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Disney Infinity Canceled; Disney Exits Console Publishing; Avalanche Shut [Statement]

Easy Allies needs to have a better day of the week to film their podcast I tells you.

Why? Podcast is recorded tonight, this should make this week's episode.
Too bad Brandon's on vacation (at Disneyland, jeez), so I'm not sure how much the other Allies will be able to talk about it.
That sucks. I was never really interested in playing the games but I was glad they existed.
Did they ever get around to releasing that Baloo figure?

Shit, now I want to get some figures before it's too late. Flynn and Quorra, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul and Black Panther will be mine!
Ugh.. Last year, I bought over a dozen figures thinking it would be a decent long term investment for future Play sets.

This sucks


From Variety:

Disney execs made it clear that the company is out of the video game publishing arena. “Going forward our console games strategy will focus solely on licensing our great portfolio of content,” said Disney CFO Christine McCarthy.

Yeah, but this is very similar to what preceded their acquisition of Marvel when they sold off the rights to Power Rangers and scuttled a bunch of other projects that were more 'boy-centric'.


Their games always seemed confusing compared to Skylanders. You have to get playsets, and characters only work in some playsets or something. I dunno, should have just been all avaiable all the time !

This is the MAIN problem of Disney Infinty.


So without Infinity, Skylanders and the Lego games are the only Non-Nintendo franchises that target kids.

Oh man you just reminded me that Lego is also in the toy-to-life space. They don't make that many headlines anymore, do they.


The figures are always on sale (they're on sale at Best Buy right now). Now to complete my Marvel collection before they dry up.


I only own Woody, Jack and Elsa figure, with plans to get Nick, Stitch and the Marvels cast.

Guess I better pick them up before they disappear.

Also sucks for the people losing their jobs as well.

Strictly licensing Disney IPs now, huh?


Capcom can't afford it and beside with Street Fighter 5 failing to meet their 2 million target I don't think that Capcom is interested.
Honestly I saw this coming.

They've been clearing stuff out at low prices. Every other week stuff was on sale for 50% off.

Those power disc packs were only 2 bucks at Best Buy last week. Figures had hit $4 brand new.

Looks like Infinity 3.0 and it's Toy Box are it. I really wish they added 4 player local play for the racing pack.

Also I see Lego also cancelling as those things are also heavily discounted and are like 50% off usually. Sometimes they're cheaper than actual Lego.

I wonder how much longer Skylanders can go on.

On the other hand I will now probably go for a complete collection of figures ad I have over half right now anyway.
So we are stuck with just figures now that have no use?

"No use" seems a little dramatic. Yes it sucks that there won't be new stuff added to the game, but there is a wealth of gameplay available in 3.0 as is. Different playsets, Toy Box Takeover, Speedway, the Toy Box itself, the user-created content (as long as the servers are still up), etc. The game isn't light on content.


So we are stuck with just figures now that have no use?

Hey, it's worked out really well for Nintendo, outside of the Animal Crossing figure line.

That being said, one of the biggest problems with the collectible aspect for DI is that when you have such big IPs, you're not hurting for options when it comes to merch. Getting a cheap plastic see-through Mickey Mouse isn't going to measure up to buying one from Swarovski.
Whoa. I thought this franchise was really popular. I guess this puts them cancelling further development of Infinity on the Apple TV in a different light.

Disney is exiting console dev completely?? Huh. Switching to a licensing model might sound better on paper, but Disney generally has a rep of quality entertainment and licensed games are usually the opposite of that.


reminded of a classic stumpokapow post detailing massive entertainment media conglomerates and their schizophrenic approach to gaming, which i can't find. but basically they are forever shifting between deciding gaming is the hot new thing, investing loads, then a few years later saying no and pivoting away and shutting it down, then repeat the cycle.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Wow... that's nuts. The toys were selling pretty well, at least in relation to Skylanders and LEGO Dimensions.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn, looks like the $30 I spent on DLC for the Steam version a few days ago didn't help. I knew they had dropped support for the PC version, shame that consoles are being abandoned too.


Capcom can't afford it and beside with Street Fighter 5 failing to meet their 2 million target I don't think that Capcom is interested.

I don't think there's been any time when Capcom has said that making another Marvel fighting game is something that they have no interest in doing. MvC (or my preference, MSH2) would probably be a bigger hit than Capcom's own game, simply because of the Marvel characters involved.

Judging by what's been said on here by those who know better...it's always just been more of a thing of Capcom able to pay for the license, and then deal with Disney themselves as business partners when it comes to who can be on the roster and who can't be. And I imagine Disney would be even stricter now than they were some 5-6 years ago.

Any way, as long as Disney is fine with just licensing their IPs out and letting someone else handle things, I'm not too worried. Does suck for the game studio that was shuttered, though.
I guess between amiibo and those skylanders things there wasn't room for a third franchise? Honestly I'm not even really sure how even the amiibo make any money because I've never actually seen anyone buy any. I think the display at my local Best Buy has never really changed.


Oh well time to sell the few bits I have an transfer over to maybe Lego Dimensions, speaking of that it wouldn't shock me if TT do a separate Lego Disney Dimensions game.
I literally started getting into this series in a big way less than a month ago. I'm talking like, from nothing to already near a hundred figurines. Didn't help I was convinced Gravity Falls/Darkwing Duck/Kim Possible was happening. Fuck.

Was a really big fan of all three properties featured in the game and didn't think the sales were indicating any sort of looming shut down at all given the sales also applied to Skylanders/Dimensions (I admittedly see this dying very soon, thankfully never got into it)/Amiibo.

While I wanna hold onto some of the figurines I bought and at least hold onto the playsets until I fully max them out accomplishment wise, would it be worth starting to sell stuff now or a few months down the line when it'll be harder to find this stuff in stores? Bare in mind the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of what I bought was pre-owned from EB and the rest in a big sale so I'm not really hit by a huge loss, nor do I intend on charging anymore than this stuff would regularly cost when I put it on eBay or whatever.


This is a super bummer to hear. I got very into 3.0 with my daughter, we actually just got the last Star Wars figure we needed to complete the SW set. We grabbed Battlegrounds and have a ton of the Marvel figures, I should probably snatch up the last ones I want before it's too late.
reminded of a classic stumpokapow post detailing massive entertainment media conglomerates and their schizophrenic approach to gaming, which i can't find. but basically they are forever shifting between deciding gaming is the hot new thing, investing loads, then a few years later saying no and pivoting away and shutting it down, then repeat the cycle.
It's hard for huge corporations like Disney that are used to passive consumers to handle a market with such relative consumer control, I guess.


...lacks reading comprehension.
I thought this was doing very well, considering how much this and skylander and amiibos and legos sell

Except they don't sell all that well. Amiibo is doing well for Nintendos standards, it's not doing well in general. It's only selling in the US and was typically outsold 4:1 by Skylanders worldwide. Skylanders are selling less yoy as well, which is why Activision didn't give new numbers in their last fiscal report. Lego is always on sale. They are all fighting for the same market but that market is not expanding. More competition only means less sales for everyone, no growth.
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