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Control Ultimate Edition Next-Gen Teaser Trailer


So you want me to prove a negative? It's just basic logic that needs to be done to realize what you said makes no sense. No console has EVER been maxed out a month after it was released. And I know you know this, so why are you trolling this hard? What do you get out of it?

It's MAX'D out in terms of what it can RENDER with the features they want to show at the budget they have for the game. That part of my statement is completely TRUE! If it wasn't, you'd see MORE features in the game or HIGHER FPS. You see NONE of that compared to what the PC provides. So it's NOT stupid to claim they are maxed out in power for the particular budget they are targeting.



The raytraced debris might be too much for the consoles.

I know. I am just surprised that they chose a scene for their extremely short trailer that throws it literally in your face. Dumb decision.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That's disappointing they couldn't add a mode with ray tracing and 60 fps through some combination of lowering resolution, toning down effects, etc. Surely they could have got there and still had an impressive looking game.


It's MAX'D out in terms of what it can RENDER with the features they want to show at the budget they have for the game. That part of my statement is completely TRUE! If it wasn't, you'd see MORE features in the game or HIGHER FPS. You see NONE of that compared to what the PC provides. So it's NOT stupid to claim they are maxed out in power for the particular budget they are targeting.

You are forgetting one important part. TIME! Given the budget and "TIME", they potentially can't do more. How about we give devs more than 1 year to figure everything out.

I know. I am just surprised that they chose a scene for their extremely short trailer that throws it literally in your face. Dumb decision.

They could still be working on their RT features and maybe this is them showing the first level of it. Maybe with another update, they'll show RT debris.


I know. I am just surprised that they chose a scene for their extremely short trailer that throws it literally in your face. Dumb decision.
You can tell the papers aren’t being reflected in that chaos? I’m scrubbing through it and I’m none the wiser either way.


You are forgetting one important part. TIME! Given the budget and "TIME", they potentially can't do more. How about we give devs more than 1 year to figure everything out.

I'm not assuming that shit. To me, THAT'S DUMB. They did what they did and it's releasing soon. They implemented the reflections and they already had implemented the other features on the PC so there's no "mastering the PS5" to get more than reflections in the game. The freaking console HAS NO DLSSS!!! For Christ's Sake! Wtf do you guys expect?? This is why we always argue. You guys "wish" upon a star and I tell you the facts that you don't want to hear. It's made worse when I'm right after the game comes out.

They could still be working on their RT features and maybe this is them showing the first level of it. Maybe with another update, they'll show RT debris.

Stop dreaming man. Did Spiderman MM have more RT features? Did you say, "this is their first gameplay footage but they may have more RT features to come?"

Be rationale!

RT is fucking expensive. And even the high-end GPUs REQUIRE DLSS to run at a reasonable FPS. You have a console that has NO DLSS. How much do you think genius developers will accomplish without hardware DLSS to push more RT to a console that shown to only perform at 2060 levels?
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The machines are already maxed out as I stated in several threads. AMDs RT implementation is already weak in the 6800s and these consoles are the low end variety. Then neither of them have DLSS, so expecting anything beyond reflections is wishful thinking. I'm still waiting on that first game that can pull off 2 features..
You also said wait for the Xbox tools, their api is fucked. Which one is it?
Consoles don't have DLSS to upscale from a lower resolution to render every effect. Why are the usual suspects acting oblivious to this?


That game has ONE RT feature. And they reduced even more of the games' aethestics. Do you guys think this shit is for free? That really annoys me about SonyGAF.. which is why I'm on the trigger to call them out on their silly assumptions whenver a new game releases showing the facts.
Spider-Man had no RT according to you until DF told you it did. Your expertise is truly special. Special olympics special.
That game has ONE RT feature. And they reduced even more of the games' aethestics. Do you guys think this shit is for free? That really annoys me about SonyGAF.. which is why I'm on the trigger to call them out on their silly assumptions whenver a new game releases showing the facts.

Yet this also has 1 rt feature yet only runs 30fps, spiderman looks great at 60fps with rt, why are u downplaying it, going forward insomniac will make games look even better with the ps5 and rt, u will see.


They could still be working on their RT features and maybe this is them showing the first level of it. Maybe with another update, they'll show RT debris.

I don't believe that, because usually devs show their game in the best light in teasers and trailers. So either it is what it is, or they are very dumb.

You can tell the papers aren’t being reflected in that chaos? I’m scrubbing through it and I’m none the wiser either way.

I mean, you look directly at the glass and nothing of the flying stuff is being reflected.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Looks very good. Gonna have to hold on with ut though, fully booked for the next several months with Demon's, Ghost and Dats Gone. Games dropping left and right now.


Yet this also has 1 rt feature yet only runs 30fps, spiderman looks great at 60fps with rt, why are u downplaying it, going forward insomniac will make games look even better with the ps5 and rt, u will see.

Because Spiderman's 60FPS rt mode takes more out of the render as opposed to the 30FPS mode. The guys that made Control has way more going on in the scenes with it's physics and they probably didn't lower the quality of the RT like Insomniac did. You can't compare them like you are doing.


Spider-Man had no RT according to you until DF told you it did. Your expertise is truly special. Special Olympics special.

I never said that Spiderman had NO RT. I don't know wtf you are talking about. And that's not the point. You conveniently skip EVERY single verified fact that I claim when a game does come out and is in the hands of people.


Doesn't say anywhere "only Reflections".

You're just making shit up lmao L

ALL you see is only reflections. Does it need to say it? Demon Souls mentioned using ray-tracing and never showed it.. turns out there was NONE in the game at the end with a little excuse as to why.


I never said that Spiderman had NO RT. I don't know wtf you are talking about. And that's not the point. You conveniently skip EVERY single verified fact that I claim when a game does come out and is in the hands of people.
Oh yeah you did. Lucky for you I don’t care enough to bother finding it.

At this stage, pretty much whatever you say, it’s safe to assume the opposite. That’s the only verification needed, signed, sealed and delivered.


I'm not assuming that shit. To me, THAT'S DUMB. They did what they did and it's releasing soon. They implemented the reflections and they already had implemented the other features on the PC so there's no "mastering the PS5" to get more than reflections in the game. The freaking console HAS NO DLSSS!!! For Christ's Sake! Wtf do you guys expect?? This is why we always argue. You guys "wish" upon a star and I tell you the facts that you don't want to hear. It's made worse when I'm right after the game comes out.

Stop dreaming man.

Developers need time to get used to new capabilities each console generation offers. There are numerous examples of this across previous console generations. Thats not to say there will be massive differences between launch and later games.

So ... ONLY reflections! Oh well.. there goes massive power optimization to gain some TFLOPS for ray-tracing more than 1 feature.
RT transparent reflections as well. Seems equivalent to the PC medium RT preset. Not bad for what appears to be 4k.

Seems analogous to 2070/2080 performance.
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Don't recommend 30 fps here, no matter the graphics. Plus when you're playing the game and not staring at the floors, you quickly forget what's ray traced and what's not, because there's many effects going on and it gets lost in the shuffle - only when passing by a mirrored surface do you remember.

It's a very responsive game and without modifiers you can get gibbed quickly, it feels way better to play with 60 fps, it's bad enough that you need to use a gamepad to play it on consoles. Then again, it's pretty boring & falls of a cliff a few hours in, so no big loss either way.
I won’t disagree that it plays better, and every game okays better at 60 but if somebody is going to choose a game to make the sacrifice for RT it’s Control which looks amazing and is slow enough that you actually do notice it running around unlike Spider-Man.

Would I do it? No but I would understand if people did and I think it’s a good choice if you were going to do it.
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Oh yeah you did. Lucky for you I don’t care enough to bother finding it.

At this stage, pretty much whatever you say, it’s safe to assume the opposite. That’s the only verification needed, signed, sealed and delivered.

Whatever you fucking say bro. I'll let the games do the talking and I'll just follow up. So if I say there is no more "juice" for the PS5 to put out anymore RT effects in this game Control.. you believe there will be. Then when it comes out and it's not, I'll get in your ass. Period.


Gotta be said, I am not expecting too much from RT on these consoles. Even though I do think that they may squeeze more out in that department in a couple of years, if we are going to have a gen of just shiny shit and reflections, I would rather they didn't bother and put the power to use elsewhere.


ALL you see is only reflections. Does it need to say it? Demon Souls mentioned using ray-tracing and never showed it.. turns out there was NONE in the game at the end with a little excuse as to why.

Who's talking about demon souls wtf its a thread about Control where Remedy only MENTIONS RAY TRACING
On the video & settings.


Developers need time to get used to new capabilities each console generation offers. There are numerous examples of this across previous console generations. Thats not to say there will be massive differences between launch and later games.

RT transparent reflections as well. Seems equivalent to the PC medium RT preset. Not bad for what appears to be 4k.

Seems analogous to 2070/2080 performance.

The PC has the option to apply way more RT features in this game. I'm not focused on the various levels of reflections the game can provide. I'm focused on the fact that there is no more power to be had in order to turn on one or more other RT features without the help of hardware assisted DLSS. It's a very reasonable claim and one that SonyGAF finds very hard to swallow.


Then why are you downing console performance when you know that everything is being rendered at a native resolution?

I'm not downing it. I'm reminding the Sony warriors of how limited it is so they can stop thinking it's an infinite black box of power that is ONLY limited by the talent of the developer. Most of them genuinely think that they'll be able to play games with ALL RT features shown on a high-end PC at some point with 2060 proven performance.


Is RT + 60fps in Spider-Man imaginary?

Go back and look at the sacrifices they made. Do you think they just turned on a checkbox and did nothing else so it looks identical to the 30FPS mode? Is this how all of you guys are going to play this? Ignore the sacrifices (NPCs reflected with no shadows = NPCs reflect WITH shadows) and only look at the final output figures? "It's RT (no matter how crappy it looks or that it's only ONE feature) @4k (no matter that it's dynamic) @ 60FPS".
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Md Ray

Go back and look at the sacrifices they made. Do you think they just turned on a checkbox and did nothing else so it looks identical to the 30FPS mode? Is this how all of you guys are going to play this? Ignore the sacrifices (NPCs reflected with no shadows = NPCs reflect WITH shadows) and only look at the final output figures? "It's RT (no matter how crappy it looks or that it's only ONE feature) @4k (no matter that it's dynamic) @ 60FPS".
Doesn't matter. You said forget RT for the entire gen if 60fps is the target. Spider-Man and COD Cold War prove you wrong.
The 60FPS/RT mode in Miles and SM:R is easily the overall worst looking option of the three rendering modes, IMO.

I tested it in both games and didn't end up sticking with it in either. It is a cool option to have, and props to Insomniac for adding it, but for me Fidelity mode and standard Performance mode are just much better looking choices, for my tastes.

People tend to ignore the sacrifices necessary in order to offer RT reflections at 60 fps. Baseline 1080p resolution, peak 1440p, scaled back graphical settings, lower resolution reflections and draw distance, etc.

Neither PS5 nor XsX is going to be a RT powerhouse. I see people cheerlead "Insomniac has the Ray Tracing crown!!!!" all over the place but you clearly have never played Cyberpunk with all RT ultra, or Control on PC with everything cranked.

Hopefully mid-gen refreshes will bring enhanced RT capabilities (edit: or a DLSS 2.0 equivilant to enable more headroom for RT costs), or we will be waiting 6-7 years before full blown RT is a thing on console.

My eyes started to bleed when they switched from 60 to 30 fps.

Hyperbole is fun.

How can some people play like that?!

Pretty easily.

30fps plays perfectly fine in many games.
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Mister Wolf

Because Spiderman's 60FPS rt mode takes more out of the render as opposed to the 30FPS mode. The guys that made Control has way more going on in the scenes with it's physics and they probably didn't lower the quality of the RT like Insomniac did. You can't compare them like you are doing.

Does Spiderman even do transparency reflections? Or is every single piece of glass in New York a personal mirror.


Does Spiderman even do transparency reflections? Or is every single piece of glass in New York a personal mirror.

I haven't seen any transparent reflections and haven't seen it mentioned in tech videos. But I don't own a PS5 yet, so I'm judging based on videos.

I believe they use fake transparent reflections. I think to remember it was mentioned somewhere.
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Does it even have opaque reflections? The normal reflections don't seem to change much in terms of quality.

Looks like it's only transparent reflections then?
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Yes it does. You can see into shop fronts through windows for example.

It also bends reflections and diffuses them depending on surfaces. I recommend checking out some of the analysis to get more in-depth info.

I have to go back to the DF videos. I think they've mentioned that those transparencies in the shop windows are faked. Need to confirm it though.
Yes it does. You can see into shop fronts through windows for example.

It also bends reflections and diffuses them depending on surfaces. I recommend checking out some of the analysis to get more in-depth info.

I don't think being able to see inside a store window means it is ray traced transparent reflections. I could be wrong though.

You are right, not sure why you're being boo'd.

There are no cast shadows in that reflection. Look under the character's feet.

This already looks worse than the RT implementation on PC.


Also the RT seemingly cuts off beyond the tree.

I personally would have preferred they had ported over the RT lighting instead of reflections, if we have to choose just one. Oh well.

Hmm, Control never looked that good to be honest. Don't think that RT alone can change anything. Still a great game though.

I thought the game was beautiful on PC. The entire suite of RT options available there make a huge difference. Huge.
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I haven't seen any transparent reflections and haven't seen it mentioned in tech videos. But I don't own a PS5 yet, so I'm judging based on videos.

I believe they use fake transparent reflections. I think to remember it was mentioned somewhere.
They’re everywhere. Streets are full of modelled stores with glass windows. Would be funny if the city streets were 2d textures like ps2.



do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Played the game when it was out and the lightning without RTX was absolute dog shit.

But PC already got the Ultimate Edition.

And I dont think anything has been changed in non-RT version of the game lighting wise.
I legit would need to look at screenshots from when I played the game at launch and after the last DLC to know if anything changed.

I switched between RT and non-RT all the time to capture screenshots, I didnt think the lighting was dogshit, Remedys Multi-Scale Global Illumination is one of the most advanced non-RT implementations of Global Illumination in the industry right now.
Maybe its just the artstyle in general you didnt like?

This is what it looks like without RT:

^Is that dog shit lighting?
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