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Fighting Games Weekly | May 11-17 | Sticks and Stones Break Zangief's Bones


I've been thinking something. I strongly belive that Capcom (And other companies) should start thinking to add "e-sports" section to their games. I focus on capcom since are the ones with the important deal right now.
Put a section in the game where people can grab oficial tournament information. In SFV case, Allow them to check the Capcom Pro Tour in the game. Put banner notifications in the game (that can be shut down) so people can be aware about a tournament that's near. And even put the stream tournament in that section, so people can catch it without work.

I'm focusing on SFV cuz right know it has the best scenario. You have people and media attention after the success that SFIV has been. Then u have even more attention cuz the game it's gonna be "exclusive" (Yeah it's on PC, but you all get it).
It's the best chance that SF and fighting games in general have to start stepping their game in terms of viewership. Something I think Capcom isn't doing with all that Sony money in the line...
I think it's safe to say tha Fighting Games are easy to watch (Not to understand). It's not like Dota, Lol, SC and all does games that you need to be into to understand them. U might don't know what the hell it's happening, but thanks to the life bar u know who is winning. And the prove of this it's EVO, one of Twitch biggest events in terms of viewership.

I really hope all the Fighting Games companys start to realize this and do something.

Capcom Europe have a guy dedicated to doing this and community stuff


Taco Bell.

Cheap and Bad.

I've been thinking something. I strongly belive that Capcom (And other companies) should start thinking to add "e-sports" section to their games. I focus on capcom since are the ones with the important deal right now.
Put a section in the game where people can grab oficial tournament information. In SFV case, Allow them to check the Capcom Pro Tour in the game. Put banner notifications in the game (that can be shut down) so people can be aware about a tournament that's near. And even put the stream tournament in that section, so people can catch it without work.

I'm focusing on SFV cuz right know it has the best scenario. You have people and media attention after the success that SFIV has been. Then u have even more attention cuz the game it's gonna be "exclusive" (Yeah it's on PC, but you all get it).
It's the best chance that SF and fighting games in general have to start stepping their game in terms of viewership. Something I think Capcom isn't doing with all that Sony money in the line...
I think it's safe to say tha Fighting Games are easy to watch (Not to understand). It's not like Dota, Lol, SC and all does games that you need to be into to understand them. U might don't know what the hell it's happening, but thanks to the life bar u know who is winning. And the prove of this it's EVO, one of Twitch biggest events in terms of viewership.

I really hope all the Fighting Games companys start to realize this and do something.

It seems so obvious, but I can't help but feel that it won't happen.

Capcom pls


I've been thinking something. I strongly belive that Capcom (And other companies) should start thinking to add "e-sports" section to their games. I focus on capcom since are the ones with the important deal right now.
Put a section in the game where people can grab oficial tournament information. In SFV case, Allow them to check the Capcom Pro Tour in the game. Put banner notifications in the game (that can be shut down) so people can be aware about a tournament that's near. And even put the stream tournament in that section, so people can catch it without work.

I'm focusing on SFV cuz right know it has the best scenario. You have people and media attention after the success that SFIV has been. Then u have even more attention cuz the game it's gonna be "exclusive" (Yeah it's on PC, but you all get it).
It's the best chance that SF and fighting games in general have to start stepping their game in terms of viewership. Something I think Capcom isn't doing with all that Sony money in the line...
I think it's safe to say tha Fighting Games are easy to watch (Not to understand). It's not like Dota, Lol, SC and all those games that you need to be into to understand them. U might don't know what the hell it's happening, but thanks to the life bar u know who is winning. And the prove of this it's EVO, one of Twitch biggest events in terms of viewership.

I really hope all the Fighting Games companys start to realize this and do something.

I've suggested this for some time. Some examples:

How do you think you get people to "Want to learn" Juicebox?

I feel it's by making the community front and center. Put tournament footage in your trailers featuring the personalities and crowds. Make the hype visible for the average joe that's just renting your game off Netflix to give it shot with his buddies over a few beers. Have Daigo featured in your tutorial or speak about why he's passionate about FGs after your idle demo footage. Interweave this shit into the presentation of your game. Let them see the excitement. Let them taste the hype.

If you market the competitive community of your game, it gives the impression that just by virtue of playing the game, you're involved in something bigger. Dedicating yourself to "Gettin' gud" isn't resolving to being sequestered in your parent's basement but brings you that much closer to something larger than yourself.


That goes back to what I touched on in my initial post: it's up to developers and publishers of these games to manage people's expectations effectively/convince these people of the value present in competent FG gameplay. You can do this through marketing. Marketing the scenes more specifically, and showing people that they're paritcipating in something larger than themselves if they decide to at least grind out a BnB. That playing FGs competently doesn't mean sacrificing everything to live in your parent's basement. That there's fun and entertainment in the ventures of learning. Like a fitness goal, there's character growth to be found in the journey.

People buy FGs and are blindsided by their experience with them time and time again. But if you set the right expectations from the beginning, the realities of the environment won't be nearly as harsh, I feel.

That, and there needs to be content available to those that are just not interested in having a competitive mindset

Thing is do they see it as financially viable in the long run? It sounds nice and all but is it really worth doing? Even if it is street fighter.


Thing is do they see it as financially viable in the long run? It sounds nice and all but is it really worth doing? Even if it is street fighter.

With CPT and that much money in the line, yes, it is worth doing, for them as well.

Pretty sure DOA already has something like that, telling people in the main menu about upcoming tournaments


With CPT and that much money in the line, yes, it is worth doing, for them as well.

Pretty sure DOA already has something like that, telling people in the main menu about upcoming tournaments
Yep, DOA does have a banner that informs of upcoming tournaments.


It seems so obvious, but I can't help but feel that it won't happen.

Capcom pls

I feel the same.

It's so obvious (road to Capcom Cup/career mode), it would be perfect for the casual crowd, they have Sony's money behind, they can get plenty of feedbacks from the players, yet I'm sure it won't happen, we will only get a botched story mode and combo trials.


Upcoming events, or hell even a menu option that takes you straight to a list of SF streams on twitch and vods on YouTube would be something.


Thing is do they see it as financially viable in the long run? It sounds nice and all but is it really worth doing? Even if it is street fighter.

Likely, no.

Lol and DOTA make orders of magnitude more money than SF4 does.

Hell, Mortal Kombat and Tekken outsell SF.

Mr. X

Ahh VF4Evo with Quest Mode travelling to various arcades in Japan to beat Sega Star player AIs and various match types in the special rules arena and having replays of Star Players on disc and their robust tutorial and glossary.

Still the best home port of any fighter.
Upcoming events, or hell even a menu option that takes you straight to a list of SF streams on twitch and vods on YouTube would be something.

I don't think they should do that. One shit stream could turn them away. A tournament stream is the better option.
Tune in to Capcom Asia Pro Tour and watch Zhi hit on cosplayers for the hour long break.

That doesn't make the list of streams option any better. The pro tour has the most hype which is what they would want. Some random guy with no energy wouldn't do a thing.


Likely, no.

Lol and DOTA make orders of magnitude more money than SF4 does.

Hell, Mortal Kombat and Tekken outsell SF.

SFIV series outsold MK9, MK may be more popular with the casual crowd, but I'm sure there are plenty of SF players who will buy a yearly update for a reasonable price. Capcom can make a retail version and a f2p version (especially for the Asian markets), then if they want the casual crowd they need a "grindy" offline or online portion, DBZ went MMO with Xenoverse and the game sold way above expectation.


Tune in to Capcom Asia Pro Tour and watch Zhi awkwardly hit on cosplayers for the hour long break.

I'm sure they will rethink things like that if they were to try and gain more exposure as outlined above.

Solutions to such things are very simple, tell Zhi to change his ways or don't let him commentate. No need to hold progress back because of insignificant things like that.



That's excellent news for Smash Wii U. I was afraid that Melee would be have a huge number over it.

There was also this in response to that tweet.

Robin Harn ‏@JuggleRob 16h16 hours ago
@Pond3r What percentage entered both? Very curious to see the data!

Tony Cannon ‏@Pond3r 16h16 hours ago
@JuggleRob Much lower than you'd think. I'll give out some more updated information once registration closes.
That's excellent news for Smash Wii U. I was afraid that Melee would be have a huge number over it.

There was also this in response to that tweet.

@Pond3r Apex overlap was only around 20%, so I wouldn't be surprised. Looking forward to seeing more empirical data!

Not surprising tbh. Melee players have been burnt already on getting a successor and despite Smash 4 having become a lot more mobile and fluid it's still a very different game.


That's excellent news for Smash Wii U. I was afraid that Melee would be have a huge number over it.

There was also this in response to that tweet.

Wow, so little cross-over between these two. It's not often that there's such little correlation between sequels.
So just suppress anyone that has less than a thousand viewers maybe?

Still don't think that would be good. You have that one chance where a casual viewer will peak into competitive play. The tournament is the best and only option to grab their attention.
That's excellent news for Smash Wii U. I was afraid that Melee would be have a huge number over it.

There was also this in response to that tweet.

Why is it that the evo staff only seem to tease numbers for Smash? C'mon Wizard and Cannon brothers. We thirsty out here.


Why is it that the evo staff only seem to tease numbers for Smash? C'mon Wizard and Cannon brothers. We thirsty out here.

Ultra, Smash 4 and Melee are the only games over a 1000 entries. If the other games do that, we'll probably hear more about them.

IMO, the only game with a chance is MKX, and I have no idea if the current climate for that game will push people to enter tournaments.


As Ultraclarity mentioned they only said that Ultra, Melee, and Smash 4 have over 1000 registered so far. They said this back in March I think.

I'm surprised the MKX train hasn't ramped up at this point.

Oh well. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I want to see more players for that game than any other right now since it's what I'm currently grinding. I want to see people pick those variations no one uses and release new tech/gimmicks.

Where you at Kung Jin far left variation? :p
I'm surprised the MKX train hasn't ramped up at this point.

Oh well. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I want to see more players for that game than any other right now since it's what I'm currently grinding. I want to see people pick those variations no one uses and release new tech/gimmicks.

Where you at Kung Jin far left variation? :p
Mk has too many causals. They don't enter tournament. That's why even though it sells a lot its tournament base is comparatively small. Also IMO most Mk fanbase buy the game for story mode. Once they beat it they move on.
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