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[Destructoid] Leaked photo of NX controller?

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While the image itself is perspective-correct relative to the person who took the photo, the way that image lines up with the video screenshot is a bit suspicious. The image on screen really shouldn't be at the same perspective as the one from the video.

It seems it isn't the same perspective as the video, Kjell said he did a "perspective overlay" of the image.
Why does it have to be the same as everyone else and rostii you dont have to say anything. Some of you think you know everything you will be surprised i assure you of that.


Why's that? Is the video someone playing through the tech demo, or is it possible the tech demo itself renders exactly what you see in the video, so a device running the tech demo natively would also display the exact same thing? Similar to how game benchmarks typically just show the same scene every time you run it and don't allow you to interact.

With the image not just zoomed in, but off center, it would be weird if there weren't proper camera controls.
Rösti;198611791 said:
Alright, alright, I will provide you a brief elucidation. What the embodiment in the image is representative of I do not know, it may or may not be a prototype related to the project of interest, it may or may not be a final design to the consumer. What I do know is what I originally said, and that x distinguished excellencies/individuals have expressed indignation about this situation (and earlier events this year). I have full trust in my source. These leaks are unfortunate.

I have no intention to troll anyone or cause a commotion. My original post was primarily a way for me to express my thoughts about this. While it is of course nice to have something to discuss in terms of NX, I am hoping that future stories of this calibre house less harmful properties. I have faith in this clarification providing sufficient eligibility.

Ok, is anyone else going to comment on the unusual words he used in this post? Elucidation? Embodiment? Excellencies?

There is absolutely a coded message in here. Given all the words that begin with "E" it feels like E3 is somehow involved here
unless you can shift the viewport up and down via the headtracking sensor, which is something I was wondering about months ago.

If an NX was rendering an Unreal Engine 4 demo on that controller in a manner that displayed so little of the image, that'd be exactly what I'd expect is happening.

It's kind of like how you could manipulate the viewpoint in the Zelda Wii U Experience.

It's a bit convenient that the picture doesn't show anything beyond the screenshot, no?

It'd be kind of insanely impressive if NX could actually run Unreal Engine 4 with a wider FOV than prior benchmarks.
unless you can shift the viewport up and down via the headtracking sensor, which is something I was wondering about months ago.
As far as I can tell (busy day at school, can't really parse the information available as much as I'd like), the only way to have the image appear as it is in the photo is to take a screen the demo at that precise moment and crop that part out. It doesn't work if you are rendering the scene and zooming in on that part because the perspective will be different.

I think, haha.


Sometimes we get legit leaks that are very specific and turn out to be true. Sometimes we get ambiguity. If Rosti's ultimate point is that he/his source are tired of NX rumors and that one or some of them have some merit but he can't comment further than that, I don't think that is too unbelievable. Maybe his comments are a subtle confirmation that this prototype is real, but I don't read it that way.
Either way I think this thread has gone on for long enough.

People are taking everything shown here entirely at face value for it to warrant any useful discussion. Most quotes seem to be nothing more than "It looks terrible. It must be real since it's NINTENDO." and "Yep, its different for the sake of being different. I wouldn't be surprised if its true. Nintendo = doomed."

I mean, even if on the off chance some of these pics confirm or deny the particular configuration of the console, it lacks any concrete context for it to make any sense.

I'm hoping a mod locks this thread.


It seems it isn't the same perspective as the video, Kjell said he did a "perspective overlay" of the image.

Based on the context, I'm pretty sure they were talking about the perspective of the screen itself relative to the camera, not the perspective of the image on the screen.

This is bullshit. Tons of patent drawings are exactly like the actual product or design.

Such as?


Neo Member
We have an exact screenshot that was fit into the screen, even though if it were on the screen it would technically be the full picture shown but with more on the sides, instead of showing a fraction of what the screenshot has. Not to mention once again that it's the same angle and position and everything as the picture.

This is so fake it's silly, guys. The NX controller this ain't.

Besides, lest we also forget the other patents that shown a slightly more gamepad-esque controller:


In all honesty this is moreso what I'm expecting from them, except with one or two more buttons added.


It's a bit convenient that the picture doesn't show anything beyond the screenshot, no?

Sure, but it's also just one picture. I'm saying the idea that it's photoshopped on is plausible, but in no way does it 'confirm fake.' Not much will, outside of nintendo revealing the NX handheld/controller in the near future and it's not this, or the creator of the fake comes out w/ proof that it's fake (a 'how i faked it' page/video).

With the image not just zoomed in, but off center, it would be weird if there weren't proper camera controls.

There could be a handful of explanations, like this screen renders this tech demo funny because the tech demo is designed for a standard output. Or those arrow buttons are used to slide the view left and right. Who knows? I don't think it disproves anything, 100%.

I will grant you that it definitely casts suspect on this, but I also don't think something like that just CONFIRMS fake. Confirm is a strong word, it means 100% that this is a fake, which I don't buy for that one reason alone.

Because he wants some attention?

Because it's funny?

After going a long time without doing that? possible, but unlikely, I think.


Rösti, unlike other people, i'm going out of my way to writte your name properly. In return, you could sent me a short pm clarifying the situation.

Don't you want people to learn to writte your damn name!? That will show them.


Another day, another reason for Nintendo to just show the damn thing already.
It's not their problem if people on GAF act on hyperbole "because its the internet and everything I read there IS TRUE!"

I'd rather wait for an official anouncement of sorts.


Has anyone here used a touchscreen with haptic feedback? Does it actually feel good for something like a traditional game?
It just feels like a vibration specific to the area you touch. Nothing special. It in no way replaces the feel and function and accuracy of a physical button.
As far as I can tell (busy day at school, can't really parse the information available as much as I'd like), the only way to have the image appear as it is in the photo is to take a screen the demo at that precise moment and crop that part out. It doesn't work if you are rendering the scene and zooming in on that part because the perspective will be different.

I think, haha.

It doesn't have to change the perspective, if you have ever played mgs2 onwards you can do a zoom on the cutscenes and move the frame around without any perspective changing.


That's one of the ways we get insider information. People who have firsthand knowledge either make a post on here or tell somebody who makes a post on here. If the information is specific, it puts the insider at risk if the information can be traced to a select group of people that know it. I've seen several insiders become very vague or stop posting because they were worried about being found out.

Sometimes we get legit leaks that are very specific and turn out to be true. Sometimes we get ambiguity. If Rosti's ultimate point is that he/his source are tired of NX rumors and that one or some of them have some merit but he can't comment further than that, I don't think that is too unbelievable. Maybe his comments are a subtle confirmation that this prototype is real, but I don't read it that way.

Yeah I get that. I just personally am reading it in that way. I guess it's a little open to interpretation still.
Either way I think this thread has gone on for long enough.

People are taking everything shown here entirely at face value for it to warrant any useful discussion. Most quotes seem to be nothing more than "It looks terrible. It must be real since it's NINTENDO." and "Yep, its different for the sake of being different. I wouldn't be surprised if its true. Nintendo = doomed."

I mean, even if on the off chance some of these pic confirm or deny the particular configuration of the console, it lacks any concrete context for it to make any sense.

I'm hoping a mod locks this thread.

Maybe it should. While I've posted my fair share of, "this is why I think it's fake," posts, I've also gotten into discussions with other GAFfers over the design pros and cons as well. So there is good discussions to be found.

Also, it's entertaining to read this thread while casually watching March Madness. It's twice the insanity!


Haptics is still a compromise for actual physical buttons.
And compromising on one of the most essential parts of the gaming experience for the sake of the novelty of a big rounded screen is ass-backwards in every way. It's very Nintendo-like in that regard.

Actually, haptic buttons liberate the control scheme from hardware restrictions. Physical buttons are a compromise when you need that slight bump in tactility.

But the steam controller has real buttons as well.

Why do people think haptics are going to save screen buttons? Have you actually used them to exclusively to play a game? It's terrible.

Yes. It isn't terrible, you just aren't used to it. Like when some people use a Mac for the first time, they can't realize that it's better because it's so unfamiliar, so they make a quick, negative judgement.


"We don't comment on rumors or speculations"
Then they proceed on sticking to their own plan.

Yeah, for all we know, theyre in the process of booking a venue to reveal this stuff come april. They're probably getting everything ready as we speak. They can't just bump up a reveal because someone online leaked a picture (if it's even real).

"Hello, hotel or whatever that we're booking, do you have something available TOMORROW? This dude leaked our shit and we don't want to be upstaged by the internet"

"Guy making trailer! How close are you to being done? You're still waiting on footage of zelda NX? Too bad, take that out, just paste together what you have, we have to go live TONIGHT"


This isn't the first time Rösti has spoken like this and then had a vague backtrack. He did it twice in the NX thread that got locked. One was saying he would possibly have info to share and then not delivering on that because of "administration purposes" and then when pressed about it he uses his big words and vague statements and goes AWOL for awhile.

The controller is a fake, he's just upset that all these rumors and leaks are killing any positive buzz for the NX and It's frustrating that he knows what it is but can't talk about it nor confirm if this pic is fake or not.


could you post a still pic of this I can't the clip on my phone so still not exactly sure what this is about. I've seen the cropped frame but that's it.

I'm referring to the gif in this post. If you can't view that, I could try to break apart the frames, but it would take a non-trivial amount of time for me to get it hosted somewhere so I could post it.

This is the exact frame that was used. You can tell from the various parallax elements that converge at that moment ( pillars, branches etc. ).


Quick & dirty perspective overlay ( close enough though ) ...


As the image shows, the contents on the screen of the device seem to match up with the top of the image from the video of the tech demo, and also appears, at a glance, to be showing a bit more of the right side. Which seems kinda weird for a tech demo unless you are actually controlling the camera.


I really really don't want to stare at a screen that looks like that. By trying to be surface area efficient, they have made a screen that is incredibly inefficient with space.

I also don't believe this is a real leak.
It'd be kind of insanely impressive if NX could actually run Unreal Engine 4 with a wider FOV than prior benchmarks.

Yeah I've been trying to make this point before. As nice as it is to think the handheld will have a >120° field of view alongside a 90° one for the same game on console, I think it's a little unrealistic especially for more demamding games.
Going through the thread and thinking yeah, obviously fake.

Then Rösti posted...... Reading the whole thing, can´t wait to see what else is coming in the next 20+ pages. Oh lord, cracking open a beer.
Yeah I get that. I just personally am reading it in that way. I guess it's a little open to interpretation still.

Which, honestly, is probably intentional. I think the only certain thing is somebody involved with the NX is frustrated with leaks, real or fake. And that's perfectly understandable.
I'm referring to the gif in this post. If you can't view that, I could try to break apart the frames, but it would take a non-trivial amount of time for me to get it hosted somewhere so I could post it.

it's ok thanks i will try to switch to a different browser. ta for reposting it.
Edit: got it thanks.
A part of me likes it, but the lack of face buttons leads me to believe it's fake. Nintendo has been vocal about how Smart devices can't properly give player control through touch. Why would they go back on that while still making games on Smart devices, that work specifically for smart devices?


There could be a handful of explanations, like this screen renders this tech demo funny because the tech demo is designed for a standard output. Or those arrow buttons are used to slide the view left and right. Who knows? I don't think it disproves anything, 100%.

I will grant you that it definitely casts suspect on this, but I also don't think something like that just CONFIRMS fake. Confirm is a strong word, it means 100% that this is a fake, which I don't buy for that one reason alone.

Sure, I'm not saying it is 100% confirmed fake by that. It just casts some pretty significant doubt.

Google "patent drawings"

You missed the point of what I said. Typically (at least with Nintendo in particular) the patents that are released (not filed) before the product is unveiled don't resemble the final product this closely. One will undoubted show up after the unveiling, but the designs in the currently released patents are more likely just there for demonstration, and not representative of any final product.
It doesn't have to change the perspective, if you have ever played mgs2 onwards you can do a zoom on the cutscenes and move the frame around without any perspective changing.
But would you be zooming in an actual scene or a flat representation of the scene?

I guess as an analogy you could imagine being in a room versus a picture of that room. With the picture, you can zoom in without any object changing its relative appearance or distance from each other. If you were in the room, however, even at the exact same angle the photograph was taken in, if you walked forward (simulating a zoom in) you would already change how the scene looks considerably.

I'm so sorry if I'm misunderstanding and just spitting out nonsense.
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