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Cyberpunk 2077 achieves massive success with 1 million+ playerbase


Writes a lot, says very little
See, again that’s your problem for ASSUMING a first-person Western CRPG like Elder Scrolls or The Witcher was going to be GTA Future.

They opened that door when they made a game in a city with cars, crime, cops and gangs bud.

Nothing in that world even suggest that wouldn't be a thing, in fact the entire concept literally supports the cops doing that.

Why do they shoot at you? Why do you even have that ability? Why have a car? Shit, why even have a update fixing any of that shit if it wasn't suppose to be in the game? Soooooo stop with this horseshit if pretending it was JUST suppose to be this Deus Ex type thing, with the systems they put in place, I don't see any evidence to suggest a fucking AI driving a car to come after you was just never in the cards.

The game was rushed. Thats the only reason you see that missing.
It's a CG trailer with zero gameplay.

lol nahhhh I'm sorry man, but CP may not be like GTA, but they clearly were aiming for it as the subject matter and concept of this game fits too much elements that are like GTA by default of how crime works.

Steal cars, no punishment?

Oh it has cops, no chases?

Oh it has gangs, oh they can't drive cars?

Oh it has cars? you can't change the paint or mod them? in a fucking game literally about modification?

Nah man, I'm not buying that shit for a minute. Those are missing like the fucking train is missing. What happened? They removed it, not trying to be like GTA? Why do the cops shoot you? wouldn't that be like GTA? I mean the cops shoot you in that game too bro? Wouldn't want to copy and all lol Cops chasing you is not a exclusive GTA idea, that is real life, that literally makes logical sense to be in such a game. The game is literally telling you its about crime and corrupts cops, gangs and never once entertains that those elements are only locked to some scripted thing.

You go to a gang area, they attack.

You break a law, cops react. To then fucking tell me that its not part of the game for them to drive cars to make excuses for this games rushed development is too rich. To add this element is not to be like GTA sir, its to be like any rational, logical game based on a city in the future where the crime exist and law and order struggles to contain it.

Relax with the defense force shit regarding this element, I bought the game day 1, put almost 70 hours in it, but I need to call a spade a spade. When they add this feature with those updates and sequels, what are you going to do? A cop driving a car is just TOOOOOO much like GTA? But them having no ability to drive is some normal thing in a game in city like this in 2022? Might as well tell them to get rid of the day and night cycle, GTA has that too =)

Its ok man, not everything needs to be like GTA, this game still needs elements that fit their own fucking narrative. Not cops shooting at you that forgot how to drive based on crunch and rushed early access shit lol

AlphaMale AlphaMale Agreed. I don't know If I'd say 10x better, but if you like Deus Ex, this game fits that a lot.

If they go the route of correcting those issues, add in the rest of the missing elements it can be even better, but if they double down on what worked like making it linear, mission to mission type thing like Deus Ex and just got rid of the open world element, I'd be ok with that to.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
lol nahhhh I'm sorry man, but CP may not be like GTA, but they clearly were aiming for it as the subject matter and concept of this game fits too much elements that are like GTA by default of how crime works.

It's a western RPG developer making a game based on an old pen & paper table top RPG system. It's your fault if you thought it would be something other than what it is.


Writes a lot, says very little
It's a western RPG developer making a game based on an old pen & paper table top RPG system. It's your fault if you thought it would be something other than what it is.

nahhh stop making excuse for this shitshow man.

Its just another feature in the laundry list of features stripped, removed, not completed in this early access game. Why have cops shot at you? I mean its not like GTA right?

Gangs? Why have that? lol

Shit, why are they updating it to have a better cop system, wasn't it not suppose to be like GTA? Why add that update? foh

Its my fault for expecting a game set in a city with crime to behave as such when their own marketing is literally telling us about how interactive this city supposedly is?

Tell the truth Mana, where is the yellow chair?
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Did they finally add police chasing you and does it have even basic level open world AI functionality yet?
It's an RPG (much like Skyrim or Fallout), not a GTA-like.

I swear some people just never get it, or just don't want to just to shit on the game...

In most similar RPGs the police/militia AI is also a fucking joke but nobody complains, because that's not the central point of such games. In more than 100h of Cyberpunk I was never tempted once to do random crimes to get chased, what would be the point?

Could it be better made? Yup absolutely. Would it be worth it? Nope I'd rather have them put all their effort into the stories. Which they did, the quests are incredible, and that's the right choice they made here.
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Gold Member
People still defending the shitty police system.

The Office Reaction GIF by NETFLIX

I'm guessing the only fully realized quest is still that early one from he gameplay walkthrough as well.
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Writes a lot, says very little
It's an RPG (much like Skyrim or Fallout), not a GTA-like.

I swear some people just never get it, or just don't want to just to shit on the game...

In most similar RPGs the police/militia AI is also a fucking joke but nobody complains, because that's not the central point of such games. In more than 100h of Cyberpunk I was never tempted once to do random crimes to get chased, what would be the point?

I mean....that doesn't really answer why that is missing.

Why do the cops chase you? Why do the shoot at you when you break the law? Why can you drive the cars, but not them? So...the whole bullshit "not like GTA" excuse is old man.

That is expected in a city with crime, gangs, cops and cars and it simply sounds like yet another feature missing from the game due to it being rushed. Thats it.

Of the games that are a joke with AI, how many of them are set in a future city with cars where you can drive and cops that shot at you and with gangs, but no one else can drive cars?

real question.

We don't say this about Deus Ex mind you, because none of the elements I just told you exist in the same way. So....they opened the door to this man. It sounds beyond stupid to pretend having that element is like "GTA" as if in real life if you steal a fucking car, a cop won't start going in a high speed chase with you or something lol All of that is part of a believable city and if they didn't want to be like "GTA", with that lame excuse, take it out of a open world, take it out of a city, remove the gangs, remove the cops, remove the stealing of cars, i mean its not GTA, why copy that and rip them off with this blatant attempt to chase gta fame?
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Gold Member
On PS5, XSX and PC it’s great. I’ve been trying it out for a while now due to the cross progression system.

On PS4 where I bought it, it still crashes once in a while but there’s significantly less visual bugs. It does still seem to have problems regarding LoD especially if you sprint or drive to an area real fast. You can still see the blocky npcs though that’s mostly on stores where the game struggles to load rooms fast enough before you get to them. Like you have to wait for 2 seconds for the area to load a door to be able to enter a door and speak to an npc.

For people who’ve played it around launch, your build is fucked in one way or another because a lot of stuff were changed fundamentally regarding your character and weapon requirements as well as cyberware. Lots of skills were moved around and mod slots as well as damage and armor is significantly reduced. It was easy to be overpowered unknowingly in the past. Now it takes a bit more effort. I was taking zero damage in the past and one shotting people in very hard in the past. It’s a lot harder to one shot people now without a high enough level and well planned build. Getting hit with zero damage is gone as well. Armor went down from 5000+ to 1000+ and npc damage went up.

I highly encourage a replay as it definitely feels more refined.


Writes a lot, says very little
On PS5, XSX and PC it’s great. I’ve been trying it out for a while now due to the cross progression system.

On PS4 where I bought it, it still crashes once in a while but there’s significantly less visual bugs. It does still seem to have problems regarding LoD especially if you sprint or drive to an area real fast. You can still see the blocky npcs though that’s mostly on stores where the game struggles to load rooms fast enough before you get to them. Like you have to wait for 2 seconds for the area to load a door to be able to enter a door and speak to an npc.

For people who’ve played it around launch, your build is fucked in one way or another because a lot of stuff were changed fundamentally regarding your character and weapon requirements as well as cyberware. Lots of skills were moved around and mod slots as well as damage and armor is significantly reduced. It was easy to be overpowered unknowingly in the past. Now it takes a bit more effort. I was taking zero damage in the past and one shotting people in very hard in the past. It’s a lot harder to one shot people now without a high enough level and well planned build. Getting hit with zero damage is gone as well. Armor went down from 5000+ to 1000+ and npc damage went up.

I highly encourage a replay as it definitely feels more refined.

Likely. Ima jump thru another playthru when they finish the game and add those elements like AI, cops and gangs driving cars and that dlc thing.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I don't think Cyberpunk will ever live down its bungled launch, but the fact is, there's a pretty great game underneath, and a lot of its issues have been fixed or mitigated at this point.

I can't wait for the inevitable Director's Cut/Definitive Edition release. CDPR has done that for all of its previous releases and they've always been much better. Cyberpunk is just taking longer to get there.

It's good but short. A lot of the side missions feel the same too. I hated the racing side missions, with the ultra heavy rubberbanding.
It's not even rubberbanding, cars straight up teleport behind your back. Driving AI was pretty broken. Luckily those racing missions are really the only ones where it comes up.


EDMIX EDMIX go play something else. If you care more about the cop AI than the core RPG gameplay and stories (which are solid), at this point just admit this game isn't for you and move on.

It's like you're playing Deus Ex HR and complaining that the cop AI isn't reacting too well when you shoot random NPCs in a city hub.
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I blame Action Button.

This masterpiece of a review came out Oct 26 last year

…but it’s an hour long, and the average gamers attention span today is measured in seconds not minutes (myself included)…. So 10 months later here we are as I’m assuming I’m not the only one that just finished watching it in 30 second increments.

Anime might’ve helped but I’m on team action button

It is not an hour long. That's just the intro. There is a link to a playlist of 7 videos in the description...

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Did they fully fix the game? I'm interested in playing it but the negative buzz around the game over the years makes me wary

Which is disappointing since I'm HUGE fan of The Witcher 1, 2 and 3
They haven't even "fully" fixed The Witcher 3, that might be an unreasonable expectation.

But the game is now in a pretty solid place on next gen and PC, no buggier than any other open world game out there. It's also restored some but not all of the cut features. I would consider it a 9/10 game.

But it does still have stuff that is half assed and stuff that will be improved. The half baked police system is probably the biggest one; cops just kind of teleport in from off screen when needed and don't do much to chase you. Enemy/NPC driving AI is also really bad.

But the game doesn't lean on either of these things much outside of a couple missions. They're more missed opportunity than anything game breaking.


Writes a lot, says very little
EDMIX EDMIX go play something else. If you care more about the cop AI than the core RPG gameplay and stories (which are solid), at this point just admit this game isn't for you and move on.

It's like you're playing Deus Ex HR and complaining that the cop AI isn't reacting too well when you shoot random NPCs in a city hub.

I already beat the game lol

I never stated anything about caring more about cop AI then core RPG "gameplay", but those elements are still part of the game and completely break any immersion they were trying to capture.

Deus Ex has never put you in some open world city with cops, gangs, allowed you to drive cars and then pretended the game really isn't about those ideas lol Its why you are having trouble even finding 1 fucking game that has ever done that. The game doesn't have it for the same reason it lacks that train system bud, it was rushed, removed, omitted etc.

So this whole excuse thing for all those missing commonsense features, where the fuck was that for the other elements from "GTA"?

Open world city
driving cars
day and night cycle
buying guns from shops
open world map showing missions

ohhhhhh but you magically fucking draw the line at cops driving cars? Thats just too much like GTA, but the rest of those GTA features make sense huh? hmmmm that sounds a little to sus to me man. It sounds like an excuse. I might have bought it day 1, beat it with almost 70 hours, but it gets no pass from me from all those elements missing in the game. Too many of those core elements that are commonplace in such a concept are missing to pretend adding a cop chase is too much like GTA, only to ignore the list of the other shit in this game taken from GTA. I didn't see anyone crying over any of that, suddenly we point out a missing features and its "not like gta broz" lol When that feature gets patched up, prepare for that goal post in telling us how revolunary it is that cops and gangs can drive and shoot at you.

what a thought, I'd never expect that in a game in a city about crime /s lol

SF Kosmo SF Kosmo "But the game doesn't lean on either of these things much outside of a couple missions. They're more missed opportunity than anything game breaking."


I hope the sequel they fund the team properly instead if just paying A list stars and I hope they fully fund the team to make it actually work like a functional open world city. Who knows what they were planning before the rushed this out the door. Even the train stuff looked like they had a whole thing about going around the city using it.

If it can't work, I'd rather they just scrap the whole open world thing if its going to be half assed or something. I'd just take a linear title like Deus Ex approach and move on.
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I didn't experience too many technical issues on Series X, but the game itself was underwhelming in comparison to what was promised.

It's hard to differentiate between what's improved gameplay wise and what just...works now.


Gold Member
I already beat the game lol

I never stated anything about caring more about cop AI then core RPG "gameplay", but those elements are still part of the game and completely break any immersion they were trying to capture.

Deus Ex has never put you in some open world city with cops, gangs, allowed you to drive cars and then pretended the game really isn't about those ideas lol Its why you are having trouble even finding 1 fucking game that has ever done that. The game doesn't have it for the same reason it lacks that train system bud, it was rushed, removed, omitted etc.

So this whole excuse thing for all those missing commonsense features, where the fuck was that for the other elements from "GTA"?

Open world city
driving cars
day and night cycle
buying guns from shops
open world map showing missions

ohhhhhh but you magically fucking draw the line at cops driving cars? Thats just too much like GTA, but the rest of those GTA features make sense huh? hmmmm that sounds a little to sus to me man. It sounds like an excuse. I might have bought it day 1, beat it with almost 70 hours, but it gets no pass from me from all those elements missing in the game. Too many of those core elements that are commonplace in such a concept are missing to pretend adding a cop chase is too much like GTA, only to ignore the list of the other shit in this game taken from GTA. I didn't see anyone crying over any of that, suddenly we point out a missing features and its "not like gta broz" lol When that feature gets patched up, prepare for that goal post in telling us how revolunary it is that cops and gangs can drive and shoot you at you.

what a thought, I'd never expect that in a game in a city about crime /s lol
"God of War 18 sucks because its not enough like Skyrim. Where is the vast open world? Why can't i explore every mountain? Why is everything empty? Why can't i get involved in political intrigues and pick sides? They obviously were trying to be like Skyrim because they added crucial elements like a nordic setting, open world and rpg mechanics to the game, but it was rushed and they had to scrap all of that to deliver its basic underwhelming experience in time."

If this sounds retarded its beacause it is. Its also what you're arguing.
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Im really happy for CDPR. Their problem was obviously going public and then some mis-management. Seems like in 2022 they have some sort of shuffle of sorts within the management / dev team for cyberpunk and have been making great strides ever since. Phantom Liberty will be their proving grounds for the future success of cyberpunk going forward (and I have positive high hopes).

Seems like CDPR learn their lesson and now it is all steam ahead again. Looking forward to the future of the cyberpunk IP and the next Witcher saga.


Suffers with mild autism
I'd love to play the VR mod but my machine won't be able to handle that for this game's level of detail, sadly. So maybe I'll finally give it a shot on my next GPU / build, whenever I finally upgrade.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm currently playing this. It's okay. The whole time I'm thinking I'd rather be playing it in VR.

Hopefully this gets a PSVR2 version. I kind of want to just shelve this for now, and wait to see if it's announced when Sony eventually does their big VR showing.
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I blame Action Button.

This masterpiece of a review came out Oct 26 last year

…but it’s an hour long, and the average gamers attention span today is measured in seconds not minutes (myself included)…. So 10 months later here we are as I’m assuming I’m not the only one that just finished watching it in 30 second increments.

Anime might’ve helped but I’m on team action button

Gotta love Tim Rogers.


Writes a lot, says very little
it has the same AI as 90% of the AAA games , so if you play other games there is no reason not to play cyberpunk

sir, getting in a car and driving away stops all cops lol

I don't know of any AAA game that came out last gen that such a thing was going on.


sir, getting in a car and driving away stops all cops lol

I don't know of any AAA game that came out last gen that such a thing was going on.
i thought they sayd they fixed it in last update , anyway im not gonna play it because the rpg elements are not deep enough , the skill tree is very shallow and the choices have very little impact

i would have loved to see better level design like mankind divided

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Gold Member
It is not an hour long. That's just the intro. There is a link to a playlist of 7 videos in the description...

I saw 10 min of this Dude death stranding review and i was seriously thinking about cutting my wrist...

Never fucking again.


Writes a lot, says very little
i thought they sayd they fixed it in last update , anyway im not gonna play it because the rpg elements are not deep enough , the skill tree is very shallow and the choices have very little impact

I'm going to wait for that cop update, then the dlc and if by the time Witcher 4 releases and they still haven't corrected all those issues, I'll just re-play it then. I'm not going back in until its returned chunk of those missing features.

I feel like I owe Watchdogs 3 a big apology lol

But it's still not GTA Deus Ex.


I feel if they can't get the open world thing with AI and gangs, cars, cops etc to work, just make it like Deus Ex.

maybe that open world element is much harder to pull off then CDPR probably thought and maybe we've overlooked how hard it actually is to really pull off those open world titles. Watchdogs 3 got all that hate, yet its the more functional title with more ai and actual real gameplay. If they can't do that, maybe they should just stick to some semi-open Deus Ex type thing.


Gold Member
How about the game on your avatar?
He's obviously referring to practically any game with a wanted system. Stop playing dumb.

The game was definitely marketed closer to an action GTA style of game around launch than people remember. CDPR even changed the genre on the store to Action instead of RPG. The game is set in a grimy city with gang activities all over the map, street races, a wanted system, etc.

Being an RPG (although not much of one) doesn't excuse the fact that the static police spawn points (the ones where they stand next to their car) aren't completely stupid with the fact that crimes can be happening right next to them and they don't react EVEN if there are other police involved.
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I'm going to wait for that cop update, then the dlc and if by the time Witcher 4 releases and they still haven't corrected all those issues, I'll just re-play it then. I'm not going back in until its returned chunk of those missing features.

I feel like I owe Watchdogs 3 a big apology lol


I feel if they can't get the open world thing with AI and gangs, cars, cops etc to work, just make it like Deus Ex.

maybe that open world element is much harder to pull off then CDPR probably thought and maybe we've overlooked how hard it actually is to really pull off those open world titles. Watchdogs 3 got all that hate, yet its the more functional title with more ai and actual real gameplay. If they can't do that, maybe they should just stick to some semi-open Deus Ex type thing.
i think they will fix major level design and AI problems in the expansion considering it will be only current gen


Gold Member
He's obviously referring to practically any game with a wanted system. Stop playing dumb.
it did have one. Different tiers, backup calls and everything. It was also open world, and had driving mechanics.
The game was definitely marketed closer to an action GTA style of game around launch than people remember. CDPR even changed the genre on the store to Action instead of RPG. The game is set in a grimy city with gang activities all over the map, street races, a wanted system, etc.
Being an RPG (although not much of one) doesn't excuse the fact that the static police spawn points (the ones where they stand next to their car) aren't completely stupid with the fact that crimes can be happening right next to them and they don't react EVEN if there are other police involved.
i mean, do you want me list the far worse issues games like GTA and RDR have had? Y'all act as if GTA was this perfect game with no problems whatsoever, including cops reacting to crimes in completely dumb ways. I don't think Cyberpunk is above criticism, but what it delivers is much more incredible and depthful than what i've seen in any GTA game since 2.
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Gold Member
Its good for them I guess. Its still a lot to be done, but the way they are dealing with the game looks very positive. Eventually they will regain the trust of their fanbase.


It is not an hour long. That's just the intro. There is a link to a playlist of 7 videos in the description...



I almost had them!!

Tim Rodgers is a national treasure and should be enjoyed by everyone!

I watched all 7 episodes, it’s just a matter of time before Tomeki Memorial also experiences a latent surge of 1mill + dail players


Biggest turnaround story since No Man’s Sky. Great game. Can’t wait for the DLC.
Love the game, have more than 150h on it, played it on PS4 and now PS5, reinstalled afetr watching Edgerunners

But hell no. They still have a loong way to go for it to start being compared to NMS.

They fixed bugs, added apartments, transmog and improved NPC AI a tiny bit

Remaking police system will be huge, but for 2 years of support, it's pretty dreadful considering the size of the company

In this timespan Hello Gamse have already released 2 or 3 big expansions to No Man Sky


Love the game, have more than 150h on it, played it on PS4 and now PS5, reinstalled afetr watching Edgerunners

But hell no. They still have a loong way to go for it to start being compared to NMS.

They fixed bugs, added apartments, transmog and improved NPC AI a tiny bit

Remaking police system will be huge, but for 2 years of support, it's pretty dreadful considering the size of the company

In this timespan Hello Gamse have already released 2 or 3 big expansions to No Man Sky
Yeah I love it too, was my GOTY, 270 hours played so far, but CDPR has a long way to go before they come even close to what Hello Games has done with NMS (20 game-changing updates since launch)

Still, I’m glad people are giving the game a second chance after all the industry-wide hating. Haven’t tried it after the latest patch, not doing another playthrough but I should jump in on an old save and check out the updates.
So, what is the lesson here?

The primary lesson? What's best about gaming has never been limited to a particular release date or release window. Many games, especially on PC, for years have benefitted from many updates and would become much better games with time. Consoles are more or less at that stage in their evolution now.

What has always been the greatest strength of PC gaming? The massive collection of games to start out, but also the fact that a whole bunch of different game experiences just never stop getting better, and usually a lot of times that was at no added cost. They keep getting updated and getting better for months and months, even years. The reality is that even some of the most amazing of games don't always release without issues or flaws. So whenever a talented studio with the budget and resources necessary to deliver releases an ambitious game it's always a bad (even foolish) bet to write it off. Especially when they make crystal clear they're committed to the game and then proceed to prove as much with regular changes, fixes and updates over months.

What do you always see people on PC playing? Not always a game necessarily a game that just released. They're playing whatever the hell they're in the mood for.
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