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Do you think TLOU is one of the best games ever made?

Do you think TLOU is one of the best games ever made?

  • Yes

  • No

  • it's not ONE OF the best games ever made, it IS the best game ever made

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I think TLOU is either the best or second best game made (depending on the day), but I keep seeing people shitting on it on here. I don't know what the deal here is, I assume some people just can't handle it being so praised (you see it with very praised games all the time).

But I guess we can just ask neogaf, do you think tlou is one of the best games ever made?


Jason Sudeikis Yes GIF by Apple TV+


Gold Member
OP, your question is subjective.

From my point of view, its not the best of the best, but its part of top 10 to top 20 of all time. That includes all genre of games that existed since down.

At the end of the day, you will need to compare last of us to all these great games, and not just from visuals, but from players prespective too.

Edit: Ignore my vote.
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For me, yes. The storytelling and impactful combat combined to make an unforgettable experience. Though it can be said the variety in gameplay is lacking, it's in a very short list of games I've played multiple times.

Plus the multiplayer was sick, dying for thr sequel


I love both 1 and 2. I had no problem with Big-Arm-Man abby. I just felt that the end of TLOU2 dragged on for too long for useless reason/fake character development.

Also, the sex scene in 2 was fucking horrible, useless and just pushed in for no reason.


Personally I don't even fucking like the game but I'd say yes purely because of how well crafted it is along with the step forward it made for the medium from a cinematic storytelling point of view.

I can see why people like it, but I've tried twice to get through it to no avail. I honestly just get bored. This is coming from someone who thought RDR2 was a masterpiece. In saying that, I have no qualms with others enjoying it.

Same boat but I also struggle with the pace of RDR2, another game that I'd describe similarly to how I described TLOU above.

I will probably try one last time with the PC version once it hits the price I'm willing to purchase it at, will see if mouse and keyboard makes a difference (made a huge positive difference in RDR2 for me).
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TLOU was an amazing 10/10 game and one of the GOATs

TLOU Part 2 was an even more amazing 10/10 game so it sits higher in my opinion. Kinda like how you can have one infinity that's larger than another infinity.

Waiting for TLOU Part 3 to come along and claim that crown. In the meantime, I'm very curious how close the TLOU Multiplayer game will come to the other titles in that franchise.


I had fun with TLOU. I wouldn't put it amongst the best of all time. Uncharted was constantly hailed as one of the best games ever made during it's run yet it's barely talked about now. I think recency bias is too strong to know TLOU's place.
its ten years old lol, its laster far longer than uncharted ever did


I absolutely love part 1, never played 2. I don’t think it’s a great game, it’s a good game but an amazing experience.


One of? Yes...

Thee? No...

It really was a defining moment in the industry 🤷‍♂️ like all "game changers" there were games before and after that did elements of what it did so well.

But it was a perfect storm at the perfect time and elevated the medium in a way it was needing.

Ocarina of time (actually secretly majoras mask) is my favorite game in the history of video games. For me it was a groundbreaking achievement and I've never had the same wow/awe inspiring experience since. But to your regular fortnite kid flossing away on tiktok for the CCP, OoT is hot trash, where's LeBron and Luke Skywalker theyll say???

Seriously though my point is that excellence doesn't have to stand the test of time in gaming but legacy does and TLOU has a generational defining legacy of "this is when games became serious and took writing seriously" and yes it wasn't the first one to do so, not by a country mile. But it was the one that captured the audience and created to momentum for better writing in games and for that you have to recognize it
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its ten years old lol, its laster far longer than uncharted ever did

Uncharted also stayed in the conversation as long as the games were being released. I'm saying that a decade after TLOU 3 is out and ND has moved onto it's next IP will provide a more realistic perspective of the game.


Part 1 yeah its up there for sure, it came at a point where stories in games weren't that great and it was so far above of its contemporaries.

I wouldnt put at number 1 but its up at the top 10 for sure.
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Gold Member
the last of us was everything that the last of us 2 wasn't: inspired, genuinely moving without being manipulative, perfectly paced, absent any agenda, & it knew when to end...


Gold Member
With the first game, I think the story, writing, vibe, and all that is excellent. One of the best. But the gameplay lacks in comparison to everything else IMO. The sequel has great graphics, but everything else pales in comparison to the first IMO.

I think the first is a great game, definitely worth mentioning in a top 100 list. But I don't think it's one of the best games ever made, personally.


It's in my Top 50-100 games ever beaten its a incredible story with fun gameplay (even if the gameplay is not my favorites wheelhouse). It might be the best "movie" video game out there.
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Most games are pretty simple. You jump on enemies, you die, you have to insert another quarter to continue. The Last of Us changed that.
If you think about it. gow 2018/ragnarok and most AAA games wouldn't be what they are if it wasn't for TLOU. Kratos before that just use to yell and stab things.

Like I said other games also took writing seriously. Bioshock instantly comes to mind. But the success of TLOU and just how far above other games it was at the time definitely pushed the medium in a new direction.

Fortnite pushed battle Royale into mainstream territory but you and I both know it wasn't the first and it's arguably not even the best of them. It still fundamentally shifted the medium
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The nicest person on this forum
It's a meme cause the show runner of TLOU HBO said that lol
Oh seriously? That the most stupidest thing I ever heard, I guess those show runners never play any video games other than Mario when they were kids.
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I'm conflicted. I think the story is fairly basic but the way it's told and acted is second to none. The production values are great and the world is well realized. However something like RE4 remake which is also a third person survival type action game, absolutely blows it out of the water gameplay wise.
It's competent in everything it does, but it's nowhere near the top 20. Probably on of the best 'modern' zombie plotlines across any genera, and the first game knew when to end. I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough on the PS3.

It would certainly be in my top 50.


Oh seriously? That the most stupidest thing I ever heard, I guess those show runners never play any video games other than Mario when they were kids.
It was definitely an oversimplification but I think the central point (which is that TLOU did change the landscape for mainstream video game storytelling) holds true fwiw


Nooope. I think it's a good game with good execution, but nowhere near my favourites. The community reactions aren't exactly helping either. Also, I still think the Uncharted franchise is far better.
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