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Digital Board Games Thread: Async Multiplatform Meeples

Picked up my first iPad today - now to stock up on some board games. I saw that a load were on sale for the weekend, so picked up:

Agricola - $3
Tigris & Euphrates - $1
Medici - $1
Ra - $1
Tikal - $1
La Havre - $1
A Brief History of the World - $1
New World Colony - $1

That should tide me over for a while... does stuff like Lords of Waterdeep, Catan and Carcassone ever go on sale for this sort of price?
Picked up my first iPad today - now to stock up on some board games. I saw that a load were on sale for the weekend, so picked up:

Agricola - $3
Tigris & Euphrates - $1
Medici - $1
Ra - $1
Tikal - $1
La Havre - $1
A Brief History of the World - $1
New World Colony - $1

That should tide me over for a while... does stuff like Lords of Waterdeep, Catan and Carcassone ever go on sale for this sort of price?
Playdek games (Waterdeep, Ascension etc) do have a few sales during the year. The Agricola I and K decks are also reduced to 99c/69p I think. TouchArcade's app tracking is good for showing where the price has been.
I like Agricola, but I'm not too confident in my ability to play against people. I've probably played at least 60 games doing the solo series, and that's got me messed up. I'll need to get used to not having every space open to me on my turn. On the other hand, I've been able to reach 100 in the solo series.


the witcher board game was pretty fun when i played during beta
i'm not sure if they changed anything big, because there's not much interactivity between players back then
this board game is also on android


Friend and I upgraded to 6+, downloaded Star Realms, and it doesn't have an option for notifications anymore for either of us. Anyone else seeing that? I know that used to work.

Also, instant updates for SR "live" games work perfectly for my wife but sometimes I'm forced to manual update. Weird behaviors.


I've been enjoying The Witcher, it's kind of Lords of Waterdeep meets Elder Signs.

Haven't tried Battlelore yet. Is it worth $10 or should I wait for a sale?


I've been enjoying The Witcher, it's kind of Lords of Waterdeep meets Elder Signs.

Haven't tried Battlelore yet. Is it worth $10 or should I wait for a sale?

Hmmmm...this is tricky for me.
I love Elder Sign, I hate Waterdeep (and all worker placement games).
Can you explain a bit more?


Hmmmm...this is tricky for me.
I love Elder Sign, I hate Waterdeep (and all worker placement games).
Can you explain a bit more?

It's more Elder Signs than Waterdeep. You aren't placing workers, just going around and collecting resources to complete quests. It is competitive rather than cooperative though.

One thing I'll say about the app itself, unless I'm missing something there doesn't seem to be a way to save in the middle of single player games and come back later. When I closed the app, my game was gone. Kind of a bummer since the three quest games can take awhile.


no, you do everything with a dice rolls in talisman
let me explain the basic premise of the witcher game

you do quests that give victory points, whoever has the most VP wins the game
you gain VP by defeating some monsters, doing main quests which give from 8-12 VP and side quests which are 2-3 VP
there's a support quest now, which you can do when you and another player is in the same spot, you basically clear his/her support quest, you will gain 6 VP and the other person gets 3

to clear quests, you will need proofs, each character has different proof specialization, geralt is red so he needs 3 red leads (magnifying glass) to gain 1 red proof, triss is blue so 3 blue leads for 1 blue proof etc
to gain leads, either travel to a spot which has the corresponding lead to automatically gain 1 or choose investigate for your action

battles are done by dice rolls, but each character can develop to become stronger in battles or even in general situations


Hail to the KING baby
I tried to play a few games of Witcher but man it is just too simplistic and solitaire-y. I'd play it IRL if someone brings it to the table, and the app is totally competent, but there's really no there there.

Battlelore seems interesting so far, but am I right that you don't even get command cards, you just have your permanent commands available at all times? (I'm coming from Memoir, where you have a hand, maybe BL is different.) Gameplay seems relatively deep at least, but I'm not a fan of the Gauntlet Legends 2005-era 3d graphics.

So far I'd say Elder Sign is still FFG's best game app.


Thanks everyone!!!

It really seems interesting and I'm all hyped up every time Elder Sign or Talisman are mentioned (my favorite solo boardgames on iOS).
Not sure why Waterdeep is mentioned too...maybe because of the quest cards?

To be fair I already played the game being in the beta BUT it was only online and when I tried my opponent always dropped out so I never really 'played' it looking forward the iPad version.

No mid saves are a nasty thing tough.


Thanks everyone!!!

It really seems interesting and I'm all hyped up every time Elder Sign or Talisman are mentioned (my favorite solo boardgames on iOS).
Not sure why Waterdeep is mentioned too...maybe because of the quest cards?

To be fair I already played the game being in the beta BUT it was only online and when I tried my opponent always dropped out so I never really 'played' it looking forward the iPad version.

No mid saves are a nasty thing tough.
Yeah, honestly I shouldn't have mentioned Waterdeep. I think the art style is similar, so it sprung to mind and you do complete quests for points, but that's about it. Sorry for throwing you off haha.


I tried to play a few games of Witcher but man it is just too simplistic and solitaire-y. I'd play it IRL if someone brings it to the table, and the app is totally competent, but there's really no there there.

Battlelore seems interesting so far, but am I right that you don't even get command cards, you just have your permanent commands available at all times? (I'm coming from Memoir, where you have a hand, maybe BL is different.) Gameplay seems relatively deep at least, but I'm not a fan of the Gauntlet Legends 2005-era 3d graphics.

So far I'd say Elder Sign is still FFG's best game app.

Thanks Astro!!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one disliking the 3D graphics in Battlelore Command.

Witcher is realtime multiplayer as Talisman right? No async? :(

What do you exactly mean simplistic?
I know (from what I read) you like deep games...how do you consider Elder Sign?


^ I'll just install it on my phone then

2x annoys me


It's a great game :)
If you bought it...no harm in installing it on iPad and you will see...I take my turns there a lot (for convenience).

If you want, feel free to invite me for a game.
IMHO it's the best head to head async game...ultra fast.
The app is super slick too.


Couldn't resist anyway...downloading The Witcher AG.

Woah...I was bit concerned but woah.
Just completed my first game...loving it.
Seems a fantasy blend between Elder Sign and Talisman, with a bit more control over the character.
LOVING the cards.

Can't wait to try multiplayer....if anyone wants to try just say it.


Couldn't resist anyway...downloading The Witcher AG.

Woah...I was bit concerned but woah.
Just completed my first game...loving it.
Seems a fantasy blend between Elder Sign and Talisman, with a bit more control over the character.
LOVING the cards.

Can't wait to try multiplayer....if anyone wants to try just say it.

I'm up for some MP!


I'm up for some MP!

But here is night and wife is about to kill me :)

I just had my first online game...freaking awesome.

But...game SCREAMS async....I wonder why it's missing async.
If async it would rule my life.

Sending a PM right now :)


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks Astro!!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one disliking the 3D graphics in Battlelore Command.

Witcher is realtime multiplayer as Talisman right? No async? :(

What do you exactly mean simplistic?
I know (from what I read) you like deep games...how do you consider Elder Sign?

Mean that the main action in the game is usually bouncing between two location to pick up a token. Quests are basically get six red tokens then go here. There is quite a bit of randomness with dice in combat, investigation cards, and the like, but I find all of it to be pretty dull and un-thematic. The way I would put it is that it's for people who think that Elder Sign or Lords of Waterdeep had way too many interesting decisions. The decisionmaking in this game is incredibly uninteresting.

Similar accusations could be leveled against Elder Sign but I find that game more fun for some reason -- I think because it's co-op and doesn't have that gloss of being some sort of "adventure." I saw that FFG & CDPR wanted this to be an "accessible" game, but it's really like they went out of their way to make it simple and bland imo.


To be honest I feel the opposite (especially compared to Waterdeep).
I admittedly have just 4 games under the belt but so far I gathered these feelings:

1) Random is very relative. You can almost totally counter it with skills (expecially Triss) after a bit, developing your character.
2) Bouncing between location just for leads may be viable against the AI, but you will want many investigations to accumulate VPs and side quests will have you travel around.
3) (most important) it's weird but regarding the use of the franchise I luckily got the total opposite impression.
As a matter of fact...I'm finding the cards text pretty great helping in developing a real sense of adventure.
I found them certainly better than Waterdeep (where I rarely read the text now) or even Elder Sign (where they are more limited).

I really hope in time your stance will change into mine...instead of the opposite!!!

The game feels to me like a fantasy competitive version of Elder Sign, with more control on how you develop your character (Gerald and Triss at least).
I REALLY miss async tough...seems a no brainier here.


Played much more Witcher yesterday, completing several 3 and 5 quests games.
There is where the game shines most....later quests are much trickier and the wounds and critical stack up, forcing you to change constantly the approach.
Moving around the map for side quests and VPs is really hard later on: monsters are much more powerful and every wartrack advancement is a pain.
I find myself making big detours to reach certain locations.
If you develop your character early (character are totally different in how they play), you can basically win every fight with the right combo.
Gerald with Aard, Igni and some potions I can't remember the name of is unstoppable.

The AI is average...I always won but there was one game (the best one) where Dandelion gave me a ton of troubles with his damn songs.
The race to the last quest to gather most VPs and win was a pretty thrilling one.

Games are pretty long: a me vs 1 AI 3 quests game is 2 hours.
5 quests is much more...so the game really needs a save function (Ive read in their forums they are looking into this).

But what it missed most is async.
Playing against a friend makes the game an instant classic imho, but the length of the games makes async almost a necessity.

I'm not a fan of watching a video as tutorial....but I have to say that they work pretty well.
After 2 games and just one rule clarification in the manual (about potions use), everything is pretty clear.

Everything else about the game screams polish....it's really well done.


i know this isnt exactly the right thread, but how the fuck do i cast this Random spell in Talisman?

ive had this spell for 3 turns now. at the top it keeps telling me that i have 1 spell left to cast this turn. the card reads that i can cast it at any time. i tried queueing it unqueueing it, i check the tab at the bottom of the screen when it is queued and it never glows. tapping it does not work. i tried standing on a space where the enemy is and thats not working either.

what am i doing wrong here?


i know this isnt exactly the right thread, but how the fuck do i cast this Random spell in Talisman?

ive had this spell for 3 turns now. at the top it keeps telling me that i have 1 spell left to cast this turn. the card reads that i can cast it at any time. i tried queueing it unqueueing it, i check the tab at the bottom of the screen when it is queued and it never glows. tapping it does not work. i tried standing on a space where the enemy is and thats not working either.

what am i doing wrong here?

I do not recall the spell in particular, but in theory if you go into your inventory the card, if available, should glow...you select it and cast it.
If it's an interrupt spell, you can select it when there is the 30 seconds timer on the characters portrait (if you queue it it should be cast when available).


I do not recall the spell in particular, but in theory if you go into your inventory the card, if available, should glow...you select it and cast it.
If it's an interrupt spell, you can select it when there is the 30 seconds timer on the characters portrait (if you queue it it should be cast when available).

the card is RANDOM, cast on any character at any time, they roll 1 die to determine the effect on them. then it turns them into a toad or whatever.

my inventory is just the row of cards under my picture right? i go there, view all of the cards every one on the board owns. i select the spell card, and he only option i have is to queue it. i havent seen it glowing once and ive been clicking on it during my turn and during other players turns, and im not getting squat. what the hell?


EDIT: i think i figured it out... im holding the AMULET card. it says i can not cast spells or have them cast on me unless it is a control spell. so that makes sense.



the card is RANDOM, cast on any character at any time, they roll 1 die to determine the effect on them. then it turns them into a toad or whatever.

my inventory is just the row of cards under my picture right? i go there, view all of the cards every one on the board owns. i select the spell card, and he only option i have is to queue it. i havent seen it glowing once and ive been clicking on it during my turn and during other players turns, and im not getting squat. what the hell?


EDIT: i think i figured it out... im holding the AMULET card. it says i can not cast spells or have them cast on me unless it is a control spell. so that makes sense.


An yeah, I remember the amulet.
You can't cast anything and you are immune to spells but the command one (the final spell of the game, in the tower).


Totally sucks I missed the sales. But can anyone confirm if Tailsman IOS and Android can play together over wifi (tablet to tablet) ? Me and my son played the BG version of this at Gencon this year and he really enjoyed it.


Totally sucks I missed the sales. But can anyone confirm if Tailsman IOS and Android can play together over wifi (tablet to tablet) ? Me and my son played the BG version of this at Gencon this year and he really enjoyed it.

Not yet but cross platform multiplayer is scheduled for next update (before Christmas), according to the devs.
If you are interested in it, I would personally wait till they actually update all versions.
O_O hyped!

digging the winter theme board

what exactly does the gingerbread man do?
It makes incomplete cities a consideration in scoring.
(I have just read this) From http://zmangames.com/rulebooks/Carcassonne_Winter.pdf
Playing the game
The 6 new tiles: When a player draws a tile with a gingerbread man, he places it according to the regular rules
and plays his turn as usual (including scoring, if any). Then, he takes the gingerbread man and moves it into
a different incomplete city

1) When the gingerbread man leaves a city due to another tile
with the gingerbread man being played, every player that has
one or more knights in that city scores points. For each of their
knights, each player scores 1 point per tile currently in that city.
Banners do not score any points. The knights remain in the city.
2) The following occurs when the city with the gingerbread man
is completed: before the regular scoring, every player with one
or more knights in the city scores 1 point per tile in the city for
each knight he or she has in that city. This is followed by the
regular scoring. Finally, the player who completed the city moves
the gingerbread man into an incomplete city of his choice.


Hail to the KING baby
star realms FINALE

astrolad over risotto/grifter

gg man. i was really pretty sure you had that there, but we just kept chipping away at each other at the end


star realms FINALE

astrolad over risotto/grifter

gg man. i was really pretty sure you had that there, but we just kept chipping away at each other at the end

Grats Astro.

gg all. Final results:



star realms FINALE

astrolad over risotto/grifter

gg man. i was really pretty sure you had that there, but we just kept chipping away at each other at the end

gg yeah i thought so too after starting great, kept a small deck, but could never get the right cards together.


starting playing waterdeep, got the expansions. anyone (hopefully that updates at least daily) want to get a game going?
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