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Do you think TLOU is one of the best games ever made?

Do you think TLOU is one of the best games ever made?

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  • No

  • it's not ONE OF the best games ever made, it IS the best game ever made

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to be one of best game ever made, it need to be able to stand against time. like those retro title game design with/without story standard still hold up today despite differences in graphical advancement.

we will see how it goes in next 10-30 years.
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to be one of best game ever made, it need to be able to stand against time. like those retro title game design with/without story standard still hold up today despite differences in graphical advancement.

we will see how it goes in next 10-30 years.
It’s as old now as FF7 was when it was called the best game ever made (actually a fair bit older)


I enjoyed the first game for what it was, but it's not a game I would ever play again, so no for me. I don't really like the Uncharted games either though so maybe they just aren't for me.
I will probably try one last time with the PC version once it hits the price I'm willing to purchase it at, will see if mouse and keyboard makes a difference (made a huge positive difference in RDR2 for me).
I've played RDR2 and Horizon Zero Dawn with mouse and keyboard and it was much better than with a controller. Had to play forbidden west with a controller and it was really disappointing after I've tasted the mouse/kb
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Once apon a time, yes. But it's been mared by the sequel for me.

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I think uncharted 2 (specifically 2)was....a superior game to be honest.

It was simply better at integrating puzzles, encounters and set pieces and making it all blend seemlessly with the pacing.

Tlou and druckman however, dont know how to do that.

The game becomes rooms where you know ahead of time:

"this is the puzzle section"

"This is the stealth section"

"This is the narrative section"

Druckman isnt good at blending it. And to be fucking honest, IMO uncharted 2 is far better and people wanting to be pretentious and want the medium to feel "mature" played a huge role in tlou now being seen as their opus.

Which is criminal because now people forget how crazy well recieved uncharted 2 was. The sequels to it were NOT as well paced either.

During my first playthrough I was always on edge. Didnt know if there would be infected or bandits right around the corner everytime.

While in Uncharted 2 ... I felt exactly what you mentioned about TLOU lol

"Now the puzzle part. After that, some goons will appear out of nowhere and there will be a fight. Get cover, shoot, done."

Uncharted 2 was crazy good due to the setpieces, pacing, characters and etc., but the "moment-to-moment" gameplay was really average

Uncharted 4, on the other hand, had the best gameplay ND has ever made. Even better than TLOU 2, imo.


As someone who considers that the fundamental pillar of a game is its gameplay and not the way "it tells a story" (something I would value more when reading a book or watching a movie), no, I don't find it to be one of the best GAMES ever, even though its playable base is by no means bad, but nothing spectacular or groundbreaking either.

Having said that, in terms of its influence for the industry and valuing it as a whole interactive experience, I definitely think it's a pretty solid title and I've no qualms in admitting that I enjoyed it a lot at the time with the PS4 remaster, despite not having played its sequel.


Yeah, it's one of the greatest games i've played.
I grew up on games like MGS, so a marriage of great gameplay + great story + great sound is what I look for in my gaming experiences.

Though, I could argue that TLOU2 might actually be even better.
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Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
No. It's very pretty with a better-than-usual videogame story, but as a game, it's a cover shooter with long cutscenes. It's fine, but the praise that gets heaped on it as a game is strange to me.


The game feels like an adaptation of the TV show at this point, the gameplay is barely a thing and honestly why would you even play it


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think it told one of the best stories in a game of all time, but being honest, I found the overall gameplay a bit too repetitive, and while the stealth mechanics were perfectly fine I thought other games had handled that aspect better.

That said, I think it's probably still in the top ten at least from the last few generations.

During my first playthrough I was always on edge. Didnt know if there would be infected or bandits right around the corner everytime.

While in Uncharted 2 ... I felt exactly what you mentioned about TLOU lol

"Now the puzzle part. After that, some goons will appear out of nowhere and there will be a fight. Get cover, shoot, done."

Uncharted 2 was crazy good due to the setpieces, pacing, characters and etc., but the "moment-to-moment" gameplay was really average

Uncharted 4, on the other hand, had the best gameplay ND has ever made. Even better than TLOU 2, imo.

Lol Uncharted 4 was even worse dude, you could see the sections a mile away. They would have the jungle gym little combat arena littered throughout the maps, and then the mong climbing sections with the brother, etc like...yiu could tell it was druckman whi designed that shit lol

Whereas uncharted 2, you'd be running with chloe, a trap door falls beneath you, you suddenly have the ceiling falling abive you, you shoot this spinning wheel to stop it. Now you're good. The room ahead had that huge puzzle you climb and bounce the light, but that puzzle actually integrated the gameplay mechanics well with the puzzle.

There was no "combat arenas" in uncharted 2. Save for the snow section toward the end, which as the worst section of the game. And even then they introduced new enemy types.
Nah. Actually just recently got the plat on the PS5 version because I enjoyed the show so much. Story is great but the complete lack of player agency and horrific AI prevent it from being one of the all timers imho. Im super early in part two, we’ll see.

Factions is very underrated, though.
Maybe if you don’t play many games, I can see it. Lots of polish, feels like a prestige drama. It definitely checks all the boxes. Good game to show off and even a casual would be impressed.

But if you started playing games from the PS2/Xbox days, absolutley not


Gold Member
Do I think it's a great game that clearly many people love? Sure. Has it been impactful to the industry? Absolutely. Do I think it's one of the best games ever made? Personally, no. Not even close. I'm not somehow offended that it ranks so high on combined lists or something. I just wouldn't vote for it myself in a top 10 list.
I didn't get it at the time. Felt like Manhunt with too much soap opera in between. I warmed up to it a lot and actually think the game is a lot of fun on Grounded.

I like the sequel way more but probably only because I really don't care about the story very much. The combat in the sequel is fantastic imo.


Uncharted 4 is better, its much more intense, more action while still telling a good story.
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I’d say it’s in my top 10-15 of all-time now. It just has to be, it’s too influential for this generation.

It set the tone for the next-gen of PlayStation produced cinematic games (up until now). It’s the OG of what you’re seeing so, yeah..

And the magic of Factions is something Sony is still attempting to recreate with other multiplayer games. I hope they can.
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Nope. But I'm not really a fan of any of Sony's offerings of the past 10 years or so. I've played a bit of some of them but I have no clue why games like this, Horizon or GoW get praised as much as they do. To me, they're 6/10 games at best. But that's the thing, it's all subjective. Plenty of people think BotW is a boring piece of trash but that game hit all the right notes with me personally. And thats perfectly fine. Not everyone has to like all the same things. It has nothing to do with not being able to handle anything. You just like something or you don't.

What I will say is that it gets annoying to hear constant praise for something in unrelated topics. Souls-fans are especially guilty of this. They will compare anything and everything with their favorite game. Doesnt matter if its a racing game, platformer, JRPG, shooter or puzzle game, its simply not as good as a Souls game. It made me dislike the whole thing, even if I can appreciate the games themselves for what they are. And while not nearly as bad, I guess the same could be said for other populair stuff, so that might be some of the issue.
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I tried to play it on PS3, the remastered version on PS4 and PS5. Can't even reached the halfway point before getting bored and delete the game.

So, No


Uncharted 4 is better, its much more intense, more action while still telling a good story.
I liked everything but Nadine. Full disclosure: It's not because the character is a woman and black, like some idiots might suggest. If Nadine was a white man named Ned, I will still hate the character.


I've played it on PS3 and PS4. It has a good story, but the gameplay is nothing to write home about, especially compared to other Naughty Dog games, so no, it's nowhere near being one of the best games of all time. Now, if the question is whether it is one of the most influential games of all time, then the answer is yes, because boy, have a lot of TLOU clones come out in the years since its release.
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