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DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod

Something the dev said is making perfect sense and we might be forgetting:

This is only an alpha build. It was mainly meant to show the concept off. There's hardly any content in this alpha alone, all the "meat" still needs to be implemented.

I don't know how I feel about that. I just hope they keep in mind the barren feel they've generated.


This is only an alpha build. It was mainly meant to show the concept off. There's hardly any content in this alpha alone, all the "meat" still needs to be implemented.

I'm hoping this gets the Mount&Musket treatment, a popular mod turned polished consumer product.


Guys how will this run on a core 2 duo 2.4 ghz? I can overclock it to 3ghz with no issues. I have a ATI 5850. I rather not play it with shitty fps.

Probably not too well. I wouldn't hope for anything more than 30fps, even on the fully patched build. This is one of the most CPU dependent games out there.

an i5 isn't that awesomely good. It's fast, but 30fps high for arma isn't that bad.

Any quad-core i5 still has more than double the power of a Core 2 Duo.
I cannot wait to try this. Arma2 is one of my favorite games so I already have Combined Ops sitting on my hard drive. If only my computer wasn't going to be packed up in a box for the next week while I'm moving. At least it'll be something to look forward too.

For everyone picking up Arma2 for the first time, be sure to give the Vanilla game a shot as well. It's great fun, especially when you have people to play with.


Okay, played about five hours of it. Game is fantastic so far. I've been playing on a US server, and there's only minimal lag as an Australian.

I will have a more detailed writeup when I don't want to just immediately jump back in.

Bad part about this game: running for literally 15 minutes being chased by 20 zombies who can't correctly pathfind to me because I'm moving. So I ran through three cities hoping someone would save me.


so I take it the engine takes advantage of more than 2 processors? I been avoiding upgrading my PC until next gen.


so I take it the engine takes advantage of more than 2 processors? I been avoiding upgrading my PC until next gen.

It at least takes advantage of 4 cores. Not sure if it does anything more than that or not. Here's an early benchmark, if you want an idea:


While it does make use of 4 cores, it doesn't seem to scale very well as you can see with this graph, as the Q6600 (quad core @ 2.4GHz) is roughly the same speed as the E8400 (dual core @ 3.0GHz).

It should run better today since it's supposedly been optimized, but I haven't given it a shot yet to compare.
This just goes to show what supporting the mod scene can do for you. Rather than be afraid of it they embrace it and shoot in to the top 20 sales on Steam when a good one comes along.

Very positive message for PC gaming/mods I think.


Okay, played about five hours of it. Game is fantastic so far. I've been playing on a US server, and there's only minimal lag as an Australian.

I will have a more detailed writeup when I don't want to just immediately jump back in.

Bad part about this game: running for literally 15 minutes being chased by 20 zombies who can't correctly pathfind to me because I'm moving. So I ran through three cities hoping someone would save me.

That's something they need to address. Zombies will never ever stop chasing you. There needs to be some kind of timer.


That's something they need to address. Zombies will never ever stop chasing you. There needs to be some kind of timer.
No wai man, zombies want your brains and will stop at nothing (except bad pathing) to get them! :)
No wai man, zombies want your brains and will stop at nothing (except bad pathing) to get them! :)

They should divert from their course via loud noises and/or bright lights (such as flares). That and maybe a good series of hard jukes with high enough stamina to outpace them, but otherwise, it should be non stop


That's something they need to address. Zombies will never ever stop chasing you. There needs to be some kind of timer.

Not really, once zombies are chasing you you are pretty much dead. I think this is fairly realistic.

There are ways to survive though:

1. Find water, or a dock. Zombies will be reluctant to go in the water or out on the dock, so you can pick them off (if you have ammo).

2. Find a steep hill, Zombies will have a hard time climbing the hill, so you can pick them off as they try to get up to you.

3. Find a bunch of friendlies to shoot the zombies for you.

If you think about it though, if you screwed up enough to have 20 zombies chasing you, you don't really deserve to live. Also, flares/smoke grenades will distract them temporarily.


hohoho oh boy. had my first encounter with a bandit that didn't kill me instantly from several yards away.

I was scavenging for ammo inside the second floor of an abandoned school/office looking building. I saw some slugs for my Winchester on the ground inside a small room, and grabbed it. I turned to the door to leave, where I saw a man's backpack for a brief instant. Assuming it was a friendly since I wasn't already dead, I followed him out the door, into the hallway. I walked towards the second floor foyer and looked down towards the entrance to see a barrel pointed directly at my head.

By the grace of allah, his bullet only wounded me and gave me a chance to return fire. he backed up, and I retreated back into the room where I found the ammo, bandaged myself up, and aimed my gun out towards the hallway. Thinking he would finish me off, he climbed the stairs and started checking the rooms one-by-one. For some reason when he reached my room he was moving backwards??? so I shot him in the back. He scrambled to face towards me and started unloading bullets around my silhouette. i laughed and placed several more slugs in his head. Victorious, i took a drag from my cigarette and moonwalked out the door.

I am actually lying half-dead on the roof of the school due to low blood amount.
hohoho oh boy. had my first encounter with a bandit that didn't kill me instantly from several yards away.

I was scavenging for ammo inside the second floor of a abandoned school/office looking building. I saw some slugs for my Winchester on the ground inside a small room, and grabbed it. I turned to the door to leave, where I saw a man's backpack for a brief instant. Assuming it was a friendly since I wasn't already dead, I followed him out the door, into the hallway. I walked towards the second floor foyer and looked down towards the entrance to see a barrel pointed directly at my head.

By the grace of allah, his bullet only wounded me and gave me a chance to return fire. he backed up, and I retreated back into the room where I found the ammo, bandaged myself up, and aimed my gun out towards the hallway. Thinking he would finish me off, he climbed the stairs and started checking the rooms one-by-one. For some reason when he reached my room he was moving backwards??? so I shot him in the back. He scrambled to face towards me and started unloading bullets around my silhouette. i laughed and placed several more slugs in his head. Victorious, i took a drag from my cigarette and moonwalked out the door.

I am actually lying half-dead on the roof of the school due to low blood amount.

That emergent gameplay/storytelling is part of whats so appealing about this game. I'd love to see the RPS and Idle Thumbs guys check the game out and give their thoughts and experiences since it seems right up their alley.


Probably not too well. I wouldn't hope for anything more than 30fps, even on the fully patched build. This is one of the most CPU dependent games out there.

Any quad-core i5 still has more than double the power of a Core 2 Duo.

People still use core 2 duo's? :p


That emergent gameplay/storytelling is part of whats so appealing about this game. I'd love to see the RPS and Idle Thumbs guys check the game out and give their thoughts and experiences since it seems right up their alley.

Indeed. Every bullet, wound, and encounter with another player is so much more meaningful than I'm used to. I wish the best for the developers. Can't wait to see how this mod develops. 8)
This...this sounds incredible. I love reading everyone's survival stories. I'm going to check out some videos when I get home from work today.


Also, if anyone's going to try out any other ArmA II mods, planning on being on the ArmA 3 scene, can't be bothered updating your DayZ mod, CBA etc. check out Six Updater http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?98609-SIX-Projects-Updater-Suite-Portal-Config-Browser-etc There you can download the mods, see when they're outdated and it woks for ArmA 2, Take on Helicopters and will be updated for ArmA 3. Then you can mess around with all the mods you like.

It also has a server browser you can join from, that'll check what you have up against what the server needs and download it, plus a lot of more advanced stuff. So it can basically work as a mod manager as well.

Definitely worth checking out.

Just note you need to download the mods from there if you want it to be update checked. Manual install has a somewhat different folder structure, so delete your folder and let this download it instead - Pretty much has every ArmA 2 mod released and getting released ( That aren't amateur drivel of course ). It also has DayZ.

Checked the forums and you can't use this (J.S.R.S) with DayZ at this point, the mod is not compatible with other mods right now (alpha).

Sounds like the missing BI key which servers are enforcing, as changing vanilla sounds shouldn't have an effect on any mods. Unless the mod's distance script is doing something crazy.


I have only upgraded my graphics card since core2duo e6600 came available in the UK which was 16/08/2006.

Some of us don't have a choice yet. :/

I was just kidding y'all!

I don't know how I feel about that. I just hope they keep in mind the barren feel they've generated.

The Devs. have definitely struck some sort of fold if he proof of concept is this interesting and engaging.

This is his post on the forums
Right now, I think the last thing we need is more players! Certainly some publicity will be good in the future, but people forget this only JUST went alpha, it still has all the "meat" of the features to add - it's essentially a rough proof of concept.

It's also still very buggy, unpolished, and unstable. I think before any real publicity is done these issues need to be addressed. I only announced it on the BI Forums because it had reached the point where it needed capacity testing. I hadn't actually intended it to be enjoyable, at least in a long term sense, in its current state.


So I can't tell if I am a game baby or what, because I am literally shaking after playing the past 3 hours.

Friends were made, betrayals happened, firefights and hoards and looting and enemy snipers and screaming and building explosion and crippling injuries and bleeding out and final stands.

What a fucking game, man.

Will do an actual post about it tomorrow probably.

In short, worth every fucking cent of that thirty dollars I spent buying Combined Operations. It perhaps tops Journey as my single best game experience this year so far.


If this doesn't have the "meat" of the game implemented yet I am impressed, based on The Days Ahead (which I just finished watching) and talk in this thread the content part seems like pretty much exactly what I want from this type of game, I am curious what else exactly they'll add as it could be amazing.

I really want to play this.

Hari Seldon

This mod has the potential to be the next CS or DOTA imo. This could seriously catch fire. I think the devs need to get involved officially, as this mod has already pushed Arma into the top 20 and this is going to lead to huge sales once word gets around and the mod is out of alpha.


Awesome concept. I love the sense of isolation and "wild west" feel of anything can happen.

I could definitely see a full game based on the concept, but it needs melee or some way to not just be a meat shield when you run out of ammo.

Give me a shotty, magnum and baseball bat and I'm all set for the zombie Armaocalypse .


You know what would top this off? forced implementation of this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11339

It's a radio mod that simulates every aspects of radios. Meaning you have to worry about terrain, range, channels, type of radio and its strength etc. Also simulates radio rattling, noise effects and all other sound effects which are also based on distance.

So you could basically have a group of people with some handheld radios on a certain channel that nobody can hear, then if you're lucky you could kill one of these people and take their radio with their settings and listen in to their chat - Obviously if they are aware, they can just change channel again. Could also set up bases of operation with larger radios to communicate with people from your group farther away.

And if you don't have a radio, there's just direct speak. ( Which is based on position, so it sounds like it's coming from the left, right etc. )

Dear GAF thank you for always showing me new, Fucking amazing things. Finally buying the expansions tonight and installing this as well. With school over for the summer I need something deeply immerrsive.

Hari Seldon

I didn't care for the ARMA demo when I played it, but it sounds like the ARMA mod community is pretty amazing. This is an example of a game supporting the mod community which eventually leads to additional sales that otherwise would not have occurred. I'm definitely buying this game on the strength of the mods alone.
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