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Drinky Puppy colored dancing bananas thread(40/40 lol)

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Unconfirmed Member
demi said:
Of course it did, Mr. Crow is quite the stubborn one when things go sour. :)
But how manny bannings, all I can spot is JackFrost, so I predicted a little short here. This is like my sales thread.


I believe it was only Mr. Vestal, who requested to be banned.

People just can't comprehend the success of Nintendo it seems. Oh well. :)


masud said:
Did anyone translate the reviews yet?

I don't think anyone cares about what the reviews say. They have already picked their sides. And on a side note I think most of this thread isn't even about nintendogs or the score. its about "nah nah nah nah"


Catchpenny said:
Hey, maybe Famitsu isn't completely worthless after all.

So Belfast hasn't played Nintendogs and he's spouting this nonsense? You know, I'm pretty damn sure this game doesn't deserve perfect scores too, but a lot of people are going off the deep end without having even played it. Hell, even if you've played it and think the game sucks, that wouldn't justify some of the hyperbolic snotfests we've seen here.

I didn't think GAF could top the 7.9/C- debacles, but once again y'all have surprised me.

No, I haven't played it, personally. But I already addressed that issue. Even then, there are plenty of people here who have played it, agree that it is fun, but don't think it deserves a 40.

Despite how I may feel about Nintendogs as a game, some individuals have chosen to spin this news into "HATERS OWNED" nonsense. That's what really cheeses me off. Perhaps I am going a bit overboard here (though, I'll assure you, I haven't lost any sleep over it), but I think there is something fundamentally wrong with Famitsu's scale or their reviewers have forgotten how coveted a perfect score should be. Maybe they'll start handing out 10s willy-nilly from here on out. Remember when EGM went through the same phase? The 10 used to be something that they *never* gave out, usually for the reason that no game was that perfect.

I'm not totally freaking out here, my writing is just a bit logorrheic. But yes, I feel the need to defend my position. So, please, instead of attacking my prolixity, address the issues or leave well enough alone.


Belfast said:
Despite how I may feel about Nintendogs as a game, some individuals have chosen to spin this news into "HATERS OWNED" nonsense. That's what really cheeses me off.
Really what did you expect? With the amount of derision that the game recieved here (even not including the amazing WHICH FORUM IS IT IN NOW minigame) there was always going to be a backlash. Is it surprising that it gained momentum at news of Nintendogs succeeding in any way at all?

Finest bit of GAF drama in a while overall.


Junior Member
Earlier in this thread somebody was making a good point about all the bitchn about Famitsu reviews. They are famous for being really harsh on most games. They dont just hand out perfect 10s like tissues infront of Shinjuku station.

The style and criticisms of the Japanese gaming community are ,and for the most part, always will be beyond our (the western gamers) understanding. If somebody on this board has lived in Japan for 20+ years (ie. fluent in Japanese) or is 1/2 japanese-western then I would respect an opinion of "Famitsu Reviews sucks" or whatever. If you dont fulfill one or more of the previous requirments then shut the fuck up about Famitsu reviews already.

I seriously doubt the japanese gaming boards like 2ch and such, go ape shit when games like Halo-2 get rave reviews just because they know Western gamers dont share the same idea of what is fun, or makes a good game. Im sure they the realize 3-D FPS (japanese borderline hate them) are hot shit in America and can respect our tastes even if they dont share them.

Somebody PM me the Famitsu Review and I will try my best to translate it.
The Tokyo boys are being kinda lazy neeee~


Azih said:
Really what did you expect? With the amount of derision that the game recieved here (even not including the amazing WHICH FORUM IS IT IN NOW minigame) there was always going to be a backlash. Is it surprising that it gained momentum at news of Nintendogs succeeding in any way at all?

Finest bit of GAF drama in a while overall.

Indeed it is. Though, honestly, no, I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it to get a 40. Some sort of backlash might've happened at some point, but that singular score put it over the top. I admit I'm playing a part in this circus, but that just seems to be the way things go in threads like this. Its unstoppable.


The backlash started with the Drinky Puppy club a scant few hours after Orin's nintendogs thread was moved/deleted (I don't even remember anymore :lol)


Belfast said:
I admit I'm playing a part in this circus...

Hehe, I like your act the best. :D

Keep it up my precious puppets!

The backlash started with the Drinky Puppy club a scant few hours after Orin's nintendogs thread was moved/deleted (I don't even remember anymore )

The DPC is not backlash, my friend. We are just spreading the word of nintendogs. Everything that happened previously was just out of nowhere, a third pillar!
Yet despite the backlash, the derision remains: great sales or no, the OBJECTIVE REALITY is that it's a homely, low tech non-game for the mouth-breathing effete fanboy set to coo over and then put aside when Nintendo dangles the next piece of digitized tin foil with googly eyes in front of them.

(Of course, in the microcosm of GAF, you can justify your estrogen-addled tendencies by blaming a good-naturedly belligerent moderator who has helped you in ways you sadly haven't begun to discover - SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO DRINKY CROW *swish swish* you howl, only to SKREEE with girlish delight when your boxy little puppy.exe runs through a canned animation routine)

People buy Ashlee Simpson albums, Ford Explorers, dancing Coke bottles, Billy the Big Mouth Bass, and tickets to Episode 3 en masse as well. Who's gonna begrudge 'em the right to spend their money as they see fit? Low-brow crap is a thriving market, and somewhere out there the next Furby is being evaluated as a 10/10 at a low-rent focus group cobbled together from little girls, lonely suburban hausfrau, and jowly flip-wristed Nintendo groupies. Nintendo's market cynicism merits kudos, really.

And the derision should end WHY?

Pictures > Words


Drinky Crow said:
it's a homely, low tech non-game for the mouth-breathing effete fanboy set to coo over and then put aside when <insert game company> dangles the next piece of digitized tin foil with googly eyes in front of them.

You just named 95% of all video games dude.


demi said:
I believe it was only Mr. Vestal, who requested to be banned.

People just can't comprehend the success of Nintendo it seems. Oh well. :)
Nintendo is succesful?


Really now. Mop the Nintenjizz from your eyes and look at things the way they really are, not the way you want 'em to be. Bunch of damn fanboys.


Geez, I need to take more cues from Drinky and start putting the burden of proof on others instead of incessantly defending my own fort. :\ I feel like I'm sinking into a pit of quicksand! But, hey, at least I'm not ignorant!


Raoul Duke said:
Nintendo is succesful?


Really now. Mop the Nintenjizz from your eyes and look at things the way they really are, not the way you want 'em to be. Bunch of damn fanboys.

Raoul, really. You should calm down. You might have a heart attack!

They look like plastic inflatable puppy dolls, not real puppies. They're frighteningly soulless looking -- like the byproduct of an industrial process or something. Guess that's appropriate, metaphorically speaking, though.


Raoul Duke said:
Nintendo is succesful?


Really now. Mop the Nintenjizz from your eyes and look at things the way they really are, not the way you want 'em to be. Bunch of damn fanboys.

So the only logical way for someone to like Nintendo is to be a blind retarded fanboy? That's what you and Drinky are trying to say? I think that you guys can't respect other people's decisions and preferences and that's why you end up like this, acting like fanboys 24/7 (and that's especially for Drinky) although you're not. And since we're not talking about politics, religion etc but for a damn hobby (yes let's not forget people videogames is just a hobby) there is usually no reason to call everyone an idiot just because he likes something that is widely accepted and respected (like let's say- Nintendo).

But the real hilarity lies to the fact that instead of hating a company like -let's say- EA that will eventually bring the videogames industry to its knees, you hate a company that has helped A LOT to play videogames the way you play it nowadays. And why do you hate them? Maybe because not everyone shares your opinion that Nintendo is no good anymore, and keep supporting them? Maybe that's what really pisses you off?

Oh for god's sake guys you're way too smart to act like that. Give yourselves some credit...


Che said:
So the only logical way for someone to like Nintendo is to be a blind retarded fanboy? That's what you and Drinky are trying to say? I think that you guys can't respect other people's decisions and preferences and that's why you end up like this, acting like fanboys 24/7 (and that's especially for Drinky) although you're not. And since we're not talking about politics, religion etc but for a damn hobby (yes let's not forget people videogames is just a hobby) there is usually no reason to call everyone an idiot just because he likes something that is widely accepted and respected (like let's say- Nintendo).

But the real hilarity lies to the fact that instead of hating a company like -let's say- EA that will eventually bring the videogames industry to its knees, you hate a company that has helped A LOT to play videogames the way you play it nowadays. And why do you hate them? Maybe because not everyone shares your opinion that Nintendo is no good anymore, and keep supporting them? Maybe that's what really pisses you off?

Oh for god's sake guys you're way too smart to act like that. Give yourselves some credit...



Che said:
So the only logical way for someone to like Nintendo is to be a blind retarded fanboy? That's what you and Drinky are trying to say?

I don't think this is what Drinky is trying to say, or what he's ever said. What he is saying (if he'll pardon the KING OF ALL EVIL trying to interpret for him) is that the only logical way to applaud Famitsu awarding a perfect score to a stripped-down handheld version of a four-year-old shareware "game" is to be a blind retarded Nintendo fanboy.

He's not saying you can't like Nintendogs a lot, if that's your taste -- JackFrost does. He's not saying you can't like Nintendo as a company -- I do, in much the same way I like Square Enix or Konami or Capcom or Nippon Ichi. All he's saying, and I think it's a perfectly reasonable stance, is that it's not good or healthy when the love of a company drives the love of its games, rather than the love of games driving the love of a company, as is undeniably happening to a good percentage of the posters in this thread.


NichM said:
I don't think this is what Drinky is trying to say, or what he's ever said. What he is saying (if he'll pardon the KING OF ALL EVIL trying to interpret for him) is that the only logical way to applaud Famitsu awarding a perfect score to a stripped-down handheld version of a four-year-old shareware "game" is to be a blind retarded Nintendo fanboy.

He's not saying you can't like Nintendogs a lot, if that's your taste -- JackFrost does. He's not saying you can't like Nintendo as a company -- I do, in much the same way I like Square Enix or Konami or Capcom or Nippon Ichi. All he's saying, and I think it's a perfectly reasonable stance, is that it's not good or healthy when the love of a company drives the love of its games, rather than the love of games driving the love of a company, as is undeniably happening to a good percentage of the posters in this thread.

*golf clap*
There's been no applauding Famitsu... just shock and surprise. The rarity of the score bodes well in the eyes of many gamers despite the asserted unimportance of the publication throughout this thread.

As for our Maackies inspired hero/anti-hero (depending on your point of view): what he's actually been saying is that Nintendogs isn't even a game, that the DS is objectively a piece of shit, and that this is just one of many digitised pieces of tin foil with googly eyes that get dangled in front of the passive Nintendo drones. The tin foil bits are low brow shit (his words not mine), and Nintendo fans are low enough to buy it. The insinuation as I understand it is that anyone who likes anything Nintendo is a blind, retarded Nintendo fanboy.

And no, I don't really believe that, but that's how it comes off. I think maybe he just hates Nintendo's hardware conservatism. I'm betting he finds it hard to justify any price tag (or review score) for any software that is designed for accessibility and simple entertainment to the extent that Nintendogs is. He's not saying we can't like it, or that it doesn't have a market, he's just throwing friendly and not so friendly jabs at the market.

Besides, who cares! What I can't believe is that he doesn't think it's cute! ;_;


explodet said:
This is true, but if you do like it, he'll call you a... ... so you can see how someone can get a little confused.

Hmm, good point. I guess what I posted then is what *I'm* saying, not him, and since I'm all evil and shit, I fiendishly tried to put the words in his mouth. I'm also a complete nobody, so carry on ignoring what I'm saying as before. :)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Again, I'm awaiting the appearance of Drinky's followers at the local airport.

Will they be in orange robes or pale brown ones?


So, the 40/40 was confirmed right? I know it was up in the air for a little bit and well digging through the heaping pile of disdain doesn't sound appealing.


Che said:
Oh for god's sake guys you're way too smart to act like that.

And this is the point you ALWAYS miss. Drinky is too smart to act like that in reality. I think he might dislike something or not like a certain hardware, but I doubt he obsesses over it late at night, keeping him from sleep. He does it so he can exercize power over you. You give him attention. You validate his reasons for doing what he does. You feed the ego. You can't change him because he isn't real. It's an illusion. The real person, or personality that drives Drinky Crow grins at your willingness to participate in his puppet show.


NichM said:
I don't think this is what Drinky is trying to say, or what he's ever said. What he is saying (if he'll pardon the KING OF ALL EVIL trying to interpret for him) is that the only logical way to applaud Famitsu awarding a perfect score to a stripped-down handheld version of a four-year-old shareware "game" is to be a blind retarded Nintendo fanboy.

He's not saying you can't like Nintendogs a lot, if that's your taste -- JackFrost does. He's not saying you can't like Nintendo as a company -- I do, in much the same way I like Square Enix or Konami or Capcom or Nippon Ichi. All he's saying, and I think it's a perfectly reasonable stance, is that it's not good or healthy when the love of a company drives the love of its games, rather than the love of games driving the love of a company, as is undeniably happening to a good percentage of the posters in this thread.

I'm not talking exclusively for this thread. DC has called Nintendo fans, blind or stupid or rapid fanboys many times outside of this thread.
You're not the KING OF ALL EVIL, Nich; you're just a status quo Hoshigami Hater! :(

But yes, your analysis of my stance is right, although I'm sorry you had to spell it for some of the slower folks around here.


Completely, utterly off-topic and directed to Serico:

I bet you'd dry hump the shit out of the DS if they made Pikmin DS, don't lie, you know you would. :D


If you guys haven't been paying attention (and you haven't) Drinky DOES like Advance Wars, you know. And I'd be willing to bargain that's not the only Nintendo franchise he likes, even if he isn't willing to put the same frothing-at-the-mouth fervor into it that the rest of you do. Its just the retarded dipwads who champion even the least choice piece of shit that Nintendo poops out onto the market. If you have respect for Nintendo, at least have the respect to realize that, while some of their games are really, really good, others just plain suck.


AniHawk said:
And this is the point you ALWAYS miss. Drinky is too smart to act like that in reality. I think he might dislike something or not like a certain hardware, but I doubt he obsesses over it late at night, keeping him from sleep. He does it so he can exercize power over you. You give him attention. You validate his reasons for doing what he does. You feed the ego. You can't change him because he isn't real. It's an illusion. The real person, or personality that drives Drinky Crow grins at your willingness to participate in his puppet show.

I agree to some point, and that's why I said these:

acting like fanboys 24/7 although you're not

Give yourselves some credit...

I know that DC is not like that, but I'm also quite sure that he can't stand people's respect for Nintendo and that's what really pissed him off. I would never dare to liken DC to these close-minded stupid fans who would say anything to protect their precious console or attack a rival one. But it seems to me that he does this to himself and regardless if he's doing it "just for fun" or he's doing it seriously (which he doesn't most of the time) the result is the same: He brings himself to the level of a plain fanboy. And that's why I said that he should give himself some credit...

As for Nintendogs I never liked games like it (plus I have three dogs), but that doesn't mean that I automatically assume that someone that likes it is stupid or a fanboy. Afterall it's not that bad (it's not an EA game. :D).


I just want to point this out: Belfast, you're so extremely annoying with how really ignorant you are when you try and act so wise. The fact is, you haven't played Nintendogs. It doesn't matter what other issues you've "addressed" at this point because your opinion is worth just as much as any other person who doesn't have the game. You're free to rant on and on about how Nintendogs isn't this, and instead it is that, and blah blah blah, but just know that it is doing less than what JackFrost said because he actually owns it. Unless you own the game, you might as well be RandomSonyFanboy1 (whether you are or aren't ) vs. RandomNintendoFanboy1 debating about PS3 vs. Revolution.

He's not saying you can't like Nintendogs a lot, if that's your taste -- JackFrost does. He's not saying you can't like Nintendo as a company -- I do, in much the same way I like Square Enix or Konami or Capcom or Nippon Ichi. All he's saying, and I think it's a perfectly reasonable stance, is that it's not good or healthy when the love of a company drives the love of its games, rather than the love of games driving the love of a company, as is undeniably happening to a good percentage of the posters in this thread.

But this is ridiculously pretentious of someone to go around hating a company, its fans, most of its games (like who gives a shit that he happens to like Advance Wars?) on the basis of ASSUMING that the reason Nintendo has so many die-hard loyal followers is based on love of the company instead of the games.

Oh, and besides pretentious, did I not mention how stupid that sounds when you read it again? So for some reason people inexplicably love Nintendo and will fool themselves into liking their games more?

Get ready for the big revelation here: People love Nintendo BECAUSE of their games. Not the other way around.

I just find it quite amusing that Drinky himself chooses to sink down to the level of the diehard Nintendo fans that he so utterly wants to get rid of, which really makes his own comments (most of the time) in these kinds of topics just as (un)insightful.


MoccaJava said:
So for some reason people inexplicably love Nintendo and will fool themselves into liking their games more?

Get ready for the big revelation here: People love Nintendo BECAUSE of their games. Not the other way around.

Of course that's how it starts out: people love Nintendo because they love Zelda, or Pikmin, or whatever. I never claimed that love for any company was "inexplicable," although now that you mention it, I can't provide a single damn reason why I loved Nippon Ichi as early as I did. But once fandom of a company's games turns into fanboyism for a company, it can easily also go the other way.

It's easy to provide examples of the phenomenon that aren't even sinister or snide. Why was there a Drinky Puppy Club started for Nintendogs and not Dogz? Why did Wind Waker sell better than Beyond Good & Evil by an order of magnitude? Why is there an outcry over Resident Evil 4 being a timed exclusive and not any of the PS2 Grand Theft Autos? The answer is Nintendo in every case.


Belfast said:
If you have respect for Nintendo, at least have the respect to realize that, while some of their games are really, really good, others just plain suck.

...and then people like you will sit here and critique a title based on what you hear and think of the title instead of actually playing it. Fact is, you don't own the title and haven't even played the title so anything you have to say regarding the quality of the title is you talking out of your ass.

And on the same note, it's funny how the people who are upset about how well this game is doing and how well it's reviewed don't even have the game and have never played the game (except for JackFrost...but he was going to give it a 9 :lol :lol ).


me and Drinky did the agility course last night and won a trophy, opening up the next difficulty level.

Drinky himself seems to be becoming much more animated and is jumping around a lot more (even on walks to the park)

I started selling a lot of the useless stuff i've picked up so i can get Drinky a "Crow" partner dog - i think he's a little lonely.

One thing i noticed - when you get the little light bulbs that come out of Drinky's head when you learn something - if you are quick enough, you can drag the light bulb into his mouth and he'll eat it! :D

And why won't the little fucker learn Jump?
He does it ALL the time, i get the light bulb , but he WON'T learn it.
The little bastard.


NichM said:
It's easy to provide examples of the phenomenon that aren't even sinister or snide. Why was there a Drinky Puppy Club started for Nintendogs and not Dogz? Why did Wind Waker sell better than Beyond Good & Evil by an order of magnitude? Why is there an outcry over Resident Evil 4 being a timed exclusive and not any of the PS2 Grand Theft Autos? The answer is Nintendo in every case.

The drinky puppy club started because of DC's hate towards the game. DC is the person that made it so popular here in the first place. Wind Waker was more popular than BG&E because it had Zelda in its title and according to some it was a better game so like every other popular franchise it sold well (you could also give a better example by mentioning Mario Sunshine you know). And if you want to talk to me about overated franchises please take a look at Halo and -post GTA3- GTAs first (btw Halo and GTAs are NOT nintendo franchises). The "outcry" started because RE4 was one the few GC third-party exclusive games plus Capcom had promised that it would be an exclusive, unlike GTA that was never assumed as an exclusive and was one of many PS2's successful third party franchises.


Che said:
The "outcry" started because RE4 was one the few GC third-party exclusive games plus Capcom had promised that it would be an exclusive.

But that's exactly my point. If Capcom had canceled the GameCube version, that would be a legitimate grievance for people whose sole console was a GC, and may have bought one solely to play RE4. But they didn't -- all they did was announce another version would be coming out later. The only possible reason to get worked up about such a thing, unless you're a Nintendo executive (raise your hands, everybody) is fanboyism for the company who produces the console, not for any game or series in particular.

Anyway, I think I made my point already for anybody who cares to listen (not that anybody should -- as I said, I'm nobody) and have defended it at least two times too many.


"I don't think this is what Drinky is trying to say, or what he's ever said. What he is saying (if he'll pardon the KING OF ALL EVIL trying to interpret for him) is that the only logical way to applaud Famitsu awarding a perfect score to a stripped-down handheld version of a four-year-old shareware "game" is to be a blind retarded Nintendo fanboy."
That's absolutely nuts though. I'd hardly class myself as a nintendo fanboy and i still think the game is _potentially_ worthy of a perfect score. It appeals to the Japanese, it's as simple as that. Labelling everyone as a blind retarded Nintendo fanboy, whilst having not played the game (yes, it is a game unfortunately), is either a) part of the joke or b) just retarded. Now, my money is on A for DC himself - but looking through this thread , there's a WHOLE FUCKING SLEW of people in group B - and this is what is sad... just seeing people falling over themselves to discredit Nintendo, the DS, Famitsu, the Japanese etc. just because it doesn't it in with their particular prefernce (the PSP? Sony? MS? i couldn't give a crap what it is, it's just fucking embarrassing).

The Crow movement , whilst i understand it and is amusing to some extent, is starting to simply rally the fanboys on the other side of the fence who now feel they have a mandate to spew their rediculous shite. What do we do then? Wait until they get out of control and have Bishop go on a crusade too?
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