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Do you want crossplay on PS4? Make your voices be heard.


Nintendo are probably looking at this as a way to save them making their own working infrastructure. Their online track record is dismal, and in the future still looks dismal.

That doesn't really make sense though. It's not like Switch is moving to Xbox Live, they're just allowing the two systems to interface. They'll still be making their own Nintendo Network.


Nintendo are probably looking at this as a way to save them making their own working infrastructure. Their online track record is dismal, and in the future still looks dismal.

Nintendo has an infrastructure, no matter if you know that or not.

And this wouldn't be a way to save themselves from making one.
Right, legacy platforms are not included in this relaunch. Though anyone who already purchased the game on XB1, PC, Switch, and/or mobile will get a free update to move to the latest version of Minecraft.

I'm not sure I quite understand the question though. If I were Sony, why would I want my customers to go elsewhere for a better version of the game that's on my store? Why wouldn't I just allow the crossplay so I can have the new version and keep all the players I have and be the platform of choice for Minecraft with my huge lead? With 60 million consoles sold, what's it hurting? I'd be retaining everyone and still keep those software sales up as new people join in as the defacto console of this generation.

It will encourage PS4 users to play on other platforms and perhaps buy the over priced DLC packs from somewhere other than the PSN Store, which in turn will lose Sony money.

Sony have nothing at all to gain from this, the community for the game is fine as it is as far as they are concerned.

From a consumer point of view then everything being cross play would be amazing, that's the future I want, but Sony are not consumers they are a money making business that will try to make decisions that make them the most money possible.


It will encourage PS4 users to play on other platforms and perhaps buy the over priced DLC packs from somewhere other than the PSN Store, which in turn will lose Sony money.

That's actually the risk they are running by not joining in. The two versions of Minecraft are going to have a chasm in features very shortly unless 4J are working around the clock to play catchup.

The best thing about this that PS4 players are ignoring... cross play would force all platform holders to justify their networks through features and experience, rather than multiplayer cordoning. We have already seen this kind of pressure leading to downloadable games being added to subscriptions and such.


I hope Sony doesn't follow just for the selfish reason of the possibility for MS to build a stronger business relationship with Nintendo. SNES classics on Game Pass and Halo CE on Switch future


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I hope Sony doesn't follow just for the selfish reason of the possibility for MS to build a stronger business relationship with Nintendo. SNES classics on Game Pass and Halo CE on Switch future

Chief vs. Samus in Smash!
I support crossplay.

When I play Gears 4 I disable crossplay for Versus. The Kb+M is just too good for headphones weapons so id rather play with controllers only.
I do play Horde with Win 10 users all the time and have had great experinces.

I use crossplay for Rocket League. Have had mostly good experinces as it finds more accurate skill based matches for us.

It's a great feature in certain circumstances and should he supported across the board.

I really think the warriors need to look beyond their own weird emotional attachment to certain platform holders and support something that's good for us. The actual players.


It will encourage PS4 users to play on other platforms and perhaps buy the over priced DLC packs from somewhere other than the PSN Store, which in turn will lose Sony money.

Sony have nothing at all to gain from this, the community for the game is fine as it is as far as they are concerned.

From a consumer point of view then everything being cross play would be amazing, that's the future I want, but Sony are not consumers they are a money making business that will try to make decisions that make them the most money possible.

You would not have infinite world size, Microsoft dedicated servers, crossbuy, or just about anything from the new Minecraft update. It's essentially the PC version coming to consoles and mobile. PS4 version would be stuck on the simplified console made variant. The community for the game would not be fine, they'd want the best version.

The Minecraft community is massive and rather savvy about the game and keep up to date. They also have a huge media presence on YouTube where they can inform fans and play Minecraft.


It's worth remembering that Microsoft have been screwing around with crossplay on the PC with some of their games. I'm fairly sure Halo Wars on Steam can't play multiplayer with Halo Wars from the Windows Store.

Sony and Microsoft are both out for themselves on this issue.


It's worth remembering that Microsoft have been screwing around with crossplay on the PC with some of their games. I'm fairly sure Halo Wars on Steam can't play multiplayer with Halo Wars from the Windows Store.

Sony and Microsoft are both out for themselves on this issue.

By all means make that clear as well. Getting Microsoft to open up crossplay with Steam isn't off the table. Everyone should be able to play with everyone on the same games!


I'm all for it.. if they can somehow agree to a unified hub.. so you don't have to login to 30 different services depending on what game you want to play..
If they can make a kind of a UN version ecosystem where steam, Xbox live, PSN and what ever switch system is called would merge I'm all in :)


If you as a consumer think this excuse is BS...
If you as a consumer don't give a DUCK about Mr. Sony's possible business reasons...
If you as a consumer don't like being walled-in in the name of keeping you safe...
If you as a consumer want open and free borders in as many multiplayer games as possible...
If you as a consumer want to be able to choose where you play them without chains...
If you as a consumer just want a crossplay future to come faster for everyone...

It will encourage PS4 users to play on other platforms and perhaps buy the over priced DLC packs from somewhere other than the PSN Store, which in turn will lose Sony money.

Sony have nothing at all to gain from this, the community for the game is fine as it is as far as they are concerned.

From a consumer point of view then everything being cross play would be amazing, that's the future I want, but Sony are not consumers they are a money making business that will try to make decisions that make them the most money possible.

Having the lesser version of two of biggest multiplayer games in the world might be a big deal for some. Rocket League isn't on Minecraft's level obviously, but Minecraft is for this generation of children what Mario was for many of us twenty years ago. For those kids seeking a game console to play Minecraft and a handful of other games on, an Xbox One or Switch will be the first choice when they ask their parents....or anybody that's a big Minecraft fan really. Will it turn the tide for Xbox sales? No, but if I'm a part of Sony then I'm taking a time to look at every lost sale of a PlayStation product.

Don't want to play against people using a mouse.

I guarantee you already play against some mouse users on console and just don't know it


How true is it that Sony doesn't see PC as competition?


Regarding the PlayStation 4 Pro, he suggested the Xbox wasn’t even being considered its main competition. Rather, it was the PC. “I saw some data that really influenced me,” he said. “It suggested that there’s a dip mid-console lifecycle where the players who want the very best graphical experience will start to migrate to PC, because that’s obviously where it’s to be had. We wanted to keep those people within our eco-system by giving them the very best and very highest [performance quality]. So the net result of those thoughts was PlayStation 4 Pro – and, by and large, a graphical approach to game improvement.”


Options to choose between systems you want to interact with should be easy to implement and definitely should be a standard for any crossplay service.
I honestly can't imagine what life must be like for people who are so invested in what other people think about their favorite multinational company that they have to bring up shitty things other multinational companies did in the past to defend them on the Internet.

This is brilliant.


Yeah that would be preferable. I just wouldn't expect it. Mouse and FPS are pretty huge advantages against the average player.
True, but would we notice any difference? If you suck now against good players on console, you'll still suck against PC players?
+Not everyone on PC is a skilled mouse/kb player.

We can already take a look at some data from Gears of War 4 Versus crossplay. Win/Lose ratios and average deaths didn't change significantly to be even mentioned. Keep in mind that you'll also have PC players on your team.
Nice try op, but compared to the used game fiasco at the start of the generation, this is highly irrelevant. As such, I won't be supporting this initiative.


What you said is Following the logic in this thread having exclusive games is anti consumer as well since you aren't allowed to play a game simply because you bought the wrong console.

And not cross play is not anti consumer.

So when all 3 platforms allows and wants to have cross play and 1 doesn't dispite it meaning the gamers on PS4 gets an inferior Minecraft game. Sony actively prevents all gamers from playing together because of the children is that not anti consumerism?

Anti-consumerism is concerned with the private actions of business corporations in pursuit of financial and economic goals at the expense of the public welfare

So preventing cross play is not that?

No it's not. If it was you'd have standing to take this to trial. If there was previously cross play and then it was taken away after your purchase I can see that being anti consumer.

I guarantee if I made a thread saying MS should port Halo to Ps4 to increase the player base I'd get juinored and most disagreeing with me. No exclusives is another way to increase player base. Also making all games F2P. And we know how much GAF loves free to play games.

Because increased player base is all you're really getting from crossplay in most cases. Minecraft would be the exception not the rule.

Most of you are using the best case scenario to argue for it. Painting a picture that you'll boot up COD and have a friend's list across all consoles. Activision can't be bothered to have dedicated server when COD was at it's peak but they'd be willing to host an Xbox live equivalent service now? Good luck with managing all those subscription fees.

Also just noticed the mentions of #nops4drm. Are people still claiming that as successfully stopping PS4 DRM?


True, but would we notice any difference? If you suck now against good players on console, you'll still suck against PC players?
+Not everyone on PC is a skilled mouse/kb player.

We can already take a look at some data from Gears of War 4 Versus crossplay. Win/Lose ratios and average deaths didn't change significantly to be even mentioned. Keep in mind that you'll also have PC players on your team.

Interesting, I didn't know there was actual data on that. I'd really like to see stats on a game like Battlefield or something. I'd imagine long range snipers battles would heavily favor a mouse user but tank/plane combat might sway towards controller.


I thought some games like SFV already had crossplay?

Ultimately I don't really care because if I'm gonna play online it's probably on PC.
I really can't understand the whole issue with this.

What is so good about crossplay outside of a very small minority of people who'd like to use it when it makes better business sense (especially against your main competitor) to not? Before I am berated as to why this is not the case, then I can only answer that Sony must think so because they aren't doing it and I'd assume they'd know their business quite well...

What the hell is wrong with that?

I'd rather Sony was grilled to fuck over the shitty arse and extremely distasteful manner in their no communication as to lack of SS for Pro for 1080p owners. After all, that cost £350 to those consumers who have been 'baited & switched' whereas what people are complaining about here is a feature one wouldn't or shouldn't really expect when purchasing a console 'of choice' - and it hasn't cost them £350 for it's inability to do so/nor was it suggested to be the norm before they bought it.

Or to be grilled over showing games many years before they come out; or lack of first party games released 4 years into a consoles cycle; or why GTSport has taken 4 years to come out and is half of the normal size; or why the DS4 is a P.O.S that has faults (several) by design meaning I've got to keep buying new ones; or why a lot of ps+ games have not really been what a lot of people wanted....and so on.

Sounds more like 'smart' marketing from Microsoft to try and discredit Sony in the eyes of gamers than a feature we should expect. Perhaps I could suggest Microsoft should be less concerned about what others are not doing and more concerned about what 'they' should be doing? - Microsoft how about stop fucking around with crossplay bullshit and give me some AAA 1st Party Exclusives instead? See? Sounds just as 'entitled'...

Sorry if that offends some in a sense where it sounds like I'm saying 'it doesn't affect me so I don't give a fuck' because that is not the case at all and I certainly don't agree with that kind of attitude at all. However, in this case I can genuinely see why Sony is entitled to not do crossplay and is nothing at all like the other shitty practices they've become accustomed to.

As it happens however, I'm still glad people are complaining about this to a degree because the more flack Sony gets (even if I don't agree), the more they can get the finger out of their arses and hopefully sort of more important issues I mentioned above, imo, of course, that will prompt others to complain about as well.


I really can't understand the whole issue with this.

What is so good about crossplay outside of a very small minority of people who'd like to use it when it makes better business sense (especially against your main competitor) to not? Before I am berated as to why this is not the case, then I can only answer that Sony must think so because they aren't doing it and I'd assume they'd know their business quite well...

What the hell is wrong with that?

I'd rather Sony was grilled to fuck over the shitty arse and extremely distasteful manner in their no communication as to lack of SS for Pro for 1080p owners. After all, that cost £350 to those consumers who have been 'baited & switched' whereas what people are complaining about here is a feature one wouldn't or shouldn't really expect when purchasing a console 'of choice' - and it hasn't cost them £350 for it's inability to do so/nor was it suggested to be the norm before they bought it.

Or to be grilled over showing games many years before they come out; or lack of first party games released 4 years into a consoles cycle; or why GTSport has taken 4 years to come out and is half of the normal size; or why the DS4 is a P.O.S that has faults (several) by design meaning I've got to keep buying new ones; or why a lot of ps+ games have not really been what a lot of people wanted....and so on.

Sounds more like 'smart' marketing from Microsoft to try and discredit Sony in the eyes of gamers than a feature we should expect. Perhaps I could suggest Microsoft should be less concerned about what others are not doing and more concerned about what 'they' should be doing? - Microsoft how about stop fucking around with crossplay bullshit and give me some AAA 1st Party Exclusives instead? See? Sounds just as 'entitled'...

Sorry if that offends some in a sense where it sounds like I'm saying 'it doesn't affect me so I don't give a fuck' because that is not the case at all and I certainly don't agree with that kind of attitude at all. However, in this case I can genuinely see why Sony is entitled to not do crossplay and is nothing at all like the other shitty practices they've become accustomed to.

As it happens however, I'm still glad people are complaining about this to a degree because the more flack Sony gets (even if I don't agree), the more they can get the finger out of their arses and hopefully sort of more important issues I mentioned above, imo, of course, that will prompt others to complain about as well.

I'd read through the thread if you're looking for very good reasons for crossplay. One of them being an increased player base specifically for people living in regions with low amounts of players.

As far as Sony's other sins I agree that they have been far from perfect but that's not the focus of this thread.

Same goes for Microsoft. The hope here is with two big games getting crossplay that it will become a new standard. Talking about how other issues are more important is kinda off topic.


This is prefect but one thing shouldn't be there atm.

"Baby steps to cross platform chat/party"

This is a completely separate issue to cross-play and is something they will be harder/not likely to even happen because it's effects to a platform/ecosystem.(By that I mean in a streamline fashion to current console chat systems and not a par game support thing).

That was more an indication of the willing. Meaning without cross play, there's far less incentive to try and make a solution. If we get over this hill, then maybe a few more doors open :)


This is prefect but one thing shouldn't be there atm.

"Baby steps to cross platform chat/party"

This is a completely separate issue to cross-play and is something they will be harder/not likely to even happen because it's effects to a platform/ecosystem.(By that I mean in a streamline fashion to current console chat systems and not a par game support thing).

A simple fix for that would be a discord app for consoles. At least I think that would work fuck if I know.


Interesting, I didn't know there was actual data on that. I'd really like to see stats on a game like Battlefield or something. I'd imagine long range snipers battles would heavily favor a mouse user but tank/plane combat might sway towards controller.
There you go:
Here’s a look at some of the top stats from our cross-play Test Weekend:

Over 750,000 Matches Played
Over 115,000 Unique Participants – 91/9 split from Xbox to Windows 10
Average of 6.2 matches played by Xbox users, with 11.2 for Windows 10 users
Over 90% of all matches during the weekend included a mix of Windows 10 and Xbox One players
Windows 10 and Xbox players had closely-matched results when comparing Average KD, Score and Kills per match based on skill ratings
The quality of matches improved for both Xbox and Windows 10 users – social lobbies had a higher average user count, and players completed 95% of all social matches entered vs 90% prior to Cross-play Weekend

When we looked at the extensive data we received thanks to the incredible participation from our community, there was a clear message – it works. And after reading the hundreds of pages of discussion and feedback from the cross-play Test Weekend, our fans said the same – it works.
This is prefect but one thing shouldn't be there atm.

"Baby steps to cross platform chat/party"

This is a completely separate issue to cross-play and is something they will be harder/not likely to even happen because it's effects to a platform/ecosystem.(By that I mean in a streamline fashion to current console chat systems and not a par game support thing).

You're definitely right there's more of an uphill battle when it comes to something like that, but I still think it's definitely coming at some point. More than likely in the form of a 3rd party user account system. Either way, Sony is definitely swimming against the tide on this.
Though crossplay is completely fine by me (because why not?).

I really can't understand the whole issue with this.

What is so good about crossplay outside of a very small minority of people who'd like to use it when it makes better business sense (especially against your main competitor) to not? Before I am berated as to why this is not the case, then I can only answer that Sony must think so because they aren't doing it and I'd assume they'd know their business quite well...

What the hell is wrong with that?

I'd rather Sony was grilled to fuck over the shitty arse and extremely distasteful manner in their no communication as to lack of SS for Pro for 1080p owners. After all, that cost £350 to those consumers who have been 'baited & switched' whereas what people are complaining about here is a feature one wouldn't or shouldn't really expect when purchasing a console 'of choice' - and it hasn't cost them £350 for it's inability to do so/nor was it suggested to be the norm before they bought it.

Or to be grilled over showing games many years before they come out; or lack of first party games released 4 years into a consoles cycle; or why GTSport has taken 4 years to come out and is half of the normal size; or why the DS4 is a P.O.S that has faults (several) by design meaning I've got to keep buying new ones; or why a lot of ps+ games have not really been what a lot of people wanted....and so on.

Sounds more like 'smart' marketing from Microsoft to try and discredit Sony in the eyes of gamers than a feature we should expect. Perhaps I could suggest Microsoft should be less concerned about what others are not doing and more concerned about what 'they' should be doing? - Microsoft how about stop fucking around with crossplay bullshit and give me some AAA 1st Party Exclusives instead? See? Sounds just as 'entitled'...

Sorry if that offends some in a sense where it sounds like I'm saying 'it doesn't affect me so I don't give a fuck' because that is not the case at all and I certainly don't agree with that kind of attitude at all. However, in this case I can genuinely see why Sony is entitled to not do crossplay and is nothing at all like the other shitty practices they've become accustomed to.

As it happens however, I'm still glad people are complaining about this to a degree because the more flack Sony gets (even if I don't agree), the more they can get the finger out of their arses and hopefully sort of more important issues I mentioned above, imo, of course, that will prompt others to complain about as well.

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