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EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, < powerful than 360. No $ 3party. [Tweets Deleted]


Wasn't it their 3rd console doing poorly or something? They could've switched earlier instead of getting to the point where it was forced. If Nintendo didn't have the 3/DS doing so well they'd be on way thinner ice.

Not really. Nintendo would have to make several major fuck ups to get anywhere close to where Sega were when they left the hardware business.
Usually its the general public that wont give a shit if games like Sin and Punishment 2 stop being made, but there you go, they apparently have no weight when considering the quality and variety of Nintendo's output.

Sin and Punishment 2. That game is a fucking masterpiece. :(


Why would Pikmin sell enough on Wii U to warrant the development but not on a non Nintendo system? Does Pikmin have to be on a Nintendo box for there to be an audience for it? Or are we saying that Nintendo just happily makes games that don't make money because it adds to the library of their console? Because that's not an especially smart business plan if those games aren't high profile enough to be system sellers.

if you own control of the platform, the value of the software becomes direct sales + sales of hardware directly/indirectly related to software release. that can be people who purchased the console because they wanted the game, people who bought the console because the pretty pikmin box art caught their eye and another game sold them on it, people who purchased the hardware because their friend purchased the hardware for the software, etc. to make your platform stand out, you need to go into the blue ocean and make some unique software that stands out to customers. you can't just release titles that already exist elsewhere even if pikmin itself wouldn't sell much, no one would pay attention to you.

if you were just releasing titles for profit, third-parties don't need to factor in anything other than hard sales. pikmin doesn't sell much by itself, i doubt it would get funded.
Wasn't it their 3rd console doing poorly or something? They could've switched earlier instead of getting to the point where it was forced. If Nintendo didn't have the 3/DS doing so well they'd be on way thinner ice.

Wait, I skipped this earlier. Do you think the Wii did poorly? Even the GCN... how much money do you think Nintendo lost on it?

How about Xbox? Or the PS3?

I've said this before, but perception, trust, and confidence are most important in this industry, perhaps more than profit at times. And they're what Nintendo lacks most, unfortunately.


Why do you think Nintendo makes niche games? What even counts as a niche game to Nintendo? Fire Emblem? Sin & Punishment? Those games probably have very low budgets and are designed just to be low cost risks hoping to make a modest return. I don't think they're made just because its good for the platform for them to exist. The fact they're niche means their value is lowin terms of boosting a platform. If Sin & Punishment 2 bombed (I don't know if it did) you won't see another one. They don't just make games for fun.

Sin and Punishment bombed, they funded Sin and Punishment 2. Bayonetta bombed, they funded Bayonetta 2. The Fire Emblem series do not have a history of lighting up the charts, they still make them and it seems to have risen in popularity with this last one.

Yes, as a platform holder, nintendo does have the luxury to gamble their resources between sure money and titles that bring variety to their system libraries.
Niche games that lure in niche gamers who will most likely spend more money on the system thus validating the existence of Bomba: The Game.

Aren't a lot of the same people that work on the hardware side of things also dabble in the games side?

...Wouldn't they have more money and effort put into more games instead of hardware? ergo more than 2 Mario and Zelda games a generation?

Thats not how it works.
You cant take away hardware profits from the equation and expect the currrent Nintendo structure to hold up on software revenues alone
It makes me laugh that people actually believe it.

First they'd pool all development resources into a single arena. Most likely in a handheld/console hybrid.

If that doesn't work then they'd stop manufacturing hardware at all and probably try to gain a very lucrative exclusivity agreement with one of the large manufacturers. Depending on who is producing the hardware. I don't see any of this happening any time soon. So there's no telling what the market will like look when it does. If it does.
I'm a sports journalist. This isn't a story. It means nothing to EA or Nintendo. Nobody at Nintendo gives a shit about this guy's tweets. It's only unprofessional if you think this guy has a professional relationship with Nintendo. It's like saying a McDonalds manger who says Burger King sucks should be fired. There's no consequence to his tweets other than the attempt to make it a story by the sorry bunch of hacks that call themselves vidya journalists

The consequence may be unemployment. Not that I agree with the action if that is what occurs.


Is this sort of behavior really acceptable around here? Awful.

Even citing a source for it doesn't defuse the initial impression the image gives other posters.

Man in GIF is hyper active. Guy on forum relates the GIF to what he thinks looks like a hyper active looking post. Guy gets banned.


I hope they optimise Bayonetta 2 SUPER WELL. If it runs or looks worse than 1 on the 360, Nintendo are gonna get an earful :p
The fact that it's even a possibility to you is... WOW. Put down the Haterade, dude, yer drunk.
Take Nintendo out of that thought and you've essentially just made an accusation against Platinum Games.



First they'd pool all development resources into a single arena. Most likely in a handheld/console hybrid.

If that doesn't work then they'd stop manufacturing hardware at all and probably try to gain a very lucrative exclusivity agreement with one of the large manufacturers. Depending on who is producing the hardware. I don't see any of this happening any time soon. So there's no telling what the market will like look when it does. If it does.

You obviously don't understand Japanese law. Under the Bushido Act of 1979, Iwata is bound by his public declaration that Nintendo will go out of business before going third party.


Modesty becomes a woman
Thats not how it works.
You cant take away hardware profits from the equation and expect the currrent Nintendo structure to hold up on software revenues alone

Hardware doesn't make profits, that's the thing.

It takes years to even break even.


Hardware doesn't make profits, that's the thing.

It takes years to even break even.

Nintendo has always made a profit with their systems right from the start.
Right now not so much, but I'm sure their Wii U roadmap doesnt inclued a 4 year to break even post-it.
Man, how did this gem slip by?

Buddy, if I made consoles for a living and my newest release was selling like the WiiU you bet I'd be embarrassed, worried as hell too.
Really I thought it was selling exceptionally well and Nintendo's only problem was getting even more stock in stores in time.

it was a joke

Then he chose very bad imagery to portray it.

My first thought was "Oh, bad move Cloving."
If all those 'You Just Went Full Retard' meme pics are allowed, I don't know why a gif making fun of hyperactive kids shouldn't be. If people misinterpret the latter, what's stopping me misinterpreting the former because (hypothetically speaking) I never saw Tropic Thunder and getting offended? You're never going to have *everyone* on a forum get what you were referencing, but should that really be grounds for getting banned?

Nintendo has always made a profit with their systems right from the start.
Right now not so much, but I'm sure their Wii U roadmap doesnt inclued a 4 year to break even post-it.
Pretty sure Iwata's said either at an investor's meeting or in a direct that the Wii U breaks even/makes a profit if a game is bought with it. Still not particularly good, but it's probably nowhere near the loss per-unit-sold something like the PS3 or 360 back in '05 were taking.


Modesty becomes a woman
Nintendo has always made a profit with their systems right from the start.
Right now not so much, but I'm sure their Wii U roadmap doesnt inclued a 4 year to break even post-it.

So Nintendo is the only one in the world that makes a profit with computer hardware right off the bat and doesn't charge 600 dollars for a console.



Holy cow!! 66 pages!!?

Is there some kind of summary? The OP only contains the employee's original tweets. Has he been fired or something?
Really I thought it was selling exceptionally well and Nintendo's only problem was getting even more stock in stores in time.

it was a joke

If 'You Just Went Full Retard' meme pic is allowed, I don't know why a gif making fun of hyperactive kids shouldn't be. If people misinterpret the latter, what's stopping me misinterpreting the former and getting offended? You're never going to have *everyone* on a forum get what you were referencing, but should that really be grounds for getting banned?
Well these things are rarely just a single moment. More like years of stuff piling up until you push a button one time too many.

I had no context for the scene. I thought the person he was responding to was being called... the less polite form of challenged.

But again it wasn't that single image or post that got him permed. It was tons of small things piling up. Now I think we've talked enough about our fallen comrade.


So Nintendo is the only one in the world that makes a profit with computer hardware right off the bat and doesn't charge 600 dollars for a console.


Just because Microsoft and Sony choose to bleed money with their hardware for its first years it doesnt mean its a common practice in most industries. Its not, its actually a retarded one that even Nintendo seems to have fallen into during Wii U's launch.
But yes, nintendo has a history of always making a profit from day one with their hardware:

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata confirmed during the company&#8217;s quarterly report that the Wii U, unlike previous consoles like the Wii, would not be sold above the manufacturing cost, earning the company profit on each machine sold from day one.

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/nintendo-sacrifices-wii-u-profitability/#ixzz2ThpaZgsU


The fact that it's even a possibility to you is... WOW. Put down the Haterade, dude, yer drunk.
Take Nintendo out of that thought and you've essentially just made an accusation against Platinum Games.

I'm expecting it to be a bit better of course, especially with the Wii U's better GPU and the type of game it is, should work out alright hopefully - but did you not read the thread title? The engineer is saying it's worse than 360, hence my reference to Bayonetta 1.


You obviously don't understand Japanese law. Under the Bushido Act of 1979, Iwata is bound by his public declaration that Nintendo will go out of business before going third party.

Considering that the large majority of their shareholders would probably bail if they did go 3rd-party, it's not outside the realm of possibility.

I'm expecting it to be better of course, especially with the Wii U's better GPU and the type of game it is - but did you not read the thread title? The engineer is saying it's worse than 360, hence my comparison to Bayonetta 1.

This engineer works at a company that isn't making games for the system and couldn't give enough of a fuck to port its main engine to the system, whereas other developers and engine makers don't seem to have this problem. You'll forgive me if I don't take what the guy says at face value, especially after he deleted his comments.
I'm expecting it to be a bit better of course, especially with the Wii U's better GPU and the type of game it is, should work out alright hopefully - but did you not read the thread title? The engineer is saying it's worse than 360, hence my reference to Bayonetta 1.

You're honestly taking this guys technical opinion as the straight truth.



Not straight truth of course but I'm definitely listening to it, EA make games that are pretty demanding and impressive. I'm guessing they hire people who know what they're doing. You'd assume he's worked on it or heard a lot about it already from what he's saying.


This sort of behavior? Have you been on the Internet before? Grow the fuck up or get off your mom's computer, this board is rated R for real-life.

Clover shouldn't have posted that gif, then. He was clearly breaking the rules of this forum by doing so.

This isn't messageboards like Gamespot's system wars or systemwars.com in general, or even GameFAQ's in which you can say or do whatever you want.


Holy cow!! 66 pages!!? ...

No surprise, any thread that can justify or fuel Nintendo hate, is an easy 10 pages. Anything entertaining the possibility of their impending doom, will get you get you a good 20 pages alone. Include some troll bait, and/or some defense force beckons, and collectively, you have the ingredients for 100+ pages - the majority of which revolves around arguing against really ignorant people.
How could anyone at Nintendo think a setup like this was a good idea?

Personally i don't think there is anything wrong with the wii u motion controllers and gamepad setup. I do think what's wrong is the primitive specs. Not as big a difference as wii-360/ps3 but still come on....


Considering that the large majority of their shareholders would probably bail if they did go 3rd-party, it's not outside the realm of possibility.

lets forget about the op for a second or viability of nintendo hardware business for now - are you assuming that large majority of Nintendo shareholders are their fanboys? That gonna get hurt if they go 3rd party? Or how does that work?

shareholders care about return on their investment, not some forum wars. i dont have some formed opinion on what would be better for Nintendo, but i just found it curious that you would equate shareholders with forum posters who would get their feelings hurt if nintendo quits console hardware business.

i dont think it will happen though, at least not for some time... maybe if smartphone users get the idea of paying $10 for their games....


I don't blame EA for dropping support. If it was up to me, I would to. Have you seen the WiiU's software sales? It is utter crap. I do like this idea of Nintendo offering their first party titles as exclusives to one of the other consoles in addition to making their catalog available through mobile.


Too bad about the EA and Nintendo thing. I bought Need for Speed on Wii U and I really love playin it. Skipped Madden 13 cause I figured Madden 14 would be a better game with maybe two Gamepad support, but that turned out bad. Oh well I guess..


lets forget about the op for a second or viability of nintendo hardware business for now - are you assuming that large majority of Nintendo shareholders are their fanboys? That gonna get hurt if they go 3rd party? Or how does that work?

shareholders care about return on their investment, not some forum wars. i dont have some formed opinion on what would be better for Nintendo, but i just found it curious that you would equate shareholders with forum posters who would get their feelings hurt if nintendo quits console hardware business.

i dont think it will happen though, at least not for some time... maybe if smartphone users get the idea of paying $10 for their games....

Investors in Nintendo invested in a hardware manufacturer. If the business model drastically changes, they'll bail while the asking price for shares is still good until they are confident that the business has stabilized, as it would naturally see a long period of instability during the difficult shift in business model.

It's not equating shareholders to fanboys, you filled in that blank on your own.


Holy cow!! 66 pages!!?

Is there some kind of summary? The OP only contains the employee's original tweets. Has he been fired or something?

This stopped being about the actual tweets and turned into the usual generic "WiiU is doomed" thread ages ago.


If i was a nintendo shareholder, I would want an explanation as to why EA has given them the cold shoulder after the infamous, "unprecedented partnership", comments.
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