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Digital Foundry: GTA 5's next-gen grass compared

Well it may vary from to area to area but some areas do have a pretty significant difference according to these:



I don't believe this. Damn.


I don't really understand the desire to play multiplatforms across both systems just because you get less use out of one than the other. What's wrong with just playing exclusives on one? You already own it, so it's not like it's trying to justify the cost of the box.
That's my plan I have my Xbox One for exclusives and I'm fine with that. I can use the "better" (I don't love the controller sadly) controller, OS features (do love these) and friends (7 and counting ;_; ) on those :)
comparing grass is just really petty.

resolution and framerat make sense if the differences are significant, but i think when we are looking at blades of grass it's getting ridiculous into obsessive non gamer territory. and i'm a ps4 fan but ultimately the games are pretty damn similar.
Well if you own both consoles and it's better on one of them wouldn't you buy that version?

Someone should make a XB1 version rationalization drinking game.

Cool, I will also pick the console with my favorite controller (PS4) + better grass, seems like this worked out for the both of us. High five bro!

You forgot to mention how you prefer the OS and how "all your friends are on Xbox, anyway."

Just if you want to get some more run out of the XB1.

While we're off-topic...

I'm in the minority here, but I own XB1 and PS4 and buy all multi plats on XB1 now (unless it ends up being 720p... that's just ugly). My wife owns an XB1 as well so we get two copies of each digital game by sharing. Most of my gamer friends own an XB1 and I do like the controller better, so getting the XB1 version makes sense to me. I know I'm a specific case here, but I feel it's sound reasoning. Still, it's not exactly a counter argument in a technical thread showing one version clearly superior over the other.


Dreams in Digital
comparing grass is just really petty.

resolution and framerat make sense if the differences are significant, but i think when we are looking at blades of grass it's getting ridiculous into obsessive non gamer territory. and i'm a ps4 fan but ultimately the games are pretty damn similar.

You are comparing resolution when you're looking at blades of grass. They're 1080p on the PS4 and 0p on the XB1. I call that a significant difference in resolution.
comparing grass is just really petty.

resolution and framerat make sense if the differences are significant, but i think when we are looking at blades of grass it's getting ridiculous into obsessive non gamer territory. and i'm a ps4 fan but ultimately the games are pretty damn similar.

Our focus on grass or lack thereof is not meant to dissuade anyone from purchasing the Xbox One version.


DF makes a ton of money with these articles and they deserve to be called out when they fuck up. They used to make one big article with everything included. Now they make 10 articles, often with only one version of the game. No clickbait at all. Anyway, I am not even against the idea of doing multiple articles, but at least have both versions...

Both versions are in the article, so i dont understand the complain.

And You can just wait for full analysis. Whats wrong with giving first impression about the most important part of tech review, the framerate?
Thats actually great that they are doing that as fast as they can, because we know how people are eager to buy everything at launch and such a short analysis can confirm or deny the buy.

I dont get why people could not like the fast feedback about the performance of the games. Its the best new thing about DF lately.


That looks like it is a combo of less grass and a lighting issue that is obscuring grass that is there but blending into the hills.

Nope it's missing a lot of grass in the x1 version. Nothing to do with the lighting. Go adjust the contrast if u think it's *obscuring* and you'll still see the same result


As an XB1 owner, this makes me sod. Hopefully they can patch in more.

It truly amazes me how some people think the difference in power between the systems just doesn't exist or is insignificant. You really should be thankful that the difference isn't as large as it is in most games.

Sure, if you want shitty framerate due to the Xbone's GPU not being able to handle the extra transparencies, by all means petition R* to "patch in more grass" (as if it's that simple).

Otherwise accept the fact that your console of choice has a weaker GPU. There's nothing wrong with that, as it's a great system in other ways. But you bought an Xbone knowing that most games won't look as nice as their PS4 counterpart.
A lot of comparisons with GTA V are hard to do cos the lighting changes so much. though some of the added grass and foliage is undeniable on PS4.

Any word on which game performs better framerate wise?


Junior Member
It truly amazes me how some people think the difference in power between the systems just doesn't exist or is insignificant. You really should be thankful that the difference isn't as large as it is in most games.

Sure, if you want shitty framerate due to the Xbone's GPU not being able to handle the extra transparencies, by all means petition R* to "patch in more grass" (as if it's that simple).

Otherwise accept the fact that your console of choice has a weaker GPU. There's nothing wrong with that, as it's a great system in other ways. But you bought an Xbone knowing that most games won't look as nice as their PS4 counterpart.

Seriously contemplating moving my TV to the back yard so I can get the definitive GTAV experience.

actually playing on ps4 right now


I like to think the PC version will have a grass slider.

Then again I also like to think it will be a good port.
But I don't believe it.


Why is it hard to consider that they can change on their stance and now the differences are so inconsequential that it doesn't matter? Do they need to stay consistent with an analysis/recommendation made years ago?

I think what that poster is getting at is that he/she feels that the lack of consistency has more to do with which platform is now winning these face-offs rather than a shift in the way they value certain graphical details. I do find it quite curious that the narrative across the industry seems to be constantly downplaying these differences despite them being far larger than anything we saw in the PS360 era just as the position of each platform changes hands.
As an Xbox GTAV buyer I'm pissed. Yes I understand I should have expected the weaker version but leading up to the release all anyone said was parity parity parity. Even DF were probably gonna miss this grass difference until others brought their attention to it.

Sucks man.


Well it may vary from to area to area but some areas do have a pretty significant difference according to these:


Why is no one talking about the lighting here? It's super washed out and weaker on the One, compared to the PS4 screenshots?
Why is no one talking about the lighting here? It's super washed out and weaker on the One, compared to the PS4 screenshots?

Bad captures. Look at the DF videos closely. Both the XB1 and PS4 versions seem to have better lighting at different times. I believe it's because of the time of day.


Make a thread, new thread for new news.
Nah. I'm a bone owner who was panicking earlier when this happened, then I decided I'd rather play GTAV regardless of some grass or graphics stuff. I was just noticing that about those screenshots.

Besides, Who wants to jump the gun and be wrong about it? Better to wait on DF face off.


Why is no one talking about the lighting here? It's super washed out and weaker on the One, compared to the PS4 screenshots?

I'm pretty sure the video highlighted that while they attempted to provide as equal a comparison as they could, certain aspects of the lighting like time of day and cloud cover were extremely difficult to recreate one-to-one.


comparing grass is just really petty.

resolution and framerat make sense if the differences are significant, but i think when we are looking at blades of grass it's getting ridiculous into obsessive non gamer territory. and i'm a ps4 fan but ultimately the games are pretty damn similar.

I think that pointing out this kind of difference is a solid argument in which version to choose. One has higher graphical fidelity and thus is the better version.

I hope more developers follow suit and start to make use of each platforms strengths and weaknesses, rather than force parity across platforms.
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