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Diablo III |OT2| Queues Rise. Servers Fall.

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It does not need to be talent trees but a kind of choice to personalize your character would have been nice.

A simple "choose an advanced class at level 20" would be more than enough to suit me.

It would add class replayability, which is the big thing currently missing


It's that simple? I do dual wield cause I thought it'd raise my DPS... should I be doing a 2h or something?

As I understand it, dual wielding means you strike with alternating weapons, so the DPS averages out. The only reason to dual wield is for stat bonuses. Otherwise, just wield the highest single-handed weapon you can.

Some of the more knowledgeable players might be able to explain further.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As I understand it, dual wielding means you strike with alternating weapons, so the DPS averages out. The only reason to dual wield is for stat bonuses. Otherwise, just wield the highest single-handed weapon you can.

Some of the more knowledgeable players might be able to explain further.
Dual wielding gives you 15% increase to attack speed. It's pretty hard to justify when the benefits to having a shield are so high, but at lower difficulty levels it offers faster clear times.


What is with you guys and GW2? Everyone knows its all about playing DOTA2 & D3.
Assuming DOTA2 gets half-decent matchmaking someday.


Ok, so I feel like an idiot, but WTF am I doing wrong here?

My barb is level 31 and I'm on Act IV of normal.


I keep seeing people around my same level with a fuck ton more DPS. Am I doing something wrong here?

What are your weapons? Are both weapons equal to each other (roughly) in DPS? If they're not, like if one of the weapons sucks, you're better off with a shield or 2 hander.

The str gets multiplied with your weapon DPS (not sure the exact formula) so you still need a great weapon even with an ass ton of str.

If you find one with a slot, even better as sticking a decent ruby in there will significantly improve the weapon DPS.


Dual wielding gives you 15% increase to attack speed. It's pretty hard to justify when the benefits to having a shield are so high, but at lower difficulty levels it offers faster clear times.

Hmm... 15% bump eh? I'm using a DH with an 11% attack speed bump and a 101 dex bump quiver... I might be able to find another weapon to help me out then...


It's that simple? I do dual wield cause I thought it'd raise my DPS... should I be doing a 2h or something?

Just switch to a better weapon. I had the same problem with my monk. I focused on dex before focusing on weapons when it should have been the other way around.

I'm getting a lot of lag

Speaking of lag. NOTHING beats the lag spikes I was getting when enemies were casting wildfire or desecrate on me. :/
This is Dolemite.
I just thinks its crazy how much people complain about a game that they play so much. It makes no sense to me. Very rarely is there a positive post in this thread, yet you all STILL play the game.

I am enjoying Diablo...its a blast

It's almost as though they play the game so much that they unlock the late game content and then find out it's utterly bullshit. Hell, I'll probably still keep playing since I enjoyed taking my first character from 1 to 60 I'm sure I will the second. That still doesn't mean that I have to stop complaining about issues with the game that are obviously broken to all of the people who've experienced them.

This is such an incredibly bullshit point and I can't believe others are echoing the sentiment.


Are you the best type of person to talk to people like that when everything you post is passive aggressive seething? Take your own advice and be reasonable yourself, there's better ways to talk to people than asking them if it's their first game or invoking how horrible it is compared to even the original Diablo, etc.
I thought it was more regular aggressive than passive aggressive, and I certainly agree that it wasn't the most diplomatically-worded post.

It was a serious inquiry, because I've played basically every notable game in the genre (except Torchlight, I don't have any desire to play a single-player only ARPG) and I can't think of a single one that has worse itemization than Diablo 3, so I was actually legitimately interested to know which others he'd played so I can judge if he actually had a frame of reference to not be critical of Diablo 3's itemization.

In the same regard, this WoW approach to having the animations deliberately not correspond to the actual hitboxes of attacks makes the accuracy of the game's on-screen action (what I am using the word "fidelity" to refer to) basically as low as I've ever seen it in the genre, and certainly worse than the original Diablo, due to the fact that the presence of hitlock would mean the game would be basically impossible if it worked anything like how 3 does.

Content is a trickier question because Diablo 3 is relatively big game, but a lot of it is just straight carbon copy (Act II) or not randomly generated (Act IV) so it is difficult to assess. If you take it by the amount of time it takes to play through, I would say that it actually does fairly well on content (something that the Diablo series has been historically not great at), but in terms of interesting content that is worth repeating it does not fare as well due to the small amount of randomized content and the small variety and threat of non-champion/U boss packs. Of course, this ultimately comes back to itemization.

For these three reasons (mostly the first two), I am seriously skeptical of what kind of experience people have in the genre when they describe Diablo 3 as the best they've seen in these regards.
Thanks for the tips guys... that helps.

Just switch to a better weapon. I had the same problem with my monk. I focused on dex before focusing on weapons when it should have been the other way around.

Ah... that's what I've been doing too...

One of my weapons is ok, and with a slot, while the other one kind of sucks but has really high str.


Thanks for the tips guys... that helps.

Ah... that's what I've been doing too...

One of my weapons is ok, and with a slot, while the other one kind of sucks but has really high str.

at low levels, you should only care about getting higher dps weapons then stats, unless the stats are really good.


This is Dolemite.
I just thinks its crazy how much people complain about a game that they play so much. It makes no sense to me. Very rarely is there a positive post in this thread, yet you all STILL play the game.

I am enjoying Diablo...its a blast
Because the game gets stupider the longer you play it. You keep expecting things to get better, but they don't. So you end up with people who have invested a hundred hours into a game that they've grown to dislike.


Thanks for the tips guys... that helps.

Ah... that's what I've been doing too...

One of my weapons is ok, and with a slot, while the other one kind of sucks but has really high str.

DPS is like
DPS = Weapon Damage x (Stats / 100)

That's before armir reduction and buffs.


Who here is planning on playing Guild Wars 2, and will you continue playing Diablo III after it comes out?

I play everything in bursts nowadays, that's why I look forward to box only and free to play purchases, I want as few subs as possible. So I'll probably just play a mix, along with LoL, TL2, and others etc.

It's a really nice year for PC games. Between new releases and Steam sales I am well and truly fucked.

A new high score!

I've beaten that, I had 2800 on day two or three before the game just fell apart. I've mostly had 200-300 recently, but that's still way too damned high, should be 40-50 max with my location but I only get that if I log on early. =/


Well, I thought I'd spend 100k on a piece of equipment.

Bad idea as it was worse than what I was currently rocking.

Get +30 in resistance but lose 2.5k in HP and 100 or so in damage.

Ugh, I don't think the HP loss was worth it.
I have lost about an hours progress twice today. Fucking pissed. First time the game hard froze, when I restarted there was an update, so don't know if them pushing the update froze it.

Second time, I just got disconnected randomly. Both times I got set back about two dungeons. Good fucking save system they have in place here.


I have lost about an hours progress twice today. Fucking pissed. First time the game hard froze, when I restarted there was an update, so don't know if them pushing the update froze it.

Second time, I just got disconnected randomly. Both times I got set back about two dungeons. Good fucking save system they have in place here.

They really need to save the dungeon layout. I can't figure out why they didn't. :|


Because the game gets stupider the longer you play it. You keep expecting things to get better, but they don't. So you end up with people who have invested a hundred hours into a game that they've grown to dislike.

For me it gets more fun each difficulty from normal through hell. I haven't played inferno yet, but it seems that's (Act II specifically) where the fun starts to diminish.


I think more hate about the game is coming from people who have played D2 for the past 12 years and have invested a TON of time to it. They're seeing the D3 flaws very clearly.

I had a feeling that the improvement of graphics to be more "3D" would significantly impact the "random generation" aspect of D2 that allowed it to have so much longevity on multiple playthroughs. A way around it would be for a team to create a ton of the scripted event quests, random NPC quests, etc so that at least if the landscape doesn't change, the things you do in that landscape will. Some of those Legendary drops could come from scripted quests delivered through random NPC's, so instead of the quest reward being always exp and some gold, you can get some items as well, there are plenty of spots to put random dungeon entrances around the landscape.

I didn't think enough about the AH to realize how it would trivialize loot drops so badly. I think if the game would drop gear at your level or at the monster's level, it wouldn't be so bad.

If I beat Elites in Act 4 normal and he drops level 21 gear and I'm level 30, or I beat elites in Act 2 of Nightmare and he drops level 32 gear and I'm level 40. That makes the AH more attractive since you can buy the highest gear.

The only way around it would be to attach another field to each weapon type in the database that flags what Act/difficulty it dropped in and disallow its use by anyone who has not unlocked that particular level.

In the meantime, we find loot our level being sold in the AH that was dropped in a later Act than we are currently in, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to find dropped gear that can equal the AH gear. Bad design for a game that is all about equipping your character for content.
Fuck, is there a way to reassign this? I binded my spacebar key to something else. Is there a way to rebind the skip dialog? Anyone know?

Yeah it's in the keybind options (not sure what exactly it's called off the top of my head though). I rebound space to do the same thing as shift does by default, and my dialogue skipping option is Q (which I may change, as it's kind of awkward there.)


For me it gets more fun each difficulty from normal through hell. I haven't played inferno yet, but it seems that's (Act II specifically) where the fun starts to diminish.
If you still enjoy it, you probably will all the way through. The problems I have with the game were apparent by the beginning of nightmare.


I think more hate about the game is coming from people who have played D2 for the past 12 years and have invested a TON of time to it. They're seeing the D3 flaws very clearly.

I had a feeling that the improvement of graphics to be more "3D" would significantly impact the "random generation" aspect of D2 that allowed it to have so much longevity on multiple playthroughs. I didn't think enough about the AH to realize how it would trivialize loot drops so badly. I think if the game would drop gear at your level or at the monster's level, it wouldn't be so bad.

If I beat Elites in Act 4 normal and he drops level 21 gear and I'm level 30, or I beat elites in Act 2 of Nightmare and he drops level 32 gear and I'm level 40. That makes the AH more attractive since you can buy the highest gear.

The only way around it would be to attach another field to each weapon type in the database that flags what Act/difficulty it dropped in and disallow its use by anyone who has not unlocked that particular level.

In the meantime, we find loot our level being sold in the AH that was dropped in a later Act than we are currently in, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to find dropped gear that can equal the AH gear. Bad design for a game that is all about equipping your character for content.

Pretty much. When you are not 60, the only way to get current level gear is through the AH. So, instead of killing mobs and looting stuff for your own use, you farm to sell stuff on the AH.

Then, you buy the best gear ever for 20k and are set for nightmare.


I think more hate about the game is coming from people who have played D2 for the past 12 years and have invested a TON of time to it. They're seeing the D3 flaws very clearly.

I had a feeling that the improvement of graphics to be more "3D" would significantly impact the "random generation" aspect of D2 that allowed it to have so much longevity on multiple playthroughs. I didn't think enough about the AH to realize how it would trivialize loot drops so badly. I think if the game would drop gear at your level or at the monster's level, it wouldn't be so bad.

If I beat Elites in Act 4 normal and he drops level 21 gear and I'm level 30, or I beat elites in Act 2 of Nightmare and he drops level 32 gear and I'm level 40. That makes the AH more attractive since you can buy the highest gear.

The only way around it would be to attach another field to each weapon type in the database that flags what Act/difficulty it dropped in and disallow its use by anyone who has not unlocked that particular level.

In the meantime, we find loot our level being sold in the AH that was dropped in a later Act than we are currently in, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to find dropped gear that can equal the AH gear. Bad design for a game that is all about equipping your character for content.

Feels like all of Inferno should strictly drop level 60 items, and there should be a difficulty beyond it, thats even harder, that drops higher tier level 60 items that cannot be auctioned.
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