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Drinky Puppy colored dancing bananas thread(40/40 lol)

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Kobun Heat said:
Post number 600, and where have we been?

Note that the Drinky Puppy Club hasn't done much all day. We just get to lean back and watch the fit hit the shan.

Can't talk, playing nintendogs
chespace said:
that's it. i'm gonna import the game tomorrow.

You're gonna do 1up's review too, aren't you. :lol

welp, I guess I'll have to make sure that the people @ 1up's forums don't see it. Glubs'll likely die. :p


Drinky Crow said:
So. Now that the orgiastic triumphalism has been exhausted and completely unrealistic expectations for Nintendo have congealed amid the dance of endorphins in the swollen skulls of the Nintendowns crowd, can we all discuss the REAL issue of why the Nintendo DS still OBJECTIVELY sucks?

Why are we paying attention to this guy? Have we run out of bright and amusing people so quickly? He has the biting wit that only a shrewd drunkard could appreciate.


Hates quality gaming
One thing I haven't really seen mentioned here -

I don't think the big problem is that it's a DS title that got a 40, or it's a Nintendo title that got a 40; the larger issue is that Nintendogs is now among this small group of games which Famitsu is implicitly saying all other videogames should aspire to equal in terms of content or presentation.

Your personal opinion aside, the merits of the other 40-rated titles are supposed to be known and revered; Vagrant Story gives nearly limitless customization and replay, Soul Calibur provides a plethora of extras and improvements over its arcade counterpart, and so on. With this, there's now a message for every non-40 game that if only they did something that Nintendogs did, it'd be a better game.

I don't think this statement will be fully embraced by the game developers, but I do believe that such a message is detrimental to Famitsu's reputation as well as people who take any stock in their reviews.


300chf ain't shit to me
Mofo said:
Not to completely derail the awesome-ness of this thread - but I just unlocked the coolest item yet in my Drinky-free copy of Nintendogs - the R/C helicopter. It's fully playable & controls with the D-Pad.

Holy shit, I want that helicopter! MUST PLAY MORE NINTENDOGS.


Alright, updated the Drinky-free Nintendog Blog with R/C Copter and Piano pics:

The Drinky-Free Nintendogs Blog

And BTW +1 more sale for Nintendogs Dasch Edition. After watching me fawn over my Chihuahua edition, my wife wants to take part of the Nintendogs REVOLUTION!
dog$ said:
One thing I haven't really seen mentioned here -

I don't think the big problem is that it's a DS title that got a 40, or it's a Nintendo title that got a 40; the larger issue is that Nintendogs is now among this small group of games which Famitsu is implicitly saying all other videogames should aspire to equal in terms of content or presentation.

Your personal opinion aside, the merits of the other 40-rated titles are supposed to be known and revered; Vagrant Story gives nearly limitless customization and replay, Soul Calibur provides a plethora of extras and improvements over its arcade counterpart, and so on. With this, there's now a message for every non-40 game that if only they did something that Nintendogs did, it'd be a better game.

I don't think this statement will be fully embraced by the game developers, but I do believe that such a message is detrimental to Famitsu's reputation as well as people who take any stock in their reviews.

Aw, this is such bullshit IMO.

If they liked the game enough to give it that high of a review, they shouldn't "scale" it back because of what some tightwads with a ruler up their ass think a game should be such and such.

It's like when certain people blasted Roger Ebert for giving Kill Bill a high score ... he's rating the movie based on its own merits, but just because he gave Kill Bill a high score doesn't mean you can compare it directly to something like The Pianist or The Godfather.

Ebert actually had to clarify that stance in his review for Shaolin Soccer (which he gave a favorable review too, despite the fact that some people would say "OHMYGOD, how can you give an irreverant, silly cartoon soccer movie the same rating as Dramatic Film X!!!!).


dog$ said:
One thing I haven't really seen mentioned here -

I don't think the big problem is that it's a DS title that got a 40, or it's a Nintendo title that got a 40; the larger issue is that Nintendogs is now among this small group of games which Famitsu is implicitly saying all other videogames should aspire to equal in terms of content or presentation.

Your personal opinion aside, the merits of the other 40-rated titles are supposed to be known and revered; Vagrant Story gives nearly limitless customization and replay, Soul Calibur provides a plethora of extras and improvements over its arcade counterpart, and so on. With this, there's now a message for every non-40 game that if only they did something that Nintendogs did, it'd be a better game.

I don't think this statement will be fully embraced by the game developers, but I do believe that such a message is detrimental to Famitsu's reputation as well as people who take any stock in their reviews.

Wow a sane post. I guess not everybody has gone mad.

Though I don't know about famitsu's reviews having that much influence. The reviewers liked it and gave it a good score; anybody who doesn't like simulation games (or software, whatever) should just ignore it. I don't think more developers will waste time on stuff like nintendogs because it's just another type/genre and they'll continue making action/adventure/shooter/etc.. games. If it sells a lot and we see more developers trying to cash in, then that's obviously due to demand and not famitsu's reviews.

I think this will be a hit for non-gamers and casuals, and I just look at this score just like I'd look at a high score for a game/genre I don't like: others like it and I don't, so it doesn't concern me. Now maybe when Nintendo (or another developer I like) start making less games like Zelda or Metroid and more Nintendogs, I’ll be pissed.


Hates quality gaming
soundwave05 said:
If they liked the game enough to give it that high of a review, they shouldn't "scale" it back because of what some tightwads with a ruler up their ass think a game should be such and such.
I'm not saying Famitsu should scale anything back.

Now the problem is that when Pokemon DS comes out and it gets a 38/40, what is Famitsu going to say? It should have let you pet and feed your Pokemon roster to be a better game? If Final Fantasy XII ever stumbles out the door and gets a 36, what was FF12 supposed to do? Let you own a pet moogle to walk around Ivalice?
I can guess Famitsu's rationale for the score is probably based on the fact that Nintendogs attempts to bring in non-gamers, and that being its objective (which is not an easy one; many games have tried and failed miserably), it succeeds in that respect.


soundwave05 said:
If they liked the game enough to give it that high of a review, they shouldn't "scale" it back because of what some tightwads with a ruler up their ass think a game should be such and such.

Reminds me of when Game Informer said they rate titles based on how they think the public will perceive them rather than how good or bad the game actually is.


"I don't think this statement will be fully embraced by the game developers, but I do believe that such a message is detrimental to Famitsu's reputation as well as people who take any stock in their reviews."

Or maybe it should be fully embraced...... Everyone is skiping over the one thing Nintendogs really aspired to do and by reading through peoples impressions it has done.......... What is this? The connection between the trainer and the dog.... Haven't you realised that this is what the game is about? And seeing as it has pulled it off so well, why should it not be awarded this score?

I mean this connection between the player and the game is something that so many other games fail at, the player therefore doesn't ever get really involved in the game and this usually ends up with a lack of interest..... So seeing as this game does the complete opposite, wouldn't it be expected that the reviewers would have a great "interest" in the game? Wouldn't this increase the fun had with the game? If this fun level was raised enough wouldn't it mean that the game SHOULD get such a high score?

Oh well, probably gunna be dismissed, but, it was worth a try. ^^
dog$ said:
I'm not saying Famitsu should scale anything back.

Now the problem is that when Pokemon DS comes out and it gets a 38/40, what is Famitsu going to say? It should have let you pet and feed your Pokemon roster to be a better game? If Final Fantasy XII ever stumbles out the door and gets a 36, what was FF12 supposed to do? Let you own a pet moogle to walk around Ivalice?

See this is the same crap movie tight wads get into, when they see Ebert rate Kill Bill a 4/4 and then some hyped dramatic movie only gets a 3/4 and they wet their panties right on the spot.

A game should be reviewed on its own merits based on what the designer is trying to do with the product.

What other games are doing in entirely different genres should never be a factor, because that's a total double standard.

I don't knock Virtua Fighter for not having a franchise mode like Madden NFL does, because that's just stupid.

What Pokemon or Final Fantasy are has nothing to do with Nintendogs.


dog$ said:
Now the problem is that when Pokemon DS comes out and it gets a 38/40, what is Famitsu going to say? It should have let you pet and feed your Pokemon roster to be a better game? If Final Fantasy XII ever stumbles out the door and gets a 36, what was FF12 supposed to do? Let you own a pet moogle to walk around Ivalice?

Final Fantasy isn't a simulation game, nintendogs is. You can't complain that tetris doesn't let you customize your blocks like an RPG or something. o_O

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
dog$ said:
I'm not saying Famitsu should scale anything back.

Now the problem is that when Pokemon DS comes out and it gets a 38/40, what is Famitsu going to say? It should have let you pet and feed your Pokemon roster to be a better game? If Final Fantasy XII ever stumbles out the door and gets a 36, what was FF12 supposed to do? Let you own a pet moogle to walk around Ivalice?

well from the sounds of it, their reviews clearly aren't particularly objective - so i think it's near impossible to break it down into what the game needs to get a 10 from each of the 4 people.. clearly they enjoyed this one. a lot :p but i dont think you can compare x and y and have the scale adjust accordingly


Like it or not, Nintendogs seems to really appeal to the Japanese gamers (It's like a Tamagochi... remember how crazy the Japanese were about those?)

People can't understand why it got a 40/40? Makes perfect sense seeing the reaction of gamers and non-gamers alike.


Hates quality gaming
OK, I'm sorry for not quoting individual parts at this point since I have like 10 things to reply to here. I'll try to address all statements by saying this:

With Famitsu putting Nintendogs on the same rating scale, it is now saying that it can be compared to any other game it has given an x/40 rating to; whether or not the magazine or any of its staff believe that a 10 rating for Game X is not the same meaning as a 10 rating for Game Y, the visible result is still the same and is equally liable for debate and comparison.

Also, my personal interpretation of a 10/10 rating is that the game is so good it transcends what makes the game good in terms of its genre; a 40/40 is so good that even people who never play games like Game X have to try it out or at least acknowledge the merits it has.

Double-Standards in reviews happen constantly as well. Look at how many XBox games are demerited for not having Customizable Soundtracks or Live play, even XBox games which are just arcade ports and have no need to implement these features. When the majority of a review's praise for a game goes towards these features, it tells the readers to expect these features in all subsequently released titles or view them as being inferior.

I don't want to sound like I'm trying to change the subject, but I do think a lot of the debate here could be eliminated with the loss of having a fixed scale judgement system for video game review. If Famitsu wanted to lavish 10 pages of praise on Nintendogs in the same issue as writing 4 paragraphs for Fire Emblem, and have neither set of articles raise a single complaint, the intended end result would still be the same and not be as debatable; both games would be rated well, it'd be evident which game the magazine liked more, yet nobody would be able to provide a de-facto line of proof to say Game X > Game Y.
:lol I'm glad Famitsu gave it a perfect 40/40, if for no other reason than to kick some game "traditionalists" square in the nuts.

B..b..but if Nintendogs is 40/40 and Final Fantasy XII 38/40 ... the world has gone mad!

It's your own fault for infering that a score of one game can be directly compared to any other especailly when you're bring games of a totally different genre in as a comparision.

I mean if you can understand that a movie reviewer can review a film like Kill Bill on its own merits, why is it so different to understand the same thing may apply to a video game?


Mofo said:
Alright, updated the Drinky-free Nintendog Blog with R/C Copter and Piano pics:

The Drinky-Free Nintendogs Blog

And BTW +1 more sale for Nintendogs Dasch Edition. After watching me fawn over my Chihuahua edition, my wife wants to take part of the Nintendogs REVOLUTION!
Just read your blog. Nice work. I had no idea that upgrading your house added new items to the shop list. I know what I'm doing later today!

BTW, if people still doubt the validity of this photographic evidence, put your fears at rest. I picked up the mag this morning and it's true. But WTF is Namco thinking with Urban Reign? This and Capcom's brawler look exactly the same :( They should just merge the two games.


Hates quality gaming
soundwave05 said:
It's your own fault for infering that a score of one game can be directly compared to any other especailly when you're bring games of a totally different genre in as a comparision.
Why's it my fault?
The magazine put both games on the same scale. They have no responsibility for doing that?


dog$ said:
Also, my personal interpretation of a 10/10 rating is that the game is so good it transcends what makes the game good in terms of its genre; a 40/40 is so good that even people who never play games like Game X have to try it out or at least acknowledge the merits it has.

Well maybe you should try it? It seems some of the Japanese GAFers who weren't into the idea at all are liking it. Even JackFrost recognized it as a 9 or an 8 and he clearly has issues with the idea.

I do agree a perfect score for a game like this from a magazine that sits down and plans reviews is a bit extreme, but judging by how famitsu's four person system works I could see this game having a broad appeal and getting a 40/40 by some strange fluke. I suppose each reviewer didn't know the others would give it a 10 as well, thus ranking it in the super-elite. They just knew they enjoyed the time they spent with the game.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
dog$ said:
Why's it my fault?
The magazine put both games on the same scale. They have no responsibility for doing that?

personally, i interpret it more as a 1-10 scale based on the game's own merits. you can't really argue 'better' or 'worse' in games anyway (especially using a 10 point system), same as you can't objectively rate music/movies. i think if the game sets out to be fun, and to showcase a level of interaction with the dog, and it does it really well, it should get a high rating.


The scores go like this: 4 people give the game a score out of 10. They usually pick a hardcore gamer, a casual gamer, someone who likes a specific genre and A.N.Other. It just means that 4 people thought the game was worth a 10, rather than 1. A lot of games get a single 10. Just those games don't get much recognition because board posters make such a big thing of the 4x10s. It's really just a measure of a game's broad appeal rather than it's singular quality, and since Nintendo's ethic is to appeal to a broad audience, it shouldn't really be surprising to see that Nintendo has 3 out of 5 perfect scores.

This is an awesome quote, and imo, completely validates Famitsu's review score.


I think Nintendogs' ability to drive normally sane GAFers to madness means it is a truly revolutionary piece of software, and as such it deserves such a high score.

Was Animal Crossing so controversial around these parts?


Unison said:
I think Nintendogs' ability to drive normally sane GAFers to madness means it is a truly revolutionary piece of software, and as such it deserves such a high score.

Was Animal Crossing so controversial around these parts?
It's been controversial everywhere.


Do you people even know what a review is? It's an opinion! This isn't about Famitsu or Nintendo, it's about four individuals having a very favourable opinion of a game. Duh. Get over it.


Also, why is everyone saying this game is gimmicky and shallow without even playing it?

Because it's on the DS?


Hates quality gaming
Yes, DirtyHarry, you're right, because opinions only exist in vacuums and are never susceptible to analysis, debate, or future repercussions.


force push the doodoo rock
DCharlie said:
Also, why is everyone saying this game is gimmicky and shallow without even playing it?

Because it's on the DS?


the easy way out of any ds discussion is to use the word "gimmick"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
DCharlie said:
Also, why is everyone saying this game is gimmicky and shallow without even playing it?

Because it's on the DS?
#1: Because it's on the DS
#2: Because it's by Nintendo.
#3: Because Everything on the DS and/or made by nintendo is gimmicky and shallow.
#4: Because It's a puppy simulator
#5: Because PSP rules.
soundwave05 said:
I mean if you can understand that a movie reviewer can review a film like Kill Bill on its own merits, why is it so different to understand the same thing may apply to a video game?
What you're ignoring is that Famitsu's 40/40 score is meant to be representative of gaming as a whole; that's why they're so stingy with it. To use your Ebert example, if he gave 99% of all movies 3.5 stars or fewer, and until Kill Bill, had only given 4 stars to Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Ikiru, and Vertigo, Ebert would in effect be saying that Kill Bill is one of the 5 greatest movies ever made, regardless of genre.

By your relativist standards there should be far more perfect scores, because judging something in a vacuum prevents comparison to other like objects. For instance, DOA3 would be a 40/40 game, because it "perfectly" represents a fighting game designed to appeal to casual fighting game fans.


i didn't realise so many people read famitsu each week and had collated an opinion of what their scores mean.

I must admit, i thought only a few people read it.


GaimeGuy said:
#1: Because it's on the DS
#2: Because it's by Nintendo.
#3: Because Everything on the DS and/or made by nintendo is gimmicky and shallow.
#4: Because It's a puppy simulator
#5: Because PSP rules.

That pretty much sums it up when it comes to most.
DCharlie said:
i didn't realise so many people read famitsu each week and had collated an opinion of what their scores mean.

I must admit, i thought only a few people read it.
Do you disagree that Famitsu holds (or held) the 40/40 score to a different standard than the rest of their (terrible) reviews?


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
This reminds me of the day Shenmue's Famitsu score was announced on december 25th 1999. After Soul Calibur's perfect score everybody expected Shenmue to have one too, actually I was sure it would get one. When that 33/40 came out I was clearly in denial(as a lot are in this thread) and I said the exact same thing you did, that Famitsu sucks.

The awful truth is that they indeed ARE the most respectable gaming outlet in the world even if you personally don't agree with them being so. You can argue all you want, as much as you can argue why the first LOTR didn't get best picture oscar but you're simply in denial. When it's all said and done no other gaming outlet in the world quite has the history and respect Famitsu has, it's just the way life is.

Oh I also said they didn't play the games they scored, that's such an excuse and so not true as I figured out later..Kinda embarassing to look back, just sharing.


"Do you disagree that Famitsu holds (or held) the 40/40 score to a different standard than the rest of their (terrible) reviews?"

I've read Famitsu as best as i can for 4 years, and i still have absolutely no idea to be quite honest.

I have no idea what discussion they have, but i have my own opinions of the publication based on my _western_ expectactions of a game, but acknowledge that i don't understand what makes the Japanese tick.

Can i accept that Famitsu have given the game 40/40? Sure - why not?

Back to my question, are people actually making their own opinion of the reviews based on reading the text or are they simply going on what people say about the reviews who can read it?

I'm just curious.


:lol This thread is comedy gold. And junkwaffle's drawing was absolutely hilarious. I would like to thank nintendogs, Famitsu and DC for 13 pages of pure fun.

Master Z

:lol @ people taking this score to heart. Is it really that hard to believe that some reviewers in Japan, a place where digital pets are all the rage, gave a highly interactive puppy training simulator a perfect score? Makes sense to me. Or is it because now all the DS heads have something to brag about? :lol Don't worry haters you'll have your day when this shit reaches the U.S. and the 7.5/10 reality sets in......unless.......naaaawww. (Quite entertaining thread though :lol )
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