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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Honestly, it sounds like this gen could be one of the better ones if some of the big budget games strike a chord with the market. So maybe this gen will be quite lengthy then? If 2016 is kinda the "Rainbows and Sunshine" moments where a lot of the biggest ideas are at least revealed and even more on the shelves, I don't expect Sony to be wrapping up with PS4 in 2018 like many are projecting. Also is VR a focus for AAA development or is Sony trying to be the "Wii" of VR gaming and just have solid, simple, experiences?

I'm looking forward to the next years, because the foundation is there and alot of things point toward a good future and an interesting generation.
Like you already pointed out, VR gaming will be interesting.
Allthough these are the first steps.

Indie developers gather a bigger following and some studios grow, which partly means bigger titles and that could lead to the middle ground that was nearly non existent last generation.
Talented creators that were once part of a big studio, but sadly couldn't follow their creative vision anymore are now trying to build up something on their own.
And however they do it, via kickstarter or a big publisher funding, it's good to see people like Igarashi making games, instead of just doing prototypes for companies that don't pick up their ideas anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand that some publishers don't just accept any idea, but it's good that projects via kickstarter are also another alternative.

So we got alot of different varieties that work into this gen and those factors are more or less established now.
Verendus is Andrew House. I'm pretty sure he like SFAlpha

Boyes refers himself as a casual gamer quite often. I have a funny feeling. He's a funny guy too and references GAF quite often lol. I could care less, just fun to speculate. But at this time I think he is Boyes. I know Boyes has an official account never used, and this one is his unofficial hype account lol. He is in 3rd party productions too so he would know about all this 3rd party stuff. And would be close enough to internal stuff to know what's up there as well.


I'm surprised we haven't heard more about a Mass Effect Collection, especially with the Uncharted one and Gears remaster being so openly known.

Well, Bioware got their anniversary and alot of titles that will show up on EAs conference are already known, why should they come out now ?
They will get on stage and hopefully announce it, along with ME4 obviously.


Well, Bioware got their anniversary and alot of titles that will show up on EAs conference are already known, why should they come out now ?
They will get on stage and hopefully announce it, along with ME4 obviously.

I mean more in the leak way, that it isn't getting leaked except in passing possibility rumors. But yeah, it would be a cool move to say "hey, here's Mass Effect 4 coming later next year, and in the meantime here's the collection for this fall."


My biggest highlight from EA last year was the Sims part where the guy dies of emotions. It was certainly something.
I am a pretty casual player. But I was pretty damn good at Alpha 3. Less casual back then.

We're not banking on MH to revive sales in Japan. The first one won't help with that, and the second one will be coming at a time, when PS4 should already be doing better than now. It's nice and all, but the truth is, it was expected that the first year was going to be tough. The market trend in Japan is pretty straight forward, and it's pretty obvious how things were going to go. The big title that everyone was really hoping on was FFXV, but that's had its fair share of problems. Beyond the first year, things have taken a little longer than expected. Back in 2013, SCEJ/A approached a lot of developers/publishers like Square Enix, CC2, Level-5, BN, Sega etc.

The idea was to provide funding, or incentives, and help mitigate risk, in an effort to build a solid foundation. Some were obviously more welcoming, and others had a little bit of their own ideas. The issue here is that some of these approaches would've been better made a little earlier, because there's only so much resource, and it's taken a while to get going, because no one is sitting on their hands. The companies have their plans, and you have to work together to get things going. On a more positive note, the Dragon Quest discussions back then turned into something really meaningful, so that's going to be a series of titles that should help a good amount. Beyond that, because developers like CC2 and Level-5 are pretty eager to get notable projects done on current gen, it's been a case of fitting things in with them at the appropriate time. They could end up as pretty key players, depending on how things go. Level-5 is soon to announce the first of its projects, which should hopefully do well in Japan, but also worldwide. Then when we have CC2, Sega, and the others slowly coming through, so we should be able to build some consistency. Obviously, there's Japan Studio, Sony's own, who are pretty ready to show off their next games soon. PS4's price cut, and positioning with all these titles should help too.

The larger problem here is that you can't really fight against the market changing over there. The most you can do is build something worthwhile for yourself. And to build the necessary momentum has taken longer than expected, since bigger titles means longer time, which also means positioning can be difficult.

I think the worst is behind us now in that market. Moving forward, there should be a good few titles that will be coming consistently to help make more of a difference, but I don't expect fortune to change a great deal. Nonetheless, it'll be a lot better than now. It's kind of a struggle, but it's early days. We've a long way to go yet. I think of 2014/2015 as transitional years in Japan. 2016, we start hopefully reaping the rewards, and things start looking more positive than before since a lot of projects will start getting announced and released.

Also, bear in mind, that game development takes a long time. First, a title has to be discussed, and objectives set, then you head into the actual development, which takes many years. So while there may have been developers excited, it's tough taking the first step. Look at the western side. It's not that different. So much stuff has been delayed. Delayed, and then delayed again. In certain cases, you have titles being pushed back which causes marketing and positioning issues with other titles because they're encroaching. Uncharted and Ratchet are doing that right now. It is what it is, but things are getting a lot better. It's teething issues.

Once games start rolling out, it's not like anyone is really going to remember a lot of this. Most people focus on the present. They forget the past quickly.

This was your best post. This is what I think we'll be talking about for years. This right here is the kind of insider stuff you don't hear confirmed at conferences. Not the same way. This is the kind of stuff you can only get from somebody in-the-know.

And that's what makes it valuable. Thanks a lot for this. It was really interesting and provocative.
Boyes refers himself as a casual gamer quite often. I have a funny feeling. He's a funny guy too and references GAF quite often lol. I could care less, just fun to speculate. But at this time I think he is Boyes. I know Boyes has an official account never used, and this one is his unofficial hype account lol. He is in 3rd party productions too so he would know about all this 3rd party stuff. And would be close enough to internal stuff to know what's up there as well.

He used it a lot before PSX. Remember all the poetry as well as asking us for certain words to use during his speech?


That was one hell of a thread.


P.S. Somebody should totally remake this to say "Hype is a Helluva drug."
Off-topic, but it was pretty fun listening to the latest Blogcast where Shu was kinda pimping Youkai Watch (movie), talking about how it's a huge phenomena in Japan, and that his daughters force him to watch the anime together.
Just caught up with this thread. Verendus' posts got me so hyped, though I feel like I'll eventually get let down.

Same, but supposedly this is pretty legit. Then again, I've heard Verendus quoted as having said (though never seen it myself) that there will be a legit FF7 remake. I want to believe that but it just seems too crazy to be true, so I have this cognitive dissonance where I sorta believe Verendus' stuff.

Either way the idea that Sony's partnerships are beginning to bear fruit sounds quite reasonable.


I am a pretty casual player. But I was pretty damn good at Alpha 3. Less casual back then.

We're not banking on MH to revive sales in Japan. The first one won't help with that, and the second one will be coming at a time, when PS4 should already be doing better than now. It's nice and all, but the truth is, it was expected that the first year was going to be tough. The market trend in Japan is pretty straight forward, and it's pretty obvious how things were going to go. The big title that everyone was really hoping on was FFXV, but that's had its fair share of problems. Beyond the first year, things have taken a little longer than expected. Back in 2013, SCEJ/A approached a lot of developers/publishers like Square Enix, CC2, Level-5, BN, Sega etc.

The idea was to provide funding, or incentives, and help mitigate risk, in an effort to build a solid foundation. Some were obviously more welcoming, and others had a little bit of their own ideas. The issue here is that some of these approaches would've been better made a little earlier, because there's only so much resource, and it's taken a while to get going, because no one is sitting on their hands. The companies have their plans, and you have to work together to get things going. On a more positive note, the Dragon Quest discussions back then turned into something really meaningful, so that's going to be a series of titles that should help a good amount. Beyond that, because developers like CC2 and Level-5 are pretty eager to get notable projects done on current gen, it's been a case of fitting things in with them at the appropriate time. They could end up as pretty key players, depending on how things go. Level-5 is soon to announce the first of its projects, which should hopefully do well in Japan, but also worldwide. Then when we have CC2, Sega, and the others slowly coming through, so we should be able to build some consistency. Obviously, there's Japan Studio, Sony's own, who are pretty ready to show off their next games soon. PS4's price cut, and positioning with all these titles should help too.

The larger problem here is that you can't really fight against the market changing over there. The most you can do is build something worthwhile for yourself. And to build the necessary momentum has taken longer than expected, since bigger titles means longer time, which also means positioning can be difficult.

I think the worst is behind us now in that market. Moving forward, there should be a good few titles that will be coming consistently to help make more of a difference, but I don't expect fortune to change a great deal. Nonetheless, it'll be a lot better than now. It's kind of a struggle, but it's early days. We've a long way to go yet. I think of 2014/2015 as transitional years in Japan. 2016, we start hopefully reaping the rewards, and things start looking more positive than before since a lot of projects will start getting announced and released.

Also, bear in mind, that game development takes a long time. First, a title has to be discussed, and objectives set, then you head into the actual development, which takes many years. So while there may have been developers excited, it's tough taking the first step. Look at the western side. It's not that different. So much stuff has been delayed. Delayed, and then delayed again. In certain cases, you have titles being pushed back which causes marketing and positioning issues with other titles because they're encroaching. Uncharted and Ratchet are doing that right now. It is what it is, but things are getting a lot better. It's teething issues.

Once games start rolling out, it's not like anyone is really going to remember a lot of this. Most people focus on the present. They forget the past quickly.

So MH wouldnt be a move to revive the PS4 but more to give it a nice ground. Question then will Capcom completely forgo handheld MH games or will it be more Handheld on Nintendo side and console for Sony? I like Mh on the go and it would be sad to lose that.


Same, but supposedly this is pretty legit. Then again, I've heard Verendus quoted as having said (though never seen it myself) that there will be a legit FF7 remake. I want to believe that but it just seems too crazy to be true, so I have this cognitive dissonance where I sorta believe Verendus' stuff.

Either way the idea that Sony's partnerships are beginning to bear fruit sounds quite reasonable.

I feel like this is legit, but I also feel like a lot of it is in the pipeline for later announcement and will go through development woes (I know he said that we shouldn't worry about games getting canceled but I don't really trust that with how ruthless this industry can be). I also feel like a lot of it will end up being a long ass time away, and even if we do get all of it, it'll all be so spread out that it won't really have a major impact (i.e. something like FF13, 13 Versus, and Type-0 all being announced around the same time and having awesome looking trailers but then ultimately not coming out for years and years and when they do the reception is mixed at best.....maybe not something that extreme but something along those lines).


lol that would kill the franchise

Which is why the MH PS4 thing confuses me. Would it be a side game or would they just go all in and hope the west makes up for it. Seeing as what he said was multiple titles on PS4 it makes me curious.
With Verendus, it's better for your heart to focus on his near-term teases, than be too engrossed on his "late-gen" teases.

Of those he's teased that can be attributed to him and no other insider, SFV, Yakuza localisation, DQ spinoff (Heroes), FF spinoff (Dissidia) all have been true.

The next on the list is presumably JRPG#1 and #2.


My prediction for Monster Hunter is that they worked out a deal where they get an HD port of a 3DS game. Like the Wii U version of MH3U.


Which is why the MH PS4 thing confuses me. Would it be a side game or would they just go all in and hope the west makes up for it. Seeing as what he said was multiple titles on PS4 it makes me curious.

I just interpreted it as Sony port begging
and likely fail
Well said though. And exactly what I was hoping Sony was doing. Providing good incentives to get worried devs to get on board early with game development on the new system.

In the end if the Japanese market does only 5m for the PS4 it can't be for a lack of trying. But it will be fun to watch the games release for the system in the meantime


I really hope so as this is what I was hoping Sony were doing to try to get things moving in Japan for PS4 games.
Verendus, why wasn't Sony this active during last gen? specially in Japan.

Because they were a mess for most of that generation. That's all there is to it.

Woah, I had completely forgotten about Wild. That game doesn't seem to have much hype/buzz.

Well, the only showed one trailer for it back at gamescom and haven't said anything else about it. So it's unsurprising that there isn't a lot of buzz. We probably won't hear about it again until Paris Games Week.


Well, the only showed one trailer for it back at gamescom and haven't said anything else about it. So it's unsurprising that there isn't a lot of buzz. We probably won't hear about it again until Paris Games Week.

One of the best received games that was shown at Gamescom last year. There is buzz but we have little to talk about besides the trailer. I agree. Paris is a perfect fit.


Verendus is secretly Shinobu Sensui.


I am a pretty casual player. But I was pretty damn good at Alpha 3. Less casual back then.

We're not banking on MH to revive sales in Japan. The first one won't help with that, and the second one will be coming at a time, when PS4 should already be doing better than now. It's nice and all, but the truth is, it was expected that the first year was going to be tough. The market trend in Japan is pretty straight forward, and it's pretty obvious how things were going to go. The big title that everyone was really hoping on was FFXV, but that's had its fair share of problems. Beyond the first year, things have taken a little longer than expected. Back in 2013, SCEJ/A approached a lot of developers/publishers like Square Enix, CC2, Level-5, BN, Sega etc.

The idea was to provide funding, or incentives, and help mitigate risk, in an effort to build a solid foundation. Some were obviously more welcoming, and others had a little bit of their own ideas. The issue here is that some of these approaches would've been better made a little earlier, because there's only so much resource, and it's taken a while to get going, because no one is sitting on their hands. The companies have their plans, and you have to work together to get things going. On a more positive note, the Dragon Quest discussions back then turned into something really meaningful, so that's going to be a series of titles that should help a good amount. Beyond that, because developers like CC2 and Level-5 are pretty eager to get notable projects done on current gen, it's been a case of fitting things in with them at the appropriate time. They could end up as pretty key players, depending on how things go. Level-5 is soon to announce the first of its projects, which should hopefully do well in Japan, but also worldwide. Then when we have CC2, Sega, and the others slowly coming through, so we should be able to build some consistency. Obviously, there's Japan Studio, Sony's own, who are pretty ready to show off their next games soon. PS4's price cut, and positioning with all these titles should help too.

The larger problem here is that you can't really fight against the market changing over there. The most you can do is build something worthwhile for yourself. And to build the necessary momentum has taken longer than expected, since bigger titles means longer time, which also means positioning can be difficult.

I think the worst is behind us now in that market. Moving forward, there should be a good few titles that will be coming consistently to help make more of a difference, but I don't expect fortune to change a great deal. Nonetheless, it'll be a lot better than now. It's kind of a struggle, but it's early days. We've a long way to go yet. I think of 2014/2015 as transitional years in Japan. 2016, we start hopefully reaping the rewards, and things start looking more positive than before since a lot of projects will start getting announced and released.

Also, bear in mind, that game development takes a long time. First, a title has to be discussed, and objectives set, then you head into the actual development, which takes many years. So while there may have been developers excited, it's tough taking the first step. Look at the western side. It's not that different. So much stuff has been delayed. Delayed, and then delayed again. In certain cases, you have titles being pushed back which causes marketing and positioning issues with other titles because they're encroaching. Uncharted and Ratchet are doing that right now. It is what it is, but things are getting a lot better. It's teething issues.

Once games start rolling out, it's not like anyone is really going to remember a lot of this. Most people focus on the present. They forget the past quickly.

Thanks a lot Verendus, i find stuff like this, internal strategies and roadmaps, much more interesting to know from an insider rather than the games. Can't wait to see what the future will bring.

Btw, do you happen to know if Koei Tecmo's Ni-Oh is still alive? Always had a lot of potential imho, but they've been shady about it.


Couldn't Verendus be Andrew House? I mean look at him smile,that's a smile that says "I love messing around on gaf" for sure right? :)


I also predict a trailer for at least. One title we've already seen a thousand times. No Man's Sky seems the safe bet.

Nintendo will talk up Splatoon, reveal more DLC for Smash, Kart, and Splatoon. At least one game at their Championship thing will be new. Hoping for either Metroid Hunters 3DS or a new F-Zero. I doubt they'll address the Amiibo problem and will instead focus on how well they're selling.Close out with a Megaton like BG&E2 exclusive or ZombiU2 or Mother 3 translation.

Microsoft will talk about how they listen to their fans then spend thirty minutes talking about TV functions. Killer Instinct, Halo, Backward Compatibility will be discussed.
First Prediction: Star Fox for Wii U will prominently feature foot missions and all-range mode, the internet will lose its collective shit until they actually play it.


Did Sony drop the ball with exclusives this year? Pretty much, yes...but thats not honestly a bad thing in the long run.

Nope! Probably you know shit about exclusive games for PS4 this year when you write things like that. Sad that there is someone who agree with you.


All these predictions about Verendus

Yea right, he's not going to be the CEO idk why you'd pen him as Andrew House or anybody. There's a great number of people in these companies, plenty could be doing this bit of teasing.

Nameless cog somewhere in the machine, probably marketing or somewhere where he has the authority to do his little teases.
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