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Evolution 2014 Fighting Game Tournament of the Year July 11th - 13th

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Can't wait for Marvel.


That AVClub article mentions that "Romance, Reynald, and Bala will not be competing in this year’s Evo." Is there some KoF scene drama behind that or is it just a combination of unfortunate circumstances?


get some go again
That AVClub article mentions that "Romance, Reynald, and Bala will not be competing in this year’s Evo." Is there some KoF scene drama behind that or is it just a combination of unfortunate circumstances?
reynald can't go do to family troubles. bala has visa problems and romance can't go do to financial reasons i think.

edit: wtf? it was said on ultrachen that romance is going to evo but not entering. wonder why he isn't entering.


That AVClub article mentions that "Romance, Reynald, and Bala will not be competing in this year’s Evo." Is there some KoF scene drama behind that or is it just a combination of unfortunate circumstances?

Reynald has family matters. Bala is same status as before. Romance decided not to join KOF or can't go at all, I think?
Is it random deckard Cain type predication time yet?

Kinda serious

There will be more skrulls than Vergil in top 8 (scrubeks and apologyman)
There will be 2 non Americans in top 8 for marvel
A female character will finally win evo for street fighter (I'm going with rose or makoto)


Based on my stream monstering observations since last year's evo, these are my predictions for Ultra, Marvel and KoF

Will Win: Infiltration
Could Win: Kazunoko, Xiaohai, Tokido, Daigo
Should Win: Infiltration, Momochi
Dark Horses: Jayce the Ace, PR Rog, Snake Eyez, Haitani

Will Win: Justin Wong
Could Win: Chris G, FChamp
Should Win: Apologyman, Justin Wong
Dark Horse: Flocker

Will Win: Tokido
Could Win: Xiaohai
Should Win: Xiaohai
Dark Horse: MadKOF (if he's attending), a Japanese KOF player that's not Woo


edit: wtf? it was said on ultrachen that romance is going to evo but not entering. wonder why he isn't entering.

He hasn't entered tournaments in the past year except NWM, even though he attended SCR, CEO and some others. I dunno why he doesn't enter anymore either.

The safe bets for KOF winners are Tokido/Koreans but damn I really hope Misterio and Pako do some top 8 damage.


He hasn't entered tournaments in the past year except NWM, even though he attended SCR, CEO and some others. I dunno why he doesn't enter anymore either.

The safe bets for KOF winners are Tokido/Koreans but damn I really hope Misterio and Pako do some top 8 damage.

I actually didn't know that when I saw him at NWM. Looked like he was having fun playing KOF up here. Hmm, interesting.

USF4: Infiltration. Akuma is still strong and has new tricks which Inf. will use. He also has enough real alternative picks that he will never face a bad match-up. More a "safe pick" than a confident one, but it is hard to see him not getting close and a lot of his stronger opponents could fall earlier or not really perform (the Japanese sandbagging evo special).

Marvel: F.Champ. As much as I would hate to see it, I think he is still the guy who cares the most and will be at the top of his game. The other contenders, Wong and G can beat him, but only if they are 100% focused, which I don't believe they are.

BBCP: Going with Dogura here (solid character), but will option select with any other player starting with "D". Really feels pretty open given the size of the tournament and potential for strange character specialists.

KOF: Xiaohai just because I see him a bit more solid all around than the others going.

KI: Seems like it is setup for Justin, so I will go for Chris G, just because he has to win something, sometime. Would at least be fun to see these two going for their first real evo title

Tekken: A shame to see this is a bit of a non-event, being over on the Friday and not being well represented. But at least it is at EVO and hopefully there will be some great matches to watch. I have no idea who is going, so I’ll just guess somebody from Korea.

Smash Melee: No idea, probably some guy

Injustice: Probably not the same person as Smash. So, somebody else.
ChrisG will win UMvC3
JWong will win Killer Instinct
Anakin will win TTT2
Mango will win Melee
Theo will win Injustice
Tokido will win KOF13
Galileo will win BBCP, Banana Ken will be the highest placing American

USF4 ehh...I have to think about this one. I think USF4 going to be pretty random this year

I guess I'll pull for Kazunoko for USF4
I would love to see Sako stomp his way through to 1st place in Ultra, he seems like such a nice guy, and with his robotic execution and encyclopaedic knowledge of max damage/stun combos available from the slightest hit, I feel he could realistically do it.

If not, I reckon Daigo, Kazunoko or Infiltration will take top honours. I just hope it's not Infiltration. I just can't seem to get excited over his matches.

Got Monday off for finals and Friday off for preparations such as snacks/beers and sleep schedule alteration. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
I thought Haitani was switching characters? I can't remember to what, but I remember that it sounded terrible. I might also be thinking of V-Ryu.
I thought Haitani was switching characters? I can't remember to what, but I remember that it sounded terrible.

His first character in Vanilla, Rufus. He used Rufus at last years EVO, but he only played Makoto on stream. I think he feels compelled to play Mak for the viewers because that's what he's become known for and him playing as anybody else would be considered disappointing. I don't want to see him playing Rufus either but if he feels he needs to make that switch to give him a better chance at winning then he should do it. It may deflate the hype a bit though.
I wouldn't mind seeing what he can do with Rufus. Seeing the Japanese Elena the other night really showed that there is more than one way to play a character.


It's so weird, pros are saying Makoto is an A-tier beast, yet the only guy getting anywhere with her is Haitani.

Shiro and Misse tried...
Cammy, Yun and Fei-Long are really bad match ups for her. Though representation has more to do with top players than top characters, without XiaoHai Cammy would have got 0 representation at top-8 EVO... To think about it, Cammy have as much representation there as Makoto!
Speaking of Cammy, is K-Brad full-time Decapre or was that a "save it for EVO" kind of thing?

He would seem to be a real strong chance.


Cammy, Yun and Fei-Long are really bad match ups for her. Though representation has more to do with top players than top characters, without XiaoHai Cammy would have got 0 representation at top-8 EVO... To think about it, Cammy have as much representation there as Makoto!

Curious, as a Fei Long player, what does he have thats so good against Makoto?


Speaking of Cammy, is K-Brad full-time Decapre or was that a "save it for EVO" kind of thing?

He would seem to be a real strong chance.

Kenneth Bradley @KBradJStorm · Jun 23
Decapre only loses about 5 match ups in the game. I'm glad I was able to convince my brother @FGC_Flash that she indeed is a good character

Kenneth Bradley @KBradJStorm · Jun 23
Decapre is so ridiculous. Capcom I will love you forever for making this character. Cammy is still dope but dem nerfs hmmmmm WHAT TO DO?

Kenneth Bradley @KBradJStorm · Jun 28
Holy smokes my Cammy is so trash now. I would just pick Decapre but I'm scared of not having enough knowledge yet :(

Ten days later...

Kenneth Bradley @KBradJStorm · Jul 7
I found SOOO much tech with Decapre it's insane. She is definitely top 10 easy Idk about 5. I'll share after Evo, the streets are watching!!


If there is an EVO-GAF meetup happening, I'd love to come along as well!

I'm coming all the way from Australia however, so I don't have a USA phone yet. Happy to get PM'd details if it's happening :)
Decapre winning EVO would be such an upset.

I know it won't happen, I'm just saying.

I'm pretty sure we haven't seen anybody play her properly yet, including K-Brad.

Will somebody unlock her in time? You would think not, but yes it would be exciting if somebody brought the tech.
i´m curious if the marvel meta has evolved in any form ... or will it be soulfist again? o_O

Unfortunately it hasn't changed at all.

This is why One Frame Link is introducing edition select technology for the Marvel streams. I'm looking forward to 2012 Champ vs 2011 Viscant and 2002 Justin Wong.
Are there any decent Guy players left? Sometimes I feel like i'm the only one still playing him T_T

If Marq Teddy is going to evo (?) I feel he is a legitimate long shot chance. Guy seems much better in this game and I don't know of anybody who plays him better in the USA.


The reviews for the LVH on google are all over the place. I really hope this hotel can handle EVO and everyone has a good experience. Seems like hotel internet for streaming is always hit or miss.
I'm pretty sure we haven't seen anybody play her properly yet, including K-Brad.

Will somebody unlock her in time? You would think not, but yes it would be exciting if somebody brought the tech.

This is mostly why I'm so excited for this Evo.

With a new version release so fresh, there's bound to be a good amount of unseen items bubble to the surface (for better or worse).
I hope somebody brings a Hugo. That is the kind of stuff that could be very hard to stop without the matchup knowledge.

Anybody to look out for there?
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