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Digital Foundry hands-on Quantum Break (XB1)


Thankfully most of the "controversies" this gen have been a vocal minority making a mountain out of a mole hill while the rest of us play good games.

ding ding ding



Dynamic resolution then?

That's how I read it.

I wonder if QB is Case Zero for the incremental upgrade. I feel like if any game in recent memory will be used to drive consumers to Xbox 1.5, this is a clear candidate. Launching side by side with UWA version running at 1080p/60. Seems if the hardware is there, this is ready to go. Thoughts?


Yeah, DF says they've reached out to Remedy for clarification on what exactly is going on. Maybe they should have waited for a response before publishing information. Of course that approach wouldn't drive as many clicks to their website.

It'll be interesting to see Remedy's response.
So DF has to wait for a dev to confirm a resolution and findings before they publish it, then what are DF worth then, what are their skill sets based on?

I really hope this game is 900p just to make you look a little silly. Your comments are a tad extreme. These games don't look like Xbox 360 games
I never said so, maybe it does, I only said they are sharing resolutions similar to the 360 and this is more powerful hardware a generation later. In essence, I expect more......

I don't think you should want me to look silly if this turns out 900p, If that makes me look silly, then how would it make DF look? They're the one who did the pixel counting. In any case, the resolution of many effects have already been confirmed at 720p and even lower. I believe when this game is further dissected you will notice all the compromises. My goodness, it's like you have to make a disclaimer in any tech thread you discuss in, if you like the game and will enjoy it, no problem at all, have a blast, but this is strictly technical.

i don't even know what you mean by 'low rez assets'. like, the character models? virtually every site that's covered them has discussed how good the character models are.

lets be real for a moment. you have absolutely no idea what skill level remedy have with the hardware. for all you know, the fact that they have managed to get the game as-is on xbone hardware is an impressive technical feat because you have no point of comparison to claim that they could have done better. you can look at the framerate and resolution and say it's not very impressive, but it's pure conjecture on your behalf that they could have done so. you don't actually have the faintest clue.

like, am i supposed to look at forza 6 and say, 'well here's my proof that quantum break could have been 1080p'? how is that supposed to work? that's not a coherent argument, it's just idle thought.

[edit] fwiw, if i was an xbone owner i might be a bit disappointed that this was 720p, but, you know, i'm not going to blame remedy for the fact that MS didn't build their box to be capable of 1080p with some overhead. it's like last generation when everyone rushed to blame 'lazy devs' for shit ps3 ports instead of blaming, you know, sony, for making their shit needlessly complicated. same principle.
Character models are ok, not great, their cutscenes are nice. In game the janky animations makes them look less impressive, the low res effects, the short draw distance, the bad shadows quality, the subpar AO, muzzle fire, bullets and effects trails all look low rez. Reflections look below par, some textures look iffy, mostly in prior builds that I have seen. I think a more in depth analysis will pinpoint more of the compromises that I have seen, I guess we'll have to wait for this to release and for more footage to be analysed.

Btw, I was not comparing Forza directly to QB, and I think you know that as well. You asked why I thought this game was not one of the best efforts for the XB1 and I gave you a breakdown of what I generally thought of MS's first party efforts this gen and even then, I gave a breakdown of which efforts I esteemed over QB and why. At the end of the day, they're all games, and technically, it's all about how balanced everything is. You're at 720p, yes it's not the end of the world, but I'm just looking at the assets and framerate and that 720p is not making me happy about the compromise. If this was 60fps, I think we could cut this game some slack, but not this. As I said, resolution is not the only technical issue with this game.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Character models are ok, not great, their cutscenes are nice. In game the janky animations makes them look less impressive, the low res effects, the short draw distance, the bad shadows quality, the subpar AO, muzzle fire, bullets and effects trails all look low rez. Reflections look below par, some textures look iffy, mostly in prior builds that I have seen. I think a more in depth analysis will pinpoint more of the compromises that I have seen, I guess we'll have to wait for this to release and for more footage to be analysed.

Btw, I was not comparing Forza directly to QB, and I think you know that as well. You asked why I thought this game was not one of the best efforts for the XB1 and I gave you a breakdown of what I generally thought of MS's first party efforts this gen and even then, I gave a breakdown of which efforts I esteemed over QB and why. At the end of the day, they're all games, and technically, it's all about how balanced everything is. You're at 720p, yes it's not the end of the world, but I'm just looking at the assets and framerate and that 720p is not making me happy about the compromise. If this was 60fps, I think we could cut this game some slack, but not this. As I said, resolution is not the only technical issue with this game.

So where are the Xbone games that are pushing all of the effects that QB is pushing at any rez that shows you that Remedy could have done better? If you're going to say Remedy haven't achieved anything of note I want the receipts of Xbone developers who have achieved greater.

You've yet to provide any proof, even any evidence, that what Remedy have achieved at 720p on Xbone's hardware isn't good. So far all you've done is point at the resolution and say you're underwhelmed. Well no shit, the Xbone has crappy hardware.
It's literally designed this way on purpose. You might not like it but after hours with the final game, I'd say it's neccesary and the gunplay is extremely fast paced and this isn't a game to simple stay in cover and fire like most third person cover shooters.

The videos I've seen don't agree with that statement.
The video's I've seen don't agree with that statement.

I'm glad your video watching skills are able to stack up to me playing the actual full game and my experience. Nice :) are you one of those that watch an entire video walkthrough and then claim you played the game?


Isn't it the same trick used in Alan Wake? I remember something like that in the past. 720p buffer for solid polygons and 1080p for other stuff. It's not new from them.
What fast animations in Bloodborne? Why is Bloodborne even being brought up?

The Souls series is quite literally the opposite of what that QB gif is showing (lack of animation to prioritize responsiveness). Souls and BB have tons of start up frames which would make this comparison utterly moot.
Gotta be an attack by desperate MS fanboys.

I assume you have played Bloodborne. Boot it up and try to rapidly change the direction your character is facing. Or try to walk into one direction and then roll/roll and then hit backwards. The character does it immediately with barely any transition.
The same is happening here.


my hard graphic balls
What fast animations in Bloodborne? Why is Bloodborne even being brought up?

The Souls series is quite literally the opposite of what that QB gif is showing (lack of animation to prioritize responsiveness). Souls and BB have tons of start up frames which would make this comparison utterly moot.
Errrr, the dodge, roll, parry animations in Bloodborne are very snappy.
Yeah, DF says they've reached out to Remedy for clarification on what exactly is going on. Maybe they should have waited for a response before publishing information. Of course that approach wouldn't drive as many clicks to their website.

It'll be interesting to see Remedy's response.

So DF has to wait for a dev to confirm a resolution and findings before they publish it, then what are DF worth then, what are their skill sets based on?

Yes...It's called journalistic integrity. Check your facts before going public with a story. I've read the DF article and watched the video. It seems to me they're a bit confused, which is why (in their own words) they reached out to Remedy for clarification.

As far as what are DF worth? Not much IMO. If they can't wait for a response from Remedy before publishing their findings, clearly they're not interested in the truth, rather they're more interested in the traffic to their website. Personally, I'll take NX Gamer's analysis over DF any day of the week.

In regards to their skill sets, I have no idea what their skill sets are, but I would imagine their skill sets and knowledge in regards to video game graphical rendering are far below that of the folks at Remedy.
I'm glad your video watching skills are able to stack up to me playing the actual full game and my experience. Nice :) are you one of those that watch an entire video walkthrough and then claim you played the game?

I doubt they're better than your patronizing and strawman skills.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Isn't it the same trick used in Alan Wake? I remember something like that in the past. 720p buffer for solid polygons and 1080p for other stuff. It's not new from them.

it's not new from anybody, it's very common to have different buffers stored at different resolutions, because you don't really need them all at the same resolution as the framebuffer.


Yes...It's called journalistic integrity. Check your facts before going public with a story. I've read the DF article and watched the video. It seems to me they're a bit confused, which is why (in their own words) they reached out to Remedy for clarification.

As far as what are DF worth? Not much IMO. If they can't wait for a response from Remedy before publishing their findings, clearly their not interested in the truth, rather their more interested in the traffic to their website. Personally, I'll take NX Gamer's analysis over DF any day of the week.

In regards to their skill sets, I have no idea what their skill sets are, but I would imagine their skill sets and knowledge in regards to video game graphical rendering are far below that of the folks at Remedy.
Lol. What exactly he said of more accurate compared DF? He posted just a quote from Remedy podcast. He hasn't even tried to count the real pixels on the screen. I doubt DF it's wrong.


Yes...It's called journalistic integrity. Check your facts before going public with a story. I've read the DF article and watched the video. It seems to me they're a bit confused, which is why (in their own words) they reached out to Remedy for clarification.

As far as what are DF worth? Not much IMO. If they can't wait for a response from Remedy before publishing their findings, clearly they're not interested in the truth, rather they're more interested in the traffic to their website. Personally, I'll take NX Gamer's analysis over DF any day of the week.

In regards to their skill sets, I have no idea what their skill sets are, but I would imagine their skill sets and knowledge in regards to video game graphical rendering are far below that of the folks at Remedy.

I agree. Seems odd they would post a story and then get clarification on it?
Very typically type of response coming from someone that does all their talking from off hands experience. Rightly so, not worth my time.

Dem patronising/strawman skills, I bet you wished you had just watched some Youtube videos now instead of bothering to play the game!
Dem patronising/strawman skills, I bet you wished you had just watched some Youtube videos now instead of bothering to play the game!

If someone wants to argue with a few videos they have seen versus someone having played the full game. No ammount of talking to them is going to be worth the time. Dead end disccusion there. Lol
Lol. What exactly he said of more accurate compared DF? He posted just a quote from Remedy podcast. He hasn't even tried to count the real pixels on the screen. I doubt DF it's wrong.

Did I say anything about NX Gamer doing a detailed analysis of Quantum Break? No, because he hasn't done one yet. I was simply stating that I prefer his technical analysis over DF, and that goes for any game. Sorry, I'll be more specific next time.


I agree. Seems odd they would post a story and then get clarification on it?

Why would this be odd. Even 'traditional media' will and always have pushed a story out and will push out corrections later. There is a huge inventive to publish on time ad not a huge one to be 100% correct.

Here they're having conflicts with what a dev has stated abd what their pixel counting software is reporting. The story is the conflict and a follow up would be remedys response.
Anyways, enjoy the chat fellas Im out the thread. Looking forward to the release of this and the discussion it can bring with people who have actually played QB when more chat can take place after embargo :) see you all on the flip side.
Im pretty sure it wasn't there yesterday when they first put the article up.

Edit: Or maybe it was? Google cache seemed to think it was at 3pm~

Yes, I checked Google cache too. Anyway, this sentence isn't really a resolution confirmation, it just shows the benefits of their AA solution on motionless scenes. Why would they stealth edit this sentence and not the one which actually confirms the resolution ?

"In every scene tested so far, a native resolution of 720p is the consistent result found in each pixel count test - so while there's every possibility of individual render targets operating at higher resolutions, basic geometry that we're able to measure hands in a 720p result as things stand."

Best thing to do is to wait for an official statement.


Junior Member
But how much of the experience is such a thing even present? How much is it really distracted from the overall experience? These are the things that I think a lot of people don't appreciate when they either don't own a game, or don't intend to, and I'm not making any assumptions about your intent by the way, I'm just pointing to something that is all too common. I remember back during launch how people used some isolated frame drops in Ryse to assume that the entire experience is hobbled by gameplay damaging performance dips. Did it matter to people that most of the drops occurred during the slowed down assassination kills, which were not at all affected by the frame drop in the first place? Input latency was barely, if at all, affected in those cases, and you could still be as accurate as you needed to be. I don't think people appreciate these nuances enough.
Okami HD's tearing was mostly limited to the top of the frame in the more open field environments so not terribly distracting. In late-game heavy battles and very specific scenes like the river crossing at the beginning of the game and brush god reveals it tore lower down the frame and this caught attention more.

Okami HD gave the option of dropping the resolution through the XMB to 720p which cleared up almost all the tearing but it wasn't worth it for the overall drop in image quality.

The problem with QB is they're already down to 720p with eye-catching shadow, texture and volumetric light quality sacrifices.


Why would this be odd. Even 'traditional media' will and always have pushed a story out ppqaa pppand will push out corrections later. There is a huge inventive to publish on time ad not a huge one to be 100% correct.

Here they're having conflicts with what a dev has stated abd what their pixel counting software is reporting. The story is the conflict and a follow up would be remedys response.

Agreed. It's the state of the media I guess. I would assume a analytical site would want to get their numbers and information 100% right. *shrugs*
fyi - He's actually playing the game.

I'm well aware. That doesn't change my opinion.

Very typically type of response coming from someone that does all their talking from off hands experience. Rightly so, not worth my time.

If someone wants to argue with a few videos they have seen versus someone having played the full game. No ammount of talking to them is going to be worth the time. Dead end disccusion there. Lol

Anyways, enjoy the chat fellas Im out the thread. Looking forward to the release of this and the discussion it can bring with people who have actually played QB when more chat can take place after embargo :) see you all on the flip side.

Though he sure as hell is defensive about it, goddamn.
So DF has to wait for a dev to confirm a resolution and findings before they publish it, then what are DF worth then, what are their skill sets based on?
Your right, what we need is the great word of NX gamer for all of our techical info. Only he can be our savior from DF's obvious bias.
Okami HD's tearing was mostly limited to the top of the frame in the more open field environments so not terribly distracting. In late-game heavy battles and very specific scenes like the river crossing at the beginning of the game and brush god reveals it tore lower down the frame and this caught attention more.

Okami HD gave the option of dropping the resolution through the XMB to 720p which cleared up almost all the tearing but it wasn't worth it for the overall drop in image quality.

The problem with QB is they're already down to 720p with eye-catching shadow, texture and volumetric light quality sacrifices.

these eye catching shadow, texture and volumetric light quality 'sacrifices' are things that are either so unimportant when looking at the overall end result, or look downright beautiful in the overall visual package of the game. Remedy did not make a game that screams 'visual sacrifices.' That's the view of someone who wastes time staring at random shadows on a wall or zooming at 400% into specific spots. When you're just playing the game and taking in the overall experience, what I've seen in videos represents not only one of the best looking games, if not outright the best, I've seen on the xbox one, but also one of the best looking games I've ever seen.

The biggest standout for me in terms of technical drawback is in the basic gameplay animation system for the main character. it's not at the level of uncharted for the main character's movements, but it's more a big evolution of what was present in max payne and alan wake. I don't have any issue with that, because this game is screaming fun and exciting technical masterpiece all over.
Yes, I checked Google cache too. Anyway, this sentence isn't really a resolution confirmation, it just shows the benefits of their AA solution on motionless scenes. Why would they stealth edit this sentence and not the one which actually confirms the resolution ?

"In every scene tested so far, a native resolution of 720p is the consistent result found in each pixel count test - so while there's every possibility of individual render targets operating at higher resolutions, basic geometry that we're able to measure hands in a 720p result as things stand."

Best thing to do is to wait for an official statement.

I would argue Digital Foundry should have done the same...
Errrr, the dodge, roll, parry animations in Bloodborne are very snappy.

Right but being snappy doesn't mean it's the same as the QB gif. That gif shows a lack of transition animations to improve responsiveness.

BB's combat doesn't nearly rely on animations like that. To equate combat in BB being responsive and fast for the same reasons as QBs lack of transitions is incorrect.
Should have only watched YouTube videos instead of actually playing the final game!

::Kanye shoulder shrug::

The strawman levels are off the charts.

You do know how this started, right? He said gameplay was "extremely fast" and I disagreed. Cue a dozen "LEL BET U WATCH YOUTUBE PLAYTHRUS" posts. I can't think of another reason why other than pure, unadultered butthurt.

Right but being snappy doesn't mean it's the same as the QB gif. That gif shows a lack of transition animations to improve responsiveness.

BB's combat doesn't nearly rely on animations like that. To equate combat in BB being responsive and fast for the same reasons as QBs lack of transitions is incorrect.

BB does lack animations for direction switching, but that's about it IIRC.
Agreed. It's the state of the media I guess. I would assume a analytical site would want to get their numbers and information 100% right. *shrugs*

And this is a huge problem, in all aspects of media. Whether it's video games, politics, celebrity gossip or a trade rumor in sports, this is what we have not only become but wilfully accept. It's the 24 hour news cycle. Just research how ESPN creates stories to discuss on all if their shows throughout the day. It's pathetic. I think Digital Foundry should have waited for clarification first. It's irresponsible for them to post this without it. It's not like they're some random youtuber or asshat on Twitter..... People take what they have to say as the truth.

But back in topic, this game looks great,whatever the resolution is. I'll be buying it.


my hard graphic balls
Right but being snappy doesn't mean it's the same as the QB gif. That gif shows a lack of transition animations to improve responsiveness.

BB's combat doesn't nearly rely on animations like that. To equate combat in BB being responsive and fast for the same reasons as QBs lack of transitions is incorrect.
But BB does skip transitions to achieve the speediness, especially when it comes to rolling.
But BB does skip transitions to achieve the speediness, especially when it comes to rolling.

It does skip certain frames on certain animations.

But that's no where close to the reason or the basis for its combat being fast and responsive. At all.


my hard graphic balls
It does skip certain frames on certain animations.

But that's no where close to the reason or the basis for its combat being fast and responsive. At all.
Faster transition does not lead to more responsive control/gameplay? I'm not saying that BB fast transitions are the only reason it feels snappy.
This is the same thing Remedy said, they skipped some transitions when you are aiming in to make the aiming control more responsive.


I haven't seen enough to form an opinion on shooting through objects.. But how much hate did Conviction get at the time with assassinations? That was jank.


Gold Member
I would argue Digital Foundry should have done the same...

Indeed, it would have been wiser.

Then what is the point of DF?

Remedy and MSFT have claimed it was 1080p/30 in the last statement they made on it. Maybe they should have said something before sending it to DF, since they know DF's M/O. DF has discovered several 1080pr moments this gen.

SMH sometimes at the reaching in these statements.


Apparent stealth update on DF article...

"A mixture of strong post effects (such as film grain and motion blur), plus excellent anti-aliasing work well in hiding much of the stair-stepping we'd expect of a lower resolution game. Added to this, image quality appears sharper and noticeably cleaner in more static scenes, where a pixel count suggests something closer to a 900p presentation. A temporal reconstruction anti-aliasing solution is a strong contender - a technique where information from previously rendered frames is blended with the current one."

Oh lord!

So a dynamic resolution with the low end being 720p and high end being around 900p in optimal (nothing going on) conditions? The 720p during heavy moments is a bit of a let down but the only thing that may keep me from buying this game is screen tearing. I hate that more than any resolution especially if its bad.
The strawman levels are off the charts.

You do know how this started, right? He said gameplay was "extremely fast" and I disagreed. Cue a dozen "LEL BET U WATCH YOUTUBE PLAYTHRUS" posts. I can't think of another reason why other than pure, unadultered butthurt.

BB does lack animations for direction switching, but that's about it IIRC.

Last comment on this. I've played with all the powers in the game. Enemies warping around. It's a constant element of moving around, warping,etc. If you think it doesn't have a faster style of gameplay for a third person shooter, so be it, but making that opinon off of no hands on time or seeing later game stuff comes off way too strong and is what people have an issue with.
The videos I've seen don't agree with that statement.

The videos I have seen do agree with this statement and it's the very start of the game. What videos have you watched?
Last comment on this. I've played with all the powers in the game. Enemies warping around. It's a constant element of moving around, warping,etc. If you think it doesn't have a faster style of gameplay for a third person shooter, so be it, but making that opinon off of no hands on time or seeing later game stuff comes off way too strong and is what people have an issue with.

Just want to say thx for the feedback. You are getting me super hyped for the game


Gotta be an attack by desperate MS fanboys.

I assume you have played Bloodborne. Boot it up and try to rapidly change the direction your character is facing. Or try to walk into one direction and then roll/roll and then hit backwards. The character does it immediately with barely any transition.
The same is happening here.

i get what you're saying, bb lacks all the animations you would have in a uncharted game, but those animations will get you killed countless time. quantum break is very unchartesque so no reason to cut them
Then what is the point of DF?

Remedy and MSFT have claimed it was 1080p/30 in the last statement they made on it. Maybe they should have said something before sending it to DF, since they know DF's M/O. DF has discovered several 1080pr moments this gen.

SMH sometimes at the reaching in these statements.

Surely the point is to tell people accurate information?

The game isnt out for over 2 weeks, there is a day 1 patch due next week according to Ryan McCaffrey http://twitter.com/dmc_ryan/status/711573270923911173 there was no real time need to publish this article so early if they weren't sure (which is apparent because they've contacted Remedy about it)

I don't know when they contacted them but I suspect seeing as the game is gold on Xbox Remedy are taking the weekend off, the article was posted at mid-day on a Saturday, I don't think waiting a few days to ensure their article is correct - and still well before the game launches is all that much to ask.

Also debating a point on article timing = reaching?
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