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Fallout 4 |OT2| Farming Simulator 2287

I'm just about to start the main mission
Hunter/Hunted, the one after Glowing Sea.
Approximately how many hours do I have left in the main storyline? I'm around level 27 at the moment. I don't want to rush through it but it would help me plan my gaming times accordingly.


Hm, I'll definitely give this a go.

In fact, I haven't added any mods yet. Any other considered must-haves at this point?

Part of the fun is browsing the nexus looking for new mods.
And ways to break your game.

But these are some of my favorites:

Not a mod. But it's useful to tweak ini settings. You can use the "auto execute" to have the god ray ini tweak being applied automaticaly when you start the game for exemple.
Fallout 4 Configuration Tool

Pip-Boy Flashlight - I hate the vanilla pipboy light. This mod has many different beam textures to choose. And you can have dynamic shadows if you want.

Tactical Flashlights - It's from the same author of pip-boy flashlight. He released this one last weekend. Your companions will use equiped flashlights too.

Proto Vault Suit - My favorite vault suit retexture.

Just to get you started. And these won't greatly affect the vanilla experience. And, hopefuly, won't break your game.
I'm just about to start the main mission
Hunter/Hunted, the one after Glowing Sea.
Approximately how many hours do I have left in the main storyline? I'm around level 27 at the moment. I don't want to rush through it but it would help me plan my gaming times accordingly.

You're nearing the end of Act II, still have Act III to go.

I have no idea how to put that into hours. On normal, I think most people finish at about L35-45.
Another launcher doesn't bother me, but it just seems like a lot of mouse clicks and not much else.

I can see why someone would play this on the commute home, but after playing an hour, it doesn't seem like enough to hold my interest when I can play any game I want to.


Another launcher doesn't bother me, but it just seems like a lot of mouse clicks and not much else.

I can see why someone would play this on the commute home, but after playing an hour, it doesn't seem like enough to hold my interest when I can play any game I want to.

Yeah, I'm already somewhat bored of it.



You mean the VR? Yeah that seems like a lot of effort went into that just for one quest.

Yeah. It was the most obnoxious thing I have ever done in a video game. I mean the whole thing was a mess and took me an hour to pass but on top of that, for some reason I couldn't put the blocks in my workbench so I basically had to backtrack every time I wanted get a block. So I put them one by one. Arggh. This whole thing killed my desire to play more Fallout 4, total pace-killer.
So I'm trying to reacquaint myself with FO4 (after 20 hours and then getting all "meh" on it not long after launch and filing it into my backlog). So far it's working; going back to it with lowered expectations and treating it more like a post-apocalypse exploration/action-adventure sim and not a proper RPG...I'm having fun just playing the "wanderer".

But when I loaded my save I was already tied up with the BoS quest line and I absolutely HATE these douche bags and their quests. They're a bunch of power-hungry bros who are bent on creating some form of military dominated state. I remember going on a rampage and killing them all back when I first played, but then that triggered their whirlybird attacks on me no matter what I was doing. So I reloaded back to their airship and left it.

To avoid having to mess with these dudes, I loaded an even earlier save when I was in the middle of helping Paladin Danse and his cronies. I can now join the BoS if I agree to go up to the ship...but could I kill Danse and his merry band of bros without suffering a constant stream of whirlybird attacks?

If I kill him, will that severe all connection with the BoS then and there? What are my options with these nut bars?


Hail to the Chef
Any killing of a named fraction member of BoS and Railroad will lead to immediate hostility with that fraction.
Up to the
Battle of Bunker Hill Quest
, you can side with all fractions simultaneously.
Any killing of a named fraction member of BoS and Railroad will lead to immediate hostility with that fraction.
Up to the
Battle of Bunker Hill Quest
, you can side with all fractions simultaneously.

So I'll suffer whirlybird attacks from out of the blue at random intervals no matter what?


This one is just a texture replacer, meaning it will replace the vanilla appearence of the skin and face of your character (and every other female NPC in the game) with this set of textures.
It won't change the structure of the face of your character itself

You need to install the CBBE body mod first to see any difference, or any CBBE based outfit that shows a bit of skin. (the body mod itself isn't available on consoles I think)


So I'm trying to reacquaint myself with FO4 (after 20 hours and then getting all "meh" on it not long after launch and filing it into my backlog). So far it's working; going back to it with lowered expectations and treating it more like a post-apocalypse exploration/action-adventure sim and not a proper RPG...I'm having fun just playing the "wanderer".

But when I loaded my save I was already tied up with the BoS quest line and I absolutely HATE these douche bags and their quests. They're a bunch of power-hungry bros who are bent on creating some form of military dominated state. I remember going on a rampage and killing them all back when I first played, but then that triggered their whirlybird attacks on me no matter what I was doing. So I reloaded back to their airship and left it.

To avoid having to mess with these dudes, I loaded an even earlier save when I was in the middle of helping Paladin Danse and his cronies. I can now join the BoS if I agree to go up to the ship...but could I kill Danse and his merry band of bros without suffering a constant stream of whirlybird attacks?

If I kill him, will that severe all connection with the BoS then and there? What are my options with these nut bars?

Danse is not your problem. Once you reach a certain point of the story, it's the rest of BoS that is your problem.
Best way to deal with the Brotherhood is to lead them to a glorious victory!

Far Harbor spoilers:

Just got to the Minecraft section. What in the merciful fuck is this garbage?

I hate this section. So clunky with a controller. Not sure if it's any better with m/kb.

The mission doesn't account for Survival either, so when I got out of there this time, I was suffering from severe dehydration, starvation and sleep depravation. Oh Bethesda.


Fired this up after a couple of months off to start my second playthrough.

Good to see massive FPS drops still haven't been addressed by Bethesda. Bethesda, Bethesda game performance never changes.

The Corvega Assembly Plant in particular is a dumpster fire.

I am really enjoying it though, even more so than my first time.

Straying away from the main story this time and just wandering around.


Fired this up after a couple of months off to start my second playthrough.

Good to see massive FPS drops still haven't been addressed by Bethesda. Bethesda, Bethesda game performance never changes.

The Corvega Assembly Plant in particular is a dumpster fire.

I am really enjoying it though, even more so than my first time.

Straying away from the main story this time and just wandering around.
What are your specs?

I get steady 60 with shadows turned down. Turning shadows down is habitual for me though. I have a five year old system.


Nope, on PC.

980 TI
512 SSD

Running a few mods, but I tested this area before and after modding and the issues is the same.

God Rays: Low
Shadows: High


The top of corvega is not as bad as when the game was released but performance up there is still rough. I don't think shadows are the problem. I mean, it's part of the problem. But the rendering of huge stretches of map and AI are what causes the stuttering.

By the way, i know it's probably not popular around here but i use geforce experience to set the graphics options and it's smooth and looks good for the most part.


Its just that I had the exact problem in the exact spot and lowering shadows locked it at 60 on my i7 3770k GTX 780


Wait are you saying your FPS drops are down to 60? 60...!?

Also I didn't get this when I played a few weeks ago, on survival though. I spent days at that plant.


Still on my first playthough, curious how close I am to the end. Late game spoilers follow:

Recently completed the "Battle for Bunker Hill", after which I aligned against the Institute, siding with the Railroad and the Minutemen. Recruited a few more settlements to my cause, and got the "Defend the Castle" quest, which I completed. I've successfully infiltrated the Institute via a cooling pipe, with the intent of blowing it from the inside. Interestingly, while I was initially siding more with the Railroad, it seems that most of these quests are aligned with the Minutemen. Seems the two factions are pretty close, and overlapping at times.

Feels like I'm getting close to the end. Getting there?
For those of you that have finished the new Vault DLC

Is there a way to build the exercise bikes after the quest has completed? I can't for the life of me find the damn bikes or the slot machine or the eye thing that you build during the quest, do they not transfer over? I would've assumed that the exercise bike would be in the generator tab since they produce power but It's not there.


For those of you that have finished the new Vault DLC

Is there a way to build the exercise bikes after the quest has completed? I can't for the life of me find the damn bikes or the slot machine or the eye thing that you build during the quest, do they not transfer over? I would've assumed that the exercise bike would be in the generator tab since they produce power but It's not there.

It's not out yet is it?
Well, I think I'm done with Fallout 4.
Played only 50 hours and have no intention to go back. Too repetitive, landscapes are kinda boring, gunplay is nothing special, character builds are too similar as well,...

The funny thing is that I played Skyrim for over 600 hours and might go back when the Special Edition hits. There's just so much more diversity in Skyrim, especially with all the amazing mods. Character builds can be vastly different too.

Let's hope Bethesda learned from FO4 and TES6 will meet expectations.
The thing is most of the quests are so forgettable in FO4.

If you look back at Skyrim, despite the complaints about it. Which are completely warranted, (dialogue options, melee combat). It had some really memorable sidequests.

FO4 doesn't have anything close to the Dark Brotherhood and Daedric quest lines, or even the Winterhold College quest line.

edit: Looking back, it really is amazing how much more well produced content vanilla Skyrim had than FO4 for the quests.


Guess I should give skyrim another chance. Got so bored I put it down after like ten hours. Combat was so bad and I personally didn't find the copy paste dungeons to be interesting. Didn't run into any remarkable quests in my actual play.

I say play because after getting bored I tried modding for like 70 combined hours. Boredom always got me in the end. Then again the only elder scrolls game I finished (cliche) was morrowind. Oblivion was not very interesting either.


I want to love FO4 so much, but I think after I get the platinum and play Nuka-World I may be done with it as well. FO3 and NV are two of my favorite games of all time, but FO4 just doesn't give me the feelings that those games did. Maybe it's just because I haven't played it a couple months and once I get back to it I'll feel differently, but right now I feel like some of you do, like Skyrim SE is going to be my go to Bethesda RPG once it's out.


I can't believe how much they screwed us ps4 owners, it's way too late now anyway. My season pass was worth it imo, but I'm still annoyed at how Xbox basically got a massive feature as an exclusive deal, without being announced as one. I'd have probably bought a xbone for this game I was so hyped for it.


So with the vault DLC I want to get into more then just meeting some bare requirements.

Any advice on settlement building? Especially with advance stuff that is easily missed?

Really have no clue.


I admit that my interest has waned but I'm looking forward to a mess around with the vaults and I'll inevitably play the Nukaworld dlc as I've already paid for it. After that I will be dropping it like a rock however


Understandable. The DLC has been on the whole poor, and PS4 users are probably done with the game.
I just started it earlier this month, so I'm not!

But I came to this thread to ask: what's up with placed items not working correctly? Some of the small objects I add to my house and arrange via the workshop insist on intersecting through surfaces instead of sitting on top of them, then eventually falling through to the ground, and sometimes disappearing from existence altogether. I just lost the
Gilded Grasshopper
I had displayed on my dresser that way last night, there's no trace of it anywhere, and now I have to redo a day's worth of quests if I want it back. Can I stop this from happening somehow, or is there a way to get these items back from the void, or what?
Played about an hour of Vault Tec (and then died like a dumbass without saving.)

Seems OK, but I think I'm a bit burned out. Will come back closer to Nuka World, I think.

But I came to this thread to ask: what's up with placed items not working correctly? Some of the small objects I add to my house and arrange via the workshop insist on intersecting through surfaces instead of sitting on top of them, then eventually falling through to the ground, and sometimes disappearing from existence altogether. I just lost the
Gilded Grasshopper
I had displayed on my dresser that way last night, there's no trace of it anywhere, and now I have to redo a day's worth of quests if I want it back. Can I stop this from happening somehow, or is there a way to get these items back from the void, or what?

I don't think so without PC console codes or mods. This is a known issue with models and other items that you find around the world.
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