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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast


You confuse me. You often spout aggressive things to non anime players and are hurt when anti PC/SjW groups come out?


Anyway welcome back hope youre okay

lol wut. I've only been aggressive like twice, and they've both been stupid(and over anime shit) lol. Besides, I don't think me being "aggressive" about video games really equates to how I feel about social issues :|



Makes some degree of sense. One of them was also that dude shitting up Smash threads for a good while so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised :/

This the alucard from CORN so you already know not to expect any thing other than ignorance from them. He is also a marvel player as well.

CORN? Are those the dudes behind OBS? A team with a reputation of being assholes or idiots?

You confuse me. You often spout aggressive things to non anime players and are hurt when anti PC/SjW groups come out?


Anyway welcome back hope youre okay

Wait, how are these at all equivalent? I feel like you are trying to point out some hypocrisy that doesn't exist.


Thanks to a new flatmate I found out about Dlan (lan over electricity socket) and he's able to play perfectly without vpn and bullshit unstable disconnect bullshit with it!.
My dlan adapter should arrive tomorrow and hopefully I can play USF VI online now.
There is a special place in hell for people like my landlord with this vpn bullshit, it's unstable, bad and unsafe but reasoning didn't help.
Over the last couple of months I've come to realize that anyone who talks about "SJWs" with complete earnestness is probably some sort of asshole. If you get called a bigot often enough that you find it plausible there's an organized conspiracy afoot, you're probably actually just a bigot.

I was thinking about how Aris's commentary and general on-stream persona have changed over the last 2 years, since he spent so much time doing commentary at Combo Breaker. There was nothing really that offensive outside of bunghole jokes, nothing mean-spirited even though he talked shit, all of which was a big departure from how he started out a couple of years ago. I feel like he learned from that Cross Assault experience, atleast in how he presents himself publicly.


Not shocked about people like Big E and others agreeing with Alucard. Understand the culture they are in and you will see where they get those ideas. Compare their culture and the one I come from and contrast.

Jamaica has no law about homosexualy but they do have buggery laws and by and large the police don't carry out that law. The problem is when people outside cause great harm to LGBT people they most likely won't act out on them. Jamaica's police is hella slapdash.


Over the last couple of months I've come to realize that anyone who talks about "SJWs" with complete earnestness is probably some sort of asshole. If you get called a bigot often enough that you find it plausible there's an organized conspiracy afoot, you're probably actually just a bigot.

I was thinking about how Aris's commentary and general on-stream persona have changed over the last 2 years, since he spent so much time doing commentary at Combo Breaker. There was nothing really that offensive outside of bunghole jokes, nothing mean-spirited even though he talked shit, all of which was a big departure from how he started out a couple of years ago. I feel like he learned from that Cross Assault experience, atleast in how he presents himself publicly.
"SJW" got co-opted by conservatives to mean "any progressive", rendering it useless as a term since people can't tell what exactly you're referring to without other context. So if you're throwing it around liberally today, you're either oblivious to that distortion or you're just an a-hole.


and Count vs Beef

I mean I played Kimo but.. he never really told y'all about how it went down.

Explain breh, tell them the scores, the experience and all that pls.

Dude stop being a little a bitch and tell them it was 10-0 already. You've been beating around that bush for damn-near a year for no reason. You 10-0'd me with deejay online. Fucking grats. What does that say? I admitted you're fundamentally better than me at the game but if you think 10-0ing me in an obscure matchup says anything more than that, you're being a delusional Live scrub.

I didn't make any Johns about the shit back then either. You said "I don't even know why you try to play Viper online" and I just responded "You're just better than me. *shrug*".

But you've been hanging that shit over my head ever since, like a little punk, it's hilarious. You're obviously not satisfied with the win unless everyone knows it was 10-0, like I'm someone worth measuring yourself up against or something.


Over the last couple of months I've come to realize that anyone who talks about "SJWs" with complete earnestness is probably some sort of asshole. If you get called a bigot often enough that you find it plausible there's an organized conspiracy afoot, you're probably actually just a bigot.

I was thinking about how Aris's commentary and general on-stream persona have changed over the last 2 years, since he spent so much time doing commentary at Combo Breaker. There was nothing really that offensive outside of bunghole jokes, nothing mean-spirited even though he talked shit, all of which was a big departure from how he started out a couple of years ago. I feel like he learned from that Cross Assault experience, atleast in how he presents himself publicly.

Anyone have any links to Cross Assualt? I wasnt playing FG's when the whole Cross Assault thing happened so it mostly flew completely over my head.

And I got 20 on Count.



:( I was hoping for some major salt.


What I'm saying is that if you can't do long combos without dropping them then just do your easiest combo and either DHC or tag combo. Whatever the game allows or both and get your damage that way. That is what's easier. Its like saying fuckit and TACing in Dr Doom or switching out from Poison to Hugo midcombo. Its just easier to finish your plate that way after you hit confirm into a combo. Can't out footsie? Use your assist to make shit safe and start chucking shit and fishing for the hit. You can't tell me it wouldn't get easier to deal with the neutral game in Blaz Blue if you had the occassional assist to cover your approach. Imagine Makoto's pressure with Amane Nishiki's drills for lockdown to hold you in one spot to make strings safe. Imagine Nu's zoning with Arakune curse shit goin down. Imagine Bullet using her grappling drive couple with Rachel's wind.

Getting your offense started and getting your damage would be easier. Good luck on the defense though.

Blaz Blue is fine and would work fine as a tag fighter IMO. It wouldn't overwhelm. Folks would just fish for the easiest setups/damage and uses between the cast like I stated above sort of like Marvel. Damage and setups would get easier. Folks wouldn't have to work as hard to get their offense started if they were overwhelmed by such daunting mechanics as a one button rekka.

I'm with Dahbomb- tag mechanics add complexity and Blazblue already has plenty of it. It's hard enough to learn one character in that game
or find one character that actually looks cool
. You mentioned in an earlier post that tag mechanics would "mitigate the need for learning long sequence combos or trickier setups with one character only" but when has this been true?

In general, if you're going to make a team-based fighter, you do so from the ground up or not at all. Certainly don't randomly shoehorn it into the series 7 years from its inception.


SJW like all other labels is a broad umbrella term that is bound to be misused.

Now Social Justice should be something everybody should be behind. But when you are trying to find out how to do such a thing you find resistance or lack of direction.

How much people really have the energy to actually put in great social change? Very little people by the large are followers.
Dude stop being a little a bitch and tell them it was 10-0 already. You've been beating around that bush for damn-near a year for no reason. You 10-0'd me with deejay online. Fucking grats. What does that say? I admitted you're fundamentally better than me at the game but if you think 10-0ing me in an obscure matchup says anything more than that, you're being a delusional Live scrub.

I didn't make any Johns about the shit back then either. You said "I don't even know why you try to play Viper online" and I just responded "You're just better than me. *shrug*".

But you've been hanging that shit over my head ever since, like a little punk, it's hilarious. You're obviously not satisfied with the win unless everyone knows it was 10-0, like I'm someone worth measuring yourself up against or something.

I mean.. it was 20-0


Yeah, you started jumping around the character select screen after the Deejay match and beat me 10 more games. Grats.


Like I said, in our second session I started taking games off you because I got into the habit of playing SF again. That first session showed me you were good, but it wasn't any indication of whether or not I could actually beat you.


Dude stop being a little a bitch and tell them it was 10-0 already. You've been beating around that bush for damn-near a year for no reason. You 10-0'd me with deejay online. Fucking grats. What does that say? I admitted you're fundamentally better than me at the game but if you think 10-0ing me in an obscure matchup says anything more than that, you're being a delusional Live scrub.

I didn't make any Johns about the shit back then either. You said "I don't even know why you try to play Viper online" and I just responded "You're just better than me. *shrug*".

But you've been hanging that shit over my head ever since, like a little punk, it's hilarious. You're obviously not satisfied with the win unless everyone knows it was 10-0, like I'm someone worth measuring yourself up against or something.


Ah that fresh avatar smell.

I swear I have ADD when it comes to that. I guess I'm somewhat fortunate I have a tag so I'm somehow trackable in my post history.

It's so easy to spot like Enzo, (ironman), professor beef(digimon thingy), Karsticles(ugly as sin Skrull artwork), etc.

One day I'll find an avatar artwork I can stick with more than a week. :(


You confuse me. You often spout aggressive things to non anime players and are hurt when anti PC/SjW groups come out?


Anyway welcome back hope youre okay

Buh? The only thing these really have in common would be you're being an ass in both scenarios but there's such a gulf in scope and levity that it's pretty incomparable.
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