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Digimon Community Thread |OT| For all the Digidestined on GAF

More Next Order pics have been released. Nothing really new, though some of them don't look like bullshots. I've never been the best at telling though.





None of them were even in High School yet which is when people usually start thinking about what they want to do.

So it's really about how Tri handles it I guess. And if the epilogue is still canon after it.

We'll see.

I agree with this. I am willing to accept any personality, character traits, and career interest changes in the cast, seeing as how the they are at that age where stuff like that happens a lot.


Digimon World: Next Order has a female protagonist (via siliconera, not linking cause scans) who is shown next to a Biyomon/Piyomon

Also some info about a friend of the protag with their partner Guilmon next to them.


Additionally there are some details and images showing that the Digimon will be able to express various emotions to show when they’re happy, sad, angry, and more.
Digimon World: Next Order has a female protagonist (via siliconera, not linking cause scans) who is shown next to a Biyomon/Piyomon

Also some info about a friend of the protag with their partner Guilmon next to them.


That guy looks and sounds like he was preparing for a Dukemon partner all his life, lol.

And quoting myself from the gaming thread:

Nice to see that the Digimon can display more emotion now. In Re: Digitize they didn't even close their eyes leading to pretty freaky death animations. >.>

It might also mean the Digimon raising is more complex this time around, which would be nice. Surely by now they've learned that they need to make their games harder, right?
bokutachi no digital world updated the Animedia September issue page with a scan of the interview with the Tri director. It's all in Japanese so if someone wants to take a whack at translating have fun!

And the Next Order website has been updated to have both protags. It looks like they have the same backstory.


Sorry for the double post.
So according to WithTheWill, the interview has been translated here.

Some interesting stuff. Sounds like the children might have drifted apart and this is their "Reunion". Giving off serious slice-of-life vibes.

I like her design :D

It's pretty nice. I liked the Cyber Sleuth female main, but it's cool the two protagonists have completely different designs this time.


So according to WithTheWill, the interview has been translated here.

Some interesting stuff. Sounds like the children might have drifted apart and this is their "Reunion". Giving off serious slice-of-life vibes.

It's pretty nice. I liked the Cyber Sleuth female main, but it's cool the two protagonists have completely different designs this time.

So they brought in a new cast because it's a new generation, and the kids themselves are older. It doesn't sound like there was anything malicious in regards to the old cast were not voicing the kids anymore, and was a deliberate decision.

I still don't like it, and it will take a while to adjust, but I am willing to give them a chance and hopefully the relieved.
So they brought in a new cast because it's a new generation, and the kids themselves are older. It doesn't sound like there was anything malicious in regards to the old cast were not voicing the kids anymore, and was a deliberate decision.

I still don't like it, and it will take a while to adjust, but I am willing to give them a chance and hopefully the relieved.

As long as no one has too jarring of a voice, I'll be fine. It will be weird at first though.


Unconfirmed Member
So in the "embarrassed gamer" topic someone mentioned that Walmart sells a Digimon shirt?? I have to say I'm surprised. Pokemon stuff is everywhere now (fueling off nostalgia) and Digimon had it's fans, but it never really got HUGE. Having a Digimon shirt at Walmart is impressive I have to see. Has anyone seen it? I'm curious if it's actually Adventure or just Fusion.
So in the "embarrassed gamer" topic someone mentioned that Walmart sells a Digimon shirt?? I have to say I'm surprised. Pokemon stuff is everywhere now (fueling off nostalgia) and Digimon had it's fans, but it never really got HUGE. Having a Digimon shirt at Walmart is impressive I have to see. Has anyone seen it? I'm curious if it's actually Adventure or just Fusion.

I haven't seen anything at Walmart. I have seen one or two people wearing Digimon Adventure shirts though.

And a curious look at Walmart. com gave me these terrifying costumes:



There has to be irony in that Gabumon costume somewhere.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh yeah... I saw those when I was searching the website for it :/ Can't believe they still have that in stock all those years later.
I haven't seen anything at Walmart. I have seen one or two people wearing Digimon Adventure shirts though.

And a curious look at Walmart. com gave me these terrifying costumes:



There has to be irony in that Gabumon costume somewhere.

Wow, thats a blast from the past. I saw the patamon in one of those poundshops when I was little. It looked much better then lol.
There may be hints of an international release for Tri. Doesn't sound like the translator is 100% sure though.
Source: WtW

Also, it seems that Amazon ran out of preorders for MetalGarurumon. I'm not sure if they are completely out or if other sites still have it available, just a heads up. He's available again. Aaaaand he's gone again, lol.

Wow, thats a blast from the past. I saw the patamon in one of those poundshops when I was little. It looked much better then lol.

Looking back at the things I liked, a lot of it was cheap crap. Children are not the pickiest connoisseurs, lol.


There may be hints of an international release for Tri. Doesn't sound like the translator is 100% sure though.
Source: WtW

I don't think (or hope not) people ever doubted an international release for Tri. It's just a matter of when. Aka the tweet isn't really new news imo.

I still think we'll see this quicker than some are expecting (though probably not as quick as some hope :p )

I wouldn't be surprised to see some fansubs out by the end of the year though. Depends on if anyone going to see it in November and is an uploader/raw provider since people will be able to buy the BD at the cinemas and all.
^ Yeah, the fact that there is an English Tri website (albeit barebones) and Bamco is pushing Digimon over here again made it a no-brainer to me, but I guess others weren't feeling the same way.


^ Yeah, the fact that there is an English Tri website (albeit barebones) and Bamco is pushing Digimon over here again made it a no-brainer to me, but I guess others weren't feeling the same way.

AND the PV (not the latest but the one before that introducing the cast) was english subbed.

The latest post in that thread also said it's more about the fact that an overseas release is being discussed "NOW" but again that should be a no brainer.

Why would they even entertain an english website/english subbed PVs (even if it's just the ones before the latest one) if they weren't even discussing it? lol.

So yeah. I don't see this as anything noteworthy. Once Toei says something officially (via a PV or press release/website update) then that will actually be noteworthy.
AND the PV (not the latest but the one before that introducing the cast) was english subbed.

The latest post in that thread also said it's more about the fact that an overseas release is being discussed "NOW" but again that should be a no brainer.

Why would they even entertain an english website/english subbed PVs (even if it's just the ones before the latest one) if they weren't even discussing it? lol.

So yeah. I don't see this as anything noteworthy. Once Toei says something officially (via a PV or press release/website update) then that will actually be noteworthy.

Tori and Saban. Most likely you'll hear something from Saban first, maybe


Tori and Saban. Most likely you'll hear something from Saban first, maybe

Maybe. I'm just assuming Toei because they are the ones that did the website/PV/control the Digi 15th anniversary twitter account including their (few) english tweets.

but eh, Saban's a possibility yeah.


I like that Giga Destroyer slip up.

It was in one of the earlier screenshots (infact the first ones I think).

Not a big deal though.

Maybe they changed it for this because of only JP VA and the full name is "Giga Destroyer" in Japanese/Engrish while Neko Punch (Gatomon's JP attack name) uses the Japanese word Neko so it made sense to use the original localization name for it?

It's just to match what is said since some might be "Why is it saying "Giga Destroyer" in english instead of "Giga Blaster" like the name of the attack says".

Just some speculation lol.


Considering how much I post in those threads, I wouldn't mind :p, but since Stuart made the Import OT, I think he plans on doing it.

I wasn't sure if we were going to have an English OT or just convert the Import OT lol.

That said, if you want to do the English Cyber Sleuth OT, I'm fine with that though you may wish to claim it here so people know you plan on doing it lol :p.
I wasn't sure if we were going to have an English OT or just convert the Import OT lol.

That said, if you want to do the English Cyber Sleuth OT, I'm fine with that though you may wish to claim it here so people know you plan on doing it lol :p.

Hrmm, this is all so sudden. I don't know if I can handle that kind of responsibility. :p

What if Tri's so bad it kills my Digimon love and I want to watch it all burn?


Unconfirmed Member
Metalgarurumon Figuart delayed. GOOD. Didn't want to cancel it but my budget the next couple months sucks for everything coming out.


I wonder when we'll have another PV for Tri.

It's in theaters in 2 months and 21 days so not long to go in any case. Add on another month for the BD in shops.
Metalgarurumon Figuart delayed. GOOD. Didn't want to cancel it but my budget the next couple months sucks for everything coming out.

Is that why the Amazon stock was freaking out last week? I was surprised it was selling out so fast when Imperialdramon's been there forever.

I wonder when we'll have another PV for Tri.

It's in theaters in 2 months and 21 days so not long to go in any case. Add on another month for the BD in shops.

Remember when this was going to be a TV show and releasing back in the Spring? Good times, good times.

I prefer the outcome we got, but man, it's been a journey to get here. Nade-Nade will haunt me the rest of my days.


Remember when this was going to be a TV show and releasing back in the Spring? Good times, good times.

I prefer the outcome we got, but man, it's been a journey to get here. Nade-Nade will haunt me the rest of my days.


Nade Nade! ^_^

I am very much looking forward to the OVA (and to see Hikari with some fucking animation - keep watching the OVA PV and she is the only chosen with none AT ALL) but what I am looking forward to more is finding out when OVA2 is. It should give us a good (not perfect but good enough) indication as to how long it will be til all the OVAs are out.

We'll see.

Nade Nade! ^_^

I am very much looking forward to the OVA (and to see Hikari with some fucking animation - keep watching the OVA PV and she is the only chosen with none AT ALL) but what I am looking forward to more is finding out when OVA2 is. It should give us a good (not perfect but good enough) indication as to how long it will be til all the OVAs are out.

We'll see.

Budget +release frame will probably depend on sales of theatre tickets and blu rays. Hopefully we get consistently good animation throughout. I've only seen the code geass side story and persona 3 movies released like this and they both got delayed half way through =<
Metalgarurumon Figuart delayed. GOOD. Didn't want to cancel it but my budget the next couple months sucks for everything coming out.
Yeah I went to pre order it over a week ago and amazon us were no longer selling it. Any idea why?


Budget +release frame will probably depend on sales of theatre tickets and blu rays. Hopefully we get consistently good animation throughout. I've only seen the code geass side story and persona 3 movies released like this and they both got delayed half way through =<

Yeah I went to pre order it over a week ago and amazon us were no longer selling it. Any idea why?

I don't think P3M was delayed at all? (Plus they are actual movies :p) Unless it was and I didn't know lol, I just assumed they took long to come out due to being movies rather than limited theater release OVAs like Tri is. Not sure about Code Geass as I've not watched that series lol.

The PVs show good animation, hopefully that it is like that throughout all 6 OVAs let alone the first one.
I don't think P3M was delayed at all? (Plus they are actual movies :p) Unless it was and I didn't know lol, I just assumed they took long to come out due to being movies rather than limited theater release OVAs like Tri is. Not sure about Code Geass as I've not watched that series lol.

The PVs show good animation, hopefully that it is like that throughout all 6 OVAs let alone the first one.

Ah, I read somewhere that the third and fourth would be taking longer to make due to other things being prioritised or something along those lines and that was attributed to sales or something. IIRC the first two came out close together but the third and fourth are coming out a year after.
Code Geass is awesome. I don't watch much anime,but I can wholeheartly recommend it to everyone if you don't like anime. The msiderstories are meh.
Another reminder of the greatness that is the Adventure soundtrack. I never realized the main cast got two themes (except late-comer Hikari). Pretty neat.

Edit (aka I post in here too much): Just an update on Metalgarurumon for everyone. It seems Amazon is having issues with fulfilling preorders. BigBadToyStore still shows him as in stock (as of posting) and they ship internationally. No idea when Amazon's problem will be resolved.

And it looks like the Digimon Movie Blu-rays are being released separately in Volumes 1-4. Nice if you just want the Hosoda ones.

Source: WtW


Adventure to Frontier have top tier soundtracks. I know there is a lot of fans of Savers, and while there a couple of great tracks, it doesn't compare to the original composer's work.

Ijou Jitai Hassei is probably the most nostalgia educing track for me in Adventure.

It's hard for me to choose one, but that track would probably one of the most nostalgic for me too. Makes me want to finish my rewatch of Adventure. I got to the Dark Masters arc and sort of stopped. I'm not ready for the stupid character moments.

I'll push though for the cool stuff.
Ah, I see. I was wondering how I could miss that the movie had such a great soundtrack.

Edit: I do remember watching the dub version when I was younger and hearing the dub Frontier opening music playing instead of the overplayed theme from the first 3 seasons. That and Tai's change in voice actor made it a little surreal to watch.


Unconfirmed Member
For me, I think it's Digimon Hurricane Touchdown! Supreme Evolution! The Golden Digimentals. Such a great soundtrack.

I felt the opposite and just didn't get into the whole country acoustic guitar thing. Yeah, it suits the movie, but I just wasn't a fan of it. Stand by Me was one of my favorite AiM songs though :)
It certainly has the best visuals. The use of the color in the movie is absolutely fantastic.

I have to say Frontier's ost is really underrated. It might be my favorite, seriously. Tamers is fantastic too.

Yeah, Movie 3 is downright gorgeous. I think it's a damn shame that Yamauchi never directed anything else for Digimon aside from that movie. He has such a distinct style.

I think this is probably my sentimental favorite from the Tamers soundtrack

I felt the opposite and just didn't get into the whole country acoustic guitar thing. Yeah, it suits the movie, but I just wasn't a fan of it. Stand by Me was one of my favorite AiM songs though :)

I can see that, but I really felt like it fit the movie perfectly, and I enjoy listening to most of those songs. I liked how Arisawa really went outside of his normal comfort zone with that movie, and I think it resulted in a very unique sounding movie. But I can get how it wouldn't be your cup of tea. It's so different really from the entire rest of the franchise.
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