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DRAGONS DOGMA 2 Has Been Announced


Glad it's finally official after being "leaked" months ago.
Still, a bit of a bummer than a "Yeah, we are working on it" and a t-shirt is ALL they have so far.
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Dragons Dogma is a game I don't remember playing but have Achievements for on Xbox 360

Maybe I should jump back into the Switch version as some point


If its more like Dark Arisen, it could be something huge. That game absolutely beats Souls to hell in terms of mechanics. Vanilla DD was great too, but DA was better and more challenging imo.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Most people here seem to be assuming that the game just started development and it's long ways off.

Why? The game was in the leaks way long ago, and most probably it started development right after DMC V SE, which was two years ago, if not right after DMC V.

I would guess we could be seeing the game very soon, and I expect to do so at TGS, if just a little bit.


I would argue you don’t get to the true game until you “beat” the game and see the first batch of credits. And then the real game begins when the sky looks like shit, and then by beating that “post-game” do you actually get some closure to the plot. Everything comes together in the story through the post-game.
right, that too. for those who want challenge, the post end game content is great. not count the Bitterblack Isle expansion. that area is amazing.
Well the first game is $4.50 on Xbox, and I had some spare Microshekels laying around so I got it for free. I played it on 360 before but didn’t really get into it. The combat, while good, didn’t seem to prop the game up for me when everything else seemed so bare bones.

Maybe closer to the sequel’s release they’ll have a XSX patch to boost it to 60fps, and I’ll give it another go.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I'd recommend to anyone with a decent PC to try it there.

Game is dirt cheap on Steam right now, like 5€ or so, and a GTX 1060 is enough to play it at 1080p/60fps.

For consolebros I would suggest waiting for a 60fps patch. It's a shame it still runs at capped 30 there, don't know why they haven't patched it, specially considering a lot of people might be interested in playing it for the first time after the sequel's reveal.

That said... It's not the fastests action game in the world. I would say, if you have played any MonHun on console, you should be fine with DD at 30fps.
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Most people here seem to be assuming that the game just started development and it's long ways off.

Why? The game was in the leaks way long ago, and most probably it started development right after DMC V SE, which was two years ago, if not right after DMC V.

I would guess we could be seeing the game very soon, and I expect to do so at TGS, if just a little bit.
I think the same but I'm also getting the feeling that Capcom won't release Dogma 2 before putting out Pragmata, and that title will almost certainly be released in late 2023 or early 2024.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I think the same but I'm also getting the feeling that Capcom won't release Dogma 2 before putting out Pragmata, and that title will almost certainly be released in late 2023 or early 2024.
I think DD2 is going to make me start eating healthier and maybe even hit the gym. No way I die before playing the shit out of that game.


Gold Member
Glad it's finally official after being "leaked" months ago.
Still, a bit of a bummer than a "Yeah, we are working on it" and a t-shirt is ALL they have so far.

Yeah happy to hear that too...

However as a Megaman Legends fan, I am always conscious that Capcom for whatever reason can still pull the plug even after the point that they have a working prototype.

Hope the development goes well... I really want a sequel.
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That's one way to remember how it happened, but the archives tell kind of a different story...

Demon's Souls: 9.4

Dragon's Dogma: 7.5 (which, sure, isn't outright praise, but it is positive on the combat and mostly negative on things that even Itsuno says were haphazard.)

Naw, Deep Down was quite a different game, if you look at the actual demo gameplay. Different team, different engine, different setting/storyline, different mechanics, very different world-size (Deep Down would not have been open-world)... it is still unclear why Capcom felt the need to have both high fantasy franchises (and ultimately it did not bring out Deep Down; it also barely continued Dragon's Dogma, until now, so they didn't kill one because it competed with the other,) but assumptions that Deep Down and Dragon's Dogma were connected probably don't actually bear out.

I don't think braindead IGN scores count as archives


IGN reviews...

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
In fact I bought it a few months after its release and it's a good game, but underestimated by the journalism gamers... now the hypocrites of IGN and more of them praise the game :messenger_expressionless::messenger_unamused:.
I posted on Kotaku at the time and personally led a revolt against their coverage of the game for over a year. They were literally out to destroy that game. Their review is an embarrassment and perfectly summarizes the prevailing sentiment at the time among journalists. Japanese games suck and are inferior to Bethesda and Bioware, and they should cease to exist. That's literally what they thought.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
well i don't know if it will surpass ER "objectively", but if DD2 turns out to be a "refined next gen DD" or even better, it will probably surpass it for me (and it's hard, i'm an hardcore souls fan).
Elden Ring definitely excels at complex level design in the dungeons, and probably still will. And some of their art design is unrivaled.

But I expect DD to blow it away in terms of gameplay, combat systems, and graphics.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I think everything Capcom going forward will use it tbh. And there is not reason not to either, the engine is fantastic... what it achieved even on last gen machines is nothing short of spectacular.
Cept Street Fighter i guess.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
God bless the people who created RE engine.
Blessed be th RE Engine yeah. Seeing MH Rise on the switch felt like a miracle back then, amazing optimization.

My only worry is the possible change on art style and presentation that might come with switching engines. I wouldn't like if the sequel looked grimmier or more serious than the first one because of that.


Need to play the first is in my backlog. I played the demo on ps3 didn't like the peformance and brought the Dark Arisen on PS4. Played it for a bit t9 test it out and i liked it and saw why some people love this game. I'm looking forward to the sequel.


Hope they improve the Pawn System ,. or Even move to real multiplayer like Souls Games. Hope also they improve the world settings.


If the Witcher had the action of Dragon's Dogma it would be the greatest title in the hole existence. Maybe they'll give us something aching to that?!
RE ENGINE isn't that an amazingly versatile engine, very pretty too. Well done Crapcom!


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
My guess is that development could have started around 2019.

Here's a tweet mentioning it in April 2019 shortly after his work on DMC V was finished, and another one which basically confirms his "secret new project" was obviously Dragon's Dogma II.

I might be looking at this too much but what can I say, I want the game now. :goog_relieved:


Hot Take (get your diapers ready):

I have every expectation that this game will massively surpass Elden Ring.
I hope it turns out to be amazing, ideally a game that will leverage the strengths of its predecessor while addressing some of its most glaring shortcomings...
But that sounds more than a bit unlikely.
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