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Does anyone actually answer the door? Do you answer it blind?


Half of the people in this thread on Halloween night:


All kidding aside, I rarely answer my door either. If someone rings my doorbell, I look through the peephole to see who it is - if it's not someone I know (or a delivery-person) I just ignore them and go back to whatever I was doing.
Building has an intercom, so I answer that. If they ring at my apartment, there is a peephole, so you check that first. If it looks shady you ask what they want before opening (never had this happen though).

If I didn't have that, look through the window I guess. I'm not going to hide in my own home in fear of someone standing in front of my door.

Not Spaceghost

I don't answer the door, if it's gonna be some one I know they'll text before or text moments after ringing the door bell.

Usually it's just people asking for signatures or trying to sell me comcast packages.

I don't even answer the phone either.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Don't get me started on Halloween night. Every seventh kid is a greedy asshole with terrible parents.

"How many can I take"

"Whatever your parents told you was polite"


One Halloween Macklemore showed up though dressed as a lion, with cub!

The only costume with something meaningful to say.


*door is knocked*

Step 1. Turn down volume of TV.
Step 2. Stop moving around so that you don't make any accidental noises.
Step 3. Stay away from windows in case they decide to see if someone's home.
Step 4. ???
Step 5. goodbye realworld.png.

This is the proper procedure.
My rule is if they knock once, don't bother, if they knock twice, it's probably someone I know or it's important. Nobody who ever knocked on your door just once wanted anything good.
Why would you answer the door? Who knocks on your door in 2017? You don't need to answer to anyone.

Why should I answer the door?

Is there anyone who actually feels calm about somebody knocking on their door? Stop knocking on my door. You're up to no good by knocking on my door.

I refuse to believe anybody feels calm when they hear the door knock. Do you answer the door blind?

We get deliveries all the time, so yea I open the door


Lol at people not opening their door for people knocking. Like once i have had a drunk try to get in but the other 9999 times it's been somebody either asking for some sort of help or a neighbor wanting something.


You know I actually give out Halloween candy because it's Halloween and I'm expecting children to come ringing the halloween pumpkin doorbell for free candy.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Half of the people in this thread on Halloween night

Who would be knocking on Halloween night? I haven't had a trick-or-treater show up in years.


Why would you answer the door? Who knocks on your door in 2017? You don't need to answer to anyone.

Why should I answer the door?

Is there anyone who actually feels calm about somebody knocking on their door? Stop knocking on my door. You're up to no good by knocking on my door.

I refuse to believe anybody feels calm when they hear the door knock. Do you answer the door blind?

I feel like you're having a very intense conversation with yourself.
Do you guys truly in your hearts and minds think it's fear?

Have you read the majority of replies? If so, how could you possibly equate that to fear rather than indifference?


Is there anyone who actually feels calm about somebody knocking on their door? Stop knocking on my door. You're up to no good by knocking on my door.

I refuse to believe anybody feels calm when they hear the door knock. Do you answer the door blind?

Got a chain on the door. Not opening the door all the way to randoms.

The doorbell is my signal to lay low.

I don't but that's mostly because my mom has a crazy stalker.

I immediately turn all lights and music off and hide under my desk

I used to until I saw the movie Unbreakable.

*door is knocked*

Step 1. Turn down volume of TV.
Step 2. Stop moving around so that you don't make any accidental noises.
Step 3. Stay away from windows in case they decide to see if someone's home.
Step 4. ???
Step 5. goodbye realworld.png.

I was joking before, but if I lived in America I'd be tempted to be one of those guys with guns hidden all over the house just in case.

I grew up in a house where my mother's first response to a doorbell was to shush me and my sister, then stealthily move to another room where she could peek through the curtains and see who was at the door. If she recognized the person standing there, she answered the door; if she didn't, then we were to remain silent until that person left.

So as an adult I tend to do the same.

I grew up in the inner city where you were told to open the door to people you know and not strangers, so of course I don't open the door to random people. It's that fear from a child to an adult that makes me not open the door and also watching the news and seeing people opening to strangers and getting a bullet to their head. Fuck that. I always check to see who it is and if I don't know you, keep on moving.

My crippling social anxiety prevents me from opening the door unless I'm expecting someone. So I'll just ignore it.

A knock on the door is so stressful, tbh. One time had a dude knock and ask to buy drugs. The next week he robbed our neighbor's place. Hell, when I lived in the dorms at college I had a guy walk into my room thinking it was his. Always lock the door, don't answer that shit until you've peeked outside. If I'm expecting someone they text me before they knock.

Unless it's for a delivery that I know is arriving, I never answer the door. I'll go upstairs and scope out the window to see who it is; but even if I recognise them, the chances are I won't answer it. It's bound to be some ball-ache that I can do without. lol.

I normally rush upstairs and hope they don't hear/see me and try to come in. I have no interest in you if I'm not expecting you, don't knock on my door.

I always answer and I keep a baseball bat clearly visible from the outside in case someone trys to do something.

Even if I did live in a "good" neighbourhood I legit would never unless I'm expecting someone beforehand. People be crazy. You can say it's paranoia, but whatever.

I always look out a window to see who it is. If I don't know them, and they aren't wearing a uniform/carrying a package, I pretend I'm not there. Judge me, I don't care.

I don't know if you're joking or not but you've just described me perfectly. You need to keep the blinds or curtains closed though so it looks like you're out.



Yeah usually after checking the back door first if I’m the only one at home. Just this summer our dogs barked at the back door while sb was ringing the front door. Thought they finally went crazy but lo and behold I saw some bitch was sneaking around in our backyard but slowly bailed after the dogs got to the door. Perplexed and thinking it might have been a family friend I didn’t immediately recognize, I answered the front door and the dude tried to sell me veggies but was suspiciously quick to give up. He vanished before I could catch whether he met up with the woman. I was pretty spooked and even more so when I found out this act was a common way to rob houses without you noticing. Set up a cam at the back door, still have to figure out how to set up a discreet one that doesn’t violate law (duh, Germany) at the front. Can’t hurt to have.


Gold Member
Nope, not if I'm not expecting someone. My friends and family don't just show up unannounced (thank God). So just gonna be someone who wants to sell me something or rob me (well, maybe not where I live now, but in my previous place that was definitely a possibility).
my friends know to just walk in, if someone knocks its out of place unless i ordered food or something else. ive lived in neighborhoods where the drunkards and homeless would knock and knock after they saw you go in home, it soured me on a lot of possible interactions.


I get social anxiety but I still answer the door. Sometimes relatives and neighbours visit at random plus I get a lot of deliveries.

If it is a salesman of any kind my terrible social skills usually make them lose interest in trying to convince me for long anyway.
No one in my neighborhood has knocked on our door in... maybe ten years.

If someone is knocking they are a solicitor. Either commercial or religious. I check the peephole to be sure, but I'm not answering to be advertised to.

And it's not because I'm afraid of confrontation. I'm just not interested in wasting three+ minutes to explain that I'm not interested.
I try not to answer unknown numbers on my phone but I almost always answer the door. Just (politely) shooed away some JWs just last week.

Sometimes, I wonder if the reason we came up with a comprehensive social security network was to outsource helping each other to the kind of faceless government agency we're so much more comfortable with.

Just in case someone thinks I'm being literal, this is mostly hyperbole. But any Swede will tell you that the tendency is definitely there.

Well, your anti-social culture managed to bring us The Tallest Man on Earth, so keep it up


I always answer the door as a courtesy but I'll make sure I know who you are and why your at my door first before opening.

Anyone thats coming by usually calls me first, rarely do people just show up at my door.
I'm not afraid of opening the door... I don't even lock my door when I am home. I just don't want to deal with random bullshit from people I don't know.

No, I don't want to donate money for a copy of the Bhagavad Gita. No, I don't want to sponsor your sports team/school trip. No, I don't want to know more about your religion that thinks I am an abomination. No, I don't want to adopt a child in Africa. No, I don't want to know about your political platform. No, I don't want to change my cable/telephone/internet provider. No, I don't want to buy your shitty merchandise.

These are the strangers who come to my door. Why take the time out of my day to deal with this shit?


I always answer a door knock, of course!


Of course. That's the purpose of the knock. (unless you look like landscapers, I DON'T WANT ANY MORE TREES CUT DOWN, IM GOOD, MY WINDOWS ARE ALSO FINE. Yes, I know you offer financing, you told me last month)

An ambush is what you should really be afraid of.





i really shouldn't. but the way i was raised, i guess, i always rush to get the door.

but i'm a pretty huge dick about it though, unless you're a neighbor or ups dude i'll tell you to fuck off, don't care if youre spreading gods word or whatever


Why would you answer the door? Who knocks on your door in 2017? You don't need to answer to anyone.

Why should I answer the door?

Is there anyone who actually feels calm about somebody knocking on their door? Stop knocking on my door. You're up to no good by knocking on my door.

I refuse to believe anybody feels calm when they hear the door knock. Do you answer the door blind?

Dude, are you ok?


Damn some of y'all must be living in the 50s when you could sleep with the door open. Fuck that shit, all it takes is some random asshole with a gun to burst the door open when he hears you unlocking the door. If I don't know you or expect you, keep on moving.

Like 3,000 feet from me is a shady side of town notorious for crime and shit, all that separates me and this good side is a railroad track. Nah, I'll keep being safe than sorry.
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