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Cyberpunk 2077 achieves massive success with 1 million+ playerbase


Gold Member
Enjoy sucking each other off about what a masterpiece it is, then.
I don't think the game is a masterpiece, but it happens to a type of game we don't get enough of.

The only other games that can scratch the itch Cyberpunk does are Deus Ex and EYE Divine Cybermancy, and they both have their own share of issues and limitations.


Because I'm interested in gaming news even when related to people I'm not sucking up.

You should try the experience from time to time.

EDIT - Well, "reply banned" from the thread since the moderation here keeps being a fucking running joke. Enjoy sucking each other off about what a masterpiece it is, then.


Gold Member
I started a new playthrough as a streetkid and I'm really liking it now. I always started as a nomad before and just couldn't connect with it. Still sucks that it's first person only but I'm going to push through.


Gold Member
Game is in a far better state than it was in 1.0 So many quality of life improvements, and most bugs have been ironed out. I played it a few months ago in 1.5 and I enjoyed it immensely more than my first time. It might be one of my favorite games now. If you were holding off on the game since launch, or were burned by it and curious to try again, now's a good time to jump back in. If not, then maybe wait til the Expansion. By then you've got a huge chunk of new content, and the new Police System will be added into the game.

Yes, CDPR deserves a lot of flak for how they handled development and launch. The team that has still been working on the game since release however, deserve plenty of praise. They could've fixed some bugs and abandoned the game, but they didn't. It's not quite a No Man's Sky level comeback, but all things considered it's been a strong comeback so far.
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I don't think the game is a masterpiece, but it happens to a type of game we don't get enough of.

The only other games that can scratch the itch Cyberpunk does are Deus Ex and EYE Divine Cybermancy, and they both have their own share of issues and limitations.

It's absolutely a masterpiece in my eyes. They're the first dev to come around in years that, to me, has managed to do with open world RPG game worlds what I feel Bethesda has done expertly for years, and that's create a world that feels real enough, and that I find so fun and exciting that I would keep coming back to it for many years to come just to experience it again in new ways.
I pre ordered it and only played for an hour at launch and didn't touch it until 1.5, I just didn't want to ruin the experience. But once I got to actually sit down and play, after I finished it I couldn't stop thinking about the world and characters for a week, just like with the anime. It has a really good story and great characters and anyone not playing it out of some kind of "protest" because of a bad launch two years ago are missing out on a really good game. At the same time, I don't see a reason to come into this thread and just rain on the parade just because you're so superior for not playing it lol.


Gold Member
It's absolutely a masterpiece in my eyes. They're the first dev to come around in years that, to me, has managed to do with open world RPG game worlds what I feel Bethesda has done expertly for years, and that's create a world that feels real enough, and that I find so fun and exciting that I would keep coming back to it for many years to come just to experience it again in new ways.
Well, tbf i also feel bethesda games have a lot they could improve on.

Cyberpunk's combat shits all over Fallout 3/NV, however Bethesda games do exploration better. Cyberpunk should've relied less on icons and given the player more natural ways to find side-quests (and it actually does that sometimes, though those are the exception rather than the norm). There are tons of side-quests that were just pre-marked on the map for no apparent reason, while in bethesda games you always need to fullfil certain conditions in order for something to appear (like talk to a person, find something, etc).

I also don't like ther over-reliance on stats, feels like a poor interpretation of Table-top rules for an ARPG, but this is an issue with RPGs in general rather than CP specifically.
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Well, tbf i also feel bethesda games have a lot they could improve on.

Cyberpunk's combat shits all over Fallout 3/NV, however Bethesda games do exploration better. Cyberpunk should've relied less on icons and given the player more natural ways to find side-quests (and it actually does that sometimes, though those are the exception rather than the norm).

I also don't like ther over-reliance on stats, feels like a poor interpretation of Table-top rules for an ARPG, but CP77 is far from the only one to have this issue.

I love the reliance on stats. It lets you really understand exactly how your character is being built and just what your capabilities and strengths are. Stat based games always feel super special to me, way more replayable. I got more than enough of the games where it's just purely about skills, and you can beat anybody so long as you have the right skillset. More often than not I don't just want to win due to my skill as a player alone. I want to win because my character is the right level, has the right combination of skills and abilities, the right gear and upgrades, I used the right tactics to exploit an enemy weakness based on the RPG or stat based mechanics etc. I always wanted to feel like I had earned the right to stand before the current enemy. No more satisfying feeling in all gaming than that, which is why my favorite videogame genre is by far RPGs. The icons and various UI elements work for me. I feel they fit with the vibe of the kind of world we're in. It fits with the cyber theme of the game, so I'm happy to see all that stuff.

I agree that the combat is fantastic. Easily some of the best combat I've played in any RPG or even straight up shooter for that matter. A huge strength is how the levels and locations are designed, and how you can use it all to your advantage.

As far as Bethesda games go, they're also just fantastic. Even with what they need to improve on they end up doing so much so well that you're just having fun. I also came to not see their "flaws" as always necessarily flaws, but conscious design decisions. Fallout 3's shooting starts out worse due to stats it appears, which I thought was clever, made it feel more RPGish. They also always make steady improvements with each new game. Fallout 4 was a massive jump for combat in the Fallout series, and Starfield looks to be taking combat a notch even further.

I've been playing nothing but Cyberpunk 2077 for much of this gen because of my overall fascination with the game, and especially more so due to Starfield anticipation. In many ways one of the very best things to happen to Cyberpunk 207 was Starfield's delay. It opened up an opportunity for more people to see it as the newest RPG that will scratch that open world RPG itch still.

Longest stretch of time I was away from Cyberpunk this gen was beating Halo Infinite's Campaign, then really for the first time officially tried out some MP and actually found a love for it. But then it was right back to Cyberpunk 2077. Prior to Infinite launch I was also playing Skyrim again lol mostly because I was waiting for some more Cyberpunk updates to arrive. At some point amidst all this, I was in the mood to finally give Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order a shot after completely stopping it on my Xbox One X the very instant I started to catch news about newer consoles. One habit I need to break is bouncing back and forth between feeling like I'm neglecting games that I really like. Just gotta stick to the one I'm playing right then and there. I'm also playing Deathloop right now, which is amazing, but all I can friggin think about is Cyberpunk 2077 again after the anime and knowing the new update dropped. It shows off the game systems and night city so well.

One last thing I'll say. I use to really bitch about combat in Bethesda games also. Especially Elder Scrolls. My first big introduction to Bethesda RPGs was Oblivion on 360. And I remember coming from being such a huge turn based JRPG nut or just a gamer so damn use to Japanese style animations, I hated how sword combat and other things looked in Oblivion. But what have I learned over time as I've gotten older? I've come to realize I love how those games played now, and a major part of me hating it was me not getting the point that I'm still playing an RPG. Because it was real-time I was putting too much pressure on real-time combat to look more sleek or nicer. It made it much harder for me to use my imagination the always way I did in turn based RPGs. Whenever I played games like FF7 on PS1 or play the persona games, what's happening on screen and what's going on in my head are two different things. FF7 on PS1 is basically advent children in my imagination, every last turn based battle. And persona I'm literally imagining the cool ass anime cutscenes as I battle in turn based mode. I had to learn how to use my imagination in any game that wasn't like more traditional JRPGs I use to play.

I use to feel no game with a gun could be an RPG. I had to literally convince myself, partially by buying the book that released before the first game, to make me interested in the universe itself to play the first mass effect on 360 because of the heavy focus on gun based combat lol. For the exact same reason I initially looked at Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and was like, "I'm good, just another shooter." Without stats and all that it just wouldn't be the same. I feel stats based gameplay often allows the best of game combat to be realized.


Was waiting for this game to be fixed and have the next gen patch, maybe I will boot it up tomorrow, restart the game, and try again.
Have they added/fixed enough to make it worth replaying if you finished it at launch?

It was worth replaying since February! There are things changed about it, how the story is presented. Things I did not see in my first playthrough. Specific things that didn't appear to work right, now do. The big changes to the attribute and perk skill trees, along with the cyberware related changes, pretty much makes it collectively an entirely new RPG, just with the same core story. Life path decisions have a more direct impact on the game. It's fantastic man. All I can say.


Gold Member
Did they finally add police chasing you and does it have even basic level open world AI functionality yet?
It's not GTA but nothing is, what's there is very playable and well acted. I'm playing it now and it's a good game. 8/10 from me. Just don't expect a fully simulated open world and just do the mission's.


Gold Member
The game desperately need an ultra hard mode, it is an absolute cakewalk wharever build you chose on max difficulty.

I thought that pure hacking was stupidly op but savistan + monowire + invisibility is absolutely broken beyond belief.

The game is still unbalanced AF.
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On one of the streams some guy (can't remember his name) from CDPR said they wrote the story themselves and let Trigger animate it.

It just goes to show CDPR know how to write a good story and I find it funny that "Netflix" is keeping them relevant lmfao. Like you say they are only distributing it and if the game really sucked then we wouldn't see such a huge number of people playing it right now and saying how good it is. They'd have enjoyed the show and moved on. alright some people would've went back to the game but not like this.

People will never learn to let their hate go. While they are full of hate we'll enjoy watching the show and playing the game.
Screen story for Edgerunners is written by Bartosz Sztybor who is Narrative Manager at CDPR. I'm very happy that Netflix didn't have a say in how this show was produced looking on how they handled "adaptation" of The Witcher books.
Not a masterpiece no. But I keep coming back to it more than Read Dead Redemption 2 which I consider the best open world game I've ever played.


Gold Member
Hmm, performance is getting worse for me the further through act II I go.

I've got some epic quickhack to try out now. So far, I've done a couple side jobs, cyberpsychos and npcd assaults. I'm also progessing one of the main strands which is the cloud one. Haven't paid rogue the 15k Eddie's yet.

Are gigs different? Do I need to go speak to the people to get gigs - are they different content.

Also I don't wanna progress the story too much because last time I ended up in the desert with panam so should I stop progressing the main strand and go see rogue (currently just saw fingers ripperdoc and being sent to a warehouse or summat)
Hmm, performance is getting worse for me the further through act II I go.

I've got some epic quickhack to try out now. So far, I've done a couple side jobs, cyberpsychos and npcd assaults. I'm also progessing one of the main strands which is the cloud one. Haven't paid rogue the 15k Eddie's yet.

Are gigs different? Do I need to go speak to the people to get gigs - are they different content.

Also I don't wanna progress the story too much because last time I ended up in the desert with panam so should I stop progressing the main strand and go see rogue (currently just saw fingers ripperdoc and being sent to a warehouse or summat)

Note that the best/ meaty sidequests unlocked AFTER a big story mission. I guess the devs intended them to be complementary to the main plot ( but some are really off on their own tangent ).

Gigs are how you get eddies and increase street cred. Different gigs are available depending on what your streetcred level is. Each one is a handcrafted small level with minimal story.

So the flow for me was, doing gigs to get cash to buy the upgrades I want. Doing one of the big mainquest threads. Break off for a long sidequest.
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Gold Member
Are gigs different? Do I need to go speak to the people to get gigs - are they different content.
They're kinda like CP's Witcher's contract equivalent, aka "your job" as a merc.
They're very fun to do since you're given tons of freedom on how to complete them, and are a nice source of cash, street cred and xp.

Also you in the future:


*Refreshes biennially
Hmm, performance is getting worse for me the further through act II I go.

I've got some epic quickhack to try out now. So far, I've done a couple side jobs, cyberpsychos and npcd assaults. I'm also progessing one of the main strands which is the cloud one. Haven't paid rogue the 15k Eddie's yet.

Are gigs different? Do I need to go speak to the people to get gigs - are they different content.

Also I don't wanna progress the story too much because last time I ended up in the desert with panam so should I stop progressing the main strand and go see rogue (currently just saw fingers ripperdoc and being sent to a warehouse or summat)

Drop whatever you're doing and pay off the debt to Vik (if not already) and buy double-jump leg implant. Changes the game completely, for the better.


Gold Member
Without stats and all that it just wouldn't be the same. I feel stats based gameplay often allows the best of game combat to be realized.
The problem with stats in these types of games is that they used to be abstractions that represented things that couldn't be emulated in a boardgame scenario.

When you have a gun that does 90 damage, and another gun from the exact same type and model that does 300, on a tabletop situation that difference in value can be interpreted as the gun being of a lower quality and thus having less accuracy, jamming more often, etc. However, on a videogame scenario, when you're aiming that gun at someone's head and pulling the trigger, it doesn't make sense. Its still a shot to the head from the same kind of bullet at the same bullet speed, why one gun kills 3 times faster than the other?

Another even worse example is perks and level ups that increase damage with certain types of guns. Again, on a boardgame that can be interpreted as your character becoming more skilled with that weapon and thus being able to land shots more often and in more vital spots. But on a real-time action videogame, a shot to the leg with X gun will always be a shot to the leg, why are these exact shots suddenly causing 20% more damage?

Videogames that rely too much on stats also introduce another issue, the so called "RPG curse".
Say you meet an enemy many levels above you. You have to drag yourself in the mud and probably savescum a bit if you ever hope to defeating him, which doesn't exactly make for an enjoyable experience. On the other hand, if you level up too much and meet the same type of enemy again, you one-shot him. Not because of some special skill, weapon or ability, your numbers were simply higher than his, which also ain't very fun.

More often than not you need to be on a similar level to your enemies in order for the game to the appropriately challenging. Non-open world RPGs can control this better, but in an open world RPG with 'mobs' roaming around that issue becomes very noticeable.
To counter this, some games use level scaling (cyberpunk does this), bringing lower leveled enemies closer your level. The problem with this approach however is that you're essentially making levels redundant. If you and your enemy have 100 health and deal 25 damage each, then later in the game after leveling some you meet the same enemy type with both having 400 health and dealing 100 damage each, whats even the point of having levels?
Cyberpunk specifically tries to mitigate this by having lower level enemies scaling up to your level only to a certain point, then always staying a few levels behind. But if you're gonna do this, isn't it better to ditch level scaling and simply have a smaller disparage between levels?

One of the few RPGs i've seen getting levels and skills right was Deus Ex (though unfortunately the game has a its own stack of needles). Leveling up your gun skills of a certain type doesn't increase the damage they deal, just the accuracy (enough for you to feel the difference too), and guns of a same type will always do the same damage. And to make you more resistant you need to install the appropriate augmentations.

That was a long rant but that about sums up my issues with RPGs and Stats in videogames.
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Never got this complaint. If you want to be chased by the police go play GTA.

What a weirdly absurd blind shill defence.

The game tries to depict a dystopian futuristic open-world city. It tries to create the illusion of a living breathing world. Part of that illusion requires that in a game largely about underground clandestine and oft illegal dealings, the player will have run-ins with the authorities. The game doesn't provide that fantasy in a believable way at all, with cops literally spawning within 3 feet of the player in full view and with brain-dead AI. It's immersion-breaking and sub-par.

The game itself sets up the expectation for realistic police chases, but then just doesn't deliver on it at all. So why are you blaming the players for expecting something that so obviously should be present in this type of game?
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Gold Member
What a weirdly absurd blind shill defence.

The game tries to depict a dystopian futuristic open-world city. It tries to create the illusion of a living breathing world. Part of that illusion requires that in a game largely about underground clandestine and oft illegal dealings, the player will have run-ins with the authorities. The game doesn't provide that fantasy in a believable way at all, with cops literally spawning within 3 feet of the player in full view and with brain-dead AI. It's immersion-breaking and sub-par.

The game itself sets up the expectation for realistic police chases, but then just doesn't deliver on it at all. So why are you blaming the players for expecting something that so obviously should be present in this type of game?
You're still mixing this with GTA mate.
GTA is about criminal and underground activities, Cyberpunk is about a dystopic future where crime is part of people's everyday life. If you can't understand the difference then you're playing the wrong game.
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You're still mixing this with GTA mate.
GTA is about criminal and underground activities, Cyberpunk is about a dystopic future where crime is part of people's everyday life. If you can't understand the difference then you're playing the wrong game.


So crime is part of people's everyday lives... ok... so are there police in the game? Yes!... So should players expect realistic or at least the illusion of realistic interactions with the authorities?

Of course, they should.

You're pushing a largely irrelevant point. Players are fully aware that Cyberpunk is not GTA, while simultaneously expecting CP to provide more meaningful interactions with the police within the game. Not doing so means that criminal activity within the game has next to no stakes at all.

It was a huge oversight by CD Project RED. That's undeniable unless you're just trying to be disingenuous.
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Currently over 130k CCU on steam, I'm going to assume this cyberpunk anime is amazing, I'll get round to watching it.

I personally loved the game myself, I hope this will make them consider more long term plans for the game now, as I really enjoyed myself :)
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Gold Member

So crime is part of people's everyday lives... ok... so are there police in the game? Yes!... So should players expect realistic or at least the illusion of realistic interactions with the authorities?

Of course, they should.

You're pushing a largely irrelevant point. Players are fully aware that Cyberpunk is not GTA, while simultaneously expecting CP to provide more meaningful interactions with the police within the game. Not doing so means that criminal activity within the game has next to no stakes at all.

It was a huge oversight by CD Project RED. That's undeniable unless you're just trying to be disingenuous.
You could've just said "no, i don't understand the difference".

Think about this, for your "fantasy" of run-in with lawful authorities to 'feel authentic' ('authentic' as per modern age 1st world standards), it is assumed said authorities exist in the first place.
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Currently over 130k CCU on steam, I'm going to assume this cyberpunk anime is amazing, I'll get round to watching it.

I personally loved the game myself, I hope this will make them consider more long term plans for the game now, as I really enjoyed myself :)
I'm no the biggest anime fan but this show was fucking amazing. To be fair the only anime i've really watched is Persona, Pokemon, Digimon (and some "anime" movies but mostly popular shit) so i'm no real expert on anime.

Edgerunners is well written and you quickly get attached to the characters. Soundtrack is amazing. The show is very gory, bloody, yet stylish as fuck. The story is really good but there is a lot of unusual dialogue especially if you haven't played the game. Since you've played the game you'll be familiar with the way they all talk but for someone who hasn't played it then it might be confusing wtf is being said. I don't see this as a negative (I have played the game) as it really sets the tone and feel of the show because it immerses you into the world of Night City. You would need to either play the game first or watch the show then go play the game to fully appreciate it.

The ending was very emotional and had me in tears. Without spoiling it too much it also has the same kind of ending as the game. It'll rip your heart out.

Edgerunner's is probably by far my favourite on screen video game adaption. It's right up there with Arcane (League of Legends).

I hope we get a second season but if not I can't be too mad because S1 was really well done and wraps everything up nicely.
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I'm no the biggest anime fan but this show was fucking amazing. To be fair the only anime i've really watched is Persona, Pokemon, Digimon (and some "anime" movies but mostly popular shit) so i'm no real expert on anime.

Edgerunners is well written and you quickly get attached to the characters. Soundtrack is amazing. The show is very gory, bloody, yet stylish as fuck. The story is really good but there is a lot of unusual dialogue especially if you haven't played the game. Since you've played the game you'll be familiar with the way they all talk but for someone who hasn't played it then it might be confusing wtf is being said. I don't see this as a negative (I have played the game) as it really sets the tone and feel of the show because it immerses you into the world of Night City. You would need to either play the game first or watch the show then go play the game to fully appreciate it.

The ending was very emotional and had me in tears. Without spoiling it too much it also has the same kind of ending as the game. It'll rip your heart out.

Edgerunner's is probably by far my favourite on screen video game adaption. It's right up there with Arcane (League of Legends).

I hope we get a second season but if not I can't be too mad because S1 was really well done and wraps everything up nicely.
Awesome sounds excellent, I can't wait and I loved my time time with the game, so I think I'll love the anime too :D
You could've just said "no, i don't understand the difference".

Think about this, for your "fantasy" of run-in with lawful authorities to 'feel authentic' ('authentic' as per modern age 1st world standards), it is assumed said authorities exist in the first place.

So basically you haven't even played Cyberpunk 2077 and you're just arguing bullshit.

Anyone who has played the game knows that police/authorities exist; just that the interactions with them in the game are poorly designed and buggy as hell.

Next time, try educating yourself about the most basic information on the topic at hand before arguing. Otherwise, you come across as an ignoramus.


Anyone who has played the game knows that police/authorities exist; just that the interactions with them in the game are poorly designed and buggy as hell.
The cops serve same purpose as guards in Witcher 3 - to immediately stop V if he decides to go on killing spree. That's it. That's why the system was not prioritized. Because the game is not about going on killing sprees. If you play V as intended - as a mercenary who does jobs while trying to find a way to survive - you do not get into contact with cops, pretty much ever. So I completely understand CDP's basic solution, since there were more important and valuable things to spend development resources on (putting aside that they still launched prematurely).

Of course with all the whining by people obsessed by fighting with cops and killing pedestrians, CDP is apparently redesigning the system....thus wasting time and manpower that, again, could be spend on something more valuable.

And don't get me wrong. I understand why the whining is there. Cyberpunk looks, on surface, like a GTA game. It's not - it is narrative RPG that's purely quest-focused, like Witcher 3 was. But it looks like GTA, because it takes place in modern city and features cars, so the expectation, however unreasonable, is that it will have all of GTA open world systems. CDP miscalculated on this.

Of course, nobody else has made a nonlinear RPG with AAA production values like Cyberpunk in a modern city like this yet. And that is also why the game sold over 20 million copies and is currently played by 130K people on Steam alone, two years after release. There is still nothing like this.
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Please link me to the new DLC. This would explain the player boom.
CDP splits extra content into two categories, DLC and expansion. DLCs are small additions that have been added in various patches - purchaseable apartments, new sidemissions, new weapons, clothes, some edgerunners easter eggs, stuff like that.

Expansion is still being made.

The player boom is combination of Edgerunners being very good and attracting many people back to the game, in combination with patch 1.6 and the game being currently 50% off on steam.


Gold Member
So basically you haven't even played Cyberpunk 2077 and you're just arguing bullshit.

Anyone who has played the game knows that police/authorities exist; just that the interactions with them in the game are poorly designed and buggy as hell.

Next time, try educating yourself about the most basic information on the topic at hand before arguing. Otherwise, you come across as an ignoramus.
Once again, you should've just said "no, i don't understand the topic at hand". Anyone who payed attention to the story knows just how irrelevant NCPD is in night city, they're basically just a front with no power or influence whatsoever.

So again, not only police are irrelevant to the gameplay loop, they are also irrelevant setting and plot-wise. Why are some people complaining about them again? Oh right, because they're insisting this should've been GTA with cyber-enhacements.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Finally getting into this after shelving it for a long time. This could be the first time I beat it. I'm enjoying it a lot more than when I first played it. Also zipping around with a shotgun and straight massacring entire swarms with zip and dip headshots. Fuckin' chefskiss.
Once again, you should've just said "no, i don't understand the topic at hand". Anyone who payed attention to the story knows just how irrelevant NCPD is in night city, they're basically just a front with no power or influence whatsoever.

So again, not only police are irrelevant to the gameplay loop, they are also irrelevant setting and plot-wise. Why are some people complaining about them again? Oh right, because they're insisting this should've been GTA with cyber-enhacements.
No. It's because having a competent police/crime system would make the game feel more dynamic and interactive and would make for a more immersion game. There are supposed to be police in this world right? So why would wanting this system to work well not be valid?


No. It's because having a competent police/crime system would make the game feel more dynamic and interactive and would make for a more immersion game. There are supposed to be police in this world right? So why would wanting this system to work well not be valid?
I think the point Guilty_AI Guilty_AI is making is that in the narrative NCPD are shown to be basically incompetent and the only police that do anything are MaxTac. They are puppets of the corps. There is a reason people go to fixers for kidnappings and the like that would be taken care of by police in the real world.
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Gold Member
No. It's because having a competent police/crime system would make the game feel more dynamic and interactive and would make for a more immersion game. There are supposed to be police in this world right? So why would wanting this system to work well not be valid?
What M Moneal said. The other point being that police mechanics are also mostly irrelevant for how the game plays as this isn't some mayhem simulator like Saints Row.

Would a more complex police/wanted system be cool? Yeah. Does not having it make the game horribly worse as some people keep insisting? No.

There's even a mod that adds a complex wanted system to the game:

Police now arrive by car and chase you around, there is a witness system and not only the police chases you but also gangs and corpos depending on the turf.
This mod is a great way for players to experience for themselves how irrelevant the complexity of the wanted system is. I had it on for like 50 hours and not even once it had any impact on how i played the game.
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A horror masterpiece. It deserves a billion+ playerbase. People who thought murders and tortures streamed live on social media would never happen are in for a surprise. Future generations will be referencing this game to understand the effects of Elon Musk's and other scientists' ambitions like modern generations reference Orwell and Vonnegut.


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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
A horror masterpiece. It deserves a billion+ playerbase. People who thought murders and tortures streamed live on social media would never happen are in for a surprise. Future generations will be referencing this game to understand the effects of Elon Musk's and other scientists' ambitions like modern generations reference Orwell and Vonnegut.



What the fuck!? Everyone is committing suicide!?
I need to look into this extraordinary build, Friend.
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