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FFXV's future updates adjust chapters, add cutscenes, add playable characters, more

Been playing Ffxv without going on forums for a bit now and I'm not sure what you guys are on.
People saying shit like "early access" and "unfinished"? Thats literally the last thing that would come to mind after playing the game. I guess its cute and edgy to say that though.

How far along are you? If you haven't completed it yet I could understand that sentiment. Having finished it already myself though, I had the same feeling I had when I completed MGS V. Both games are great, but suffer from a rushed story that seems to have missing parts to it. I don't think a lot of people are hating on the game for the reasons you mentioned. Their expectations were probably pretty high.


The foundation for the story is all there, but the execution is a complete mess. There is so much I can list that could have been better.


Well atleast they're patching the garbage plot instead of leaving it to fester for all time. No reason to keep playing this until that work is done though...
So will these changes, especially the one changing the story, be put on disc in future print runs?

If that’s the case, I would almost rather wait until the next print run to have it on disc.

doubtful. crown update was 8 gigs alone. game shipped at the full 50 gigs.


Short question:
With the DLC episodes coming and several other characters beeing made playable in the future does this also mean we'll be able to switch characters in the main/post game?
So when is this suppossed patch suppose to drop? I have the game but am holding off on it due to school but if this patch is going to significantly alter the game then i'd prefer to be able to play through it now in it's original incarnation. Then replay the patched version.


doubtful. crown update was 8 gigs alone. game shipped at the full 50 gigs.

Ah, that would be a no, then.

Did not know it shipped at the full 50 gig. Although I hear there will be 100 gig blu-rays in the future. When that is though, who knows. And whether publishers will use them.
One positive takeaway no matter what: they are taking the game's flaws seriously and trying to make it better. It's a good sign for the updates to come, and the next games to come as well.
So when is this suppossed patch suppose to drop? I have the game but am holding off on it due to school but if this patch is going to significantly alter the game then i'd prefer to be able to play through it now in it's original incarnation. Then replay the patched version.

It will be a while for the Medium Term stuff. Months, probably.


Short question:
With the DLC episodes coming and several other characters beeing made playable in the future does this also mean we'll be able to switch characters in the main/post game?

My guess would be no. They'll be tied to the missions that are being built around/for them, similar to the missions in 15 that have guest characters being "playable".

It's pretty interesting that the only think keeping other characters from being playable is the narrative.
The sequence where Iris joins the group feels very organic and never really has a good reason for ceasing beyond the story's sake. Aranea not joining the group as they struggle to save the world from a threat that has spun dramatically out of control feels kind of crazy given her story and motivations.

Game is a mess post chapter 9, I wonder what they'll do to fix it.

I feel like I'm one of the few people who really liked chapter 13, the only frustrations surrounding it being the controls and the mechanics of steath gameplay, something the game had already asked you to do many times prior that point. It suffers because the mechanics are clunky and don't work nearly well enough and were tossed in at some point but were ultimately an afterthough. But the nature of the sequence, the spookiness of it, the helplessness you feel for the grand majority...it's a really cool feeling and it's something no other Final Fantasy game has ever done.

It just would have been way cooler if the things they asked you to do worked reliably all the time.
Ah, that would be a no, then.

Did not know it shipped at the full 50 gig. Although I hear there will be 100 gig blu-rays in the future. When that is though, who knows. And whether publishers will use them.

100 gb Blurays existed before the ps4 did. So I doubt Sony ever plans to use them. Also disc media is getting to obsolete for games


Focusing on TLG & doing every last possible thing in chapter 8, maybe Dec patch will be out by the time I'm ready to continue.

Honestly though, I feel like games have been pulling this shit for several years now. It's great that the Mass Effect series added additional story patches/dlc but fuck if I can bother with that 6 months after fully being finished with the game a week after release. Every souls/borne game that brings out a DLC chapter makes me realise how quickly you can forget everything about those games. I just went through the DS3 DLC and it felt like I had no idea wtf I was doing. Give me the entire game at once for fucks sake!


tagged by Blackace
Very early right now but the use of cutscenes/flashbacks and pretty much every storytelling method outside of the party members talking to each other is terrible.


The best parts is just hanging with the bros.

Hanging out with the bros, driving, and hunts. That's what makes it worth it (and combat). I would have loved more different banter though, not enough conversation changes between the chapters and in combat as the game progresses.

Edit: The car and portable player of previous FF tracks is just such a brilliant edition. And they can patch in more music later on (or even through DLC). Would have loved capability to add my own tracks though or Spotify tracks.
Been playing Ffxv without going on forums for a bit now and I'm not sure what you guys are on.
People saying shit like "early access" and "unfinished"? Thats literally the last thing that would come to mind after playing the game. I guess its cute and edgy to say that though.

It's an early access game.

Nothing edgy about stating then truth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hanging out with the bros, driving, and hunts. That's what makes it worth it (and combat). I would have loved more different banter though, not enough conversation changes between the chapters and in combat as the game progresses.
Probably why second half was a bummer


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
First update went live.



Been playing Ffxv without going on forums for a bit now and I'm not sure what you guys are on.
People saying shit like "early access" and "unfinished"? Thats literally the last thing that would come to mind after playing the game. I guess its cute and edgy to say that though.

This is SO accurate. What the hell are people smoking calling this "early access" or "unfinished." Even if you don't take into account the breadth of content in there, it's amazingly polished and complete as a game.

You can have issues with the story, but man, "early access"? Come on.


This is SO accurate. What the hell are people smoking calling this "early access" or "unfinished." Even if you don't take into account the breadth of content in there, it's amazingly polished and complete as a game.

You can have issues with the story, but man, "early access"? Come on.

Well, supposedly the latter half of the game is what goes off-rails completely but I am on Ch. 8 and loving the shit out of this game. So even if latter half is unfortunately bad, the game is still in the plus side for me.


This is SO accurate. What the hell are people smoking calling this "early access" or "unfinished." Even if you don't take into account the breadth of content in there, it's amazingly polished and complete as a game.

You can have issues with the story, but man, "early access"? Come on.

Perhaps not "early access" bad, but it DEFINITELY feels "unfinished" to me.

I keep saying it starts feeling more undercooked and rushed the further I got in and I still hold true to that. Compared to prior games, it feels like it's missing at least one or two more polish passes to really bring it up to snuff.

It's still good, but this is the first Final Fantasy game to give me the "Bethesda games at launch" feeling from time to time.
So adding some cutscenes and gameplay tweaks in one portion of the game means it's early access.

Does this mean when I played the original KH2 I was just playing the "early access" version and Final Mix was the actual full game? Gee wiz. Now I finally see it. I've been enlightened.
Well, supposedly the latter half of the game is what goes off-rails completely but I am on Ch. 8 and loving the shit out of this game. So even if latter half is unfortunately bad, the game is still in the plus side for me.

It's more like the last few hours. I went from chapter 9 to the final battle in just one sitting. It's literally like 5 hours or something. It feels like an accelerated endgame and probably would have felt more that way had it not been divided into chapters. After 9, the chapters start wizzing by which adds GREATLY to the sensation of feeling rushed. 1-8 is the open world content you can take at your own pace, then at a point the story picks up and moves very fast.

So the brunt of the game is 1-8, and nothing about that really feels rushed or let alone "early access" or whatever ridiculousness is being spouted in this kneejerk catastrophe of a thread. It's true that after 9 it feels rushed and I hope they add more to it, but from that point on, again it's more like a final stretch and by no means the "latter half." Still think removing the chapter notation completely would help.

Does this mean when I played the original KH2 I was just playing the "early access" version and Final Mix was the actual full game? Gee wiz. Now I finally see it. I've been enlightened.

The more you know


Problem is that doing any of that content makes you overleveled for the main story. Most RPGs will encourage some side-questing to catch up to the recommended level for the main quest, but this game heavily discourages it.

I totally agree, but I have a soft spot for being over-leveled in FF games. I started doing that with FFIV and Tactics back in the day, and in every FF I have played since then I have enjoyed coming up with ways to see how strong I could get before finishing the story haha.

It's just that this one makes it very easy to do, plus from what I have read in the OT you can beat the game at a much lower level than other FFs.


I'm 38 hours in at Chapter 5, I've been doing lots of side-quests, levelling and fishing(I'm addicted). It's one of my favourite games this year so far despite it's issues with the story. I'm just going to keep charging through and replay it in a year or two when it comes out on PC with all the tweaks and extras.


Does this mean when I played the original KH2 I was just playing the "early access" version and Final Mix was the actual full game? Gee wiz. Now I finally see it. I've been enlightened.

This keeps bearing mention, but the difference between those International versions was that they were added scenes on top of an already complete experience to hint towards future mysteries and served as additional bonus scenarios that didn't typically funnel back to the core game. They were paving the way for future games in addition to the completed internal narrative.

This is a case of going into a self-contained game and plugging narrative holes and fixing legitimate narrative mistakes. It's not looking forward; it's looking back at what they screwed up and trying to fix it.

That's a big difference.
So I don't get why people are complaining. They are adding new game plus, god mode, some type of low level run mode, limited time boss fights, extra bosses, new player characters, likely new areas, new spells, weapons etc.

My point is they are making the game perfect for multiple playthroughs, speed runs, challenge runs etc. This is ever Final fantasy lovers wet dream. So what if you've already beaten it. If you liked it, you'll likely want to play it again with all these incredible additions. If you didn't like, it seriously doubt a few new cut scenes are going to change your opinion of the story. Long term, free game changing updates? how in the hell is this bad?

And for the hundredth time, most people are excited about the bold parts. At least I know I am.

The problem is with the story stuff. The game really is an early access title in that regard and people who say otherwise are probably kidding themselves. It's just not a good look and very frustrating for people who went into this game expecting, if not good, then at least a complete story. On the other hand you have people like me who are in this for gameplay and think it's a massive waste of time and resources to try and salvage that story, while you can put that time and budget into making more gameplay changes and better contents for the game. (and the gameplay as enjoyable as it is, do need some of these changes asap)

All in all, they shouldn't have said anything about story and just focused on adding more gameplay stuff in patches. Cause right now, they've just admitted that this indeed was an unfinished product and practically said to people who are on the fence to not buy this game until they finish it in year or so time.

It's really no wonder that a lot of people are pissed. I honestly don't know how is it that many of you guys can't see and relate to that.


10 hrs in and still chapter 3. Just got watch dogs 2, dishonored 2 and rise of the tomb raider from best buy deal. Guess I'll come back in a year to finish game.


Any timeframe on when some of these patches will hit? I'm only on Chapter 3, but I'm wondering if I should just wait for the first new patch that adds some stuff to the story to hit. I can always pass the time by playing The Last Guardian.


The problem is how the game is rotten at its core. The open world design is just hideous. Just reeks of MMO philosophies but they do NOT translate well in Final Fantasy. There way, way too many useless sidequests and ultimately if you try doing them you will be overpowered for the story. So you are punished for doing what the game wants you to do.

Also, the combat system is a mess. The camera angles are very bad when there's too much action on-screen.

Ultimately, I feel FFXV is an incomplete game with a near non-existant story. The environments are big with little reason to explore. And if you do, well, you get too much XP from quests. There's no balance here.
10 hrs in and still chapter 3. Just got watch dogs 2, dishonored 2 and rise of the tomb raider from best buy deal. Guess I'll come back in a year to finish game.

I'm 30+ hours in and I'm in chapter 2 still. I think I'm playing this game wrong

Eitherway, I'm probably going to just do side quests and stop playing until this all gets sorted out. I got plenty of other titles to go through so I can wait.


Man, I haven't gotten to this since (played like 90 mins in the demo area) I'm still finishing up Persona 5 & Watchdogs 2, but as someone who never replays rpgs, I feel like I should just pretend FFXV didn't come out yet and play it in a year when the GoTY edition is done.

The problem is how the game is rotten at its core. The open world design is just hideous. Just reeks of MMO philosophies but they do NOT translate well in Final Fantasy. There way, way too many useless sidequests and ultimately if you try doing them you will be overpowered for the story. So you are punished for doing what the game wants you to do.

Also, the combat system is a mess. The camera angles are very bad when there's too much action on-screen.

Ultimately, I feel FFXV is an incomplete game with a near non-existant story. The environments are big with little reason to explore. And if you do, well, you get too much XP from quests. There's no balance here.

The criticism I'm hearing about FFXV sounds a heeeeeck of a lot like Japan's "other" attempt at an open world jrpg last year with Xenoblade X which had a near non-existent story and lots of useless stuff and balance issues. Seems like Japan is having trouble translating their narrative rpg style to open world gameplay structure.
This is the most half glass full vs empty situation I've ever seen. And no one's wrong! On one hand, listening to feedback and making the game better is what made Witcher 3 from a 7 to a 11 for me. On the other hand.... they could have delayed. And that's more hard drive space. I'm happy for more since I actually loved the game.


The problem is how the game is rotten at its core. The open world design is just hideous. Just reeks of MMO philosophies but they do NOT translate well in Final Fantasy. There way, way too many useless sidequests and ultimately if you try doing them you will be overpowered for the story. So you are punished for doing what the game wants you to do.

Also, the combat system is a mess. The camera angles are very bad when there's too much action on-screen.

Ultimately, I feel FFXV is an incomplete game with a near non-existant story. The environments are big with little reason to explore. And if you do, well, you get too much XP from quests. There's no balance here.

You're not wrong, and I don't disagree with you at all. But if you take what you wrote and sub "FFXV" with "Xenoblade Chronicles" your post would still make sense (well, except for the story part). Yet how come I hate the former and consider the latter one of the best JRPG's of all time?

So something else is off here that I just can't put my finger on yet. I've been refraining from making a mega post about the topic until I figure it out.
How is it possible to have a worse narrative than FFXIII

I don't think it does,

Then again, back when KH2 released people made fun of me for liking the story and ignoring all the "plot holes" in the game.

So maybe I just have bad taste. But even with my bad taste, I still despised XIII's narrative. Both in terms of how they presented the story and with the core of the story itself.
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