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COMICS! |OT| March 2014. Longshot and Domino are hogging all the four-leaf clovers!

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First issue left me with a feel good mood and I like the concept. Shame about the derp faces at times. Give it a go.

I might have to pick it up just to see what the talk is about.

I feel like I should really start getting Green Arrow, every time I see it posted I feel like I'm missing out on something really cool. :(


Did someone say Green Arrow week?

Is there anything I'm missing in the earlier ones? What are they up to now? I'm curious how far back I can go in issues at my shop.

Nope. Before 17 was a trainwreck. When Lemire came in on #17 he basically wiped the slate clean and started over for all intents and purposes. They are currently at #28.


Beyond is great, especially if you like the DCAU, as they basically continue the story from the shows into the future.

So far we've seen Billy, Mary, Captain Marvel Billy, Black Adam and The Wizard. Spoilers for the Shazam Family in Justice League Universe:
They all occupy the same body, don't age, and only one can be "out" at a time.

What the hell... and I was really enjoying the DCAU as a less weird streamlining of the whole DC universe, and they go and pull that off... just why?...
What the hell... and I was really enjoying the DCAU as a less weird streamlining of the whole DC universe, and they go and pull that off... just why?...

Well, keep in mind that Justice League Beyond takes place during the same time period as Batman Beyond, so some years after the Justice League / Justice League Unlimited time period. So for certain characters to still be around and not be really old, you need reasoning. It hasn't really been that big of a deal outside of some interesting story potential. Specifically, how
Billy and Mary deal with the fact that they don't age
. Also, it was hinted that some sort of accident was the cause but they haven't explained it.

As a bonus, we have a new Superboy. Zod, son of

Nope. Before 17 was a trainwreck. When Lemire came in on #17 he basically wiped the slate clean and started over for all intents and purposes. They are currently at #28.

Sweet! It seems they even cut the trades like that so I just need Vol.4 of the trades and then the couple current issues I missed. Hype!

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Just wrapped up Flashpoint.

That was kinda shitty. I didn't like it.
I might have to pick it up just to see what the talk is about.

I feel like I should really start getting Green Arrow, every time I see it posted I feel like I'm missing out on something really cool. :(

Did someone say Green Arrow week?


Ok, never really read anything with Green Arrow, but the Arrow TV show is one of my top (guilty pleasure) TV shows, so with all the praise the comic is getting, I just have to dive in. Those pages you guys posted look amazing.
Anyone have any opinions on Brubaker's Fatale or Rucka's Lazarus? Debating picking up the first trades for both.

I love Fatale. Brubaker hard-boiled noir and Lovecraft are two of my favorite things. Hell, we need more Lovecraft in comics!

Well, keep in mind that Justice League Beyond takes place during the same time period as Batman Beyond, so some years after the Justice League / Justice League Unlimited time period. So for certain characters to still be around and not be really old, you need reasoning. It hasn't really been that big of a deal outside of some interesting story potential. Specifically, how
Billy and Mary deal with the fact that they don't age
. Also, it was hinted that some sort of accident was the cause but they haven't explained it.

As a bonus, we have a new Superboy. Zod, son of


I have generally liked digital comics to be bite-sized done in one stories, so the thought of paying 99 cents for 1/3 of an issue that is part of an ongoing series is weird. I feel like the pacing would be off. But I love the DCAU and I love Injustice, so I guess it can be done. Might as well dive in!
Just finished Superman All Star,, pretty damn good,, only the 2nd or 3rd book of Superman I've read. Good story decent art. Reading Batman Hush now,, liking it so far.

I got The Fifth Beatle from IST Friday,, holy shit the HC is HUGE.. a lot bigger then the Oversized Walking Dead HC I have. I'm not crazy about the beatles, mainly got it to try and get my fiancé to check out some comics(loves the beatles). ,, Art looks good tho.


Ok, never really read anything with Green Arrow, but the Arrow TV show is one of my top (guilty pleasure) TV shows, so with all the praise the comic is getting, I just have to dive in. Those pages you guys posted look amazing.

Start with issue 17 and don't look back.


Anyone have any opinions on Brubaker's Fatale or Rucka's Lazarus? Debating picking up the first trades for both.

Both get solid random 8/10s from me, but i find them a little lacking when it comes to plot structure, especially Fatale since it had a long time to achieve this, Lazarus is just starting out so i'm giving it time. Fatale was too mysterious for its own good regarding the lead character, it's taken ~15 issues to really get interesting. Lazarus started out well but it seems as empty as the world it takes place in. Very different books.
Both get solid random 8/10s from me, but i find them a little lacking when it comes to plot structure, especially Fatale since it had a long time to achieve this, Lazarus is just starting out so i'm giving it time. Fatale was too mysterious for its own good regarding the lead character, it's taken ~15 issues to really get interesting. Lazarus started out well but it seems as empty as the world it takes place in. Very different books.

Awesome, thanks. Trying to expand to some new titles outside of cape books and debating picking up a few highly praised Image books, preferably already collected in trades. Already dig Saga, Sex Criminals, and Rat Queens.


Awesome, thanks. Trying to expand to some new titles outside of cape books and debating picking up a few highly praised Image books, preferably already collected in trades. Already dig Saga, Sex Criminals, and Rat Queens.

have you ever tried Unwritten from Vertigo? That's definitely worth checking out.
No mention of the new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen/Nemo book in the OP... Maybe it's not this month yet?..

I got it on comixology and loved it. These little LOEG/Nemo adventure books are fantastic. Loved the Mountains of Madness one. It's not at all like the crazy, weird, and offputting (to some) trilogy that wrapped up LOEG. It hearkens back to the first volume and is just a solid tale.


Are you talking about Roses of Berlin?


On the Marvel family not aging (much) so that they'd be around for the Beyond days, it could just be a matter of stating they don't age while transformed, keeping the original bodies youthful - not to mention Black Adam's supposed to be around 5000 years old, probably never having reverted from his transformation since he got it; the wizard Shazam himself tends to be stuck in the Rock of Eternity, which is supposed to be sort of outside time and space, so he's not aging there either.
It's not rocket science - the characters have a whimsy history, but don't necessarily need to be handled in a silly way like merging them all together for no reason when there are simple in-universe solutions to keeping them around.


I got a little confused reading Uncanny Avengers #16.
The thor battle with evil guy, did thor open a portal to muspelheim and that's what he used to burn the guy?


Hologram cards attached to all covers for the low, low price of 5.99

I'm holding out for die cut glow in the dark covers with 1:100 variant chromium cards that are retailer exclusive and give you exclusive content if you preorder. Oh wait, did I post this on the wrong side?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
AWW YES. Tomorrow is the day I order Fear Agent Library Edition 1 & 2 from IST. So excited.

In other news, I picked up Heavy Liquid and Joe the Barbarian from the library.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
AWW YES. Tomorrow is the day I order Fear Agent Library Edition 1 & 2 from IST. So excited.

In other news, I picked up Heavy Liquid and Joe the Barbarian from the library.

Two stellar books. Joe has a simple but smart story that's fleshed out by some absolutely absurd Murphy art.
Beyond the List
Veil #1
Saviors #3
Velvet #4

Action Comics #29
Forever Evil #6
Green Arrow #29

Captain America #18
Moon Knight #1
Punisher #3
She-Hulk #2
Uncanny X-Men #18
Wolverine and the X-Men #1


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Two ain't out yet brah.

Oh dammit. I could've sworn the release date was March 4th. It must've gotten pushed back yet again, because CGN is showing the 25th now (or more likely, this is attributed to my horrible memory). Oh well.
Edit: Just did some googling to see if March 4th was ever a thing. I'm pretty sure my mind completely fabricated the idea that it was coming out on the 4th. And for some reason I was pretty confident about that. Oh, brain.

What does come out tomorrow? Maybe I was getting it mixed up with something else.

IST haul.

Very nice. You seem to be charging right on through Morrison's Batman. So good.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get the Batman and Robin Absolute edition eventually. Great stuff.
Did you decide to skip Final Crisis in your read-through of the Batman run?

Two stellar books. Joe has a simple but smart story that's fleshed out by some absolutely absurd Murphy art.

Oh sweet. I knew Heavy Liquid was supposed to be good, but I hadn't heard much about Joe the Barbarian. I'm really looking forward to reading them!
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