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Dead Rising Unplayable in SD, No Solution Forthcoming by Chris Kohler

Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I wonder why they say a patch isn't feasable. Sounds like crap to me. It is a shame this happens to a good game.

Most games aren't running with a TTF file or anything. The actual process would be pretty ugly, patch wise:
-code to set alternate font in specific display mode
-code to load new font graphics that hopefully wouldn't break memory restrictions (ie: if text is used in UI elements other than the one people are complaining about, there's going to be a problem)
-code to display the new font properly (kerning/wrap/whatever)
-testing the entire game to make sure new font doesn't break anything

I won't defend what appears to be a lack of proper SD testing on Capcom's part but experience tells me a patch like this would have a serious chance of requiring a new revision of the game and not a patch (alternatively, maybe a large download for HD users.) Changes required could realistically step on too many things to make a patch plausible.
MaestroRyan said:
isn't component mainly only for hdtv?

I have two 27" SDTVs (one in the bedroom, one in the den), both have component hook ups.

I got a brand new 26" Samsung CRT (720p/1080i with HDCP compliant DVI) 16:9 HDTV for $100 at Target last fall, keep your eyes peeled to sites like fatwallet.com and you too can get a cheap hi-def setup!


half-wit retard monkey's ass
I didn't have this problem with Dead Rising on my SDTV. Reads fine!

But it's a silly problem though, bad Capcom!


Stinkles said:
a) Capcom should fix it.
b) It is readable on my one SDTV through S-Video (14 inch)
c) Unplayable? WTF kind of exaggeration is that?
d) Capcom should still fix it.
Not unplayable, perhaps, but certainly "frustrating and not fun".

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Um, to clarify, the text issues aren't as apparent when running in widescreen, which is why most people were forcing widescreen to make the text more readable. At the same time, how many people have a non-HD widescreen TV? A pretty small number, which is why the pictures in this thread showing the text on a widescreen TV are deceiving; it's 4:3 where the real problem lies.
White Man said:
"Nearly unplayable" is a pretty big exaggeration.

I was wary about bringing the game to my brother's house last weekend because of this, but it wasn't that big of an issue. It was unreadable at some points, but it didn't make the game unplayable.


eXxy said:
Um, to clarify, the text issues aren't as apparent when running in widescreen, which is why most people were forcing widescreen to make the text more readable. At the same time, how many people have a non-HD widescreen TV? A pretty small number, which is why the pictures in this thread showing the text on a widescreen TV are deceiving; it's 4:3 where the real problem lies.

my (4:3) tv has one of those 16:9 modes and the text is the exact same playing with the 360 and tv in widescreen mode. The text only looks bigger when you're playing with the 360 set to widescreen and a tv that isn't widescreen (or in my case the widescreen mode turned off) because everything is stretched vertically

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
sangreal said:
my (4:3) tv has one of those 16:9 modes and the text is the exact same playing with the 360 and tv in widescreen mode. The text only looks bigger when you're playing with the 360 set to widescreen and a tv that isn't widescreen (or in my case the widescreen mode turned off) because everything is stretched vertically

Right, exactly. That's the best solution Capcom came up with.


Dragona Akehi said:
Actually no, depending on where I look. Besides, I spend all my monies on games and systems. Which is why I can't afford a new telly in the goddamned first place. :p

Well, all I have to say is that I'd suggest that before you take the next gen plunge, look at getting a new TV.

IMO it's a logical approach. We are playing videogames, not audio games or smellio games :)P)...and we all know that a requirement for these consoles is a television set. These next gen consoles make good use of HD resolutions.

It's almost akin to playing on a black and white TV, and while you can certainly enjoy games in that manner, the jump to colour really does make the experience better. I'd argue that HDTVs are that big of a jump.

I bought a projector that supports 720P, from ViewSonic for $800 Cdn. It's a nice big screen for relatively cheap. I have a 62" DLP that I paid $2200 for, but I get a bigger screen (though the projector doesn't do 1080i) for a whole lot cheaper. I'm just stating this to show that you don't have to spend a lot.

It's just a worthy investment...not only for games. Movies look better, you can hook up your PC to it, and in time you'll get HD programming (that looks fantastic).

I think all gamers taking the next gen plunge should seriously consider getting an HDTV first. Even if it costs them a lot, it's money well spent and worth every penny.

I wonder if Capcom could just change the font a bit. Is that really so hard for large scale games?
Yeah I do agree "unplayable in SD" is a huge exaggeration but the fact remains that the text is way to damn small. Dead Rising is the only game I've played for 360 where I've had to really squint to see the text.
For the record, I said "nearly unplayable." Which means that you can still push through it, but it's on the borderline. No flippin' way would I have bothered, though, if I had to do it on my previous TV set. That text is crucial.


Skilotonn said:
So when the downloadable demo came out, you didn't want to get it as well to play again? Or did you not have a 360 till DR? If so, that's a different story...

I didn't get my 360 until the Outpost.com deal in late July, so yeah, I didn't have it until pretty much when DR hit. Anyhow, the demo didn't hit until like a few days before the retail version did, right? I knew I was going to get DR no matter what - that's what I pretty much bought my 360 for - so why download the demo? (Plus, I didn't have the wireless adapter at the time, so I wasn't even online with it anyhow.)

No they shouldn't, and I agree that fixing the text shouldn't be a huge problem - don't get me wrong, I'm not defending this at all... my point goes beyond the text problem - it's how can you be a serious gamer and buy an HD next-gen console and waste the visuals on a small SDTV? If you had the cash to buy a 360, spend a bit more and buy a decent monitor and VGA cable and get your money's worth...

...but hey, that's just what I'm thinking...

Well, again, for my case, I'm going to be moving soon, so while I snagged the 360 due to the great deal I got on it, there's no reason me to purchase a new TV or monitor that will be just another thing to worry about when moving.

But what if I'm not a serious gamer? Non-serious gamers can't own the 360? Some people in this thread are talking like the ONLY reason to get a 360 is because of the HDTV support. Most people I know who have one don't have an HDTV, and got the 360 for the newer gamers, much improved online support, XBLA, etc.

Some people keep talking like purchasing an HDTV is a trivial thing, and it isn't. And I'm sure as hell not going to buy a monitor for the 360 - non-widescreen, sitting at a desk to play games, thanks but no. Investing in an HDTV to go along with the 360 is a wise decision, yes, and helps to make the most out of the new console, but it should not be a requirement.
LuCkymoON said:
What amkes you think the same wont happen on the PS3? You could easily get a used 19" CRT computer monitor for less or the same as a 17-21" SDTV.

you what what bud, I think that the PS3 will even be worse ...


DIYMF Alumni
Man, there goes my one reason to get a 360... Well, not the only reason but DR was the big thing making me wanna get one.

I'm not going HD anytime soon, so it looks like I may not be picking up this game or system for awhile. :(

Hopefully it's not as bad as reported though.


This is just ridiculous. The game is unplayable for many people, and we're supposed to just suck it up? Capcom owes gamers who bought their game an apology at the very least, but I'm thinking a refund may be in order for people who have issues with this and are willing to send their games back. This is a slap in the face to their customers, and I hope enough of a stink is made about it that they decide to do something other than telling us it's not possible, and we should suck it up.

Shame on you, Capcom. Shame. You can't see it, but I'm wagging my finger in your general direction.

How dare they exaggerate so! Just like the original post. And 1up.com. Stupid exaggerators.



former Navy SEAL
Somebody was bound to make this error in the transition to HD gaming. Hopefully other devs are paying attention.

It really makes me wonder about MS certification though. What exactly does it mean to pass MS certification? The 360 doesn't asplode when playing?


(more a nerd than a geek)
bill0527 said:
The point is, if you're waiting for standards to become finalized, you will be waiting forever.
Not really -- we folks wait long enough to annoy all the spendthrifts who panic over whether or not the cheap masses will support their desired format or standad, then pick up the standardized product 5-6 years after it initially ships. HDTV will eventually be standardized, after many deep-pocket early investors buy their way through multiple sets.

(Yes, I think Blue Ray and HD-DVD are both silly little attempts at carving more money out of us, and won't bother with either for several years.)

Drinky Crow said:
the wii controller renders most games nearly unplayable but you won't hear our favorite wired-brand nintendo shill remarking on THAT
Actually, my dear friend Drinky, I fail to see how the Wii controller makes any game nearly unplayable... it seemed to work remarkably well for several games when I tried it earlier this year, and I have a very hard time thinking of any game which would become "nearly unplayable" with it.


future_pinoy said:
its not an exaggeration, its a live issue with 14" to 17" TV sets, they don't like to support casual owners of those tv sets.

WTF ??

Who the hell games on a 14" or 17" TV set?

Might as well just stick to handhelds.

And if gaming on a screen that small doesn't really bother you, then go buy yourself a 14-17" LCD monitor and VGA cable for less than a couple hundred bucks and your hi-definition problem is immediately solved. Plus with a VGA cable, your DVDs will upconvert to 720p - so there's your winning added value incentive to make the plunge.


This is pretty damn sad though. Console developers have to support more than one resolution for the first time and they screw it up.

The demo text was incredibly tiny on my 21" SDTV and unless the retail Dead Rising box is emblazoned with the words "FOR HDTVs ONLY" then Microsoft better get on Capcom's ass to provide a patch. Really 1 gig large demos aren't a problem so they better be capable of switching the damn font size.

How ****ed up was the QA for the game both on Capcom and Microsoft's side that they didn't test it with THE DEFAULT FORMAT for the majority of the people who have a freaking 360.

Edit: I'm planning to get a HDTV soon but I'm not going to be buying Dead Rising purely out of spite. Capcom can blow me, they were on such a roll too.


bill0527 said:
WTF ??

Who the hell games on a 14" or 17" TV set?

Might as well just stick to handhelds.

And if gaming on a screen that small doesn't really bother you, then go buy yourself a 14-17" LCD monitor and VGA cable for less than a couple hundred bucks and your hi-definition problem is immediately solved. Plus with a VGA cable, your DVDs will upconvert to 720p - so there's your winning added value incentive to make the plunge.


Jesus. Everytime there's an HDTV thread all the assholes climb out of the sewer to jerkoff on everyone who isn't playing their XBox 360 on a 200 ft" screen strapped to the side of a space shuttle.


GilloD said:

Jesus. Everytime there's an HDTV thread all the assholes climb out of the sewer to jerkoff on everyone who isn't playing their XBox 360 on a 200 ft" screen strapped to the side of a space shuttle.

You bought a $400 console and probably spent another couple hundred in games, yet you can't be bothered to buy a $40 cable ?????????????

Excuse me while I laugh in your face.


bill0527 said:
Excuse me while I laugh in your face.
If the game doesn't specify it's for use only with a certain cable or certain kind of television that it should support ALL of them. This is a total cockup by Capcom pure and simple.


It's more or less the equivalent of having a confusing and overly complicated menu system.

Yeah, could be better, but get over it.
this thread seriously makes me sad and disgusted at gamers... i can only pray that microtransaction hell kills gaming, and consoles start to only come with a power cable and no controller or video cable so i can quit gaming and laugh at all of the apologists who are not only willing to bend over and take whatever any gaming company throws at them, but talk about how great it is to be ****ed!


they call me "Man Gravy".
man, I can't wait for PS3 to hit and everyone to bitch about how they can't read 1080p fonts output from their $600 consoles on their 14" SDTV sets they picked up from the bargain bin at the local sharper image.

edit: in fact, someone should bookmark this thread and the responses and see if many of those complaining about the "unplayable" text are the same people praising PS3 and Capcom's efforts there. I have no doubt the crossover will be high.


See, here's the problem most of you "HDTV or don't buy the system" people seem to not get. People have grown use to buying a game console and setting it up to play. That's it. No further requirements, no complication in setting up the console. It worked on a vast majority of TV's no matter the size or resolution or quality. Now, if developers want to make games that cater to the HD market and make it hard for SD owners to play their games on, thats all fine and dandy. But if a developer is going to do that, they should inform the gamer prior to purchase. Just say plain out right, "This game is not recommended for Standard Resolution TV displays" or something to that effect.


they call me "Man Gravy".
datruth29 said:
See, here's the problem most of you "HDTV or don't buy the system" people seem to not get. People have grown use to buying a game console and setting it up to play. That's it. No further requirements, no complication in setting up the console. It worked on a vast majority of TV's no matter the size or resolution or quality. Now, if developers want to make games that cater to the HD market and make it hard for SD owners to play their games on, thats all fine and dandy. But if a developer is going to do that, they should inform the gamer prior to purchase. Just say plain out right, "This game is not recommended for Standard Resolution TV displays" or something to that effect.

I would think that's what reviews are for. There seems to be very little outraged directed at the major media outlets who seem to have totally ignored this problem in their reviews. If it rendered the game "unplayable", I'd think you'd see a bit more mention of it there.


Nerevar said:
man, I can't wait for PS3 to hit and everyone to bitch about how they can't read 1080p fonts output from their $600 consoles on their 14" SDTV sets they picked up from the bargain bin at the local sharper image.

I also can't wait to see those responses.

If you're spending $400-$600 plus the price of games for a next generation console for your 14" TV, you really need to start rethinking life.

I mean, how dare Sony and Microsoft release a next-generation console without full RF modulator support or at least offer a firmware upgrade so all Black-and-White Televisions will display correctly.


datruth29 said:
See, here's the problem most of you "HDTV or don't buy the system" people seem to not get. People have grown use to buying a game console and setting it up to play. That's it. No further requirements, no complication in setting up the console. It worked on a vast majority of TV's no matter the size or resolution or quality. Now, if developers want to make games that cater to the HD market and make it hard for SD owners to play their games on, thats all fine and dandy. But if a developer is going to do that, they should inform the gamer prior to purchase. Just say plain out right, "This game is not recommended for Standard Resolution TV displays" or something to that effect.

The game seems to be playing fine for most everyone on SDTVs. Its those that are playing on the little tiny displays in the 14-17" range that are having problems.

So I guess their sticker should read, "Fully Playable on HDTV, Fully Playable on SDTV, as long as its over 19"


Speevy said:

Yeah I'm sure they want to lose those sales.
Is that not the way were headed? Just look at these theards. Everybody keeps on saying "If you want to play nex-gen, you need to get a HDTV." Sooner or later its going to become a requirement.


bill0527 said:
You bought a $400 console and probably spent another couple hundred in games, yet you can't be bothered to buy a $40 cable ?????????????

Excuse me while I laugh in your face.


Okay, so I'm sorry. What I meant was that all the assholes crawl out of the sewers to jerkoff NOT ONLY on those of us who don't have 200" TVs strapped to the side of rocket ships, but also have LOLZ laptops. Which I learned today are silly because no one takes them anywhere LOL. getapc lol

And I bought 2 games and rented the rest from Gameznflix. I have high rent and bills lol. LOL LOL LOL God damn, what it is with these threads? What is wrong with you? You're KILLING ME.


bill0527 said:
I also can't wait to see those responses.

If you're spending $400-$600 plus the price of games for a next generation console for your 14" TV, you really need to start rethinking life.

I mean, how dare Sony and Microsoft release a next-generation console without full RF modulator support or at least offer a firmware upgrade so all Black-and-White Televisions will display correctly.

Sure 14" is a little small, but there's a very distinct line between having an SDTV that is capable of displaying DVD and cable and TV and whatever else and then very suddenly crapping the bed when it comes to Dead Rising. No one's asking for RF support for their TV (Although LOL OMG GILLO WTF, I do use it.), they're just asking for a warning shot, at least. Sorry to shock and amaze, some of us spend money on things other than consumer electronics


bill0527 said:
I also can't wait to see those responses.

If you're spending $400-$600 plus the price of games for a next generation console for your 14" TV, you really need to start rethinking life.

I mean, how dare Sony and Microsoft release a next-generation console without full RF modulator support or at least offer a firmware upgrade so all Black-and-White Televisions will display correctly.
The problem is the mentality of console gaming. It's always been about quick setup and play. So the only thing you worried about was just buying the console. It's not so much that a person is spending $600 on a PS3 and not wanting a HDTV as opposed to a person purchasing a PS3 and not even knowing its necessary to have a HDTV. Owning a big beautiful TV was only great if you wanted a amazing display. It's never been something that affected your gameplay.

The game seems to be playing fine for most everyone on SDTVs. Its those that are playing on the little tiny displays in the 14-17" range that are having problems.

So I guess their sticker should read, "Fully Playable on HDTV, Fully Playable on SDTV, as long as its over 19"

My friend has DR and a SDTV in his room. He plays it there when his family is using the HD in the living room. I could say while its not horrible as the article states, it is annoying and bothersome. What I think makes this significant is that its a problem alot of gamers didnt expect to appear in the game. Before its always been about gameplay, graphics, etc. Now its coming to a point where we have to question whether our TV will hinder our gameplay.


GilloD said:

Okay, so I'm sorry. What I meant was that all the assholes crawl out of the sewers to jerkoff NOT ONLY on those of us who don't have 200" TVs strapped to the side of rocket ships, but also have LOLZ laptops. Which I learned today are silly because no one takes them anywhere LOL. getapc lol

And I bought 2 games and rented the rest from Gameznflix. I have high rent and bills lol. LOL LOL LOL God damn, what it is with these threads? What is wrong with you? You're KILLING ME.

Oh I'm crying a river over here for your high rent and bills that keep you from enjoying the finer things in life.

Maybe you should have done a little research before mr. cash-strapped purchased a $400 device that has been marketed from the get-go as a high-definition gaming device with SDTV being an afterthough.

Christmas is coming, maybe Santa will bring you a nice $150 widescreen monitor and a $40 VGA cable.

*Goes off to play Dead Rising on my 48" Widescreen.*, LOL LOL LOL LOL


You know, even 20" isn't large. If you're playing with a 14", it's your own ****ing fault. A line must be drawn somewhere, and most people agree that the line has to be drawn at or even above 14". Sure, you don't have to "upgrade" (and calling it an "upgrade" is very generous, considering even a 20" would be considerably more acceptable). But don't go have a damn stroke just because you cannot afford to keep up within 10 years of current technology.


yeah that sucks but people have told you the solution and you don't want to hear it.

Ask around your friends and family and see if anyone has a CRT they don't use. It should not be hard. I tried to give away 4 of them today with no takers so I threw them away. Then you buy a $40 cable and all your troubles are over! You could probably buy the cable used at EB or ebay for even cheaper.


Flo_Evans said:
yeah that sucks but people have told you the solution and you don't want to hear it.

Ask around your friends and family and see if anyone has a CRT they don't use. It should not be hard. I tried to give away 4 of them today with no takers so I threw them away. Then you buy a $40 cable and all your troubles are over! You could probably buy the cable used at EB or ebay for even cheaper.
Guys like you keep missing the point.


Just thought of another cheap solution for the laptop users. Check around your local businesses or computer salvage places, and you should be able to pick up a decent 17'' for nothing or practically nothing.

In an odd way, this thread makes me believe the Wii is going to do really well. Xbox 360 and PS3 are machines the mass market overall isn't ready for.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Instead of playing Dead Rising on your SDTV, you should go eat some wheat.
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