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DOOM – Launch Trailer


Mick Gordon didn't make this music either:



Respawn Entertainment
I guess they just decided to stop doing multiple discs, because that is exactly what Bethesda did for Wolfenstein, RAGE, and The Evil Within. Maybe the cost was too high? Or maybe the cost was too high for packaging for more than four discs (Wolf and TEW each had four discs).

Fuck. This is gonna be the first time I have to download a game that's over 25GB. Kind of scared of running into my data cap.

If you go over 4 discs the packing costs go WAY up. The cases have to be packed by hand instead of by machine. If PC BRD drives were more standard this problem would go away... for a while.


Why would you not use the composer's music in the launch trailer of a game

Especially when Mick Gordon's stuff is as good as it is.


ok I'm confused now


this linked video from before is that the music from the composer for the game and they're using it or not?
Yes, this video is the music that will be in the game. It's the style of music that played in the MP Alpha and Beta menus and from what I've seen in the gameplay streams.

Who knows where the music they used for the leaked or final launch trailers came from


The Xbox version of the trailer is actually quite different and contains some new footage:


ok I'm confused now


this linked video from before is that the music from the composer for the game and they're using it or not?

The music in your link is the actual game music. So it will be in the game. The launch trailer is using someone else's music for whatever reason.
Yes, this video is the music that will be in the game. It's the style of music that played in the MP Alpha and Beta menus and from what I've seen in the gameplay streams.

Who knows where the music they used for the leaked or final launch trailers came from

ok thanks

it would have been funny/sad if it was the other way around and they had good music in the trailer and then crap ingame:p
I'm pretty sure Romero's not much of a fan since he retweeted this:

I don't think that necessarily means he doesn't like the game. It's easy to read too much into a simple retweet. Maybe he doesn't like the game, maybe he just doesn't like the lack of attention to detail in this image (not only is the texture upside down, it doesn't fit the wall and repeats where it shouldn't.) Maybe he hasn't played the new Doom yet and doesn't have an opinion.

I'm sure if he loves the new Doom, we'll hear all about it. If he hates it, we'll likely not hear much about it, because most people should know it's not good to trash talk fellow game devs on social media. You never know how it might impact you down the line.
Sometimes I don't get NeoGAF....one of the greatest gaming franchises is finally getting a sequel, and people spend 5 pages complaining about the music in the launch trailer.
What is wrong with you, people?


Sometimes I don't get NeoGAF....one of the greatest gaming franchises is finally getting a sequel, and people spend 5 pages complaining about the music in the launch trailer.
What is wrong with you, people?

I'm going to assume you completely missed the topic of the thread...


You don't need to use the composers music in the launch trailer.

Plenty of games don't

You dont need to, but you should. Imagine how good Final Fantasy commercials in North America would be if they used OST samples. Or even Street Fighter games for that matter.


Watched it for the first time now and I love what I'm seeing (and what I'm hearing - that Mick Gordon stuff is sublime!). This is just the kind of badass, brainless SP shooter that I'm in the mood for right now (complements the rather stressful gaming sessions with DS3 and Dirt Rally pretty well).

I'll wait for a couple of reviews but I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy this game.
I think this trailer nailed it and it is a great pitch to launch this game.
It appeals to both the old and the new and I know I will pick it up eventually. Too much on the backlog now, but will definitely be revving that chainsaw this summer.


I really like what i saw.

I'm only worried by the audio. This is the same engine of Wolfenstein TNO right ?

That game had terrible audio problems, that were never solved.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I really like what i saw.

I'm only worried by the audio. This is the same engine of Wolfenstein TNO right ?

That game had terrible audio problems, that were never solved.

id Tech 6 is a modified id Tech 5, so it's not strictly the same engine.


The hype is absolutely real. I remember playing the original on my 100Mhz Windows 95 back in the day. I'm so excited - it looks fantastic.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
When are the reviews for this coming out?


Not only is the texture upside down but they don't line up with wall at all

Amateur hour, I'd call them on it too, that's embarrassing
Something is telling me the bulk of their time wasn't spent on this Easter egg, which is fine honestly because an Easter egg and if I'm going to replay these levels fully is going to be on the actual 1&2 .Wads
Can't seem to take a step in NYC right now without seeing some sort of Doom advertisement with that hideous fucking cover artwork on it.

It's on subway turnstiles, MTA buses, taxis...
Pretty excited for the impressions on the single player, the main reason I would buy it, and want to see how it performs on PS4 first before diving in.


Can't seem to take a step in NYC right now without seeing some sort of Doom advertisement with that hideous fucking cover artwork on it.

It's on subway turnstiles, MTA buses, taxis...

Unless you're in Melbourne where you're blessed with this beautiful sight...

Unless you're in Melbourne where you're blessed with this beautiful sight...


It's most certainly better than having to look at 'generic Bro with gun looking hard and walking away from action' shots every corner you turn haha.

I still wonder what aspect of their seemingly incessant focus testing said 'make the logo obnoxiously ALL WHITE, that'll be cool and sell more!'
Doesn't sound like they're sending out review copies...

Is that confirmed and if so, what's their reasoning behind this? The only thing that could possibly sway me to buy this at a discount price later on even is extremely positive reviews after the shitshow that was the Beta.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Is that confirmed and if so, what's their reasoning behind this? The only thing that could possibly sway me to buy this at a discount price later on even is extremely positive reviews after the shitshow that was the Beta.
But the beta was only a few stuff with multiplayer, nothing with the campaign...


Is that confirmed and if so, what's their reasoning behind this? The only thing that could possibly sway me to buy this at a discount price later on even is extremely positive reviews after the shitshow that was the Beta.

That's what Shane Satterfield said on his podcast. Something Bethesda said about network functionality and SnapMap.
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