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Digital Foundry: Thief for Xbox One edges out the PS4 version

Anisotropic takes more of a hit on the gpu. With the ps4 already running worse they probably cut it to trilinear to maintain the current frame rate and to please the 1080p or bust crowd.

It really shouldn't... Not more than a couple frames at most. So they'd run the same at worst.
Okay, so we can claim, according to you, that the X1 version of Tomb Raider drops to 18 fps's right? And, again, according to you, DF is wrong then, since the minimum framerate they say is 27 fps's?

Seriously, stop, you're making a fool of yourself.

Who's arguing? Christ man. I've read here on neogaf that the ps4 version DOESN'T drop below 25 fps. YES. IT. DOES. It's all I'm trying to say. Keep calm folks. Ps4 is more powerful than the xbone. I'm not denying it. Feel safe and happy knowing you've purchased a great console. Sorry that I ever criticized the ps4. Not my intention to upset people. Now continue trashing the xbone cause it's quite funny seeing people defending a video game console.


So don't agree with you and I'm a fool? Cool.

And you're free to believe what you want. But if you think the power of ps4 is that much better that the xbone you've got rocks in your head. More powerful- yes. MUCH more powerful? Not a chance.
Fighting math and facts is not a good idea, believe me.


Anisotropic takes more of a hit on the gpu. With the ps4 already running worse they probably cut it to trilinear to maintain the current frame rate and to please the 1080p or bust crowd.

IMO the smart thing to do with the shitty ports would have been to drop both versions to 720p and maybe they would have run at 30fps.

Running worse than what?


So basically image quality doesn't matter, except when it's texture filtering, which didn't matter with 720p and framerate matters but both are not good so neither is less bad than the other, even though one is actually less bad than the other.

That said, the game looks awful from a technical point of view on the 3 main platforms, considering it's UE3 and not really that intensive. It's also stupid not to have AF in a modern game.

the ps4 version have evident texture streaming problem.. trilinear filtering...frame drops till 21 fps...image quality is the thing that make the other horrible version on xb1 look better and win the comparation


Obviously that means nothing in here though so please continue defending your point of view and trashing Digital Foundry and their findings. As you were NeoGAF...
The same DF said xone drop 20 & ps4 25 fps, just to remember to you. So are you trying to trash DF too?


Formerly Gizmowned
The problem here on the PS4 I had on the XB1.


Surely it's just the HDD speeds not managing to load everything in time? And this can be different for everyone due to what space they have on the HDDs?


extra source of jiggaflops
WIthout bullshit. The forum was better without TheKayle. We have enough randoms that are derailing threads with their unique take on things, but to have repeat offenders being deliberately misleading is super annoying.

And now I'm leaving this thread (or be forcibly ejected) due to backseat modding.
Obviously that means nothing in here though so please continue defending your point of view and trashing Digital Foundry and their findings. As you were NeoGAF...
I'm just giving you what you asked, I didn't say anything about Digital Foundry's finding, which on the frame rate you seemingly dispute anyway. It's from the same video you claimed to have watched where the XB1 version is "consistently higher" than the PS4, and never drops as low as 21 FPS. All the while bemoaning terrible terrible "Neogaf," a poster I've never seen on here.

EDIT: Oh, he's gone. Well, no surprises there I guess.
the ps4 version have evident texture streaming problem.. trilinear filtering...frame drops till 21 fps...image quality is the thing that make the other horrible version on xb1 look better and win the comparation

Texture streaming is an "evident problem" when other sources are not suffering from it. One single frame drop to 21 matters more than the average, trilinear filtering is also a part of image quality, for DF 1080p -- 900p suddently doesn't matter, but texture filtering does. lol


Anisotropic takes more of a hit on the gpu. With the ps4 already running worse they probably cut it to trilinear to maintain the current frame rate and to please the 1080p or bust crowd.

IMO the smart thing to do with the shitty ports would have been to drop both versions to 720p and maybe they would have run at 30fps.

Don't own a PC but several people have been said that turning on 16xAF on their PCs have a negligible effect on performance.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
This shot was made during texture streaming on PS4. It does not represent how the game looks when textures have been fully loaded.

We already have posters posting images that this is less of an issue (if any) when the game is 100% finished installing.

That probably is texture pop-in, which will obviously last longer if the system is streaming data from the disc to the hard drive at the same time as reading it to run the game.

Not for once DF mentioned whether they allowed the game to fully install before playing it, which leads me to think that they simply didn't even think of that.

Good to know. And any issues could be relatively easily sorted out with a patch.
WIthout bullshit. The forum was better without TheKayle. We have enough randoms that are derailing threads with their unique take on things, but to have repeat offenders being deliberately misleading is super annoying.

And now I'm leaving this thread (or be forcibly ejected) due to backseat modding.

But that glorious tag, man :D

Dead Man

WIthout bullshit. The forum was better without TheKayle. We have enough randoms that are derailing threads with their unique take on things, but to have repeat offenders being deliberately misleading is super annoying.

And now I'm leaving this thread (or be forcibly ejected) due to backseat modding.

Randoms? You mean forum members?




Texture streaming is an "evident problem" when other sources are not suffering from it. One single frame drop to 21 matters more than the average, trilinear filtering is also a part of image quality, for DF 1080p -- 900p suddently doesn't matter, but texture filtering does. lol

the higher resolution dosnt help the iq compared to the af at 900p maybe it would work if was af 720p vs trilinear 1080p

the framerate is horrible on both console ...i dont think that 4 or 5 fps help to the gameplay this much......the texture streaming is in itself an evident problem there are gifs around about it

i have a ps4 i dont have a xb1 still...but the xb1 imho win by a little this compartion to me...there are problem or bug that we seen already in stryder on the ps4 that need to be fixed

but my opinion is just one...and is always been the minority :)


the ps4 version have evident texture streaming problem.. trilinear filtering...frame drops till 21 fps...image quality is the thing that make the other horrible version on xb1 look better and win the comparation

Talk about hyperbole.
Surely it's just the HDD speeds not managing to load everything in time? And this can be different for everyone due to what space they have on the HDDs?

Thanks! This saved me the trouble of buying the game to find out myself. I don't use the stock HDD so my outcome might be irrelevant. Then again others are reporting this to not be an issue once the game has 100% finished installing after the update.

Randoms? You mean forum members?

I think he means the members who haven't followed the ongoing discussion position things that have already been clarified/answered. Which is different then intentionally spreading fud.


I'm gaming on a GTX 660 and also new to PC gaming but have found that dialing up AF rarely results in a performance hit. Is the GPU in PS4 worse than a GTX 660?


Thank you for the explanation. Well, I know yet in part what you said, the only think I find weird it's how 20 fps dips could give the same 'impact' in the eyes of a drop to 25 fps. It's strange.
This isn't about the framerate dips, once again.

Stuttering is a different issue altogether, one that both games seem to have problems with and this alone will wreck how 'smooth' a game plays, regardless of whether its 20fps or 25fps.

This is why people getting hung up on the framerate differences are mostly missing the point.


What I hate is because people don't read and because certain stuff/screenshots get posted ad nauseam without context, people are still going to think the delayed texture load examples are the AF issue and/or how the game really looks.

Although some are wise to know the difference, I felt in some instances of this thread like banging my head against my keyboard.


I'm gaming on a GTX 660 and also new to PC gaming but have found that dialing up AF rarely results in a performance hit. Is the GPU in PS4 worse than a GTX 660?

ps4 it's pratically between 7850 - 7870. Should be quite close. I think.


I'm gaming on a GTX 660 and also new to PC gaming but have found that dialing up AF rarely results in a performance hit. Is the GPU in PS4 worse than a GTX 660?

I've heard it compared relatively closely to a 660, but I don't think it would be much less than that.


WD for the X1 version.

Im guessing this points the finger at the Thief devs for spending more time with other versions than the PS4, theres no other excuse for it. I have a SSHD 7200rpm drive, so hopefully this will nullify any texture streaming issues.

Sounds like a poor port all round for consoles. - This is offputting for my purchase, im less interested.


Don't own a PC but several people have been said that turning on 16xAF on their PCs have a negligible effect on performance.

Modern gaming pc are more powerful than these consoles but more importantly when your ports run poorly using better filtering might have greater affect on overall frame rate. It might only cost a few fps for better filtering but when your running in the 20's every frame counts.


Thank you for the explanation. Well, I know yet in part what you said, the only think I find weird it's how 20 fps dips could give the same 'impact' in the eyes of a drop to 25 fps. It's strange.

In short: sure they're different, but they both suck, equally suck.


Modern gaming pc are more powerful than these consoles but more importantly when your ports run poorly using better filtering might have greater affect on overall frame rate. It might only cost a few fps for better filtering but when your running in the 20's every frame counts.

That doesn't explain why it was included in Xbone version (worse framerate) but not in PS4 version.


The game runs well on an i5 & 270 at the highest settings.

Frame rate should always be top priority for visuals, even with slow games like this. I can see how no AF would be distracting though.


This isn't about the framerate dips, once again.

Stuttering is a different issue altogether, one that both games seem to have problems with and this alone will wreck how 'smooth' a game plays, regardless of whether its 20fps or 25fps.

This is why people getting hung up on the framerate differences are mostly missing the point.
Actually, since 20 is a factor of 60, it would avoid stuttering. I believe a good amount of N64 games ran at 20 fps.


The problem here on the PS4 I had on the XB1.


Surely it's just the HDD speeds not managing to load everything in time? And this can be different for everyone due to what space they have on the HDDs?

Maybe, that's a interesting point.

I have a 1TB SSHD in my PS4, i wonder what the PS4 DF uses ?

The spec settings may change due to the users hard-drive choices, i just hope this doesn't cause more issues/problems in the future.


That doesn't explain why it was included in Xbone version (worse framerate) but not in PS4 version.

i think for the resolutionframerategate that every website is talking about ..ps user base seem obsessed by that resolution
maybe the devs would satisfy that "type" of users?

i think if they used af on ps4 they would end to have the same framerate (clearly the resolution should have to be taken in consideration too eh )
WD for the X1 version.

Im guessing this points the finger at the Thief devs for spending more time with other versions than the PS4, theres no other excuse for it. I have a SSHD 7200rpm drive, so hopefully this will nullify any texture streaming issues.

Sounds like a poor port all round for consoles. - This is offputting for my purchase, im less interested.

It'll be a bargain bin game in 3-6 months. If you have any kind of a backlog to keep u busy n dont absolutely need to get games when they launch, I'd wait at least until a major patch drops. This game has "Top 10 games I most regret paying full price for" written all over it. Lol
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