face. But then has the gall to yap about crossing bridges.


It's so damn frustrating. Colin is obviously intelligent enough to stop for a second and consider both sides of an argument. The fact that he could mock rape victims and PTSD sufferers without even considering the other side of the argument really makes me wonder about what news sites he hangs out on. I mean, what world does someone live in where a note next to assigned reading on a syllabus, or a quick conversation at he beginning of class to warn students, is an issue worth discussing on a national level? He complains about trigger warnings for rape victims, but feels victimized by a developer saying fuck you don't buy my game?? Does this person even have an ounce of self-awareness???

He isn't intelligent in regards to empathy.

nel e nel

Yeah, it's sort of like if instead of Jim called his show "Jimquisition", he instead called it "Thank God For Me".

Still, pretty good video.

Naming your show after historic institutions that tried - and executed - people for not having the "proper" religious beliefs isn't a whole lot better, IMO.


Colin probably voted for Trump. I'm not going to look at how he's presenting himself, the things he's willing to defend, and then give him the benefit of the doubt on that.



Milo is not an oppressor, he’s a messenger. I don’t agree with every aspect of his message. However, I must admit, I agree with some of it. And that’s important. It’s important for people from different sides of the isle to listen to one another. That’s how you find common ground and come to a consensus. It’s how you change minds and strengthen your movement.

In critiquing leftist criticism of the phrase “man up,” Yiannopoulos said around the 49:52 mark, “I’ll tell you one UW-Milwaukee student that does not need to man up.” He then showed the student’s photo. “Have any of you come into contact with this person?” he asked. “This quote unquote nonbinary trans woman forced his way into the women’s locker rooms this year.” He went on:

“I see you don’t even read your own student media. He got into the women’s room the way liberals always operate, using the government and the courts to weasel their way where they don’t belong. In this case he made a Title IX complaint. Title IX is a set of rules to protect women on campus effectively. It’s couched in the language of equality, but it’s really about women, which under normal circumstances would be fine, except for how it’s implemented. Now it is used to put men in to women’s bathrooms. I have known some passing trannies in my life. Trannies — you’re not allowed to say that. I’ve known some passing trannies, which is to say transgender people who pass as the gender they would like to be considered.”

He then referred to the photo, which was still onscreen, and said, “Well, no. The way that you know he’s failing is I’d almost still bang him.” The audience laughed.


if that isn't oppression then it's one hell of a message.


Neo Member
Is this the guy who posted how proud he was that he defended games from feminism? I can't find a link

edit: nope confused his opinions with someone similar


Is this the guy who posted how proud he was that he defended games from feminism? I can't find a link


then he massively failed. dirty millennials like me are invading the dev community with our feminist ideals!

after watching the video i thought it was fairly balanced with the last bit being an odd change of tone. looking into his social medias gives it context, he wasn't saying those things with sincerity at-all.


Neo Member

then he massively failed. dirty millennials like me are invading the dev community with our feminist ideals!

I was wrong, it was this guy https://twitter.com/Frozensword14/status/827287211632652292

after watching the video i thought it was fairly balanced with the last bit being an odd change of tone. looking into his social medias gives it context, he wasn't saying those things with sincerity at-all.

coincidentally, I only ever heard of this guy after he had a row with Bob Mackie the other day. It's pretty obvious he's part of the new far-right that doesn't think anyone should be able to talk back at them


after watching the video i thought it was fairly balanced with the last bit being an odd change of tone. looking into his social medias gives it context, he wasn't saying those things with sincerity at-all.

This is exactly my thoughts. Reading into his twitter history and what he says about free speech and Milo? Nah I'm good, won't be watching his stuff again.


Neo Member
coincidentally, I only ever heard of this guy after he had a row with Bob Mackie the other day. It's pretty obvious he's part of the new far-right that doesn't think anyone should be able to talk back at them

I first became aware of Colin and his politics a few years ago. I don't follow him because he's a huge prick but I had hoped in the intervening years he'd gotten some perspective, people can change. Turns out he seems even worse now, probably emboldened by the success of the alt-right in politics and not having to be concerned about getting fired by IGN.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a regressive piece of shit like him could continue to do well in the gaming sphere. We've definitely seen there are enough deluded, mad dudes out there.


I first became aware of Colin and his politics a few years ago. I don't follow him because he's a huge prick but I had hoped in the intervening years he'd gotten some perspective, people can change. Turns out he seems even worse now, probably emboldened by the success of the alt-right in politics and not having to be concerned about getting fired by IGN.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a regressive piece of shit like him could continue to do well in the gaming sphere. We've definitely seen there are enough deluded, mad dudes out there.

Is that because you assume people should have demanded he be fired from IGN for not conforming to your political beliefs? Funnily enough, I think that would actually have gotten IGN in legal trouble for discrimination.

As for Colin, he seems like as "reasonable" a republican as you are going to get. Some of the vitriol going towards him just seems like many out for blood. I guess he could appear in here to defend himself like in the other GAF topic, but the hating in here is far more visceral and I wouldn't blame him if he stays well clear. Although, Colin, you decided to post in the other topic so roll your sleeves up and give it a go in here. Like it or not you're a public figure now, and making your living being one, so you are going to get pelters and while I may not agree with everything you say respect is given for an attempt to interact with the dissenting opinion. There's no point in living in your own echo chamber either, but for the most part it does seem you debate a fair bit. You can be a little brash and/or arrogant at times, but then again, you're the sum of all your parts like most people should be treated. In the sense that I can still offer you praise for all the hard work and fun you've brought about for gamers/fans.

It's also crazy to see because Druckmann may have agreed with a couple of things Colin said it's now time to lambaste ND and burn him down. Almost as if the guy cannot be an individual in amongst all the great work he has done and have some opinions that don't necessarily conform 100% with group-think. Purity tests at their finest. One thing I DO agree with Colin on is there are probably other devs/gaming figures who agree with some things he says, "in hiding", because the Twitter/gaming mobs threaten livelihoods and reputations. Maybe that is why you need to become independent or be at the top of a company, because if you're outspoken and aren't the mobs will want your job. The mobs should go after you via speech, debate you, criticize your opinions, but no, these days it's often straight for the job/livelihood. Sorry, but that remark about being "fired at IGN" just rubbed me up the wrong way, hence the semi-rant.
Naming your show after historic institutions that tried - and executed - people for not having the "proper" religious beliefs isn't a whole lot better, IMO.
Except the actual meaning of the word -
a period of prolonged and intensive questioning - works in the context of the show.
if theres absolute freedom of speech - how does that interact with whistleblowers? surely with absolute there wouldnt exist a need for whistleblowing ie theyre already protected.


I like how Colin is posting in the KFG OT complaining about this thread is toxic because that one is more of a safe space for him. He who criticized safe spaces and promoted discussion with people who disagree with you!
I like how Colin is posting in the KFG OT complaining about this thread is toxic because that one is more of a safe space for him. He who criticized safe spaces and promoted discussion with people who disagree with you!

He's also posting in the PSILY thread, which is the thread that was to blame for him leaving Neogaf for the past month or so, because it basically had 40 pages straight of people basically taking a collective dump on his head. Maybe he's not posting here because this thread is in fact toxic, and because the people in here won't entertain the benefit of the doubt in regard to him as a person.

Criticize him for his actions, but don't start pulling every single loose thread you lay your eyes on.


Neo Member
Is that because you assume people should have demanded he be fired from IGN for not conforming to your political beliefs? Funnily enough, I think that would actually have gotten IGN in legal trouble for discrimination.

People get fired all the time for making statements their corporate employers think are too controversial or could cause bad PR. I don't think there'd be legal troubles at all.


Man I checked the other thread and then Colin's twitter and got sad. I used to listen to Beyond every week and still think he's a decent games critic but his politics are so vastly different from mine.

Used to think they were always really proud of their community but it's hard to see any empathy in him when he complains about the 2046 devs but then stands up for a bully like Milos hate speech.
Man I checked the other thread and then Colin's twitter and got sad. I used to listen to Beyond every week and still think he's a decent games critic but his politics are so vastly different from mine.

Used to think they were always really proud of their community but it's hard to see any empathy in him when he complains about the 2046 devs but then stands up for a bully like Milos hate speech.
Colin has blinders surgically attached to his face. He has zero clue or care about the plight of minorities, women, or the poor. He is the kind of person who got set in their politics as a teenager and never allowed himself to be seriously challenged on his views to grow and change. He has a persecution complex and has no empathy.

Typical Randian.
I like how Colin is posting in the KFG OT complaining about this thread is toxic because that one is more of a safe space for him. He who criticized safe spaces and promoted discussion with people who disagree with you!
He's got better things to do that defend himself to us. Like complain about how we're being mean to him in a different thread.


I cancelled my patreon support because of Collin a while ago and that was long before I realized how much I disagree with his political views.

He´s overall too negative and kind of a bully towards his co-hosts sometimes.

Just unpleasant.
I've never been a fan of Colin. He's always come off like a stone cold PlayStation fanboy, especially during his infamous IGN article where he argues the PS Vita will become the biggest thing to ever exist ever.

His whole warning is that game and console prices likely will go up if Trump's tariffs go into effect, as if that should be the biggest of gamer's worries. Fun fact Colin, we're all human beings too, and trust me, I'd much rather have a 5 dollar tax on games and a 10 dollar tax on consoles if it means even half the shit Trump is doing now goes away.


Colin has blinders surgically attached to his face. He has zero clue or care about the plight of minorities, women, or the poor. He is the kind of person who got set in their politics as a teenager and never allowed himself to be seriously challenged on his views to grow and change. He has a persecution complex and has no empathy.

As a British, Left wing person in the climate change sector I've always been extremely skeptical of anyone pro-republican but, in the given climate, Colin's disregard for things more important than his taxes has really turned me against KF.


Colin has blinders surgically attached to his face. He has zero clue or care about the plight of minorities, women, or the poor. He is the kind of person who got set in their politics as a teenager and never allowed himself to be seriously challenged on his views to grow and change. He has a persecution complex and has no empathy.


Par Score

I like how Colin is posting in the KFG OT complaining about this thread is toxic because that one is more of a safe space for him. He who criticized safe spaces and promoted discussion with people who disagree with you!

He's probably just too busy advocating for "an open exchange of ideas" with some Nazis.

I'm sure once he's done posting a few more anti-Hillary memes (totally didn't vote for Trump though!) he'll be right in here to reach across the aisle and engage with his critics.


I cancelled my patreon support because of Collin a while ago and that was long before I realized how much I disagree with his political views.

He´s overall too negative and kind of a bully towards his co-hosts sometimes.

Just unpleasant.

That's my view. Don't care one bit about his political views, but i always skip the Colin heavy videos due to the negativity. I really like Tim though.
Colin has blinders surgically attached to his face. He has zero clue or care about the plight of minorities, women, or the poor. He is the kind of person who got set in their politics as a teenager and never allowed himself to be seriously challenged on his views to grow and change. He has a persecution complex and has no empathy.

I just popped in to this thread again to see what was going on and wow, this is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. How you don't see how unreasonable you're being is truly bizarre. It's like the Twilight Zone in here.
That's my view. Don't care one bit about his political views, but i always skip the Colin heavy videos due to the negativity. I really like Tim though.

Tim seems extremely genuine. You can tell when he doesn't know the something in depth and he is open about it rather than Colin's approach of talking down on something he doesn't understands while laughing at it only to respond afterwards saying "I was making fun of myself for not knowing it."

Tim also just seems like a good person and a good friend. I rather hear him talk about politics because his approach will probably come from "everyone deserves to be treated equally, but x group isn't so let's pay a bit more attention to correcting that WHILE making sure the goal is still that everyone should be treated equally."

I just popped in to this thread again to see what was going on and wow, this is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. How you don't see how unreasonable you're being is truly bizarre. It's like the Twilight Zone in here.

The last time I was in the thread it just looked like massive fanboying and thanking him fro gracing them with his presence. But that sounds like how most die hard "best friends" behave so I didn't feel like it was my place to speak up.


If you want to discuss the topic, feel free. If you want to discuss or police the tenor of the thread, find somewhere else to be.


I just popped in to this thread again to see what was going on and wow, this is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. How you don't see how unreasonable you're being is truly bizarre. It's like the Twilight Zone in here.

Colin is the one being unreasonable suggesting that we need to "hear Milo out"


Hey guys, first post and probably a quite controversial one because of what I read from some people here but I really want to contribute something to this discussion. First of all I only found out about Colin by this thread and think he is 100% right. I honestly can't understand how anybody can object to anything that was said in this video. I checked out his twitter after watching a few of his videos and yeah he holds some questionable political views but even there most of what he says seems reasonable to me even if I may disagree. You may like him or not but at least he is someone with principles who talks to everybody and gives a damn about free speech and free expression. Do some of you guys really just despise him because he holds some wrong positions in your mind or what exactly is wrong with this video?
Colin is the one being unreasonable suggesting that we need to "hear Milo out"

It really shouldn't be a hard concept for people to understand. Bigots want others that look like them but do not share their bigoted views to think that their views are valid and should be heard out.

Why should anyone listen to someone that presents arguments basically saying that Jews are the problem? Or someone that questions if Jewish people are even human?

Freedom of speech does not mean private citizens should tolerate or listen to bigotry.
I disagree with a lot of what he says, and I even replied to him in the other thread criticizing his viewpoints about the false equivalencies of the left, echoing some of what has been said here. However at the same time, I think a lot of misinformation has been wildly spread here, with tweets taken out of context, or framing Colin to be some alt-right Lunatic. I can also take 6 tweets he's posted in the past week, and frame him as a far left liberal. It just depends which one of his tweets you select from.

I also think some of the language can be toned down here -- that's more to get him to come here and discuss, but I think this thread is already too late for that. I don't blame people for being overtly critical in these sensitive times, I can only empathize, especially as a minority myself, that some people shouldn't be reasoned with. I just don't think it's also right to be mean spirited towards him, because who knows, discussions can change peoples' opinions. I think it's right to criticize the argument, but not the person, as that can verge onto baseless ad hominems and then become the only thing circulating, like in this thread, with tweets being quoted left, right and center I said to him that with Twitter not being the best place for nuance, you're essentially setting yourself up to be criticized with what are inflammatory tweets. I think his FB posts alleviate that somewhat, and his dialogue on the Morning Show -- and even if I disagree, they tend to be more thought out (obviously, as Twitter's never got for a nuanced discussion, especially if you're going to argue on the contrary, you have to be very careful with your words).

I definitely disagree with him on the Milo thing, he does argue that people have the right to not give him a platform, but people also have the right to say what they want. I don't really agree, considering there just has to be a line drawn, because saying hurtful things can empower people to do and say further racist, xenophobic and bigoted things. I think it's naive to think that some of what the far right can be reasoned with. I think it's even more naive and silly to think they're just as bad as the far left. It comes across a tone deaf, and even if you're from a conservative background, I think being socially liberally should at least make you open up more towards the plight of minorities.
It really shouldn't be a hard concept for people to understand. Bigots want others that look like them but do not share their bigoted views to think that their views are valid and should be heard out.

Why should anyone listen to someone that presents arguments basically saying that Jews are the problem? Or someone that questions if Jewish people are even human?

Freedom of speech does not mean private citizens should tolerate or listen to bigotry.
He flat out said in the Morning Show yesterday that Nazis and the KKK have a right to speak their minds freely without consequence. He a strict constitutionalist who thinks that hatred can be reasoned with.


Hey guys, first post and probably a quite controversial one because of what I read from some people here but I really want to contribute something to this discussion. First of all I only found out about Colin by this thread and think he is 100% right. I honestly can't understand how anybody can object to anything that was said in this video. I checked out his twitter after watching a few of his videos and yeah he holds some questionable political views but even there most of what he says seems reasonable to me even if I may disagree. You may like him or not but at least he is someone with principles who talks to everybody and gives a damn about free speech and free expression. Do some of you guys really just despise him because he holds some wrong positions in your mind or what exactly is wrong with this video?

No not at all. I disagree with his politics a lot, but up until like the past couple of years I actually respected Colin. He always spoke his mind and that something I can respect.

But recently he needs to be quiet in telling me a black man and others about how they should feel and deal with people that want us cleansed from the Earth or hate is for our skin color.

He refusing to get out of his own bubble.

It's funny how he and others are telling us to have this convo now. Was he telling middle America to sit down and talk with people who voted for Obama? Was he demonizing them for their hateful and racist protests?

Now Colin feels he's a voice for people in this industry too ashamed to share their views? The same people that work side by side with people that are deeply impacted by the dumb shit Trump has done? Give me a damn break.


Hey guys, first post and probably a quite controversial one because of what I read from some people here but I really want to contribute something to this discussion. First of all I only found out about Colin by this thread and think he is 100% right. I honestly can't understand how anybody can object to anything that was said in this video. I checked out his twitter after watching a few of his videos and yeah he holds some questionable political views but even there most of what he says seems reasonable to me even if I may disagree. You may like him or not but at least he is someone with principles who talks to everybody and gives a damn about free speech and free expression. Do some of you guys really just despise him because he holds some wrong positions in your mind or what exactly is wrong with this video?

I don't think people despise him (too strong a term) and I think most people in the thread agree with most of the video.

But the 2046 stuff seems like he's policing how people should stand up to the rise of facism in modern America which doesn't sit well when many of Colin's comments seem quick to frame the left in a negative light compared to the far right.


He flat out said in the Morning Show yesterday that Nazis and the KKK have a right to speak their minds freely without consequence. He a strict constitutionalist who thinks that hatred can be reasoned with.

Flat out not what he said. Over the broader context of the conversation he said you have a right to challenge and engage them. But attacking them physically is not OK, because where does that end?
It's interesting how Nazis and the KKK are being victimized by some.

Radical domestic terrorists and recruiters are just people with opposing views. It's not like they are asking for an ethnic cleansing or mobilizing people in mass to share their oppressive and destructive views that turn into oppressive and destructive actions. /s
Flat out not what he said. Over the broader context of the conversation he said you have a right to challenge and engage them. But attacking them physically is not OK, because where does that end?
He speaks from a position of the highest privilege when he says that Nazis can be reasoned with. He is completely blind to that. That's the issue. He is a well off, straight, white, male and flat out refuses to recognize the massive advantage that gives him and how it gives him options that people that don't match those four points do not have.

Colin is Chamberlain reincarnated.
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