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Digital Foundry -- Halo 4 Tech Analysis

Halo 4 is a superb looking game, defo one in the top 3. RE6 surprised me as well with how great is looked, especially it's lighting and facial animations. It'll look incredible on pc!




gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's entirely possible that I am misremembering things. My health hasn't been great this year, and the past several days have been no exception.

~19GB is used for video files, however only about 5GB of this consists of in-game cutscenes, virtually all of which are either the initialisation or end of a boss fight:

- PAND911.M2V


This thread has gone off the deep end. Did I just seem someone complaining about a polygonal seam in Cronos's thumb? :lol
It only hurts if you're arrogant enough to believe your position to be entirely unassailable. If my understanding of the facts is incorrect, I have no issues admitting as much. The links, which I'll be reading when I get home, from a cursory glance, look like they've got things to teach me.

I'm not hurt. I'm excited.

I really would imagine though that before you spoke up about such things you would do your research.

So far the things you have said about GoW3 and KZ have been false. What is interesting about this is that the developers of both series have been candid about their tech and you can find this information easily if you just looked for it.

As much as I dislike the fact that PS3 games have been dragged into this thread so much, I can't help but shake my head at the extreme stuff being said about those games in this thread.


the game does look nice but not even close to ps3 exclusives quality, specially god of war 3, the things that game does on a 7 year super freaking old hardware are still hard to believe on my part, seriously o_O...

i can say that im enjoying the changes to the multiplayer tho, as usual is great fun but the campaign is at least for me the least interesting after ODST, of course people will let themselves go at the AWE of the presentation but if we talk truth here halo 4 is purely
a love story with a freaking AI!
, and that's that


It's a very interesting thing to see. Each and every exclusive I've played on PS3 and Xbox 360 has imperfections. What some console warriors fail to realize is that exclusives play to the strengths of the hardware. There are things the PS3 can do that the Xbox 360 can't do & vice versa.

But if we're going to look at something like Killzone 3... You would notice the lack of SSAO and low resolution transparencies that stick out like a sore thumb.



No exclusive looks perfect. They are all missing something to achieve their good looks. Not Uncharted, not Gears, not Killzone, not God of War, not Halo.

Once you understand that, you can enjoy playing games on other systems.

Well said bro! Well said! I remember when i was a lot younger..probably around the end of me teens, early 20's i use to get into these console wars and game vs game,etc wars.....its stupid, its ignorant and until you get yourself out of that stupid immature habit of getting yourself involved in which console is better or which game has better visuals...and i am talking about allowing your inner feelings being affected by it and getting bitter about a game on another console being better looking than the best looking game on your console of choice...once you learn and mature enough to get over that stupid-ness ....you will then and ONLY THEN...become a real gamer that simply enjoys any game that is good no matter what platform it happens to be on.

Also once you get over the fanboyism crap as i explained above..you will start to appreciate games much much more for how good they look, their positives over their negatives...and have the ability to over look the game's negatives and enjoy it for what it is.

Im not saying its wrong to compare a a games visuals to another games visuals and having a mature discussion about it..but when you start allowing silly crap affect your feelings or you get pissed over it...its time to grow up or quickly examine yourself lol

Like i said earlier in a previous reply..Halo 4 to me is the best looking game to date on either console or very very close to PS3's best looking exclusive games...neck and neck, period. Just like the guy i quoted...each system has their advantages over the other console..there for each console's best looking games do something better than the other console when we compare the best looking games on each console....if you cant comprehend that and are unable to discuss such things in a civil adult manner..your a silly kid that is struck with fanboyism, your sick and ill and need help.

Oh and worst of all your missing out on some good gaming...i know few people that are such fanboys of their systme of choice that they refuse to buy the other console... to me they are not what i consider gamers with a true passion for gaming nor do they respect gaming because their pride and selfishness prevents them from enjoying games on other systems...that is just so stupid


It is not the same power needed for handle a corridor than a wide open area with vehicles, enemies (with AI).

You seem to be giving Halo 4 a lot of credit for being "wide open." I have to disagree. There aren't any massive sections that come close to what was offered in Halo 3.
You seem to be giving Halo 4 a lot of credit for being "wide open." I have to disagree. There aren't any massive sections that come close to what was offered in Halo 3.

Apperently you didnt play the first episode of Spartan Ops.

HALO 4 has so much. The poly count is massive, with way more dynamic lights than Reach hence Jackal shields cast light too, amazing texture work, sublime lighting, particles up the ying yang, dozens of enemies at once, and more.

All at 720p vsync 30fps locked with 4 player coop, Theater, Forge, and splitscreen.

Top 3 best looking games this gen period.


Not disagreeing with that, at all. But as I mentioned in my post, KZ's AI considers more variables and has the ability to carry out more actions (namely based around the cover and environmental (destruction) system).

Meh, neither game can touch the AI in NBA 2k.


Junior Member
Quite frequently, God of War takes camera/movement control away from the player. During those sequences, the game is actually just streaming prerendered video, and the player is not doing anything. The first two pictures appear to be from those sequences. It's been a year or two since I've played the game, but yeah, they happen a LOT.

I remember reading somewhere that about 30 gigs of God of War 3's disc is taken up with FMV, with the game assets being closer to like... six gigs or so.

I find it silly that the only replies to my comment above were focusing on that one bit, though, since I also talked about how many of those assets were actually 2D, or how a lot of that is simple (but great) texture work.

It's okay for a game to look pretty and not be graphically impressive. You guys know that, right?

Lol now I know you are one of the worst 360 fanboys on this forum. You have not played the game at all if you think the first two is pre recorded video. Its an in game cutscene that directly transitions to gameplay without any cut. Man its okay for you to like your 360 and think its god's gift to mankind but seriously stop trolling if you do not have the other console. Its fine to think Kameo , Banjo Kazooie etc as technical accomplishments that ps3 could never achieve. Atleast dont lie about stuff you have not played. Its not something too big to ask right?
Lol now I know you are one of the worst 360 fanboys on this forum. You have not played the game at all if you think the first two is pre recorded video. Its an in game cutscene that directly transitions to gameplay without any cut. Man its okay for you to like your 360 and think its god's gift to mankind but seriously stop trolling if you do not have the other console. Its fine to think Kameo , Banjo Kazooie etc as technical accomplishments that ps3 could never achieve. Atleast dont lie about stuff you have not played. Its not something too big to ask right?

You're pimping Sony in a thread about DF's assessment of Halo 4's technical prowess. Seems like he's the least of this thread's issues.


Apperently you didnt play the first episode of Spartan Ops.

HALO 4 has so much. The poly count is massive, with way more dynamic lights than Reach hence Jackal shields cast light too, amazing texture work, sublime lighting, particles up the ying yang, dozens of enemies at once, and more.

All at 720p vsync 30fps locked with 4 player coop, Theater, Forge, and splitscreen.

Top 3 best looking games this gen period.

Nope just campaign so far. Switching internet providers so currently don't have LIVE.

But I thought we were talking campaign anyway.


Junior Member
You're pimping Sony in a thread about DF's assessment of Halo 4's technical prowess. Seems like he's the least of this thread's issues.

Yeah says the 360 troll. I never undermined anything Halo 4 does actually. I said it looks great. Some guy commented that none of the other games competed to which some of us responded. Then we have a guy who thinks 360 is the greatest thing since sliced bread and says with a straight face that the two screenshots of GOW are cutscenes and not gameplay and then says that he has played the game and you expect some of us to believe that? I dont know why I am responding to you since your history is well...

Anyways I have said what I had to say about Halo 4.


Is that a negative?

That's one of the things that annoys me the most in games especially since it's frequently used to tell me where to go or strongly hint what to do. As a gamer of 20+ years the last thing I want is to be held up for 20 seconds all of the time to be told the solution to something.

AC3 is the most recent offender. It does it all of the time but the ship missions were the worst. Ships appear in the distance and the game goes "HOLD UP BRO LEMME GET THAT FOR YOU" *zooms in on them* "HEY KILL THEM!"....you don't fucking say?


Some of you sound so pathetic .....

I have a great PC, 360, PS3. Love them all very much. Great looking game btw just got it. Grow the hell up GAF. Shit reminds me of when I was a teen on fucking IGN argueing about Nintendo and Sony. Even back then I realized who the fuck cares .... 28 here btw some of you sound like you are 15 in here.


That's one of the things that annoys me the most in games especially since it's frequently used to tell me where to go or strongly hint what to do. As a gamer of 20+ years the last thing I want is to be held up for 20 seconds all of the time to be told the solution to something.

AC3 is the most recent offender. It does it all of the time but the ship missions were the worst. Ships appear in the distance and the game goes "HOLD UP BRO LEMME GET THAT FOR YOU" *zooms in on them* "HEY KILL THEM!"....you don't fucking say?

As another "gamer" of 20+ years I don't see an issue with it. Some times the designers want to tell their narrative, so they take control(at the same time leaving me interacting.) The alterantive to a developer/designer controlled camera is a cutscene, something that is completely unrelated to this medium; I sure as hell don't want that used/experienced. In most situtaions these techniques aren't even used in sand box titles, making them not a characteristic for that genre. It's all about context. If developers want to be "cinematic", this is the way to go. "Cinematic" no longer refers to the passive miny movie that would interupt your interaction and completely take you out of the momentum and immersion, these days "cinematic" refers to techniques that are actually filmic in nature, i.e, presentation, shadows, production values, and even dynamic camera angles. I consider things like UC3 to be an example of an interactive cinematic experience, as opposed to something like Heavy Rain or Beyond, which just seems to be interactive cinema.


Some of you sound so pathetic .....

I have a great PC, 360, PS3. Love them all very much. Great looking game btw just got it. Grow the hell up GAF. Shit reminds me of when I was a teen on fucking IGN argueing about Nintendo and Sony. Even back then I realized who the fuck cares .... 28 here btw some of you sound like you are 15 in here.

Don't blame console warriors. Blame the PR from both console makers that put it into their brains.


Don't blame console warriors. Blame the PR from both console makers that put it into their brains.

That is some what fair I guess, but it gets to a point where it's like someone needs to hit people in the face and make them realize all systems have positives. I want to be the guy who hits people in the face and makes them realize they are now free from the shackles of corporate America. Revolution, I can smell it in the air.
I see the console war is still strong in this shit and i shudder to see what happens when the 720/PS4 has more concrete info.

As for Halo 4 that's great to hear and i see Corrine Yu and the rest of 343 are doing their thing


Still think that God of War III is easily the best looking console game this gen. Dat first scene with Gaia. Halo 4 looks really good too though.

Ya. As of now I'd say Gow3 > Uncharted 2 > Halo 4, unless I'm forgetting something. I haven't really seen Crysis 2 or The Witcher 2 on consoles to place them anywhere.
Halo 4 looks fucking incredible every step of the way through campaign and spartan ops.

My breath got taken away like 40 different times.

Does saying this make me a rabid xbox fanboy? If so, should I complain about SSAO and realtime shadows to make up for it? :/


The game has a shit ton of aliasing and low textures but my god, it has the best art direction I've seen in a game this generation.


Ya. As of now I'd say Gow3 > Uncharted 2 > Halo 4, unless I'm forgetting something. I haven't really seen Crysis 2 or The Witcher 2 on consoles to place them anywhere.

Crysis 2 does a lot of impressive stuff on a technical level, but the bad IQ really undermines its efforts (talking about the console version of course)...


Crysis 2 does a lot of impressive stuff on a technical level, but the bad IQ really undermines its efforts (talking about the console version of course)...

Ya, sometimes less is more. When your can look past graphical illusions, or the technical feats don't shine through its better to just have the basic visual components of a game be striking.
Starting to wonder if you've actually played KZ2/3 or GOW3...

KZ's AI has...

- Procedural dynamic tactics
- Position picking
- Position evaluation (based on squad location, enemy fire, damage taken, destruction to cover etc)
- Tactical path finding
- Suppressive fire
- Understanding of environmental dynamics
- Flanking, squad tactics, cover system, hiding capabilities, retreating, spreading out or combing efforts, over head or around the corner shooting (whilst behind cover and taking suppressing fire), crawling etc

They're fully dynamic and highly intelligent. They also adapt to the environment and carry out more actions and manoeuvres than the AI in Halo. Running away or flanking these days is the bare basics. But yea, Halo and FEAR are still my other top picks.

Create a check list as big as you want. This won't changes the fact that after playing both games extensively, Halo's AI to me feel a lot more clever sequences after sequences. Unlike KZ, it actually puts up a good challenge and stupidity will net you a nice death.
Yeah says the 360 troll. I never undermined anything Halo 4 does actually. I said it looks great. Some guy commented that none of the other games competed to which some of us responded. Then we have a guy who thinks 360 is the greatest thing since sliced bread and says with a straight face that the two screenshots of GOW are cutscenes and not gameplay and then says that he has played the game and you expect some of us to believe that? I dont know why I am responding to you since your history is well...

Anyways I have said what I had to say about Halo 4.

Oh the mind of a console warrior is an amusing thing.

Because I praised Halo, I'm a "360 troll"? LOL. I also praised Uncharted 1 and 2. And Apple's iPad. And Nintendo's 3DS XL. I must be a super-duper-ultra-troll.
Crysis 2 does a lot of impressive stuff on a technical level, but the bad IQ really undermines its efforts (talking about the console version of course)...

Gosh, that fucking blur killed the experience for me. I'm no Graphic whore but as pretty as it looked sometimes, there was a lot of crap taking down console Crysis 2 technical achievements.
This is a joke thread right? Look at those low res textures. It looks almost similar to mass effect(faces look amazing, but when you get a close look at everything else you're like, "huh?")

Ya. As of now I'd say Gow3 > Uncharted 2 > Halo 4, unless I'm forgetting something. I haven't really seen Crysis 2 or The Witcher 2 on consoles to place them anywhere.

You'd be looking at them on the wrong thing. You have to play those on the Master Race.
Starting to wonder if you've actually played KZ2/3 or GOW3...

KZ's AI has...

- Procedural dynamic tactics
- Position picking
- Position evaluation (based on squad location, enemy fire, damage taken, destruction to cover etc)
- Tactical path finding
- Suppressive fire
- Understanding of environmental dynamics
- Flanking, squad tactics, cover system, hiding capabilities, retreating, spreading out or combing efforts, over head or around the corner shooting (whilst behind cover and taking suppressing fire), crawling etc

They're fully dynamic and highly intelligent. They also adapt to the environment and carry out more actions and manoeuvres than the AI in Halo. Running away or flanking these days is the bare basics. But yea, Halo and FEAR are still my other top picks.

On paper maybe...

I reality it was pretty stupid. It comes no where near what HL or Halo did.
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